Member Reviews
As much I love this author and her MC books, this one fell short for me. I couldn't connect to the characters and the story line. But don't get me wrong, Ms. Fernando is a fabulous writer and a great story teller, but Fallen Princess didn't work for me.
This book is:
- A Contemporary MC Romance
- Standalone within a series (you don't have to read the previous books, but you really should!)
- Sweet and Sexy
- Complete Page Turner
- A Chantal Fernando book! What are you waiting for!?!
I wanted to be a heroine. I wanted to make a difference, no matter how big or small. - Clover Black
If you've read any of my previous reviews, then you would know that I'm a big Chantal Fernando fan.
I love the worlds that this author has created and always highly anticipate the releases of her books.
Since learning last year that Chantal Fernando was writing and would be publishing Fallen Princess (Clover's Book!), I'd been eagerly awaiting its release and was extremely excited to receive an arc from Gallery, Threshold, Pocketbooks via Netgalley.
When I finally got the chance to sit down and read Fallen Princess (after numerous false starts, where I'd been interrupted), I read the book all in one afternoon, and seriously, just between us, if someone had have interrupted me one more time while I was trying to read this book, I seriously would have thrown something at them.
This book is an addictive, page turning read, and I think, will surprise readers.
For those readers who have followed Chantal Fernando's Wind Dragons MC series from the very beginning and witnessed the birth of Clover Black and watched as she grew, I think it's pretty safe to say that we, as readers, formed our own impressions, views and expectations of who Clover Black is and of how she'd act (or at least, I'm guilty of it.)
Trust me, when I say that you will be surprised by Clover, or at least I was.
She was not quite how I'd expected her to be which just goes to show that outside appearances can be deceiving and you have to really know someone before you can see them clearly.
I enjoyed every moment of reading this book and learning about Clover Black and her sexy, fun and charismatic new partner, Felix.
This book was a delightful addition to the Wind Dragons MC series and I honestly hope that there will be more books in this series that I adore, but until then, I'll read everything else that Chantal Fernando chooses to publish.
Definitely Highly Recommended Reading
I absolutely loved this story. Faye got on my nerves at times but that's what I love in a story, the feels. cant wait for more.
Thanks Netgalley for the Arc
3.5 Stars
Ok... I know in my last review I said I was stepping back from this series. Because I just hated how much Faye was taking over everything. But once this book popped up. It was calling to me. I felt like maybe.... just maybe things have changed.
But...I don’t know. I love certain characters in this series. But my aggravation towards Faye was still strong. I just don’t get why she’s such a big part in all these books. Arrow and Ana should’ve played a bigger part in this book. But no.... it feels like Faye can’t seem to let go.
I would rather Dex play something more in these books. Not his wife. I just hate it.
As for the story itself. It was ok. I felt Clover wanting to be so independent from her family and the club made her seem almost childish. She made a lot of impetuous decisions. That made for a lot of sticky situations.
I really enjoyed Felix. He was a strong character and knew how to handle Clover. They got each other personalities.
I really loved reading about all the club members. I’ve missed them so much. I was hoping for more interaction with them. It seemed really weird then being older now! But I loved it.
Overall... this was an ok read. I really did I miss all the characters except for Faye! lol but overlooking her. This was an ok read.
I feel in love with the MC Wind Dragons from The first story Dragon's Liar, Fallen Princess was so much more than just another book all these characters have become real to me from Story one. Chantal never disappoints lots of Action, Hot Men and tons of romance. Clover and Felix where a pair with very strong personalities and loyalty. I loved seeing all the characters from precious books in the series included. I can't wait to read more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clover is the daughter of a former Wind Dragons MC president. She's always been wild and wanted to go her own way. She decides to become a cop without her family knowing about it. She meets Felix while on the job and the two are attracted to each other. After her family finds out she's a cop, she may have to choose between them, Felix and her job. This is a good MC read.
