Member Reviews

An encouraging and insightful book for those experiencing grief, or for those sitting with the dying. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to review this.

Yes, a free copy was received and thus my review.
"I know of no one more qualified to write this book than Eddie Sharp. I've seen him walk everything he talks in these pages. He brings experience, compassion, and wisdom to this critical conversation. But most of all, Eddie's thoughts on death and grief replace simplistic platitudes with a gospel big enough to embrace pain, mystery, and hope. Read and be blessed. I was."
Rick Atchley, Senior Teaching Minister, The Hills Church
I thought this quote was the best way to describe a book written in a time of "Joy for Jesus" and God is all about our happiness, here in the bleak landscape of writing a book a month it seems comes pages of ministry on how we are to minister in tough times.
Learn how to be a blessing to others instead of worrying about being blessed all the time.