Member Reviews

Quick, fun read! Williams has a knack for banter that any reader will enjoy, and makes it easy to root for her characters.

You won't believe this but this book is as cute as educational 😂 I wasn't expecting to finish this book knowing more about the human body and about philosophy but I did and I'm amazed lol.
Cupid's Bow has two main characters, a very smart and gorgeous woman called Ann and a very strong and powerful one called Kay. I loved the chemistry between these two and how their personalities matched so well. I wish this story was longer just because it was so refreshing to see them flirting, it gave me all the feelings and most of the time I couldn't stop smiling because of how cute they were.
Besides being cute, their conversations were deep and enlightening too which was the perfect mix in my opinion. They talked about the rule of threes, which I've never heard of before and thought it was really interesting how they could relate it to a lot of things that we normally do without realising it. If you don't know, basically the rule of threes explains that one is chance, two is a coincidence and three is a pattern.
All in all, Cupid's Bow is a very short and cute read that will have you giggling for half of it and through the other half it will have you reflecting about interesting topis such as the rule of threes. Therefore, I would recommend 100% this book to everyone.

This has to be the best short story I've ever read. Love that it is about 2 more mature women. At this stage in their lives they know what they want but are fearful of every finding it. Life can turn very quickly. You need to read this!

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was a short sweet novella by Williams. The banter between the two characters did seem a little forced as they continued conversing. There was a lot of sweet moments between the two characters and I was once again drawn in until the end when the talk of love at first sight was mentioned. I didn't feel that between the characters and I felt the author was trying to tie their story into a happily ever after before it even got started.

As this is a long story/novella, Cupid's Bow is a great way to try out Karen F William's writing if you haven't had the chance before. This is a quick read that starts off as a bar hook-up and quickly transforms into a sweet and charming romance.. Williams writing is, as always, smart, funny and totally engaging. Strongly recommended.

This will be one of my last reviews for Bold Stroke Books. I would like to thank them for the ARC via Netgalley and remind you all that the following review is my own honest opinion, which has never been swayed by a free book.
Overall this is a pretty good story and part of that is due to its length. Nice and short. A quick read. And who doesn't enjoy a quickie? The chemistry between the two main characters is good. Doesn't drag things out and leaves you wanting more. Well done. 3.5 stars for me.

This was such a neat story, with the main characters' obvious attraction to each other from the beginning, the witty banter without being too much, and trying to keep up with them as it progressed. I loved that it was a short story and we could so very easily imagine the continuation of it. Kudos to the author!

This is a very quick read, much to my surprise! It felt like it stopped halfway through.That is why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5. When it was over, I was astonished that it ended there. However, it is an enjoyable read. Kay and Ann, the main characters, are life like and the dialogue feels real. If you are looking for a feel good romance that will be a quick read, pick this one up. I highly recommend it!
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

A thoroughly enjoyable novella.
Kay Westscott is visiting Boston from her home in New York to attend a writer’s workshop. At the end of the day the English teacher wanders into the bar of the hotel and finds Ann Ward, a math teacher, who is there to participate in a round of lesbian speed dating. The two get talking and Ann has to cut down some chips on Kay’s shoulders about math teachers. That done, the conversation becomes compelling and the latent attraction builds.
The chemistry is great, the characters likeable. The conversation, though, is quite the star with a multitude of random trivial facts exchanged. The length makes it a fab read for in-between break and this one is most certainly a great pick for the break.

‘Cupid’s Bow’ is a sweet, funny, short romance with endearing characters. Kay Westscott is a novelist winding down after a busy lesbian fiction conference. She meets a beautiful woman in the bar of her hotel where the woman is planning on attending a lesbian speed dating event that night. When they get talking it soon becomes apparent that there is an attraction between them – but will either of them take the initiative?
I really enjoy short stories and am always delighted to find new ones – especially lesfic ones. This one is a lovely story of unexpected attraction and the hope of more. It poses the question of whether one can fall in love at first sight. And whether you can make a life changing decision based on that one meeting. I loved it. Karen F Williams is an excellent writer with imaginative flair and I always look out for her work. I am happy to add ‘Cupid’s Bow’ to my collection.
I was given this ARC for review by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books.