I received a copy of this book via Netgalley and am leaving a review.
j'adore la série des "Wind Dragons" de Chantal Fernando dont les trois premiers tomes ont été réédités dans la collection Eden de chez City Editions. Malheureusement pour vous, ils se sont arrêtés au 3ème (comme chez Ada) alors que cette semaine est sortie la dixième histoire : "Fallen Princess", considéré comme le tome 7 (les autres sont des novellas, toutes aussi géniales) Elle concerne Clover Black, la fille de Dex/Sin et Faye, le couple-phare de la série et les héros du tome 1. Ben oui, dans celui-ci, on la voyait naître, dans celui-ci, c'est une adulte qui va tomber amoureuse d'un policier!!!!!! Autant vous dire que ça surprend chez les Bikers ^^ MAIS, ce sont des gens biens et si leur princesse est heureuse, et bien, ils l'accepteront, surtout si celui-ci se montre digne d'elle et d'eux, bien sûr :) Bref, j'ai adoré ce nouvel opus et comme à chaque fois, j'ai envie de tous les relire et je ne veux qu'une chose, qu'arrive vite le suivant ^^
Je remercie Chantal Fernando et Give me books promotion pour cet ARC (mais aussi Netgalley) pour leur envoi et leur confiance : il est sorti hier le 8 avril et c'est déjà un succès (mérité!!) en VO. Espérons que la collection Eden se reprenne et reprenne la traduction des suivants.
Mon avis : bon, je l'avoue, je suis totalement addicte aux romans de Chantal Fernando qui me font le même effet que ceux de Kristen Ashley, Suzanne Wright ou Jay Crownover : généralement, un nouveau se profile, je le réserve de suite. Celui-ci n'a pas fait exception et je me suis régalée à retrouver nos bikers préférés mais aussi leurs enfants car outre l'histoire de Clover et Félix, on suit en parallèle (enfin, en fil conducteur) celle de Cara (la fille adoptive de Rake et Bailey) et Rhett (qui est le fils de la meilleure amie, Tia, de Bailey et de Talon, le "frère" adoptif d'Anna (qui est la soeur de Rake, vous me suivez ? mdrr) qu'on a connu enfants dans les tomes 4 et 4.5 (ce sont les histoires de Rake et Bailey pour le 4 et Talon et Tia pour le 4.5): histoire d'amour annoncée mais que j'aurais voulu lire en vrai (pas en paroles rapportées, espérons qu'elle l'écrive en nouvelle ;) ) On retrouve tout ce beau monde, des petits nouveaux, des ennemis et surtout cette ambiance exceptionnelle qui fait qu'on est amoureuse du club en entier ^^ Outre l'histoire d'amour entre Clover et Félix, j'ai surtout adoré la relation qu'elle a avec son père Dex ou sa mère Faye! géniale :) On a aussi des nouvelles de la prochaine génération mais aussi de celles de Dex et Faye. Bref, un régal, je vous le dis. Vous rajoutez par dessus l'interaction avec l'autre série de bikers qu'elle a créée, The Cursed Ravens,car Clover est amie avec Erin, la fille du président de ce club depuis leurs études (bien qu'elle ait toujours caché à cette dernière qui elle était vraiment) et vous avez un livre que j'ai adoré :)
Le roman commence par un prologue qui se déroule 13 ans avant l'histoire principale : nous retrouvons la petite Clover chargée de surveiller son frère Asher pendant que sa mère est à un bureau, en tant qu'avocate, au commissariat, pour essayer de sortir de là l'un de ses "oncles"- comprendre par là, l'un des bikers ^^ - quand soudain, le petit garçon s'échappe et va dans la rue et c'est une policière qui l'arrête, le prenant dans ses bras. Elle rassure aussi la petite fille en lui disant que tout va bien. Cela va changer complètement la vie de la petite fille, qui va alors vouloir être comme elle.
