Member Reviews
Mindapps is an interesting book that presents an exciting, dynamic premise. Although there is probably a bit too much time spent on who the author met, at what event, and the history of his own journey. Amost all the focus is on psychedelics which makes it a little less accessible too. I would have liked to read more on the less controversial ways of examining multistate theories such as yoga, sport, meditation, the zone state, OBEs etc. The premise that we can purposefully install mindapps in our mind and brain in much the same way that you install an app on your digital devices to expand it, or enable a specific function is genius. I am particularly interested in the longer term effects and how and if the mind is then permanently changed or expanded and what control or design can be applied. Basically how far can you go, and what possibilities for mind expansion and design are out there. It is really a mind blowing book and I just wish it was less academic and more bursting with ideas and possibilities. Oveall brilliant and I will be watching and maybe trying my own experiments to see where the adventure goes