Member Reviews

I'm not really the outdoor survivalist type - my Swiss army knife lives in my handbag - but this is a lovely little book, full of useful tips. I really enjoyed it.

This was such a cool little book and gives some great tips! I've loved Swiss Army Knifes since watching MacGyver as a small child. When, in keeping with family tradition, my mom presented me with my first Swiss Army knife for my eighth birthday, I immediately took it out to try to come up with every possible use for it. This book brings back a lot of those memories, and it will be a great companion and guide when I give my children their own knives.

Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Camping & Outdoor Survival Guide is an officially sanctioned Swiss Army Knife guide to the available models, their assorted multi-tools, and a useful collection of bushcraft tips and how they can be utilized with the multi-tools in the swiss army knives. Released 9th April 2019 by Fox Chapel, it's 224 pages and available in paperback format.
There's an introductory chapter (15% of the content) which includes a history of the development of Swiss Army knives along with some really handy tables which show the different styles of knives available and which accessories are standard with which models.
The next chapter (10%) includes a really good tutorial on maintenance and sharpening knives as well as cleaning and repairing of worn out or lost small accessories (toothpick, scissors, tweezers, etc). I was fascinated by the plastic divided replacement parts box with all the springs and bits. I never knew such a thing was available.
The bulk of the book (70%) is used on a really good, creative, and thoughtful guide to bushcraft. It includes good philosophy and crisis management along with many well photographed tutorials on gathering materials, assessing situations and making a plan, making fire, securing shelter, finding or filtering safe water, fishing, and foraging for food.
There -is- a sort of prepper vibe about some parts of the book, however, in crisis situations, being able to repair or make tools and source/repair transportation (bicycle repair for example, though not covered, has a sidebar with some interesting ideas for scavenging parts for further uses) can have profound effects on survival. It's much better to be prepared than not.
There aren't a lot of new books with sensible reproducible hints and survival tips which are realistic for the average person. This one is.
Five stars.

Fantastic book with helpful details that will remain part of our camping library. Anyone with a Swiss Army Knife or if interested in this little and helpful tool needs this book. This is a great guide book showing us not only how to use the tool in so many way, but give us a wonderful history of the tool too. It also provides important instructions on how t0 keep it in good working condition. Great details and photos in this book we recommend!

Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Camping & Outdoor Survival Guide: 101 Tips Tricks and Uses by Bryan Lynch is both history book and practical guide. Dating to 1891, the Swiss Army Knife is arguably the most recognizable pocket knife of all time. Whether purchased new or passed down through the family, many fans of the Swiss Army Knife have a tough time leaving home without it.
While many people own one of these popular red knives, not all realize the versatility or the interesting history. Most are probably also unaware of how many varieties there are and how to use some of the many tools included on some models. This book will change all that. Here Lynch lists various uses and instructs newbies on the importance of regular maintenance and cleaning and recommends safe uses, proper techniques, and methods of sharpening. He also provides general survival and outdoor skills and tips useful to anyone with a desire to explore the natural world.
This book will teach you to use your knife to create survival tools you don’t have. You’ll learn how to make cordage (from tree bark, grasses or vines) and how to “make do” when you lose or break an item such as your pack frame or when you find yourself in unexpected situations. (The book even includes instructions on how to make gloves, sunglasses and snow goggles!)
As they book progresses, readers learn techniques that will make them believe they could survive at least several days lost in the wilderness. While it seems incredible that one simple tool could make such a difference, Lynch will convince you it’s true.
It goes without saying that a Swiss Army Knife can play a significant rolw in your outdoor cooking, but the book also teaches you to objects that will make cooking easier. Other “how-tos” include how to create a water purifier, a portable fire kit and how to build a shelter complete with a perimeter alarm system.
While the outdoors is certainly the most obvious place to use your knife, not everyone is the outdoorsy type. For those individuals, the author points out other everyday uses of your knife, for example for personal care and grooming or basic first aid.
No matter where you carry it, devotees will agree, the Swiss Army Knife is one of your best friends. This book will make your relationship even stronger.

