Member Reviews

This was such a lovely light hearted read that I thoroughly enjoyed. A step away from my usual crime and psychological thrillers but a book that gave me a lovely feel good factor.

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Unfortunately, I was unable to read this book due to a formatting issue.

My review is based on the blurb.

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Lizzie Lovall had always admired the mill on Magnolia Lane when she drove past with her dad. They conjured up plans of how they would buy and restore it, but sadly their ideas never came to fruition. Lizzie’s dad died leaving her steeped in grief and having no idea where her life was going. Until she decides to buy the mill, on her own, and start to rebuild it.

Living alone in a caravan, next to a run down windmill, seemed like a good idea at first, but soon Lizzie’s life gets far more complicated. She meets a gorgeous architect called Jude, but his ex-girlfriend Harriet is still on the scene and Lizzie can’t understand why. With complicated family problems arising and finances stretched to the limit, Lizzie wonders if her decision was the right one.

This was just the escapism I needed. There is the perfect balance of heartwarming moments and emotional issues, with characters who are diverse and relatable. The story is about rebuilding, not just the mill, but also life after loss, relationships, friendship, and family. A really enjoyable read.

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I enjoyed this story very much.

Lizzie decides that she is going to restore an old mill but she has no clue what she is in for! Between a gorgeous man just down the road (who has an annoying ex but an adorable little brother), her mother losing the plot and her sister moving in with her, she has her hands full. And then her step-mothers house burns down....

This is one complicated novel in terms of things going wrong for just about all the characters in the book at one time or another, but it just works, somehow. I am glad I am not Lizzie though, I have the feeling I would be heading for some very quiet outpost somewhere just so I could hear myself think!

I didn't think Harriet was a very nice person, so that speaks to the author's skill in writing that I got emotionally involved enough to think that, doesn't it? Despite her efforts to smooth things over with Lizzie, I never quite believed her. Cynical, me.

Anyway, I give this book 4.5 stars. My apologies for taking so long to read it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture.

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It’s been a long time coming to have the opportunity to read ‘The Mill on Magnolia Lane’ and I have to say it was well worth the wait!

The feelings I got within the first few chapters were Lizzie’s determination and positivity bursting from the pages as she makes the huge and risky decision to purchase a run down mill. It’s not even habitable so she has to then purchase a caravan to live in whilst the building works are carried out. We meet the adorable Charlie who is the younger brother of the gorgeous Jude. Lizzie is certainly taken by this lovely fella but what will happen between them?

Lizzie’s sister Gracie then arrives at the mill with some drama of her own along with their stepmother Florentina and their mother Gwendolyn. As you can imagine there’s friction all over the place but will Lizzie get her main goal of the Mill up and running!?! I totally urge you to pick up this jam packed story full of love, drama, friendship, complicated relationships and of course family! ❤️

When I had the opportunity to pick up my kindle to read ‘The Mill on Magnolia Lane’ I flew through the pages and was gutted when I had to put it back down. Life kind of got in the way a bit more than usual, so it took me longer to read than I thought but that’s ok as I didn’t want it to end anyway! Tilly’s writing is full of very interesting characters and I loved how she even portrayed Charlie as he is autistic, he was my favourite as he was just so lovable and funny. I can’t wait to pick up another Tilly Tennant book very soon!! I give ‘The Mill on Magnolia Lane’ 4*/5* 😊

Thank you to Bookouture for an advanced copy of this book via Netgalley.

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I have never failed to LOL at a Tilly Tennant book and this one is no exception! I love her characters, settings, and humor!

**OMG! I cannot believe that these reviews haven't been done! I am so sorry they are so late!!!**

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I have been wanting to read Tilly Tennant's work for quite some time and this one did not disappoint! I so enjoyed getting to meet Lizzie, Jude, Charlie and all the other characters. The characters were complex, multi-dimensional and so likable. The book had just the amount of twists and turns making it anything but a predictable story. I loved watching the characters grow and develop throughout the story. Tilly's writing style was very enjoyable and had me staying up late at night turning pages. I definitely can't wait to get my hands on another of her novels!

