Member Reviews
Obviously, I’ve read the first few Anne novels, though I always end up stalling out when she gets older and has kids, but I’ve never read anything else by L.M. Montgomery. I’m not sure why but I had the feeling they wouldn’t really be for me, which is nonsense sense I love the early Anne books because they’re the best.
<i>The Blue Castle</i>'s a bit strange in some ways, but there was a lot that I really liked about it, and it even gave me a new story idea. While it is a romance technically, it’s not focused on that aspect. <i>The Blue Castle</i> really centers on Valancy’s character arc, which honestly feels like a coming of age, even though she’s already 29 at the start of the book.
At 29, Valancy’s single and never come close even to not being that way. She lives with her mother and an annoying aunt, and she’s basically become the whole nosy extended family’s favorite joke. All this Valancy has borne with kindness, escaping into her dream world. However, when Valancy sees a doctor secretly about a heart problem and discovers she’s going to die within a year, she decides it’s time to start living for herself.
Normally, I’d be checking out about the time the main character found out they would be facing death, but that’s actually when this book really came alive. Valancy, who has been such a pushover up to that point, starts sassing everyone back and it’s everything. She gets a job, she flirts with the bad boy, and she makes everything happen for herself. The whole book is testament to what happens when you are your true self and go after what you want, rather than trying to be what other people want you to be.
The romance is rather sweet, but it’s really only one example of the way that Valancy is changing and how she has altered her life. It’s frustrating in the end to see her make a bad call, but it’s also very understandable given where she started. Her emotional journey was powerful, and it’s still not a narrative I see much in fiction, so, despite obviously being antiquated in language, the book felt fresh.
While this isn’t at the level of <i>Anne of Green Gables</i> for me, <i>The Blue Castle</i> will definitely stick with me, and I suspect I’ll read it again sometime.
I first read The Blue Castle as a teenager (now quite long ago!) and I didn't get into it very well (I think I was expecting something more along the lines of Montgomery's more famous works for children). I read it again as an adult and loved it - I love Valency's drive for independence, and Barney's quiet companionship. This is definitely a fantastic slow-burn, quiet romance that feels much more modern than it should!
The Blue Castle is one of the best of L.M. Montgomery's prolific career. Reading this book is like sipping a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day - comforting and heart-warming. Valency sets out to experience life in this hopeful and uplifting tale where Valency grows from an awkward and unwanted dreamer into a confident and determined woman.