Member Reviews

Jane Hawk once again makes my day. This should have been a forever long series. Also it would be great as a movie series! Love how much Janes character has grown as the series go further along. She has come a long way since The Silent Corner. I would love to continue to see her get her happy ending.

After the first few pages, I knew this was a book I wasn’t going to be able to put down, until I got to The End. If you like absolutely unpredictable, twisted horror and suspense as much as I do, you can't go wrong with this book!
*I received a complimentary ARC of this book in order to read and provide a voluntary, unbiased and honest review, should I choose to do so.

I received a review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley for my honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Jane Hawk has lost her mother, her husband, her job, and her belief in everything. But she will not lose her child. She will do whatever, kill whomever, go wherever to keep him safe. If she can save the world in the meantime, then she will, but he comes first.
In the delicious conclusion of the Jane Hawk series, she fights to win.

Final book in the excellent Jane Hawk series. The Night Window brings Jane Hawk's journey to an end in spectacular fashion. Koontz has also been a master of pacing and The Night Window is no exception. The pages fly and you find yourself counting the pages left in the chapter and then the next chapter, all the while saying: just one more chapter and I'll go to bed. While Koontz can create a thriller, he's also able to create characters you can care about. After four novels before this, the reader comes into the story with a deep understanding of Jane and her motives. She lives and breathes right off the page. As is usual for Koontz, there are many twists, exciting chase sequences and the endurance of the human heart. A very satisfying ending to a great saga. Highly recommend for Koontz and Thriller fans alike.

Dean Koontz is always a must read for me. And Jane Hawk is just such a badass. This is the perfect pairing!

This book had it all! I loved the atmosphere this book created. The storyline was interesting and entertaining. Jane is a very refreshing character to follow, I was intrigued by her performance in this book. I will be reading more books from this series. I would highly recommend.

Dean Koontz has been one of my favorite authors since I was about 12 or 13 years old. I cannot get enough of his books, and have read all of them. I especially love the Jane Hawk series, as any series with a strong female protagonist always appeals to me. Written in Koontz's particular style, with tons of suspense and drama, I love this series, and I cannot wait to finish it!

The fifth and final book of the Jane Hawk series does not disappoint! Following this story through the twists and turns of a crazy, cabal of people too rich for their own good who think they can use technology to control people and turn the world into their own controlled utopia.
Having stumbled across the conspiracy when the love of her life commits suicide out of the blue unwilling to believe that conclusion, Jane uses her FBI investigative skills to find the truth. On the run as this cabal pursues her with all the legal and illegal resources, her son as much a target as everyone she meets and befriends along the way, all her trials culminate in a wonderful revelation. Dean Koontz has created a wonderful, scary conspiracy that delves into the evils that people can do with technology. At what point does the innovation of technology turn into the evils that humanity can do with every discovery. A wonderful dichotomy to ponder throughout this series.

I gave a high praise for book 4 and couldn’t wait to read book 5.
In this one I felt myself skipping a lot of scenes that were more “fillers” then adding anything to the conclusion of this story. Some endings for enemies were cut a bit short and not as satisfying for me.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.

Well I did end up not finishing this book. I love Dean Koontz as an author and the story itself is very good however, it is not my type of novel. If you are in to science type stories this is for you.

Dean Koontz is my favorite author, and his best series doesn't disappoint. He never fails to create intricate characters who I feel like I really know. Night Window was a true page turner.

"The Night Window" eBook was published in 2019 and was written by Dean Koontz (https://www.deankoontz.com/). Mr. Koontz has published more than 120 novels and novellas. This is the 5th and final book in his "Jane Hawk" series.
I categorize this novel as ‘R’ because it contains scenes of Violence. The story is set in the very near future. The primary character continues as former FBI agent Jane Hawk.
This thriller continues and wraps up the saga of Jane Hawk and the cabal that is attempting to take over America then the world with their mind control tech. The struggle with her adversaries continues and Hawk makes some new allies in her fight. It comes down to an all-or-nothing stand.
I thoroughly enjoyed the near 10 hours I spent reading this 410-page science-fiction thriller. I have read Koontz novels for years and have enjoyed them all. I have particularly liked this five-book series, though this is more of a straight forward thriller than many of Koontz's novels. I was a little disappointed at how the series concluded. Not with the ending itself but how quickly the story was wrapped up. I would strongly recommend reading the first four books in the series (in order) before reading this novel. I like the cover art. I give this novel a 5 out of 5.
Further book reviews I have written can be accessed at https://johnpurvis.wordpress.com/blog/.
My book reviews are also published on Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/31181778-john-purvis).