Bryan Lynch shares a lifetime of researching the ins and outs of the possible uses of the classic Swiss Army Knife. I have always had one, as have my children, and thought we were quite well versed in the versatility of the Swiss Army Knife. It is the first thing we pack on a camping trip or a nature walk. Now I will have to have a pouch to carry mine around everywhere I go. There are also hints and tips for keeping the knife clean and sharp and using together several of the options for off-the-wall jobs I never would have thought of on my own. Thank you!
This book was easy to read, the pictures were clear and helpful and there were so many things we had never thought of using our knives for. I am happy to recommend Bryan Lynch's work to friends and family. My only complaint is that I was not aware of the SwissChamp XAVT. Now I must have one...
I received an electronic copy of this how-to guide from Netgalley, Bryan Lynch and Fox Chapel Publishing. I have read and reviewed this work strictly on my own volition.

Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Camping & Outdoor Survival Guide
101 Tips, Tricks & Uses
by Bryan Lynch
One year my brother gave me a Swiss Army Knife as a gift. I ended up taking it back to upgrade and get more gadgets on the knife knowing I would use it often in the future. How did I know this? I was living overseas and had moved a number of times only to find I didn’t have the tools I needed to put a toy together or fix equipment or open a can or bottle of wine SO I wanted the BIG knife with EVERYTHING on it. And, that is what I traded it in for. I have carried that knife with me for decades and still take it out from time to time to use when needed. I have given Swiss Army Knives to friends as gifts even giving his and hers knives to very good friends. I have also taken it to school (to teach sixth grade) and had a student steal the pen and glasses screw driver I had bought separately to have should my daughter’s glasses need tightening or I should need to leave a message somewhere.
In this book I read about the various knives Victorinox produces and tried to identify the one I have. I learned how to clean the knife...and it has not yet been cleaned as mentioned in this book so see myself doing so soon. I learned how to replace springs and how the knife should be personalized and that I can replace the red outer layer my husband chipped fixing something outside one day. I also came away wanting to take a survival course and at 67, female and living in Lebanon don’t see that happening any time soon ;) Who wouldn’t want to know how to make cord from trees to tie something with or how to handle situations that were mentioned in this book?
Did I enjoy this book? Definitely
Would I buy this book? Yes
Would I give it as a gift to others? Yes...with a Swiss Army Knife
Who do I see benefiting from this book? Just about anyone but perhaps scout leaders and survivalists would benefit most.
Thank you to NetGalley and Fox Chapel Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars

I've had this book for review for quite a while now, looking at it several times for reference. At first glance, this looks like a catalog for Victorinox, but the main part has a lot of practical tips for woodcraft and survival. Easy instructions and beautiful illustrations.

The author definitely knows his stuff when it comes to the Swiss Army knife. The first quarter or so of the book feels like a very comprehensive sales catalog, with detailed recommendations for the model of knife you should get based on what you'll be using it for. But when it gets into using your knife for various camping and survival skills, it becomes more universal, even for someone who doesn't own a Victorinox knife.

Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Camping
by Bryan Lynch
This book is a packed guide for survival, using one of the many different Swiss Army knifes. You will learn about all the different knives that they make, I think I actually saw one with the kitchen sink!
With knife In hand, you can whittle logs or branches into so many different things that can be detrimental to survival. Included is a chapter on the care and instructions on how to sharpen the knives. In this book is also basic to advance survival topics such as, fire starting, water collection and basic first aid.
If your an outdoors person, you should have this guide in your library, better yet in your backpack so you don’t leave without it.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Omg...I had NO idea...where was this book back in the 1970's when I had a Swiss Army Knife?? I used that thing to death camping, fishing, etc...I lost it at some point way back in the day (I think...It could just be packed away in the attic, too..I need to either go look for my vintage knife or purchase a new one.) Now that there is a book about it's many uses and maintenance, I need to get the knife back! I loved my old kit! I never knew it had so many uses as are listed i this book! Fans of the gadget will love this book. I loved my old kit! So much info!