Thank you to Bookouture for an advanced reader copy via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lovely cover that drew me to the book. The book was lovely. A feel good read perfect for this time of year lazing on holiday or in the garden. It was easy to read and well written. Great read

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A great read that I enjoyed.
The plot is one that can be easily followed but has you totally captivated so that it is very hard to put down.
Relate able characters creates a great reading experiences.

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A highly enjoyable novel! The characters were fun and very realistic and while there was a romance in this novel, I loved that it focused much more on the family relationship between siblings, parents and step parents. A perfectly lighthearted summer read!

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I am a big fan of Tilly Tennant yet I was unable to get into this book. I really wanted to. I can understand Lizzie’s obsession with the mill but I became bored and had to give up just about a quarter into the book. I still look forward to check out other books by the author.

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Good read.
Enjoy books by Tilly
Thanks for the opportunity to read the book
Definitely look out for her next book

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I was shocked by this latest offering as it seems like a completely different type of book to the ones Tilly usually writes but I absolutely loved it. I admit in the beginning it seemed a little slow but I realise now there was somewhat of a build up describing The Mill and Lizzie’s new place she was living in. Following the death of her Father Lizzie takes a leap of faith in buying the old mill and has dreams of returning it to it’s former glory. At first it seems Lizzie bumps into and falls for her neighbour Jude and if I am honest I figured this would be a typical love story etc and I would get bored. Well, luckily for me this wasn’t the case and in all honesty Jude was just an addition to the story.

What actually transpires is an emotional journey of not just Lizzie but all the women in her life. The story is centered around her working on the Mill, but in reality we get to explore her journey alongside her sister Gracie, her Mother Gwendolyn and her stepmother Florentina. I ploughed through this book in two sittings and finished it with a feeling that this was a rather refreshing and slightly different book to her usual offerings (not that they are bad, because they most certainly aren’t). I absolutely loved it and although the story came to a nice conclusion I would love to revisit all of these women and see what happens to them further down the road.

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When you read a Tilly Tennant book, you know you're in for a fabulous read.
Fun is what you're going to get.
Lizzie, loses her role model, larger-than -life Dad. They had the best times together and he'd always say he was going to buy the old,run down mill om Magnolia but it never came to fruition.
As a way to honor his memory she buys the Mill on Magnolia.
Restoring the mill is taking longer and is so much more costly than she has anticipated.
Her neighbors are so sweet, Jude and his younger, special needs brother who is everyone's best friend.
Jude, he's oh so tempting, but his ex-girlfriend Harriet is not making it easy when she arrives back on the scene. Lovely, feel good book.

Published April 4th 2019 by Bookouture.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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This is your typical boy meets girl, girl meets boy, kind of story with lots of to-ing and fro-ing thrown in. I liked the premise of this book but sadly I didn’t like the characters very much. Unfortunately they just didn’t come across likeable enough for me and there were times when I found different relationships quite annoying. However, like I said at the start, I did like the premise of the book and I enjoyed following Lizzie on her new journey. Despite all the negatives, I would still read another book by Tilly Tennant.

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This is a heartwarming book based on love and family relationships
This book made me want to move to the. Country and live a rural life.
Another brilliant book by this author

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With thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC, the book was most enjoyable.
This was an easy to read enjoyable story about the restoration of a mill back to working order and about relationships old and new..

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The Mill on Magnolia Lane was a great book. I have yet to find a book by Tilly Tennant that I have yet to enjoy and this book was no exception I loved it. I hope there is a sequel as I’d love to revisit The Mill again.

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A light, frothy beach read. So fun and sweet!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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A lovely story of a family dream and them all becoming closer through hard work, tragedy and new beginnings. A feel good tale with tears of happiness and sadness along the way.....

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