Member Reviews

A great romantic novel, Wooing the Farmer is about a highly successful blogger who escapes to Axedale to record a new web series and write a cookbook.
There she meets Sam who is immediately attracted to her but her style and her behavior make her think Penelope is way out of her league. Will they get together?
A fun read and great storyline make this a must-read.

Just what I needed!
You may be asking yourself about the 3-star rating. The sex scenes were cringy.

I swapped between the ebook version and the audiobook version of this one. Nicola Victoria Vincent is one of my favorite narrators. Honestly, I really enjoyed the Axedale series. I was excited for Quade to finally find love. However, when I first started reading this one, I wasn't sure about Penelope. I thought Quade deserved a bit better than her. As the book went on the two grew on me. While it isn't my favorite in the series, it is still a decent read. I think this one is much better than the second in the series but not as enjoyable for me as book 1 in the series. I'm a huge fan of Frame and will probably enjoy anything she writes. If you haven't done so, pick up this entire series. It isn't necessary to start with book 1 but I would recommend it.

This is the third book in the Axedale series and one that I have been waiting for as Quaid is one of my favorite characters. Unfortunately, this is not ky favorite in the series as I felt it was a bit repetitive and then a but rushed. Dont get me wrong, it was still a good read but it just didnt leave a feeling of complete satisfaction like the first or second books did. I am also wondering how much time has passed between all the books...is it 5 or is it 3 years. Regardless, I am not sure if this is the last book of the series as there was a slight hint at maybe Riley getting one later on...maybe when they age her...

Fantastic. While I haven't read the other books in the series this one was pure gold. And I csnt wait to go back and read the others.

Stevie‘s review of Wooing the Farmer (Axedale, Book 3) by Jenny Frame
Contemporary Lesbian Romance published by Bold Strokes Books 12 Mar 19
I’ve had a few disappointments recently from later novels in series that I’ve initially enjoyed, including the other series I’ve been following by this author. Having said that, I enjoyed the second book in this trilogy even more than I did the first, and I was keen to see who Quade would end up with, so I grabbed the third of the Axedale books with more excitement than trepidation.
Sam McQuade, Quade to her friends, has recently been appointed assistant farm manager on the Axedale estate, taking on the role in addition to her existing duties on the farm she inherited from her aunt and uncle, where she lives with only her dog for company. Now that Quade’s best friends in Axedale, the Reverend Bridget and Countess Harry, have settled down with their respective partners, she is feeling her own single status to be rather a burden, but despairs of finding anyone suitable locally. Her attention is soon captivated, however, by a visitor to the village: a city girl in fancy clothes and a fancy sports car, and with a fancy dog in her handbag.
Penelope Huntingdon-Stewart has fled her pampered life in London because she feels stifled by her well-meaning family, who are keen to see that she doesn’t repeat the episode in which she suffered an epileptic fit on live TV. Penny has lived with epilepsy her entire life and managed to build up a successful food blog with no help from her parents or her trust fund, and with none of her fans aware of her disability, until her business partner persuaded her to forego her usual recording techniques in order to better build Penny’s brand. Now Penny is starting over with a new theme for her blog, the country kitchen, and still aiming to one day move from the internet to the networks.
Penny’s eye is quickly caught by Quade and their dogs make friends too, although Penny has to overcome her fears of the countryside’s presumed threats to her companion as well as her belief that Quade’s methods of growing vegetables are a far cry from her clean-food ethics.
I loved the way Quade is able to break down Penny’s misconceptions, while Penny also persuades Quade to sample her cooking and a little of her life away from the estate. Quade is wonderfully understanding of both Penny’s epilepsy and of the fears it has instilled in her of trusting anyone enough to allow them fully into her life – and her bedroom. It was also a treat to catch up again with the characters from the previous books, and also with Harry’s stepdaughter, and to see how life had changed for all of them since our previous visits to the village.
I wasn’t quite as charmed by this book as I was by the previous one, but it was still a delight, and I’m a little sad at the thought that there seem to be no more lesbians in Axedale who are in need of their own happy endings.
Grade: B

Cute story, well-written. I found myself constantly wanting to know what would happen next. Great, original concept and I loved the setting.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was a great read, though I highly recommend that you read the previous two books in the Axedale series before starting this one. I loved that the characters from the earlier books were a part of this one. Penny grew so much as the story went on, from self-centered and obsessed with her brand to actually opening herself up and exploring the world. Quade was a great character, and honestly, I loved the interactions with Princess and Dougal, dogs make books so much better! This was a very sweet read that I hope you enjoy.

