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Literary Places by Sarah Baxter: I will recommend this title through Readers’ Advisory, book clubs, and events and my library. My Library has purchased a copy of the book to be add to the collection. I did not submit this book to LibraryReads.

The tautology of describing a character as "Naïve ingénue Lucy", and mixing up Joyce's 'Ulysses' with his 'Finnegans Wake' - it's the latter which is considered the most unreadable book in literature - as well as the confusion between interred and interned, mean that this book could probably have benefited from an editor.
The concept is alluring; pick 25 of the cities or other places represented in world literature and describe how we can return to the scenes of the books. Paris of Victor Hugo was a stinking, crowded, dark city; the modernisation swept away many streets and created those wide boulevards, too big to barricade. But some of the locations can still be found. Similarly, Florence of A Room With A View is still a warm, scented, cultured contrast with an English city, while Naples still has the mafia and backdrop of Vesuvius experienced in M'Amica Geniale or My Brilliant Friend. The Spanish mountains of For Whom The Bell Tolls are still available for walkers. Yes, we can go and visit, even time travel. Dickens' London, Austen's Bath. Mahfouz's Cairo, Gordimer's Soweto, Hosseini's Kabul, Twain's Mississippi.
We get a little of the life of each author, and where they are buried, in case we'd like to visit the tomb / grave. Some authors later became controversial. Quite a few are Nobel laureates, or Booker winners, or similar. This may have been a standard used for selection. Because of this, you could also take the book as a guide to a list of literature to read and cross off, in order to be well-read and well travelled. I haven't read all the books. And confession time: I had presumed that The Catcher in The Rye was about a farming community. Rye fields. Apparently it's set in New York City. I had never heard anything about this book that made me interested in reading it. After this summary, I definitely am not interested, and I still don't know where the rye comes in. I did read Harper Lee's book aged 12, and I was fascinated to find how much of the action I could retrace today.
The account I enjoyed most in this book is how scholars puzzled out clues from Don Quixote to recreate the journeys of the book across La Mancha, where today we can see museums, plazas with statues of characters and a preserved farmhouse. The illustrations are simplistic and, as described at the back of the book, bright and bold. The idea is to capture the essence of each locale rather than to reproduce faithfully. I could not see all of them in my e-ARC but I enjoyed the pictures I did see.
I downloaded an e-ARC from Net Galley. This is an unbiased review.

An interesting book, especially to anyone that reads a great deal. I was really taken with the illustrations of the setting of the various book stories and back history of the locations. I was intrigued at what would be included on the story of hanging rock, as I lived for over 30years at Macedon, and found it very factual. The rock is a very spiritual place and one can feel it when wandering through the area.
Enjoyed the book, and my travel within the places I have read about.

Literary Places makes for a perfect coffee table book as Sarah Baxter takes you on an enlightening journey through the key locations of literature’s best and brightest authors, movements and moments.
With short chapters, comprehensive research and beautiful illustrations, Baxter outlines of the history and culture of 25 literary places around the globe including the wild Yorkshire moors from Wuthering Heights to Lucy's romantic Florence in A Room with a View and the languid backwaters of Arundhati Roy’s Kerala.
A perfect book to dip in and out of, I got lost in the wonder and culture of each place which for most resulted in me going back and re-reading the original book or dreaming of visiting the locations for myself.
I'll definitely be checking out Baxter's Spiritual Places, and look forward to what will come next in the Inspired Traveller’s Guides.

This book has very nice illustrated maps and has a lot of great stories and details. I did like that. The format was a bit too much for me, would be great in a version that is designed for multiple short reads.

This book is the perfect combination of two things I love - travel and reading. After reading it I’ve added lots of new places to my want to go here list.

This is a beautiful and interesting book. If you are interested in books, reading and learning more about the places of literary works this is a great book. The illustrations going with each one are works of art with some summary of the location including a few details of the story and more. It really is interesting for any reader that likes learning more about books or inspired by more details featured in books. You'll find a variety of classic book literary places inside this book.

