Member Reviews

This is an old book from when I was reviewing on a book blog. Am now reviewing on IG and Goodreads but the book is no longer in my Kindle.

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*Thank you to Inkyard Press and NetGalley for the eARC; the review is my own.*

And I'm sorry that it's taken me six years to get to this book. When I initially requested it, I hadn't realized that it was a spinoff from another series by Armentrout (I've read other series of hers before, though, so I probably should have known.) As a result, I put off reading this until I had listened to the original series. Even though it's not absolutely necessary to read The Dark Elements trilogy prior to this one, I would recommend it. You get a better feel for the world that this series takes place in and a familiarity with Zayne and his backstory, as well as those of Roth and Layla, who are side characters in this book but main characters in the TDE. I don't think new readers will be lost, as Armentrout still does a good job of explaining things, but I still think it's better to go into this book having read the others first. For example, the dynamic between Zayne, Layla, and Roth will make a lot more sense.

One thing to note about several of Armentrout's series is that they bear a lot of similarities, which makes them slightly predictable in some ways (not all). But that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed them all--I have. And I'll probably keep on reading her books because of it.

Even though Zayne (21) wasn't my favorite character in The Dark Elements, I really liked him in this book. I didn't think he was a good match for Layla, but he is for Trinity (18). They have a good partnership and chemistry, and I think they make each other stronger. I like that, even though Zayne is protective of Trinity, he doesn't coddle her or try to prevent her from using her strengths. And I like that she challenges him, as well.

Even though I should have read and reviewed this book much sooner than I did (again, my apologies to the publisher), I'm relieved that I don't have to wait of the remainder of the series to be published. I just have to wait for a space in my library holds so I can request the next one, which I will as soon as I can.

Note: Some language, including a handful of f words. Sensuality and one sex scene (even though the characters don't consider it as such).

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*Review will be posted on 6/13/24

I figured I'd try out another Jennifer L. Armentrout series while I wait in agony for the next book in her Origin series (no really, it's killing me). I have to say that even though I had fun with this one it really didn't do much for me plot-wise. It's still a series I'm interested in continuing but it wasn't the best start to the series. 

First, I have to say that it's ironic that both series I've read from this author thus far are spin-offs set in the same world as a previous series. That said, in case you're like me and had no idea, this series is a spin-off of her Dark Elements series. I don't believe you need to read the other series to start this one, but I'm definitely going to make a mental note to go back to it at some point. 

With that out of the way, let's take a look at the main character of Storm and Fury. I loved Trinity's friendship with Misha, but I hated how she made his job harder and took advantage of their friendship. Trinity was loyal but she was also impulsive, reckless, and stubborn. She constantly put herself in bad situations or bent rules and then Misha was reprimanded for it. She only thought about the consequences to him afterward which wasn't good enough. She meant well, but she also tried too hard to prove herself or not appear weak which added a bit of tension to their relationship. 

I was glad when Zayne entered the picture because he called Trinity out on her impulsivity. Zayne was (for the most part) the voice of reason we needed to balance Trinity out. Not to say that Zayne didn't have his own issues to work through. I thought it was a little immature of Zayne to completely ignore the drama with Layla. Honestly, the whole issue was dragged out longer than necessary just to create tension between Zayne and Trinity.

It wasn't so much that the angle was included in the story that bothered me. I think a love triangle element can be fun if done right. I just didn't like that the driving force was created by avoidance. Zayne avoided talking to, being around, and working with Layla when it would've been more fun/tense to have more moments with the three of them together (there were some, but not a lot). I just think there was a great opportunity for well-written tension that was passed over. The avoidance made the story feel slow and Zayne look passive. 

On the other hand, the romance between Zayne and Trinity was done much better. There was tension and attraction between them that was addressed in a handful of scenes. This is what I wanted to see more of in the love triangle. Zayne and Trinity talked about it. They flirted. They went from hot to cold. Trinity second-guessed herself. The romance felt dynamic and alive. It was one of the things that kept me pushing forward with this book. 