Le chapitre 1 se déroule donc 13 ans après et Clover est devenue policière, sans l'avoir dit à sa famille. Elle a pour partenaire un crétin fini et l'on reconnait bien là, par son caractère très franc, l'héritage de ses parents. Elle est donc amenée à changer de coéquipier (l'autre s'étant plaint) et va rencontrer l'homme de sa vie "Félix", un jeune policier à l'avenir prometteur... Après des débuts houleux, ils vont s'apprivoiser et... ;) Mais le jeune homme a perdu son père, qui a été tué, soi-disant, par des bikers. Comment alors lui dire la vérité? Etonnant aussi que la police ait recruté la fille d'un chef de bikers? Ou est-ce qu'il y a une raison à cela? Vous découvrirez alors qu'il ne fait pas bon essayer d'utiliser la princesse des Wind Dragons car non seulement, elle est la digne fille de ses parents mais en plus, elle a non seulement un club entier derrière elle (celui de sa famille) mais aussi un policier et encore plus, le club de son amie! pffffiououuuuuuu gare à ceux qui osent frayer avec elle ^^
J'ai adoré Clover dans les tomes : cette petite puce était craquante et savait déjà ce qu'elle voulait, sans se soucier de ce que les autres pensaient. Elle savait qu'elle était la princesse de son père et avait le soutien de sa mère, ce qui lui a permis de se forger une personnalité remarquable. Elle est devenue une brillante jeune femme, une badass comme sa mère et son père mais comme elle est jeune, elle fait aussi quelques erreurs, comme ne pas dire la vérité à ses parents sur son métier de policière. Quand ils le savent, ils vont alors lui faire comprendre qu'elle a été utilisée à son insu et que... pffffffiou lol Fort heureusement, elle a le soutien de ses amis, du club (ou des clubs) et de sa famille : elle va encore grandir et s'améliorer. La badass va alors montrer une personnalité plus féminine et touchante. Bref, un personnage trèsssssssss attachant comme je les aime : forte et parfois fragile, à la fois. Sa rencontre avec Félix sera la cerise sur le gâteau et a un gout d'interdit (comme celles de ses "oncles") mais elle finira de la rendre femme.
J'ai particulièrement adoré ses échanges avec ses parents, peut-être encore plus que son histoire d'amour c'est pour dire, ou avec ses amis. d'enfance Cara et Rhett qui sont comme des frères pour elle, ou ses "oncles" Vinnie, Arrow et bien sûr Rake et Tracker (mon chouchou après Sin)
Felix est vraiment celui qui lui fallait car après l'avoir testée, il a vite réalisé quelle femme exceptionnelle elle était : féminine et sachant se battre et être une dure à cuire, qui a besoin de lui en tant qu'homme mais qui saurait vivre sans lui, si besoin était. Il va devoir faire ses preuves pour être apprécié des Wind Dragons mais pour elle, il est prêt à tout, quitte à affronter ses propres démons. Bref, il sera être son partenaire idéal... ajouté à un amour infini... Si rien ne semblait simple au départ, ils vont, comme à chaque fois, faire face à leurs défis.
Autres personnages que j'ai adorés, ce sont Rhett et Cara, ses amis d'enfance, que l'on voit passer d'amis à amants : dommage que ce soit par paroles rapportées. C'était annoncé dans les tomes précédents et là, ça arrive enfin. De vrais frère et soeur pour elle, ils sont géniaux à tous les points de vue : Rhett est un futur membre du club mais il a été élevé dedans et nul doute qu'il sera génial. On croise le fils d'Arrow, Nate, une vraie tête à claque lol mais à l'image de Rake en plus jeune ^^ et bien sûr, mes chouchous Dex et Faye, ou encore Tracker et Anna (je me demande s'ils ont des enfants, eux, je vais demander) ou Rake et Bailey :) Bien que plus âgés, ils sont toujours hot mais gare à ceux qui osent s'en prendre à la princesse ^^
Enfin, les Cursed Ravens que j'adore et j'espère que Chantal Fernando changera d'avis (elle travaille sur d'autres bikers) et écrira l'histoire du père d'Erin, Gage Parker, qui me plait depuis le départ.
Bref, un régal ! pas un temps mort, des histoires qui se mêlent et se rejoignent... un vrai page turner quand on adore la série.
Vivement vivement le prochain :)
I have read an enjoyed several books written by Chantal Fernandez in the past and I have got to admit that I was very curious about this spin-off. I had already read a little bit about Clover in Ace of Hearts, which made me even more curious about her story. Also...a MC Princess, who is also a cop...I just had to read about that.
