Member Reviews

I loved the first short story and was so disappointed that it was a short story and not the whole comic! I really wanted to know more about the characters and their past and present relationship.

Oni press always with the best graphic novels!
This time with Dream Daddy, based on the game Dream Daddy that is actually a dream just like this GN!
Funny, with good art and story.
Such a nice read to pass the time, enjoying yourself and laughing a bit. You can't help but fall in love with every other character!

I did enjoy this graphic novel, especially the artwork. However, I definitely did not like all the stories. For me it was very confusing to jump from one story to the next without really having an ending. I just had a really hard time comprehending what was going on. Had the artwork not been this great, I think I would have given it 2/2.5 stars.

Thank you Netgalley and publisher
Title .... love! Cover love!!
Happy LGBTQ. Love love love. Funny and sweet story. Great comic artwork. Loved it.

The reason why I requested this book is because I played the game - and loved it. The book, while not needed to understand the game, is still a lovely insight into the dream dads, and each character is dealt with lovingly.

Cute collection of stories with great art! I particularly enjoyed "Much Abird About Nothing" and the title of the D&D one, "Dungeons & Daddies."
I'll have to check out the video game.

I get that this is meant to be kind of a slice-of-life following the various different characters, but I honestly just found it boring. The fact that the art style doesn't match was also pretty jarring... (and yes, I realise they were made by different artists, but still)

I'm unfamiliar with the Dream Daddy game, but still enjoyed this comics. I really liked that there were different drawing styles. As for the stories themselves, I would probably have enjoyed them more if I had played the game. Though it was a quick introduction in the Dream Daddy world, and I enjoyed it.

Having never fully played Dream Daddy (though I know the concept and the general gameplay), I was pleasantly surprised by the contents of the short stories contained in the graphic novel adaptation. The stories focused on the dads of the game, but while the game made a play of having the user-generated dad date one of the seven dads, the Dream Daddy graphic novel turns the focus to the different personalities of the dateable dads. You get a chance to see the dads as they are with their kids, at their jobs, or just plain having fun. What I enjoyed in particular was that while the book was not without romance, most of the issues focused on inter-personal issues with the dads, such as competition using their children or one targeting another over a misunderstanding. I especially appreciated, as someone who hadn't actually played the game, that I could still understand the different personalities of the dads and grow to appreciate them individually. However, I didn't give this a super high rating because there were certain aspects that I felt closed off from (such as some of the kids' personalities) becuase I hadn't played the game before reading the book.

I decided to give this a shot because comic and dating dads. What I got was a comic and dads, most of whom were not overtly dating. I enjoyed the first comic the most out of all of them. I liked the story, the characters and the artwork.
I wasn't expecting different artists for each comic, so the difference in art styles was a little jarring and felt a little disjointed when characters in common from story to story looked vastly different.
If the title didn't say Dating, I am not sure I would have gotten a romantic vibe from most of these stories. And they were all fairly short so there is no real arc to the storylines.
You may enjoy this more if you are familiar with the game, which I am not, but even without the game it was still a quick read with some enjoyable parts.

I've been interested in the video game ever since I heard about it - it did not dissapoint, neither did this. First notice is that the book might be an easier read if reader has former knowledge of/have played the game, though I'd need the opinion of someone who hasn't yet played it to be sure.
Really liked the DnD story. Also, the introduction of new dads, as to way of for the lack of the player character. I reckon that was a good choice character-wise.
Overall, it's just a bucn of lovely stories concerning friends and family supporting eachother, featuring several beautiful art styles.
Cheers to Netgalley for a free copy for my honest opinion !

I haven’t played Dream Daddy yet which is honestly a huge crime on my behalf because I want too and I just??? I don’t even have an excuse.
So when I saw the graphic novel up for request I knew I could at least consume this.
Having not played the game I can say that I still thoroughly enjoyed these stories; which y’know is pretty fab given I don’t read contemporary that often.
Each of the 5 stories was sweet and soft, and one even had some sneaky almost supernatural elements which was obviously my favourite of the lot.
Also, if this wasn’t clear from the cover, title or synopsis its very very queer and diverse.
Each story opens with its own full page art title which are FAB and greatly enjoyed.
And I really enjoyed how each story works amazingly on its own, and take place in different stages of relationships.
The first was very much the early bonding turning into a crush stage, which was so lovely!
I definitely found myself “awwing” out loud.
Some of the stories focused more on relationships with the children which were also very sweet and allowing the reader to get a better understanding of their personalities.
& we also get a story where all the Dads work together to help one of them advertise the workplace. It was lovely and got showcase all the characters skills to make the best of a temporarily bad situation.
The last story I wanted to talk about was another team building one as the Dads play Dungeons & Dragons, was very fun to see how this unfolded.
Plus we get to see them as their DND characters too!
I really enjoyed this GN and its definitely reminded me that I need to go and pick up the game next sale.