I was excited to see this book as I'd enjoyed the author's previous works. Unfortunately this one was a bit of a letdown and I struggled to finish it. The lead characters in the author's books feel like different iterations of the same two characters, and while I love a good butch-femme read I think the characters feel a little too old-fashioned and come across as caricatures. The author's writing is very engaging - I just wish the characters were a bit more varied and contemporary.

Frame delivers a sweet, relatively uncomplicated love story.
This is a slow burn. Not slow in the sense of the characters taking their time to work out their feelings. More that there are issues holding back the intimacy as well as a genuine courting approach to romance.
What I liked about this book was that there wasn't too much angst and that some of the boundaries are quite normal.

I instantly fell in love with this book as it has relatable (and complex) characters. The book is also hilarious at times, especially due to the dynamics between Penny and Quade. Even though this book is a bit predictable, it's still a heartwarming feel-good.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44068134-wooing-the-farmer" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Wooing the Farmer" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1550626940m/44068134.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44068134-wooing-the-farmer">Wooing the Farmer</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8585317.Jenny_Frame">Jenny Frame</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2786106455">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
A nice continuation (#3) of the romantic Axedale Series but can stand alone. Main character Quade finally gets her chance at love - if only Penny wasn't so annoying. Rural settings, elite society and dogs.....The author's storylines and pair coupling makes you ponder but all is well at the end. I happen to enjoy Ms. Frame's writing style (and this one is no exception)- definitely not run-of-the-mill. Isn't real life a tad depressing some times? Escape into this plot and relax. 4 stars.<br />I rec'd a copy from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for review.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

I have had a bit of a rocky relationship with this author because I know her writing will always be great but sometimes her storyline has been a bit repetitive. This time I can honestly say that I really enjoyed this book, she stayed true to her style of writing but the slight changes that she made to her characters really made a difference.
Quaid was sweet and chivalrous without being overbearing and Penelope held onto her personality throughout the story. These two characters made for a cosy and enjoyable read

This is the first book I have read by this author and I was not disappointed. I loved this story right from the start, the booked moved at a great pace, and the author really made me feel like I was in a London countryside. After I started the book I looked up the author and found that some of the characters in this book were actually written for in 2 other books. I didn't have any problems following the story even though there were 2 other previous books, the characters in this 3rd and the story line can be read as a standalone book.
I will say though after I read this book, I ordered the other 2 just so I can read the back stories of 2 other couples. I found that this author handled the medical issue very well, it set the story as to way one of the characters was so independent. The author wrote these characters with so much depth, I can't wait to read the other 2 books that are around this setting.
I have added this author to my 'keep an eye out' for other books list, I look forward to reading more from Ms. Frame, I am such a sucker for true romantic, HEA stories.
I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this author on my own.
To see my Amazon review, it is under CC-Loved It

Wooing the Farmer is our third book trip to Axedale. Having close family in Kent, the setting is very real and familiar to me, and I was eager to read this book.
In the other books, I was intrigued by Sam McQuade and wanted her to have her own story. But this book didn't quite deliver against my expectations. The storyline was basically a good one, the supporting characters were as great as always, and the closing chapter hinted at a welcome future storyline.
However, although the book was easy to read, the stereotypes were overdone. Sam and her love interest Penelope were just too...too? Sam was excessively country bumpkin, too gentlemanly, and a bit too old-fashioned. Penelope was definitely way too femme, too much of a princess, and too pink. This spoiled the enjoyment a little for me.
So, a good four stars, but not quite five.

A story of city girl Penny and farmer Quade. I guess it is the 3rd in a series, but this is the first I've read. Did not care for this book at all and tended to skim most of it after awhile. Must admit I didn't realize the genre, so that may have thrown me a bit too. Plus I didn't like a 3o year old talking baby talk to a dog. Just seems silly and immature. Love the cover, but would not read more in this series. Not for me. but if you've read others by this author you would know what to expect and would most like enjoy it.

This is a "textbook" Jenny Frame romance. Butch/Femme as usual, but Quade is the ultimate butch and Penny is the femmiest of femmes. I really enjoyed the epilepsy angle, as it's something I can't remember coming across in any other books. I didn't love the word "fitting" used as a verb but I have a feeling that may be British term. This was the slowest of slow burns but the eventual payoff was worth it, as is typical from JF. I read Courting the Countess but somehow missed Charming the Vicar - based on other reviews here I think I need to go back and pick it up. Dougal and Princess, the fun dog couple, were a highlight as well.

