Member Reviews

A wonderful heart rendering story about love and lost and faith. You'll read how people want to believe the best of everyone. The ending will warm your heart. Joining two families into one that makes everyone happy

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The mantra of this beautiful heart-filled novel is "If you believe, prayers can come true."
Bette Lee Crosby has an amazing ability to pull my heart right into the pages of her stories. This book did just that!
An awful thunder storm, in the middle of the night. Her Mom and Dad sleeping in the next room, and Emily is abducted and just gone!
How do you go on as parents who lose their only child? Do you ever forget or stop caring and thinking about that precious baby? Do your prayers change?
How do you learn to trust, love and go forward each day?
A remarkable journey of two families whose lives will intersect because of one sweet girl.
*Tissues were needed.*

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This story will keep you interested. Every time I thought something should happen it did not! Great read makes one think about their life and safe it really is. I would recommend this for a book club or for someone who wants something new to read. Very fast paced story. Loved it!!!

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Let me first say that I love Ms. Crosby ‘s books and she did not disappoint with this one. This story was heartbreaking for me. A mother’s grief over a lost child is horrendous. I had such empathy for both Vicki and Rachael. This book was unique and unforgettable. You will not want to put this book down and you will savor it long after you are finished. Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Well written heartwrenching story.Faith and love help a mother get through the darkest days of her life after a tragic event, yet this story is about so much more more.. I couldn’t put this one done until I finished it and it was well worth the night of sleep I lost..

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What a beautiful book - I felt so many emotions reading this book. It is absolutely captivating.
I was given this book from NetGalley for an honest review -
An outdoor concert comes to a small town where everyone knows everyone and doors are left unlocked.
And on this stormy night a baby is stolen from her crib..
Follow along as the years go by in the search for baby Emily -

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Linda’s Book Obsession Reviews “Emily, Gone” by Bette Lee Crosby, Lake Union Publishing, April 30,2019

WOW!! Kudos to Bette Lee Crosby, Author of “Emily, Gone” for writing such an amazing, intense, intriguing, captivating, entertaining, dramatic and enthralling novel. This is a novel that tugged at my heartstrings. There are layers and coincidences, twists and turns, and unpredictable events in this novel. The Genres for this story are Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Mystery and Suspense. The author describes her colorful and dramatic cast of characters as complex and complicated. The time-line of the story starts in 1971 and goes to the past and future when it pertains to the characters and events in the story. The story originally takes place in Hesterville Georgia.

In 1971 in Hesterville, Georgia , which is a very small town, a music festival arrives with thousands of people. Bette Lee Crosby describes vividly, the sounds, sights, smells, and atmosphere. This takes me back to the seventies, and I can hear the loud music. Something happens one night during the music festival that changes the Dixon family life and the other residents in Hesterville Georgia. It is every parent’s nightmare. When Rachel Dixon wakes up in the morning, her baby girl Emily is gone.

This is such a compelling and intense book that I couldn’t put it down. I read this in one sitting. I can easily see this being made into a screenplay and movie. I love the way the author describes the importance of family, friends, community, love and hope. I loved and cried at the ending. I do hope that I read more about the characters. I would highly recommend this novel for readers who enjoy a thought-provoking and suspenseful story.

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Gripping. Beautiful. Haunting. I absolutely loved this book from start to finish. I laughed. I cried. I did not want to put it down!

It’s 1971, and a music festival rolls through the quiet town of Hesterville, Georgia. On the last night, 6 month old Emily Dixon disappears from her crib. The collision course of events that transpire as a result of one woman’s selfish, impulsive decision to take what didn’t belong to her will stay with you long after the book ends.

My emotions took a wild ride while reading this book— I experienced heartbreak, anger, frustration, happiness. I didn’t want to finish, but couldn’t wait to see how it ended at the same time. This book will definitely stay with me for a long time.

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Sorry but this book wasn't for me and I ended up doing a lot of skim reading just to get to the end.

Thank you to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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This book was not for me. I tried to continue reading it but unfortunately I had to give up
A real disappointment

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Another heartwarming read by Bette Lee Crosby. I've read quite a few of this author's books and always come away feeling like reading her books is time well spent.

Emily, Gone begins when a Woodstock type event is going on in a very small town. Somehow someone takes Emily and the Dixon family is nearly torn apart with grief, anger and all the many emotions tied up in having your child stolen.