Ms Williams has given us a wonderful read even though I felt it could have been expanded some. That said, English teacher Kay Westscott is in Boston attending a writer’s workshop. I guess I should have mentioned that besides teaching Kay is also a novelist. Math professor Ann Ward has decided to give lesbian speed dating a try but isn’t very enthusiastic about trying to find a mate this way. They meet in a bar where Kay’s pickup lines are as far as Ann’s concerned a little over the top. Things change between them when Kay offers to help Ann with her speed dating adventure. The chemistry between Ann and Kay along with the fast paced story makes for a great read. I very much enjoyed this book.
ARC via NetGalley

This is the second book I've read by this author. I liked the first one quite a bit, which is why I requested a copy of this newest one. It was a bit unusual and ended unexpectedly in my opinion, but that didn't detract from the story at all. The author is an excellent writer and knows how to tell an interesting tale. My only complaint - and I had this issue with the author's other work - is that she tends to pontificate. I don't need to be taught math or learn that the upper part of one's lips is called the Cupid's Bow. It takes away from the story, has nothing to do with romance, and insults the reader.

Karen F. Williams you have a new fan. What a cute story. The chemistry starts right from the beginning and just gets better . On a cold winter night nothing is better than a short romantic story to warm your heart.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Cupid's Bow is an adorable short story of two women who meet in a bar, who appear to dislike each other in their first few moments together, and then find themselves falling for one another. This is a great quick read that teases at sexual tension without ever getting there. It allows the reader's mind to wander after the story ends to what happens between the two. It is a nice read, especially leading up to Valentine's Day. Worth checking out.

The premise sounded interesting but unfortunately this novella failed to capture me. It was very well written but the romantic storyline was too insta-love for my liking and the characters could have been better developed. The back and forth between the two leads with lots of maths and English references was engaging at first but got a little too much.

This is a sweet novella, perfect for a casual afternoon read; it will bring you smile on your face and make your afternoon brighter. :)

I had never read anything by this author, however, the premise intrigued me enough to actually want to read.
I was more than pleasantly surprised, this short story was full of wit and chemistry between the main characters, it easily absorbed me and transported me to their situations.The dialogue was rich, fresh and made me appreciate the number 3 more than I had ever before.
I am definitely a fan of the author now, will recommend this book and wait patiently for a new release.

This was a short novella which was well written and had likeable characters. The dialogue was excellent, great banter between the two characters and I think it could easily be expanded to become a book which charters the difficulties of a long distant relationship.
I liked the fact the characters’ careers (teacher/writer and professor) were a main part of the story and the reader was educated on the way thanks to the dialogue between them. I’ve give it a rating of 4 because it promised more and it stopped suddenly without really giving a proper ending.

A woman walks into a bar and sees another woman who she's interested in sitting alone so she goes over to make conversation to try to get to know that woman better, the only problem is said woman has very poor social skills. That's the case with Kay, a novelist and teacher of literature who lives in New York City. The woman she sees at the bar is Ann, a math professor who is looking for love, she lives in Boston .
When these to start to talk it's like they're throwing bombs at one another using analogies from math or literature. At times it's a contest between math jokes and literature jokes and you know no good is going to come from this. Both women know there's no possibility for relationship because of the distance between Boston and New York. Would they ever be able to overcome the distance and do they even want to try. Can they ever just talk from the heart and leave the analogies alone? This is a sweet short read and one that will make you happy when you pick up the book and start reading.

When Kay Westscott’s first encounters Ann Ward in the lounge of the Sheraton Hotel you can’t say it was a meet-cute, more the opposite. And yet, Cupid's Bow by Karen F. Williams would be an awfully short romance story if things didn’t get better from there on out.
Both women don’t have the warmest of starts but Kay feels there is something about this German math professor that she can’t walk away from. So when she finds out Ann is here for the lesbian speed dating she proposes to help her practice for the real event. It’s during their pretend speed date they discover a lot of common ground.
An adorable read.
Themes: Boston, I think you’re cute so let me insult you a bit, lesbian speed dating, the rule of three, the Golden Mean, perfect lips, sightseeing, math, kisses.
4 stars
* A free copy was provided by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books Inc. for an honest review.