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Dream Daddy, by Leighton Gray, Vernon Shaw
128 Pages

This is just so stupidly cute that I don't have the words for it. Adorable, sometimes sexy, and really cute illustrations abound. The stories are short, sweet, and totally fun from start to finish.
I'll admit that I'm not a player of the game, hadn't even heard of it really, so I had to take a single star off my rating because there were some connections/characters I didn't quite follow that I thought maybe I should have been able to. But, it was adorable from page one to the end, and I didn't expect it to be so YA friendly and cute. I was expecting hotness galore, but I'm really glad it wasn't. Just sweet romance stories, mostly about the relationships between single dad's who hang out, them and their kids, and their kids hanging out with each other. More than I could have asked for.

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I really liked how light-hearted and fun this graphic novel was. I also really liked how we got to see the individual stories of all the Dad's, and then at the end have them all come together. It was cute, fun, colourful and enjoyable!

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I really enjoyed revisiting the characters from the game. This was a fun book of short stories; some read like fan fiction and others were prequels of how the characters became friends.

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This collection of comics, based off the popular online game of the same name, are fun, humorous, and incredibly sweet. The range of stories from slice of life family drama like SCIENCE FAIR to more fantastical Dungeon and Dragons send up by different authors offered a fresh variety. Great for fans of the original game and readers looking for a bit of fluff and fun.

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A must-read for any fans of the Dream Daddy game!

This was absolutely adorable, hilarious, and so heart-warming. It follows the different dads of Dream Daddy - sometimes in relationships with one another, sometimes as rivals or friends - and is unapologetically diverse, queer as hell, and gorgeous, to boot. I love Dream Daddy so I was absolutely ecstatic to see this graphic novel's existence, and I'll definitely be purchasing a finished copy for my shelves when it releases!

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Dream Daddy is a dating video game where you, as the dad player, date other hot dads in your neighbourhood, and this spin-off comic tells five stories set within the game universe. As someone who loves the concept but hasn't played the game I could follow the stories fine but think I would have got a lot more from them if I already knew the characters. For example one of the characters is a trans guy but I only found this out from reading the afterword.

I really liked the cover and story art from big comics names like Kris Anka, but found the writing in a couple of the stories a bit weak, and had been expecting more romance when several of the stories are more just general japes.

Dream Daddy is a sweet read and great concept and I'd enjoy seeing more comic stories in this series, though perhaps with some tighter storytelling.

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I never played the Dream Daddy game, so I'm not sure I'm the right audience for this, but I didn't get the hype. There was little to no romance in these stories, just as soon as you care about the characters, it's the end of the episode and it's onto another story. The change in art styles was pretty jarring lacked cohesiveness which made it difficult to really get into the stories. Overall, I was just not a fan.

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Dream Daddy comic anthology is inspired by Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator game, which I personally enjoy and love playing. Anthology consists of five different stories, centred around your favorited Daddies from Maple Bay, created by variety of different authors and illustrators, also including an introduction and bonus commentary by game co-creators, Leighton Gray and Vernon Shaw. Stories tell backstories and new adventures of all the dads, their children and other side characters.

First, I'd like to say I loved this comic series for its diversity and differences. Each illustrator brings something new into the story they worked on, such as unique art style and character portrayal. My personal favorites were first and second story (Much Abird About Nothing, Let the Right Dad In), including two of my favorite Dads, Damien and Craig, but I enjoyed all of them to their fullest. Storywise, authors tried their best to stay close to the original game and to Dads' personalities. I think they did a pretty awesome job with that.

Secondly, I'd love to appreaciate character development and relationships in this anthology. I was quite surprised there was not a big focus on romance. Authors rather focused on friendship between Daddies and their interactions, which in my case, I preffered. Some of them are pretty funny fellas and it was a blast to read about it.

I'd highly recommend this anthology for both game players and the ones who didn't play the game. Sure, would be better if you did because of the characters but I think you can still enjoy this comics without previous knowledge. If not for the story, then at least for the art and half dressed daddies.

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Disclaimer: received through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I have to first say that I have no played the Dream Daddy game personally, though I have seen quite a few people playing it and I do own it. It looks amazing - just a bunch of queer dads living their best life - but normally when I set down to play a game I end up opening Stardew Valley or Sims 4 because I am nothing if not consistent (with games).