This is the third book in the Axedale romance series, and I truly hope that this is not the last one. Each of the stories has two main characters who are featured again in the following book in the series. So, readers are presented with an ever-increasing circle of friends whose lives intersect.
The two love interests are Penelope Huntingdon-Stewart and Samantha McQuade. Penny comes from a very wealthy and prestigious family. However, she wants to be known for her own attributes. Penny has developed a well-recognized cooking vlog and has a huge following. In addition, she has developed a brand of healthy food products which have been placed in stores and her brand is selling well. Unfortunately, Penny has had a health setback and retreats to the country with the hopes to jump start Penny’s Kitchen.
Sam McQuade is a farmer in the country village and also the assistant estate manager of Axelrod. She has always lived in the village and has no desire to leave. Sam and Penny are complete opposites. Penny is a high-maintenance socialite femme and Sam is a good-looking butch. There is an instant attraction when they meet, but Penny and Sam have to overcome some major roadblocks.
Ms. Frame does a wonderful job of developing interesting and fun characters. As one reads her books, an instant connection with them is felt. The reader will want to learn more about their lives. The story has a very interesting plot which is interwoven from the first two books. The pace of the book is smooth flowing and keeps the reader’s interest.
One could read this book as a standalone, but I do not recommend doing so. By reading the first two books, Courting the Countess and Charming the Vicar, readers will be provided with a deeper insight into the series’ storyline.
I highly recommend this book and rate it 5 out of 5 stars.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

This is a terrific example of when opposites attract as well as the best example a of a bunch of femme relationship. Penelope Huntington -Stewart runs a very successful food blog, is famous on social media, and writes cookbooks. When she has an epileptic seizure on camera her embarrassment leads her to move back with her very famous and wealthy parents until she can heal. Once that happens she moves to a quaint English Village to do research on country living and cooking. She goes everywhere with her a little lapdog and even dresses the dog and matching outfits to her own including little doggie shoes. She makes quite the fashion statement and does not shy away from the glamorous look she presents to her public. Penny has a warm and loving family, good friends, and thousands of fans.
Sam McQuade a born and bred farmer who is most comfortable in a pair of jeans, work boots, and plaid shirts. Her home and everything about her is without frills and she has no new technology’s and is unaware of social media. Quade and her dog keep to themselves and have a few steady and good friends. Quade dreams of some day having a family and a wife but that possibility seems to allude her.
When these to meet there is an instant spark but each thing is the other is some creature from a distant planet, they are so very different from each other.
Penny is determined to be self-sufficient and independent and has a very thick wall around her heart not letting people get close to her. However several circumstances arise which demands that she seeks or at least except help. Quade by her very nature is a kind, gentle,and thoughtful person. Every time she attempts to help Penny she is rebuffed and sent away by the ice queen. Quade does not give up in her quest to help her neighbor and despite her attraction to Penny she knows that she is way out classed and has no possibility of a relationship with Penny.
This book takes several twist and turns and places Penny and Quade together leaving the reader to wonder could something more develop from the relationship. I highly recommend this book it is well written with characters that you want to love and hope that life brings them nothing but goodness.

This is the book we Axedale fanatics have been waiting for. At last Quade gets a chance at love – but the woman she has set her sights on is not going to be easy to persuade. Penelope Huntingdon-Stewart is a famous food blogger and member of one of the most famous families in Britain. She retreats to Axedale after an embarrassing and traumatising incident and is in no mood for romance. Can Quade get past that frosty exterior and win the heart of the fair maiden?
We’ve known for a long time that Quade wanted to settle down with the woman of her dreams, but she thinks no-one would want to be a farmer’s wife. She has no idea just how gorgeous she is or how appealing the rugged butch farmer vibe is. I loved seeing a new side to Quade, and the protective and caring side of her nature really came out. I also really appreciated Quade and Penny’s story interweaving with that of Harry and Annie and of Bridge and Finn. Penny is the polar opposite of Quade and that is why it worked so well. Penny’s secrets made her hold Quade at arms’s length but when the wooing started it was sweet and tender. But hey, this is a Jenny Frame book, so there were also the most delicious hot and sexy scenes that we have come to expect.
Jenny Frame writes the most amazing characters and this whole series is a masterpiece. But where she excels is in writing butch lesbians. Quade is the ultimate butch and she is a dream. I can’t imagine anyone being able to resist falling in love with this particular ‘Sexy Farmer’. Every time I read a Jenny Frame book I think it’s the best ever, but time and again she surprises me. She has surpassed herself with ‘Wooing the Farmer’.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books to review.