Now as much as I enjoyed the story...and I did...there was just one thing, or I should say, one person, that bothered me throughout most of the book... Clover. For some reason, I did not feel any connection with her. I felt she was acting a bit entitled. She wanted her cake and eat it too. She forced her friends to keep secrets from the club and she came off as very judgemental. She also acted as if she herself was the best thing since sliced bread, especially when it came to her job, while she was just a rookie. I also didn't get how she thought that the police force would not know or care about her biker family....dense much !!
Since Clover's mother also works for the FBI (informing or something) I didn't get why Clover being a cop would be such a bad thing. I don't get why and how she kept all of it a secret.
Now I did really like Felix. He's her new partner and he really knows what he is doing, on and off the job. His father was killed by bikers and so he doesn't carry around a lot of love when it comes to MC's. That said, he does carry a lot of love for Clover and so he was willing to work through everything to be with her...
I enjoyed the story and the suspense, but I have got to be honest and say that it was Felix and all the secondary characters that really made the book for me. I didn't hate Clover but she definitely wasn't my kind of heroine. She got better towards the end though ;)
Now I do have high hopes for Cara, she might be more of my liking. I also really liked Rhett so I am very curious to see what's gonna happen with those two.
An ARC was kindly provided to me in exchange for an honest review.
My reviews ars posted on Wendys Wycked Words
Holy smokes, this book blew me away! Fallen Princess is an amazing addition to the Wind Dragons series and I absolutely loved every moment in it. The tension between Clover and Felix and then their passion for each other. The twisted moments that are intertwined into the story that just packed a massive punch. While this books is about Clover, I love that we get some insight with the past characters of the series because everything that happens affects them too in the long run.
With everything thrown at Clover, I have to say that I loved the strength of her character. She is a fighter and will not back down. She gives as good as she gets but with lots of power behind it. With Felix, she meets her match as he connects with her on every level. Their chemistry is sizzling and it flowed perfectly with the story.
Overall, I cannot say enough about how amazing this story was. It was unique but also raw emotionally as Clover navigates a double life and still holds it together as things implode! If you love this series, you are going to love this book!
Clover is a cop. Her partner is Jinks. She is finally able to do more than paperwork at the station. Clover and her partner are complete opposites. Jinks is one of those cops that lost their enthusiasm for the job. He probably doesn’t remember why he joined whereas Clover had entered the police force with ambition, excitement, and determination to make a change in their world. She wanted to be a heroine. She wanted to make a difference no matter how big or small. But for the most part she’d been sitting behind a desk which was sucking the life out of her. She’s not the best at following orders, especially from someone like Jenks. But for now there was nothing much she can do but keep her mouth shut and follow orders. Clover had been the top student at the Academy. A neighbor had called about a house where the people were away and the alarm went off. When getting to the back door Clover went against the grain and everything she knew to follow her dreams. She did it because something inside her said this was where she was suppose to be. Cara was one of Clover’s best friends. She grew up seeing her practically every day. It sucked seeing her so much less. The sacrifices made once seemed worth it. Cara and Clover meet up and Clover takes Cara to a new bar. Cara asked her when she was gonna stop leading her double life. Rhett was Cara and Clover best friend who didn’t know Clover was a cop. They were all children of the Wind Dragons MC and Rhett had officially joined the MC. The less Rhett knew the better. Clover was usually straight-up honest yet what- you- see kind of girl. But she had lied to everyone about being a cop. It would break their hearts.yet her mother was a lawyer who worked for the FBI. As far as her family and the rest f the Wind Dragons knew she was doing bookkeeping for a firm in the next time over. They were sad she moved away but they were happy for her. Proud even. Which makes it even worse for Clover. Than Rhett called and said he was coming to see her which surprised Clover it was not often he was willing to make the drive opting instead to see her when Clover was home. She had been asked to go to Officer Jones office . He said Jenks wanted a new partner and he was