Member Reviews

4 stars

This is a very good book about the life and times of Queen Victoria of England. It takes the reader from her birth until her death at the age of eighty-one. She was the longest reigning monarch of England at that time.

It describes her marriage to Prince Albert (“Bertie”), their great love for one another and her many children. (She gave birth to nine children and all survived. An unusual feat for that time in history.) Mr. Mullen and Mr. Munson describe very well the England of the time, as well as discussing Europe and its politics, especially the connections to the royal family, their personalities and the reigns of the various kings and queens there.

The book talks about Prince Albert's interest in politics and his increasing attraction toward and participation in those sorts of activities.

But perhaps the greatest thing to take away from this novel is the enduring love that Victoria and Bertie had for one another. It was both heartwarming and wonderful to read about.

The book is very well written in a logical progression from Victoria's birth and throughout her life. The descriptions may be a little dry for some readers, but as I find history fascinating, it was fine for me. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys history and especially reading about the Victorian era.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Thistle Publishing for forwarding to me a copy of this interesting picture of historical Victoria to read, enjoy and review.

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While this brief biography doesn't have anything new or unique for people who have read other, more in-depth biographies on Victoria, it would be a good start for people just beginning to learn about the queen and her reign.

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The author's painstaking research and attention to detail is obvious in the writing of this book. There were many facts that I only discovered after reading this!

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