Member Reviews

Can we just take a moment to take in the hotness of the guy on the cover? ... Okay I'm done.. for now! Seriously though, I didn't think it was possible to be that hot, until now. *Swoons*
Anyways, I not one of those people who are super fans of Jennifer L.Armentrout, she's an alright author I just don't see everyones obsession. The Lux series is by far the best series I have read by her so far. I really enjoyed Obsidian and was quite looking forward to Onyx to see where Katy and Daemon's relationship went.
I was a bit let down in that department, I really want Daemon and Katy to get together and stop preventing the inevitable, them gettin together and actually dating. I was frustrated with them and many of the other characters for other reasons during the book. Like Dee, Blake, Ash, Katy's mom and the list goes on.
I like and dislike that Katy is a book blogger, for me and I'm sure others reading this you could connect with her on that level. But other who are just reading and don't know much about book bloggers and the blogesphere would probably be missing out on portions of the book.
Now on to the things I enjoyed about the book, I loved Daemon's looks not so much on his personality, I wouldn't want to date him if I had the chance. I loved the aliens that Jennifer has created, they are very different and unique. The climax points in the plot are very well done, and action packed. Which will in no doubt keep readers interested and glued to the pages. I liked the addition of the new character, Blake, maybe even a bit more the Daemon as a love interest. But as the story progressed I sort of lost interest in him, you'll see when you read the book.
Onyx is a great addition to the Lux series, readers should expect hot and steamy moments mixed in with action and nail biting suspense. Onyx is the perfect summer read that should not be missed. Daemon is always looking to recruit some more girls who will swoon over him, in fact he encourages it, so read the book! And oh man what a cliffhanger you are left with...

OMG this book is Amazing!! I fell in love with the characters all over again in this awesome sequel!! The plot was addicting as well as Daemon *Swoon* When I first read Obsidian I knew I would love it because Jennifer is an amazing writer. So many things happened in this one that will blow you away! There were new characters, as well as Katy way of protecting Daemon. Katy was more stubborn in this one, which I love because she is hilarious because I love her personality and the chemistry between the characters.Onyx was a rollercoaster ride that will leave you wanting more and keep you guessing. My emotions were everywhere in this one because you will be laughing at one part and then once second you want to cry! Jennifer L. Armentrout has created a phenomenon with her Lux series and I love everything she writes
Daemon and Katy development in the story really progresses in this one because you learn interesting facts about them. Katy grows so much which is good because she is becoming a strong protagonist who is also a book blogger and also likes to tease Daemon at his own game. If you love the laptop scene in Obsidian some of the scenes in Onyx are soo much better and a little steamy! I always love the chemistry/friction of Katy and Daemon because you can see that they want to be together but at the same time make each other jealous which is also great in the scenes. Daemon is the same as always but in this book you fall in love with him even more!! He is a fun character that any girl will fall in love with because he can capture your heart in one read with his personality and his own character growth with his relationship with Katy.
There is so many twists, like a new character Blake who is very interesting and play a major key role in future books and also a start of a love triangle. Dee is also back, and she may not have been shown many times her role. I loved her character in Obsidian, and I do look forward to see whats in store for her in Opal. With all the action scenes and surprises in Onyx it also leaves a shocking revelation at the same time all the lies and betrayals. I love a good book with suspense and will keep you up at night.
Onyx is a book I could hug all day, it was addictive, my heart was racing all the time with most of the scenes. I am excited to see what JLA comes up next in Opal because Onyx was amazing!! If you have not read anything by Jennifer, I recommend you do, her writing and the story are so amazing! The ending of the book was perfect!! I enjoyed every minute of this book, it kept me guessing and the am excited for more Katy and Daemon!!