going to grant that and Clover would be paired with Officer Banks who is about to be promoted to sergeant. He’s hardworking, intimidating, and good ar what he does. Than she bumps into her new partner and he makes a rude comment about her being smart. Banks was the cop Clover thought was hot. Than Banks comes to her desk and said they had a domestic violence call. Clover said said she wanted to learn how to be the best cop she could be not pushed into the background. They were partners and it might have been his show up until now, but that was before je met her. She watched Bankstense and his mood sour. The tension in the car was palpable. Clover doesn’t know why he dislikes her since they had just met - ni it’s like he hated her before he ever ,et her and she didn’t know why. Than Clover asked what was the deal and he was being paired with an insolent rookie who won’t listen to her partner. Clover said he knew nothing about her. So he needed to keep his judgemental, rude attitude to himself until he has something to go on. She added show her and teach her how to be better, don’t treat her like she didn’t deserve to be there. Than Banks said there was the attitude he was warned about and Clover answered it’s only because she was a woman, in a man they would call it leadership- skills. She was an asset to the force and they knew it5, they just won't give her a chance. They agree Clover could prove she could listen maybe he could give her some trust in return. The last few weeks being Banks partner had been Clover’s best since being on the force. Banks is starting to trust her and give her some leeway on their calls. Clover realized she liked Banks -or Felix as she now called him-company. He was funny, really hot, and he also had another side to him. She couldn’t actually talk to him. He was approachable, and he has a vibe that screams he will handle anything that’s thrown to him. Clover is very attracted to Felix. Clover’s father is Sin who is a former president of the Wind dragons. Banks and Clover were chasing a drug dealer and Clover took him down . They went to a bar afterwards to celebrate and Felix kisses Clover. Than he asked Clover to go on a date and she said yes. Felix listened to everything she told him. But with everything she is hiding Clover guesses that could be a bad thing. On their date the place they first went to is sto go rock climbing than dinner. Felix told Clover she was the best of all worlds Clover thinks she wasn’t meant to find Felix, not now and not like this. Felix tells her that his dad had been a cop and killed in the line of duty, he died a hero. He was killed by a member of an MC. How could Clover tell felix her family and friends were bikers? It’s too late for Clover to back out now she was falling for Felix. Clover is home and rhett and cara walk in hand in hand. Than Felix called and said they had another lead on the drug dealer- Reaper- they had been after and she needed to get back there. Than when they got to the warehouse Clover sees her mother and two uncles. After they arrest three men and Clover realizes she ruined the trust between her and her family. Than they find out Reaper wasn’t one of the three men they arrested he had escaped. After the arrest Felix asked if she’d like to get a pizza she goes to his house and she finally loses her virginity to him. She knows she has to tell him about her MC ties. She pulls up her parents on his search bar and tells than they are her parents. She saw the flash of hurt and anger is his eyes.
I loved this book. It grabbed me right from the beginning and kept me there until the last page. I loved how close Rhett, Cara, and Clover were and have been since they were kids. I loved how the Wind Dragons considered everyone family I loved the pace and plot of this book. I didn’t want to put this down and lost some sleep to finish this book. I loved Clover and Felix together and how they interacted. I was glad Felix didn’t walk away after Clover told her about her family and friends. I loved Clover’s mom worked with the FBI. I liked that the Wind Dragons gave Felix a chance even though he was a cop because of how much they loved Clover. I loved the characters and ins and outs and I highly recommend this book.
Fallen Princess by Chantal Fernando is book 7 in the Wind Dragons MC series and can easily be read as a standalone.
Clover Black is the Wind Dragons MC princess. And she always wanted to help people. So she choses to join the force and keep it all a secret from her family.
Fallen Princess is a great read. The characters are great and I loved the story and the writing. 4,5 stars.
I absolutely devoured Fallen Princess! I have missed the Wind Dragons MC series so much and getting this book felt like coming home. I really want to go back and read the entire series from beginning to end now all over again because until I read Fallen Princess I didn’t realize how much I really have missed this series.