What more can be said about Dean Koontz? His writing is so clear and effortless and the story he tells mesmerizes. Jane hawk is one of the great characters in fiction today and Koontz's deft handling of the insurmountable odds that she faces in looking to stop nothing less than world domination is superb.

*Disclosure; I received a free copy from #NetGalley prior to publication.* Hard to review without spoilers, but I highly recommend reading the previous 4 editions to get the most out of The Night Window. Jane Hawk has been tracking the conspiracy owners who killed her husband and are trying to take over humanity. While on this epic task, she must keep her young son out of the path of this ruthless group. The final installment of the Jane Hawk series was a bit disappointing. There was plenty of action, but it also lagged in spots with unnecessary scenes. The best part was wrapping up this enemy, but in kind of a weird way. Didn't like the wrap up to some of the characters from previous issues, but there is always a price to pay in preventing Armegeddon.
I would have liked to see some indication of if Jane Hawk will return in other adventures. I think she is a compelling heroine and worthy of more action.
#TheNightWindow #NetGalley

I loved the conclusion to this series. This was much better than the previous book. I highly recommend listening to this on audio, When I get the chance I am definitely going to read this series from the beginning just as soon as I get “adjusted” 😳😆 Needless to say I enjoyed this.

I liked the Jane Hawk character. The books hold an alarming plot and quick-paced action. However, you need to suspend your disbelief throughout most of the story - which is fine with me for a short while but the fourth book was getting worrisome and this fifth and last in the series was just plain too much. I had to jump to the end just to get to the conclusion. I believe Koontz should have wrapped this storyline up in the 3rd novel. The last two books were unneeded, tiresome, and over the top. Dean Koontz is a talented writer but he drew this story-line just too far out.

Brilliant start (and it seems, finally, the end), Why isn't this a tv series?" Kindly don't hire Angelina Jolie for the role of Jane Hawk. For three-fourths of the book, I really didn't care what Jane Hawk was up to (it seemed like the umpteenth cycle of her brush with 'adjusted' or Arcadians or creators or people who believed & helped her); For me, it was all about Thomas Buckle. But then the way the entire 5-book franchise / conflict was wrapped up -as real as can be in a dystopian world where nothing is what it seems -it was great! I'm happy.
SPOILER QUESTION: Was that the real-actual Mai-Mai in the end? Then where is she now?
Memorable lines:
“Just imagine, Tom, that these Techno Arcadians are intent not only on repressing the unruly masses by injecting and controlling selected leaders in politics, religion, business, and the arts. They also want to prevent charismatic individuals with wrong ideas from influencing the culture.”
- "They play too much video game.”
“Who does?” Jane asked.
“This generation men. Video, porn, Internet - they don’t know how to be real anymore.”"
-“The theory is that if someone had killed Hamlet in the first act, a lot more people would have been alive at the end.”
-“To the Arcadian,s it’s not murder. They think of it as culling from the herd any individuals with dangerous potential, a necessary step toward peace and stability.”
-".....that it’s necessary to remove their unique genome from society, prevent them from propagating.”
- John Donne wrote, no man is an island, entire of itself, which Charlie Weatherwax knows to be the ripest bullshit. The human species is an infinite archipelago of islands, with rough seas separating them. All men and women are vortexes of pure self-interest, their self-love whirling at such velocity that true concern for others can never escape the centrifugal force of their narcissism.

Let me just start off by saying that I have not read the first 4 novels in this series. While that may have been helpful to give some history and added dimension, I didn’t feel that it was necessary to have a solid grasp on this story. The story is thoroughly riveting, and it kept me completely interested and wanting to keep turning the pages to find out what happens to the embattled Jane Hawk and her allies. The proclaimed leader of the Arcadians, a group of influential people who have placed themselves in a position to take over the world’s governments by infecting others with brain control nanobots, is probably one of the most depraved, psychopathic characters I have read that isn’t non fiction.I’ve always been a Dean Koontz fan and this story doesn’t disappoint. Worth a read.

Koontz remains one of the top writers in his field. I've been enjoying the Jane Hawk series since book one, and this one (number five in the series) is as good as the others!