In true BLC fashion, there is healing on several levels in this story. I think that is what repeatedly draws me to her work, the thought that love and healing can come, given time and the right circumstances. In this instance there were several examples of this and it always gives me hope.

As always, the writing is sublime, the story line fascinating and the pages continue to turn faster and faster until the end is sadly reached. Almost all of these wonderful characters were people I'd enjoy knowing, maybe even joining in rocking on the porch with a glass of sweet tea.

If you enjoy small town America, good old fashioned morals and values, love for your fellow man and a darn good feel good story, Bette Lee Crosby and Emily, Gone are for you.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an ARC of this novel at my request. My thoughts in this review are my own.

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One doesn’t just read a Bette Lee Crosby book , you live it. You feel the happy, the sad, the heartbreak and the joy deep in your soul !
This book is so beautifully written, with amazing characters and a story that will have you turning pages non-stop .
Every time I close the book after reading the last page , I want to pack my bags and move to this town !
Thank you Bette Lee for another fantastic read !

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Emily, Gone is every parent's absolute worst nightmare. Rachel puts her baby Emily to bed and when she gets up in the morning, Emily is gone. The year is 1971 and their town had just had a music festival so there was so many people visiting. Rachel and her husband George have the support of George's mom and the entire town. They also have their faith. This book is one that will stay with you as the characters are so very real. They could be your friends or neighbors. heart will feel many things while reading. Intense grief, pain, happiness, and joy. I loved this story and the characters. I received an advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing. All opinions are my own.

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Follow a heart-rending story in the years that follow the kiddnapping of baby Emily. The author does not hold back on the reality of grief and how it affects the entire family. While Rachel and George eventually do move on, Emily is still held close to their hearts. Their prayer is that she is with parents who love her and she is well cared for. Meanwhile, Emily will grow up never remembering her birth parents and with a cloud of confusion and vague detatils surrounding her birth. As usual, the author does an excellent job at keeping her story so real, you can feel the pain, grief, and joy of each character.

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I really like Bette Lee's books. And this one was no exception. Her subject matter was a bit darker in this one, the abduction of a baby from her home, her crib. My heart broke for the parents of little Emmy. I burned with indignation at the abductor, wanting justice. Well written (as always) and very compelling. Plenty of heartbreak moments and outright blubbing. I'm just not sure about the ending. Would it really be that easy? I'm just not sure about that. . Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the free ARC.

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Ten stars to this author for writing a novel that is beyond all expectations and is everything a story should be. Fabulous writing style, a plot so different you won't see it coming, and characters that you can truly empathize with. This was SOME read, My only question is, why did the book have to end? Mesmorizing and a not to be missed read. Highly recommend!

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Losing a child is devastating for a parent. When Rachel Dixon's baby girl was kidnapped from her crib, heartbreaking does not even begin to describe the feelings.
A roller coaster of emotions as a marriage is tested, life goes on and a baby is never forgotten. A story of grief and healing. Tugging at my heartstrings as I kept reading.
This was an intense book that captivated me from start to finish.
Keep tissues close by for those tears.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read this amazing story.

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I love it! It's a beautiful story that will bring you to tears! The writing is flawless! The story captures you and you can't stop reading i was in that moment where i wanted to finish it to find out what happens because the not knowing was killing me but also not wanting to finish it i wanted to take my time and savor it. soak it in. you could really feel everything the characters were going through and it just fills your heart with so many emotions! This is definitely one of the most beautiful books I've read this year!

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This was such an amazing book - I finished it a couple of days ago and am still thinking about it. Bette Lee Crosby did an amazing job conveying the sense of loss experienced by Rachel Dixon when her baby daughter, Emily, was kidnapped. She also did an amazing job with the character of Vicki, the woman who took Rachel's daughter. At first, it's easy to crucify Vicki as a monster for taking another woman's child, but as the story unfolds you can see the events that unfolded that drove her to do so and the psychological issues she was dealing with (which of course still did not make the kidnapping okay). This is a book that you won't want to put down once you start. It grips you from the beginning and keeps you hooked as you hope that somehow Emily is found and reunited with the Dixon's. I highly recommend this book!

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for providing a copy for review.

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This book had everything, happiness of family life, sadness and despair when Emily is stolen ,anguish and worry then finally happiness again. . I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and recommend it to be read.

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