Clover is the daughter of Dex aka Sin and Faye, so to say that her daughter becoming a cop wasn’t the best of career plans for Clover and add to that she hid it from them. I loved how even though she knew that her family wouldn’t approve of her career choice, even though her mom does what she does, I liked that she felt that she could do good and followed her dream. Being the daughter of an MC member is hard enough at times, but the daughter of the former President I think is even worse. Clover was strong willed, sassy, and I liked that about her. Felix, he balanced her out and any little rough edges she may have had he smoothed them over. I was worried for a bit about his reaction to Clover telling him certain things so when he proved how good of a guy he was it made me very happy for Clover.
I hope that we are going to get more books in the series, I really want to see how some of the original members kids have turned out.
Another fast-paced, engaging read from Chantal Fernando! Admittedly, I don't read a lot of MC romances, but this author has become one of my favorites regardless of the trope. Clover's story sucked me in from the beginning, and even though Clover frustrated me a bit in the beginning, I found myself rooting for her and Felix. The romance is a little Romeo and Juliet-ish minus the whole tragic ending. They come from different worlds, but that doesn't stop the attraction between them. It does, however, add an element of tension to the story as we wait to see how the MC is going to react to Clover's job and her chosen love. Clover has a few things to learn about following the rules and chain of command, which is surprising given her roots, but not so surprising when you consider who her mother is. That stubborn determination does suit her well as things ramp up and she finds herself in a dangerous situation she never saw coming. The story is told from Clover's perspective, so what we get of Felix is what she knows as she knows it. That said, what we do get of our leading man is nothing short of swoon-worthy. He's sexy, sweet, and exactly what Clover needs in her life. To sum it up, Fallen Princess is exciting and sexy, and we even get a bit of suspense and intrigue along the way.
3.25 stars-- FALLEN PRINCESS is the seventh instalment in Chantal Fernando’s contemporary, adult WIND DRAGON MC romance series. This is police officers Clover Black, and Felix Banks’ story line. FALLEN PRINCESS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary, FALLEN PRINCESS focuses on the next generation of the motorcycle families. Clover is the daughter of Dex ‘Sin’ Black, vice president of the Wind Dragons MC, and his wife, attorney Faye Black.
NOTE: Several characters from both the Wind Dragons MC and the Cursed Ravens MC cross over for cohesion and history.
Told from first person perspective (Clover Black) FALLEN PRINCESS follows police rookie Clover Black as she struggles to keep secret her family history from the people she works with, and battles between head and heart as it pertains to her job as a cop, and the people she loves. Clover Black, for all intents and purposes, is a little naïve to believe her family connection to the Wind Dragon MC does not go unnoticed by the local PD but a difficult partnership with someone on the force means gaining a reputation, and a new partner on the job. Enter police officer Felix Banks, and the man with whom Clover will fall in love. What ensues is the forbidden but building relationship between Clover and Felix, and the potential fall-out as Clover’s connections to both the Wind Dragons and the Curse Ravens MC will be used against our story line heroine.
The relationship between Clover and Felix is quick to develop. There is an immediate connection but Clover keeps secret her family history, and her connection to the local MC. When a drug sting brings our heroine face to face with the people she loves, all bets are off, including her need to reveal the truth to the man with whom she is falling in love. The $ex scenes are passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.
There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters many of whom were previously introduced in both the Wind Dragons and Cursed Ravens MC series.
FALLEN PRINCESS is a quick read but in saying that the entire story line felt rushed; the build up was cursory; and the conflict resolutions were hurried and abrupt. Overall, I feel like the small details were missing, details that would have grabbed my attention and pulled me into the story –I did not feel connected. The MC lifestyle is virtually non-existent, almost ‘vanilla’ in comparison to other seires; the action and chaos mostly absent. The premise is fast paced and intriguing; the romance is flirty and warm; the characters are energetic. I am a big fan of Chantal Fernando’s MC series but for me, Fallen Princess didn’t hit the mark.
Copy supplied by Netgalley
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Having read this author before in a different manner of writing thought when I seen this and am fond of reading MC would try it. Great name also for the club which it kinda got me to take a second look at this one. The princess of this club decides to do something on the sly which will have a trickle effect. She gets a partner Felix that will also soon have a triple effect thanks to other factors also. The story will have some bumps and grinds with also drama fueled in there. She will have some tough decisions that will also have us on edge. Good action packed with the romance we want from a MC.