And while I may have enjoyed the worldbuilding overall, the plot was a different story. I loved the whole idea of wardens, angels, and demons. I love anything with supernatural beings/races. However, I have to say that I don't think the first-person POV worked that well here. 

Trinity had a huge secret she was keeping (something we were reminded of often). At some point, it got annoying to be told over and over that she was hiding something. And once the secret was revealed it seemed like everyone was being told about it. I think it would've been more exciting to tell the story from a third-person POV or even dual POVs so that Trinity's reveal would've been more exciting. We didn't really get many hints or chances to figure it out. We were just told the secret which felt a bit anticlimactic. It would've been exciting for her secret to be discovered while in the city or by Zayne.

Now... here's the thing. I was having fun with the story, but when I finished I thought "That's it?". It felt like we uncovered so little about the overall plot and not a whole lot happened. There were a few "action" scenes and Trinity tagged along to talk to a few people but... it felt like 80% of this story was just drama. Not even romance. Just drama. Mostly Zayne avoiding Layla, or Zayne and Trinity dancing around each other. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Was the plot interesting? Sort of. I just wanted it to move forward more and I think the first-person POV really limited what could've been an intense, dynamic story. 

The ending is really where everything exploded. We learned the most about the antagonist here and the twist was a shocker, but I wish it hadn't been the only real exciting point in the story. 

While this was a slow start to the series I think there was enough good material here to hook me and get me to push on. I'm hoping things really start moving in the next book and I can't wait to see how the romance evolves in Rage and Ruin.

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I got this book way too long ago and just got around to reading it and I’m mad at myself that I didn’t read it sooner. I really loved this series! It’s reminiscent of the 2010-2015 era of YA/NA paranormal fantasy romances that I absolutely loved.

This is technically a spinoff series to another of JLA’s series and I wish I had read that series first as so much of this series is directly related to the other but I still enjoyed this one nonetheless.

I loved how this one throws you directly into the story and how crazy the world is. I love the characters so much (especially Peanut). Zayne and Trinity’s tension was amazing and I loved their character arcs a lot. I loved seeing all the different creatures brought into it and how this author put her own spin on some classic creatures.

Overall I really enjoyed this one and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to start off with a basic but fun fantasy romance!

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I really enjoyed the storyline in world building in the novel. I also really liked the characters. I thought this was a solid read, and I will definitely be reading more by this author.

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I think 12 years ago I would have enjoyed this. Jennifer Armentrout’s books helped introduce me to fantasy and created a love of YA reads for me. However, now I feel too old for these stories and the MC and side characters bothered me. I would still recommend for anyone who enjoys YA fantasy.

I received an advanced copy through Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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Trinity is a human living in a Warden compound. She trains with the Wardens though and is strong enough to fight demons… as long as they don’t come at her from the side. She’s almost blind, but she can also see ghosts and spirits. Trinity basically has a lot going on. And her world is tipped upside down when a Warden named Zayne from another clan shows up and she feels like she already knows him.

I didn’t realize this was a spin off series. I didn’t realize this was a series. That being said I was thoroughly entertained by this book. I could tell there were pieces I was missing by not being familiar with the original series, especially after reading the synopses of those books, but it also made me relate to Trinity more by not knowing Zayne’s backstory. The part that did annoy me though was that this book didn’t have an ending. It definitely baits the reader into continuing the series.

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Love Trinity. Love Zane. The tension was fantastic and the chemistry of the characters is amazing. JLA is always on point. She writes a story that isn’t clustered with info dumps, or a mass of confusion. This specific book has just the right amount of curiosity and action that kept my on my toes and turning those pages,

I had the privilege of doing some proofreading for (Liz Pelletier) on Jennifer’s earlier books when she started out at Entangled publishing, and I’ve been a big fan from the beginning with Obsidian.

I loved that she amplified the crises in this installment with Trinity’s powers and the beasts who want them.

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This is one of those books written by an author that you hear so much about and I have to say it lives up to most of the hype. I like that the plot in the story is simple and the book ultimately is a woven mixture of magic and love and family. This is a fantastic young adult read and I could see adults also enjoying it as I have.