I've been watching Game Grumps for years, though, and still can't quite believe that these things are connected? Either way - this was something that I was so hyped about and excited about it.

To finally talk about this specific related content, however - I fucking loved it. It was amazing, so much fun and so... just so fun, I think that's the main thing about it. Even before I finished the first issue I knew I was going to love it.

This gives like an extra level to the characters and is just... honestly, it's just a bunch of queer people living life and that's something I always love to read/watch/anything.

I don't have much to say about this because, honestly, you need to just read it - even if you haven't played the game or even have knowledge of the game. I'd suggest reading this anyway - the whole plot of the game isn't important to know, just the basic plot and such would be helpful, and then you can enjoy these weird queer dudes getting up to nonsense.

If you've read this, please let me know. Also - if you've played the game, did you enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to have?

Happy reading!

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This comic book is perfect for fans of the Dream Daddy video game!

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Comic Book is a collection of five (sort of) standalone stories about a group of single dads trying to get to know each other, have fun, date, bond, and raise their sons and daughters.

It’s really hard to rate this graphic novel without having played the video game it’s based on... because it was kind of hard getting into the story and characters without knowing anything about the game.

First, the good things: the art is gorgeous and the stories and characters are really funny. I was smiling the whole time. The only problem was that I feel like this book was written on the presumption that anyone reading it would have played (or at least heard of) the video game. The characters, relationships and backgrounds were already established before the beginning, so it was a little bit hard for me to connect with them.

That being said, I still liked the story, and I’m 100% sure that fans of the game will love it. If you haven’t played the game, I still believe you could enjoy the comic book, but I would recommend going to the Dream Daddy Gamepedia to read at least some basic information about the characters and game. I did it after finishing the comic and I understood better the characters, motivations and stories. I should have done that before reading it.

I really would like to go back to the world of Dream Daddy if there’s a sequel... but probably after playing the game.

Final rating: 3/5 stars

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If you don’t already know, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Comic Book is based off a dating simulator game called, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator. If you are still unsure, Dream Daddy is a gay dating sim where you play a Dad who finds romance in his new neighbourhood.

If you were ever unsure, yes both the book and game are amazing.

The Dream Daddy comic book is a complied book of the five comics that are currently available. Each are a short little adventure that further explores the characters met in the Dream Daddy game. You don’t have to know the game to read the book but a knowledge of the characters going in does help.

The characters remain true to form with each retaining their individual and endearing natures. The stories told in the book range from romantic in nature, (‘Much Abird about Nothing’) to the trials of fatherhood (‘Fair Deal’) with a good old Dungeons and Dragons game thrown in for good measure (‘Dungeons & Daddies’).

The stand out comic for me though was ‘Let the Right Dad In’ which featured two characters from the game that I hadn’t really connected with, but this new comic made me see in a different light. Due to this really cute, funny, and strange comic I’m going to return to the game and give their story lines a play.

Recommendations: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Comic Book is an absolute must for anyone who is a fan of the game. If you’re only just finding out about Dream Daddy, then the book is also an amazing introduction to the world around the game and comics.

I would 100% recommend that you check out both the game and the book!

Please note: I received a copy of Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Comic Book from NetGalley.

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I loved Dream Daddy the game and the comic was just as wonderful. I loved learning more about Craig and seeing just how Damian and Robert became such good friends. This is the best, purest content I've consumed recently and it was so enjoyable. If you loved the game you'll love the book.

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I never played the Dream Daddy game, so I'm not sure I'm the right audience for this, but I didn't get the hype. There was little to no romance in these stories, just as soon as you care about the characters, it's the end of the episode and it's onto another story. The change in art styles was pretty jarring lacked cohesiveness which made it difficult to really get into the stories. Overall, I was just not a fan.

I was given a copy of this in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley.