Little Clover grew up and became a COP!!! What a shake up that will be if she ever lets that secret out of the bag. Clover hasn't revealed to anyone on either side of her double life just who she is; for the MC becoming a cop is on the same lines as becoming a traitor, for the police force MC's are bad news. To make matters even worse, she starts to fall for her new partner, Felix Banks. When he makes it clear that he returns the sentiment, the two start a not secret relationship, but it's more like not advertising that they are involved. But when Clover's secret gets revealed, will she have to choose a side? Will she lose the man she loves, or the family she belongs too?
I love second gen stories, kids that we "saw" grow up and get their own HEA, just makes for a good read. Clover's story is filled with action, drama, some naughty bits (although not a hot as they normally are, these were really tame), and we get to see our favorite Wind Dragons characters. I can't wait to see what we get next. I give this 4 stars.
Fallen Princess is the seventh book in the Wind Dragons MC Series by Chantal Fernando. This is Clover Black’s story. Fallen Princess can ‘technically’ be read as a standalone. But to get a more insightful view of this novel and Clover’s background, I highly recommend you dive into Dragon’s Lair by Chantal Fernando! Trust me, these books are so good, it won’t be a hardship.
The further I read into this series, the more i was curious if we would get Clover’s story. Clover is the Princess of the Wind Dragons MC. Throughout the series I always loved getting the Clover moments. She was so stubborn but also sweet at the same time. I really loved this kid. So to say I was excited to find out Clover was, in fact, getting her own story would be a huge understatement. I was thrilled. I actually may have jumped up and down and screamed…. I’m only human.
About Fallen Princess:
Fallen Princess is told in dual point of views. (Clover Black & Felix Banks)
Being the daughter of a retired MC president, Clover grew up seeing the world through different eyes. She saw the cops as dirty and the MC as good. Clover’s path has always been set for her, marry into the MC and have MC babies. But when she has an encounter with a woman police officer and realizes not all cops are dirty, her life’s plan is completely derailed and new plans are carved in stone. She wants to help the world and make a difference.
Now Clover is living a double life. Life one, she’s an mc princess. Life two, she’s a rookie police officer. Clover is soon to realize eventually all secrets get exposed. When she’s assigned a new partner, she feels an instant connection to her sexy as sin partner, Felix Banks, drawing up a whole new life of secrets.
But Felix has a few secrets of his own. Secrets that could either Make or Break a relationship as confusing as theirs.
My Thoughts:
When I first read the blurb for Fallen Princess, I honestly couldn’t believe what I was reading. Our little Clover….. Now a police officer…. WTF was Fernando thinking! But as I started to read this one I knew this path was always intended to be the course for Clover. This girl is seriously driven and laughs in the face of fear. She’s always been a fighter, now she’s fighting for the people who can’t fight for themselves.
I knew there would be some drama once Clover and Felix’s chemistry started to grow. Sin’s reaction to the relationship was freaking hilarious. It made me miss these boys and their protective possessive ways.
Felix and Clover’s relationship was definitely one that completely surprised me. I was surprised by how much I loved these two together. I loved the endless banter and the competitive streak between the two. I also loved the lovey dovey moments that brought a huge smile to myself. But the main thing I loved was Felix meeting Clover’s family. And that included all of the Wind Dragons and their wives! This was the exact moment I was waiting for!
Overall, I loved everything about Clover and Felix’s relationship. I loved the cute moments, the angst filled moments, the inner turmoil that came from Clover and living her double life, the secrets, the relationship, but most importantly I loved getting a glimpse of the boys I loved prior to Fallen Princess! If you love MC romances, but you don’t love the violence and gore that typically comes along with these titles, I highly recommend you pick up the Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club series! These are a little bit on the tamer side of the mc spectrum and I think you’ll enjoy them! But warning, this series is highly addicting and very entertaining! You won’t be able to put them down!