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I enjoyed Storm and Fury, but did not finish the rest of the series. Though I liked the unique perspective of a gargoyle, I just could not get into the romance storyline. However, I really like Jennifer L. Armentrout and always look forward to her other series.

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It's no fault of this book but I wish I had realized this was a spinoff of another series. It’s the completionist in me, I want to read the books in order even if the overlap is minimal between them. That said, I suppose it doesn’t ultimately matter because I just wasn’t a fan of STORM AND FURY. Part of me thinks that’s because I read it too late in my life. I love YA even though I’m not necessarily the intended audience but I’ve started losing patience with books that fit the stereotypical YA fantasy mold. I want something new and exciting, and this book… it just missed the mark. I don’t think it’s a bad book, to be clear, but I did DNF it because it just wasn’t for me. The characters were bland at best, the plot predictable but not in a good way, and all around it just made me cringe. I think it’s fine for its ideal reader, just not a good fit for me.

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I’ve loved every Jennifer L Armentrout book I’ve read, and this is no exception. Great book, and I can’t wait to read more!

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After hearing Armentrout speak at a conference about struggling with the thought of giving up, I decided to make the leap and read some of her books. I didn't want to dive too deep into another series but after reading this one and learning that it is a spinoff of another series, I think my next reads will be earmarked for Dark Elements.

I loved that the MC had a degenerative eye condition but it's just a part of her character and not the entire focus. As someone with a disability, I like to see representation that isn't just done for the sake of representation.

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Finally read this book, it was amazing. Jennifer L Armentrout never lets me down. The best part of this book was the return of characters from a different series being a part of this series. The p[lot was well written and as always the author sure knows how to shock you.
WIll always pick up anything by this author.

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3.3 stars

Oh well. I think the paranormal romance genre may not be for me anymore.

I really thought this was going to be a 5 star for me but.. nope!

The story was very entertaining and the character relatable but it was way too slow and long. I think it could have been condensed in like 75% and there were too many tropes, especially around the romance, which made the story cliché and the plot predictable.

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Ghosts and Jennifer. The author is a master story teller! I had a harder time getting into this novel then I usually do, slow to build but eventually it hooked me!

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*e-arc provided for free by Harlrquin Teen, Inkyard Press and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
JLA has great ideas for books and engaging writing. On paper a fantasy romance is everything that I would love. Plus a girl who can communicate with ghosts/spirits? I’ve loved this when it’s done in other iterations. But I think JLA is just not the author for me. I've tried a couple of her books and they just haven't been hits for m. I can see why other people love her works though. If you like predominately romance books, with a fantasy twist this is perfect for you. I’m just more into the fantasy side of things, so it’s not for me. If you like her other books, you will love this. I’d recommend this to people who love romantic fantasy.

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Rating 3/5

A good start to a series but the drawn out "pity me" nature of Trinity was too much in this for a first book. I felt Trinity was too whiny for most of this and that is not a quality I would want in my protagonist, especially one that's a "chosen one". I really hope she matures and grows better in book 2 because she was just too childish in nature. Part of it can be blamed due to her being extremely sheltered her whole life, but I was hoping once Zayne comes into the picture she would start to open up and really show an exciting personality. But i didn't get that. I think the plot is intriguing and the supporting characters way more interesting than Trinity.

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Jennifer L Armentrout has long-since been an auto-buy author for me and books like this are the reasons why. Each new book brings new favourite characters and I love that she uses lesser written about supernatural characters. I loved Trinity and Zayne, and the way the plot was very high stakes but there was still plenty of fun, humour, and romance throughout the book. They're thick books but they fly by because the pacing is fast and they're just a fun experience to read. I've already picked up the sequel and am anxiously awaiting the third.

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I feel super crappy about this, especially since everyone has been rating this book highly, but after being annoyed by this book throughout the beginning chapters, I can't continue. The main character is extremely whiny, and she acts like a toddler. There was a scene in which she was tempted to stomp her foot to get her way, and that just came across as extremely immature to me--especially since she's apparently eighteen? Along with that, I feel like the writing wasn't the best. I really liked the last books I read from Armentrout, so this was a bit of a let down for me.

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