Member Reviews

Popular book. We live in an odd society. Our relationship with food is so awful. We can't eat enough and are always in search of the next new taste. Then we feel guilt afterwards and maybe we should as obesity is on the rise. Maybe this book will help some poor teen get handle on food before it gets out of control. Good, positive read. As a society we need to quit shaming everyone. And Hollywood and magazines need to portray more varieties of women.

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I enjoyed reading this. An interesting story with fun characters. Well written.

A valuable and timely guide to intuitive eating for teens. I wish I would've had something like this when I was a teenager. I would purchase this for my library if it wasn't in workbook format. We tend to only buy the books in the Instant Help Solutions series that are guidebooks rather than workbooks.

I would like to see this book used in school when they approach health classes. Eating too much and eating too much of the wrong items are huge problems in the US. This book could educate the younger population and change the course of eating for generations to come. The book is simple to read and understand. I feel it will appeal to many

I've been reading and very much enjoying Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch so when my teen daughter asked me if she could read it too I poked around to find out if there is one for teens, and sure enough, Elyse Resch is publishing one in May of 2019.
I read it today and it is excellent. The introduction is enormously empathetic and encouraging without ever being patronizing. It also spells out the book's content and goals in a way that is highly approachable.
I found the personal anecdotes to be relatable and credible and I believe teens will as well.
The questionnaire in Chapter One really engaged me as a reader and motivated me to take this journey with the author. I felt like Elyse Resch was in my head, understood me, and was cheering me on.
I was particularly interested in the simple but profound description of the deprivation/rebellion cycle that long-term dieters and frustrated newbies will recognize instantly. You feel, as you read, like someone really "gets you".
The 10 Principles are common-sense, attainable goals clearly identified and labeled as a journey and not an end game. All of the above is sprinkled with compassion, encouragement, credibility and professionalism.
I cannot wait to buy this for my daughter in May. This is such a wise approach to good health and happiness!
Thank you to Elyse Resch, New Harbinger Publications, Inc., and NetGalley for giving me this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review!

A valuable guide for teens (and I will add, those of us who are not teens, as well) based on mind and body awareness rather than prescriptive dieting. This book attempts to guide teens away from external forces and pressures related to body image and appearances and encourages to become aware of their feelings and attitudes related to their bodies, emotions, and notice how these connect to their food choices and eating patterns. Armed with this awareness teens can begin to make choices that make sense for them..