Member Reviews

Dream Daddy is one of my favorite video games, so me being a fan of this comic was highly likely. I absolutely loved it! I think prior knowledge of the game and characters will make the reading experience more enjoyable, but may not be necessary. But I also think everyone should go and play Dream Daddy because it's a great game. The various comics focus on one or two dads for the most part, introducing some new dads in a couple of the stories to stand in for the character the player would create while playing the game. All of the dads come together in the final story for an epic Dungeons and Dragons game, which might have been my favorite story. There is a wide variety of art styles represented in these comics, but they are all well drawn, and the scripts of the comics stick closely to the original tone of the game. Much Abird About Nothing was probably my favorite, as the college reunion plot felt like a cut scene from the game. I absolutely loved this, and will be buying it when it comes out. Play the game first, and then enjoy these fun adventures.

Thanks to Oni Press and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Review to be posted in May on all sources mentioned on my blog.

I received this comic from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I am a HUGE fan of Dream Daddy. Well, I still need to play the game, but I just adore the stories that I read all over the internet, I love the character designs and the characters, I love the art that I see so often on Twitter. So yes, I couldn't resist trying out this book. Sadly, it was a mixed bag. There are 5 stories in this book and I quite liked/loved 3 of them, but 2 were just not my thing. Which is a shame, I was hoping I would love all the stories.

Story 1: 4.5 stars: Much Abird About Nothing: 4.5 stars. I didn't even notice that the title hinted to an event, in fact I even read the title for most of the time as Much Ado About Nothing, until now when I am writing my review. How lovely! This was quite the cute story and I was very much shipping these two to get together. There was a ton of chemistry between them, but I missed the true romance, I would have loved more kisses, more intimate moments.
The art in this one was pretty nice, I quite like the colours and the style.

Story 2: Let the Right Dad In: 2 stars. Sorry, I didn't really like the characters in this one, they were just so exaggerated and weird. And that one of the guys even thought that the other guy was a vampire... *rolls her eyes* It was just so ridiculous and I would recommend the guy sees someone for that. We don't want him to stake down innocent people. It also felt way too short. Just after he found out that Damien isn't a vampire we see the group in a car and that is when it is over. :(
The art was decent.

Story 3: Dream Ad-y: 3 stars. This would have been rated higher if I had actually liked the art, but sorry, it just wasn't for me. The story however was cute, and I loved to see all the dads (and the kids/friends) make a commercial for a bar/coffee shop they all frequent. I was in stitches to see them try to make something and just fail so badly. I am glad they at least had fun and had a chance to bond together. The ending made me smile.

Story 4: Fair Deal: 1.5 stars. Rating this one lower because I come for my sexy daddies, not for the kids. And this one is pretty much about the kids. I just have no interest in them. The daddies themselves? Well, I did think they should listen to their kids more instead of bickering and trying to be the better daddy. They were quite obnoxious, but thankfully they turn for the better in the end. I did like to see what the kids did for that science fair thingie.
The art was pretty fun and bubbly.

Story 5: Dungeons and daddies: 4 stars. The daddies are all together and playing D&D, what could possibly go wrong? Well with a grumpy/not so good Dungeon Daddy it is not easy to play. Thankfully, we see that he gets a chat and then turns better making the game fun again for everyone, I just loved that he was open to feedback. I also liked seeing our daddies in the D&D setting/see their characters. Normally I am not a fan of D&D but I love how it was done in this one.
The art was nice and good in this one.

I have to give some extra credits to the wonderful story titles. They were all so perfectly fitting to the story and quite a few times I had a laugh about them.

I also liked that we got variant covers and that in the end the creators talked about the story/the comics in overall.

All in all, I still had fun reading this one, and I do hope that we will get more Dream Daddies soon. Until then, I guess I will be getting the game soon. I need to play it now.

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I really hate to give this a bad review, but I really did not care for this. I was super excited because gay daddies, but I felt the stories were dull and I honestly didn’t like the different art styles. I wish it would have been one style that was realistic looking rather than most of them looking super cartoon like. I also know that these characters have more or a background from the game and the fan base, and this is my first time actually seeing these characters so that may have something to do with my dislike.

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I adored this based on the game this is a series of comic book stories based on the characters. I adore the characters, I have a real soft spot for Craig and I also adore Damien ! Great short stories and lovely graphics keep it fun and interesting. A great read, something different on offer from the usual comic books

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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