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I've heard quite a bit about Dream Daddy (the dating sim), and I thought reading the comic anthology about the dads would be great. I can solidly say I really enjoyed 3 of the stories, and was charmed by 1 of them, but it's not really an anthology to pick up if you're hoping to get more Gay/Trans!Dad romances. The three stories I enjoyed the most are about Craig, Damien, and Mat, and not so coincidentally these three stories are the ones that hew closest to being romances. If you're looking for just bonus Dads material, I think the whole anthology will be a charming delight, but if you're looking for more romance story-telling, you might be a little disappointed. Either way, it's a sweet series of Dream Daddy stories that will be worth picking up for fans of the game.

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This is exactly what I wanted from a Dream Daddy Graphic Novel. Each story has amazing drawings and very distinctly done drawings at that. If you know about the game and have enjoyed it in the past this is a must have graphic novels. It's incredibly good feeling and a fun time to read.

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After two issues I was ready to five star this but issue 3 was just okay and I hated pretty much everything about issue 4 (boring story and dull almost child-focused artwork). Thankfully everything was redeemed in issue 5.
Issue 1 and 5 vie for my favourite issues of the collection. Both have excellent artwork and stories that really appeal to me, a classic romance premise in issue 1 and a DnD night in issue 5.
Issue 2 comes in a close third.
Recommend for those 3 issues. And I'll be trying to get this for my print collection.

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This was very cute! This includes five different stories following the dads from the dating simulator game and they were all different and fun to read. I would say having previous knowledge of the game is helpful to have some context of the characters' personalities and priorities, although it's certainly not necessary. The art was beautiful, that was definitely my favorite part of it.

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I have never played the game before but I have heard of it so didn’t really have any thoughts on the comic before going into it but for me I don’t know wether it would be better to know the story/game before going into this cause I don’t think it was really for me It did have amazing art throughout from many artists but I just thought the different stories they had about different dads could of been better in explaining about the men’s backstories for anyone who doesn’t know the game or anything about it and if there is gonna be anymore volumes coming would really love to see more of the relationships throughout the books such as in the first issue we had lgbtq story and I really did enjoy that aspect and story maybe my favourite out of the five and I liked the last story aswell how we saw all the dads together playing RPG game and loved the contrast between real world and game world..
Another opinion I would have about it is wouldn love is some were longer because just needed more and I think I would of liked it better.

Overall it was enjoyable loved the art I did like the characters in it with all different attributes and I think I would try another volume to see where they lead.

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I was definitely out aware of the Dream Daddy game so really wished there was a bit of backstory to the characters. The illustrations have a cute, fun quality to them yet I was not anticipating where the stories would go. Entertaining but initially confusing given no knowledge of the characters.

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For fans of the game, this comic is a fun little addition to help deal with the fact that we aren't getting expansions/DLC. The covers for each issue are fantastic, and so totally worth it alone, but the stories are all pretty sweet too. I like that our main character (the player character) is different in each one to reflect that the player can customize him however we like.

The art in the first story can be a little flat, but employs good use of the blank dot eyes (which are an option in-game), and is a heartwarming story about Craig (or as I call him, Fitness Dad), worrying about a high school reunion while getting closer to the main character. Also, seagulls. Those bastards.

The second story focuses on introducing Robert (Cryptid Dad) and Damien (best boy) to each other, with Mary in the mix. This one was definitely weird, but that's what you'd expect from that combination of people. The art is effective with emotions, and plays with the weirdness of this story, even going into black and white briefly.

Though speaking of weird, the third story really goes off the rails. It's funny if you know things like film theory and basically anything Robert says in this one, but for a story that's supposed to be focused on Mat (Music Dad), there's not a lot of Mat in it. I was also not crazy about the more chibi art style of this one, which kind of distracted from the overall story.

The fourth story is definitely my least favorite, but that's partially because it focuses on Brian (Braggy Dad), who is my least favorite. The art is absolutely adorable though; it reminds me of Trolls or Steven Universe. Also, aren't the twins supposed to largely not talk? They sure did a lot of talking.

In my completely biased opinion, the last story was the best. Because Dad D&D. But also, it addresses some of the problems of people who play tabletops: the player who thinks they should DM, the player who's just there because everyone else is, the player who's way over-dedicated to their's all there. Also the art in this one is solid, great at making sure the reader knows when we're looking at characters vs players.

So overall it's fun, but you aren't getting a deep, inside story to any particular Dad. Just some sweet fluffy feels and fun, which is good too.

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