Less a travel guide and more a coffee table book, Baxter entertains her readers with charming short texts about the places where major literary works are set. We hear about the meaning of those places in the context of the stories, but also in real life - but these are no elaborate or even scientific examinations, mind you, but small vignettes that intend to evoke an atmosphere. The effect is supported by lovely drawings by Amy Grimes that dominate the whole book.
The "literary places" and their respective books are:
Paris, "Les Misérables"
Dublin, "Ulysses"
Florence, "A Room With a View"
Naples, "My Brilliant Friend"
Berlin, "Berlin Alexanderplatz"
Nordland, "Growth of the Soil"
St. Petersburh, "Crime and Punishment"
Sierra de Guadarrama, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
La Mancha, "Don Quixote"
Davos, "The Magic Mountain"
Bath, "Northanger Abbey" & "Persuasion"
London, "Oliver Twist"
Yorkshire Moors, "Wutherin Heights"
Cairo, "Palace Walk"
Soweto, "Burger's Daughter"
Kerala, "The God of Small Things"
Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), "The Quiet American"
Kabul, "The Kite Runner"
Hanging Rock, "Picnic at Hanging Rock"
New York, "The Catcher in the Rye"
Monterey, "Cannery Row"
Mississippi River, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Monroeville, "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Cartagena, "Love in the Time of Cholera"
Chile, "The House of the Spirits"
Full disclosure: My epub ARC expired before I could read the whole thing, but I think I got a decent impression of the book.

This is perfect for fans of literature and travel. This is book is the perfect companion on your travels sharing with you the literary background of well-known or lesser well-known places.

The essays about books and places they inhabit were truly evocative, enticing me not only to read those books (again if I'd already read them!) but to visit those places myself. Suggested works are also great substitutes for people not able, for various reasons, to visit those cities and landscapes. I am sure the authoress had a very difficult task to select only twenty-five essays among so many good books/places. There are so many great books set in various locations, but she had to choose only a few, that had to be spread across the globe. I liked the selection and wished for more when I came to the end. Thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read the book.

The predominant appeal of this book by far are the illustrations. They are gorgeous and unique. Sarah Baxter brings twenty-five well known literary settings to life. Each offering the reader both a visually pleasing and informative experience. I would love to own this one as a coffee-table book!

Love the idea of setting the scene of the time well know novels were set/written. When reading I felt transported back to the time, the detail in each place is enough to make you feel a part of it.

A well researched, illustrated look at the places that we've all grown up reading about. It is a nice mix of history, travel, and literature from Paris to Chile. Great for people who enjoy travel fiction or iconic classics.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my review, but all opinions are my own.

I was not able to download this book correctly, so I was not able to read it.The subject of the book was very appealing and I was disappointed in not being able to read the story. I will look for this book when it is actually published.

Take a trip with Sarah Baxter through some of the most famous novels and explore the locations they are set in.
From the classics like "Les Miserables" and "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" to modern classics like "My Brilliant Friend", you're sure to recognise some of your most loved scenes in literary history.
Although I personally have not read many of these books, I found the level of research that went into each book's location very thorough.
I liked the fact that she chose a wide spectrum of books dating from the 1800's to the present time.
She describes what the places look like at the time the novel was written, what the socio-economic and political conditions were like. She shows how the location influences the lead character and becomes a central character to the story.
She also shares background information on the author that influences at times their writing and choice of location and story development.
I loved the illustrations - nice and bright and cheerful. And they manage to convey something of the book's location. The maps were also a quaint addition - although not "accurate" in the sense of conventional maps, they gave extra character.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me the chance to read this book.

As an avid reader and traveller, I loved this book even before I started it. What a great concept! I loved how the author, Sarah Baxter, selected her locations based on novel settings. I loved the variety and familiarity of the locations and literary works chosen. I also thought that the writing and descriptions where charming. Each chapter was.a delight to read but too short. Unlike other reviewers, I was not as taken by the illustrations. They were cute but I found myself longing for photographs. This is a great companion for any literature lover.

I'm not sure what the intent of this book is... Is it a coffee table book? Is it a means to discover new books tied to geography? Is it a travel guide? I think some clarification of this would be useful.
Also this really should not be read as an Ebook on a newsprint only device - the illustrations need to be in colour to be fully appreciated. On the topic of the illustrations they are sweetly rendered, but only a few of them are really tied to specific places and induce wanderlust or nostalgia.
I also felt this was very short. The author's other writings include "A History of the World in 500 Walks" and "A History of the World in 500 Railway Journeys" but we only get a few handfuls of books? That's disappointing to booklovers who will have heard of if not read most of the works included in this collection (thus my wondering about if this volume is meant to introduce us to new books or not).
Also certain countries seemed over-represented whereas some continents really seem under-represented. 3 books and cities for England, 2 books and cities for Italy, 2 books and cities for Spain, and 4 books and cities for the US. Where are the books from South East Asian Countries, from New Zealand, from Canada, from Portuguese nations?!
The titles are also quite dated for the most part (or perhaps I should call them part of the established literary cannon - is that better?); 1 title from the 17th century (Don Quixote), 6 from the 19th, 16 from the 20th (mostly early to mid 20th century) and only 2 from the 21st century. Some of the titles and their descriptions definitely tantalized me, and got me excited to travel to these places; however I fear that that several hundred years after publication these descriptions for the most part don't hold up. Also the political and social climates described therein don't really capture the 'feeling' of the place, I feel like it either had to be all 21st century across the board or all historical/classics, not a mash up.
And just to be nit picky only 8 of the 25 author's are women. Women definitely have written books in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries that could have been included!
All in all: it's a fun, cutesy read, but I wish there was more of it and more diversity.