I was excited to read this book based on the premise even though I admit I hadn't read the previous books in the series. I've actually never read anything from this author at all but the blurb sounded like this book could be read as a standalone. Unfortunately I just couldn't get passed the author's writing style to even connect with the storyline. I found the dialogue to be inauthentic, a silly hang up of mine but I just couldn't get passed it. It didn't take long to decide I would not continue with the story beyond the first few chapters. I won't be reviewing on the blog or goodreads.
I have read several of this author's books and have loved them all. I was looking forward to this one from the moment I heard about it. The writing is great and I loved the pace and people. I was in suspense through almost the whole thing. Just enough laughs and drama to keep you engrossed. This is the story of a woman that goes against the grain to achieve her happiness, but at what cost? This is book seven in The Wind Dragon MC.
Clover grew up in the Wind Dragons MC. She is the former president's daughter. She has parents that love her to the moon and back and some of the best people supporting her choices, her two best friends when she does something that is a big no-no. She joins the police force.
Felix is assigned a new partner and there is much to be said about her. He has the police in his blood. His father was an officer and was killed in the line of duty. He is a great guy and has an open mind.
When these two are put together the sparks fly. She had a partner but he doesn't like her and Felix’s partner is hurt. Not only is she associated with an MC she is also falling for her partner which is frowned upon.
Like I said I was engrossed for the whole book. So much fun. I was always waiting for the show to drop. It drops a couple of times and one surprised me just a bit. I liked it. As I also said the wring, pace and people were great. I loved reading about the relationship between Clover and Felix grow and trust develope.
I can't wait for more from this author. She did not disappoint.
Fallen Princess is the 7th story in the Wind Dragon’s MC series by Chantal Fernando and follows Clover Black, the daughter of fan favourites Dex and Faye whose romance in the first novel kick-started this amazing series!
As the daughter of the former President of the Wind Dragon’s Motorcycle Club, Clover Black’s upbringing has been far from conventional. Though she knows the reputation surrounding the club, Clover has never known anything but love and family values from her large and boisterous family. They do expect a certain future for her which is why Clover has to keep her chosen profession and her dream from them……they’d never accept her being a cop. Yet that is what she has become and even though her first few months on the job haven’t been what she expected, Clover is determined to use her position to help people. If only her sarcastic attitude didn’t keep getting her into trouble. Enter Felix Banks, an up and coming young police officer, and Clover’s new partner. As Felix teaches her what it means to be a cop, Clover finds herself falling for him, but when her secrets come out, will Clover be forced to choose between the job, and man, she loves and the family she adores?
Fallen Princess is the novel long time readers have been eagerly awaiting as Chantal Fernando finally allows fans to delve into the heart and mind of Wind Dragons MC prodigal daughter Clover. We’ve known her as a baby and young girl, the apple of her parents (and all the other MC members) eye and now Clover is finally front and centre as she finds love herself.
It was really nice to have the opportunity to finally follow Clover. She’s a down to earth and well-rounded young woman who has been brought up to be able to look after and protect herself. She’s smart, savvy and sarcastic but also very sweet. I love that Clover is more than able to take care of herself and that she has taken a chance to pursue her dreams….even if they aren’t what people would have expected of her. It was ironic that the child of a biker became a cop.
The romance in Fallen Princess was wonderful too. I think Felix and Clover had lovely chemistry and I thought it was wonderful that Felix not only accepted who Clover was and where she’d come from, but that he made an effort to become a part of her life in connection to the MC. A cop walks into a bikers clubhouse…sounds like the start of a bad joke, but it was very entertaining to read about.
And in saying that, Chantal Fernando will please fans as she includes so many of all the brilliant characters from the earlier books in Fallen Princess. The older generation are still very much alive and kicking—and taking names too. Faye, Dex, Lana, Anna, Rake, Arrow, Trucker, Vinnie, Bailey, and others all appeared and brought so much fun and laughter to the novel with their antics.
A great read in what has always been such a solid and brilliant biker series, Fallen Princess proves once again why Chantal Fernando is one of the Queens of MC novels—in my eyes at least! Can’t wait to read whatever she releases next as she never fails to satify and thrill me!