I was provided this graphic novel (as an advanced reader copy) by NetGalley. All views expressed in this review are my own.
I wanted to pick up the Dream Daddy graphic novels (yes, plural as I originally read each separately on my kindle) due to the fact that I played and truly enjoyed the video game of the same name, which I believe was developed by Game Grumps. If you are trying to decide whether to read the graphic novel or play the game first, I highly recommend that you play the game before reading; while it is possible for the graphic novel to stand on its own, it is mostly an add-on to the game to give those who played and enjoyed the game some extra fun stories involving the characters.
Overall, I think that "Dream Daddy" is very enjoyable, especially having played the game. It gave me more scenes to enjoy, which I did, but I did enjoy the game more (I definitely recommend you play the game after reading this if you haven't already! It's so fun and corny and cute!). My absolute favorite thing to see in this graphic novel was that each story/issue had a different art style that worked perfectly with the theme of that particular story. It was also lovely to see how the characters could be represented differently across the different art styles while still remaining inherently the same.
I rated the first story "Much Abird About Nothing" 5 Stars. I really liked that it wasn't just a story featuring the romance-able dads (as the other stories are) but the main character of the game is the focus of this story. I gave stories 2-4, 4 Stars each, and I gave the final story 3 Stars. Overall, I would rate this collection 4 Stars, because it was a fun read. If you're looking for a deep graphic novel with an important message, this probably isn't the one for you. It definitely works as a supplemental work to the game, which I believe would be its intended purpose; however, I do think you could read this with no knowledge of the game and still enjoy it, but might be a bit confused at moments.

I was given the opportunity to evaluate this graphic novel by Leighton Gray; Vernon Shaw prior to its release. My evaluation of the book is in no way shaped by the publisher, but I am grateful for the opportunity to evaluate this book.
I opted to read this book based purely on the cover of the book with little to no information about the book or its source content at all. The book includes a number of short stories about gay dads and their children. However, the book itself is actually an extension of an online video game Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator. The graphic novelization of the video game takes some of the more popular characters from the video game and provides short stories about the "dream daddies." The book itself is really quaint and not at all what I expected based on other LGBTQIA graphic novels I've seen centered around similar themes. If I was providing this book an MPAA rating, it's borderline G/PG. Nothing in the book would be seen as overly controversial except for the issue of same-sex parenting and dating.

*ARC was provided by Oni Press through NetGalley.
So I knew what Dream Daddy was going in to this, but at the same time, I haven't played the game. I thought this was pretty cute but kind of wanted more, and that might have not been the case had I played the game beforehand.
Out of the five short stories, Much Abird About Nothing was easily my favorite - I really loved how cute it was and wanted to see storylines with more depth in this collection. The artwork was also my favorite out of all of the stories.
The others - Let the Right Dad In, Dream Ad-y, Fair Deal and Dungeons & Daddies - were all fun, but generally on the light side. I feel like I didn't get as good of a grasp on the characters here, since it was mostly hijinks compared to the first story's emotion.
Overall, this was cute, and I will pick up the game at some point, but this isn't pushing me to get it like, right now.

I don't think I'm the target audience for this, as I'd never heard of Dream Daddy before this showed up on my Net Galley shelves. I enjoyed it, though -- 3.5 stars that I'd round up to 4 (because I don't really have anything overly negative to say about it).
I thought the art was very good and very clear. I enjoyed the dialogue and the comic-book/graphic-book feel. I got a sense of the various characters, as well. I think the main thing missing for me was the romance -- as in, there really wasn't any. There were a couple of hints here and there, but it basically read like a 'day in the life' for a bunch of dads. So fine and mildly entertaining but nothing to write home about. ;) (I did enjoy the humor, though, and I thought the artists and writers conveyed that nicely.)

First, I have heard of the game Dream Daddy, and am familiar with the Game Grumps, but alas, I have never played. I feel that leaves me at a (very slight) disadvantage because I feel like I haven't had the chance to get to know the characters like people who have played the game obviously have. That being said, it wasn't totally confusing, although it was clear that the characters and their relationships had already been established.
This is basically a collection of slice-of-life stories--which I adore--that are funny and quirky. The characters are silly in the best way and the situations entertaining. It's single dads navigating fatherhood and adult life as...single dads. Lots of humor, a little romance, plenty of cuteness. The artwork is great and the storytelling very good. My favorite of the stories, by far, is the Dungeons & Daddies. It's a beautiful disaster! I would definitely pay for a copy of this. I hope the stories continue!

Based off of a game with a massive and hilarious cult following, this definitely managed to keep the same feel as the game.

This is a fun companion to the game of the same name. There are a number of separate but equally fun stories in this. Each of the stories has a slightly different feel and art style but they all work together within the volume. This is a nice graphic novel compendium.

As a huge fan of Game Grumps and Dream Daddy the videogame, I was so excited to see a graphic novel version of Dream Daddy with new stories. The stories are cute, the artwork is adorable, and you'll be left feeling all warm and cuddly inside after reading them. In Dream Daddy, a new dad moves to Maple Bay (whom you play in the video game) and, as a single dad, tries to romance the other hot dads in town. We get to learn a little bit about the other dads in this graphic novel through five new stories with each story having different (yet all amazing) artwork. I loved that at the end of the graphic novel there were short interviews with Leighton Gray, Vernon Shaw, and others who worked on the graphic novel. I cannot wait to see more from the Game Grumps team!
Much thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for the ARC!