Sarah Baxter’s Literary Places is an interesting and easy read that takes you to famous literary locations and the novels that immortalized them. Each concise entry is accompanied by Amy Grimes’ charming full-colour illustrations. However, I wish that there was much more diversity because Baxter mostly focused on Europe and North America. Moreover, if you’re hoping for more details and want a more traditional travel guide, this isn’t the book for you.
The book takes you through twenty-five places, including The God of Small Things’ Kerala to the Yorkshire Moors of Wuthering Heights and The Catcher in the Rye’s New York. Each brief section features easy-to-read but engaging writing. Baxter includes interesting and relevant history on each place as well as a simple summary of each novel. I’m excited to check out Naguib Mahfouz’ Palace Walk and Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain because the descriptions sparked my interest.
But, the book is sorely lacking in diversity. I was hoping to discover new literary locations in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. I also wanted more non-white authors. Baxter mostly focused on white authors in North America and Europe. The book would be more interesting if more novels from diverse authors and different continents were included.
Each location is accompanied by Grimes’ full-colour illustrations. These simple but effective pictures are lovely and softly coloured. I particularly like the depictions in the Monterey and Kerala sections. However, some pictures needed to be more relevant to each section because they felt too generic.
The book is a succinct introduction to these literary places. It made me want to research the books, authors, and fascinating locations. It also definitely inspired me to consider traveling to these wonderful locations. However, I’m hesitant to call this book a travel guide simply because it does not provide enough details.
Literary Places is a great read which introduces you to famous literary locations. The full-colour illustrations are lovely. However, I wish some pictures were more specific to each location and that the book was much more diverse and included more authors and locations from around the world. But, I enjoyed this book. I hope Baxter and Grimes release another more detailed collection soon. If you love reading about novels, fascinating locations, or are just looking for a light and pretty read, check this book out!
Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group - White Lion Publishing for this book in exchange for an honest review.
📖 📖 📖 books out of 5!

A book that discusses places that have been in classic literature, and also the works that get such esteemed settings. You don't really learn a lot about either the books or the sites, although many spoilers still get shoe-horned in. Obviously it's on a hiding to nothing to summarise both Paris AND Les Mis in three pages, but having that first and foremost is a sign this book can't quite achieve what it wants. It's better with, say, the link-up of Dublin and Joyce's writing, mapping out Crime and Punishment, or discussing how Cannery Row the book changed Cannery Row the place. When not literally providing a chart of locations the artwork is a little too disposable, giving the volume a feel of a trivial pocket guide with aspirations of becoming a coffee-table book.

Sophie’s next book was Literary Places by Sarah Baxter, a look at the real world locations that inspired and became integral parts of many classic novels. Each short chapter explores a given location and novel, tying real locations to fictional events or looking at the real buildings that inspired fictional variations.
Literary Places travels all over the world, from New York to Cairo, the Yorkshire Moors to Kabul, London to the Australian Outback. Each of the novels selected is intrinsically linked to its location and could not be transplanted elsewhere. Ulysses could not take place outside of turn-of-the-20th-Century Dublin, nor could Les Miserables take place outside 19th Century Paris, or To Kill a Mockingbird outside the American south in the 1930s.
In the book, Baxter gives a brief overview of the novels she is discussing, then takes us on a short tour of the places that inspired it, pointing out landmarks that can be visited should you wish to take a pilgrimage. This is interspersed with illustrations by Amy Grimes whose bright and bold style helps capture the feel of these varied places. Sophie felt these descriptions were a little short and vague at times, often surprising her by their abrupt endings. This is very much a picture postcard look at these places, not a detailed essay.
Because Literary Places focuses heavily on the so-called Western Canon, the authors featured are not exactly diverse. While authors from around the world are included, of the 25 books featured in this volume, 17 were written by men, and 23 by white people. Books located in Europe account for more than 50% of the total too with the Continents of Africa and South America only covered by two titles each.
Sophie felt that while Literary Places has a great concept, it could have benefited by delving deeper and expanding its horizons a little further.