Member Reviews

I love Bette Lee Crosby’s books, and Emily, Gone is just as fantastic as the others I have read. The characters are so real that while I was reading, the story played out in my mind. I watched and grieved with one set of main characters while celebrating with the other. Bette Lee Crosby’s writing flows so well and is so believable that it always feels like she has experienced everything that occurs in her books personally. If you are a fan of Southern Fiction, give this a read!

I received an advanced readers copy of this book.

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Emily, Gone is a beautifully written story of loss, love, betrayal, heartbreak and forgiveness. This is a book that you can’t help but read through until the end. With so many twists and turns, both heartbreaking and loving the reader doesn’t know what will happen until near the very end. Will the truth tear two families apart or bring them together?

Bette Lee Crosby is one of the most extraordinary writers of Women’s Fiction this reader has ever read. I found myself running the gamut of emotions with this story. There were times when I wanted to put the book down but couldn’t because I had to know what would happen next.

I definitely recommend this book as a must read. It may be difficult to get through at first because it pulls a your emotions but is worth it!

Thank you #netgalley, #lakeunionpublishing and #betteleecrosby for allowing me to read this extraordinary book. I was given this book by those mentioned for a fair and honest review. Above you will find that review.

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Wow. This was a really amazing book. The characters have so much depth and to see the lives of Emily and her birth parents move forward parallel to each other was so enjoyable.

Crosby writes multifaceted characters - even the kidnapper is someone you sympathize with in some ways. I wish that every book I read gave me the feeling that this one did when I finished it. I truly felt the emotions of every character, including the grief, the happiness, the moving forward.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a piece of good writing that they won't be able to put down.

Thank you to Bette Lee Crosby, Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this book once I started but once the true story truly developed I fell in love with it. Your hear breaks for both Rachel & Vicki in this book. From the kidnapping of one child to “replace” the child that was a stillborn your emotions go up & down. You understand what both woman are going through but always hope that somehow a happy ending is possible. I was very surprised by some of the developments in this book. But overall I really enjoyed this book.

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I really enjoyed this well thought out, well drawn out story and its characters. Sure, it was a bit southern, god stuff, and a bit happily-ever-after predictable, but there was more to the story than your typical christian fiction, it wasn't preachy at all, and your typical Disney ending in the way you got there. This is my first by this author, sure, I would read another, on the beach somewhere with my toes in the sand. #emily,gone #netgalley

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This is the first book I've read of this author and I absolutely loved it!! I loved the way the story progressed and the ending was absolutely fabulous. It is a definite must read. I think you will be surprised at the emotions you will feel while reading this book. I urge you to read this. Thank you Bette Lee Crosby for this phenomenal book. Looking forward to reading more.

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Emily, Gone is such a powerful book and evoked so many emotions as I read, that it is difficult for me to even begin to write this review. This book is about love, loss, believing and forgiveness. The book is told from many points of view, and I found the characters felt very real on all levels. Some I liked, some I cried for, but Vicki was one I couldn’t like whatsoever. As I read, I kept thinking that there was no good way for Emily, Gone to end. But end it did, and I was amazed at the way Bette Lee Crosby brought closure to her characters. As I read the Epilogue, I sat there on the verge of tears and realized that forgiveness is one of the strongest emotions we can embrace. I loved this book. I highly recommend it and give it five sparkly stars!
Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC of Emily, Gone.

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Emily, Gone by Bette Lee Crosby takes readers back to August of 1971. A music festival has been scheduled by Big Sound to be held in Baker’s Field just outside Hesterville, Georgia. George and Rachel Dixon along with their six month old daughter, Emily live near there and are overwhelmed by the music. None of them get sleep until the rain hits on Sunday muffling the music thanks to their metal roof. Emily is put to sleep in her crib and her parents fall into a deep sleep in their room. They never hear the woman slipping into their home, pick up Emily and disappear into the night. The next morning, Rachel goes into Emily’s room to discover her gone. The Dixon’s life will never be the same again.

Vicki Robart and her boyfriend, Russ “Murph” Murphy are attending the music festival with thousands of others. Vicki has been keeping herself numb with marijuana since her daughter was stillborn in February. When they depart the festival on Sunday evening, Vicki is hungry. She spots the dark farmhouse and has Murph stop hoping the family leaves their kitchen door unlocked. Vicki sneaks into the kitchen and spots the baby bottles. She has a chance to fill her arms which have ached since her little girl was stillborn. Vicki’s act changes the lives of three women. What happens, though, when the truth is finally revealed?

Emily, Gone is the story of what happens when a woman takes a child and the aftermath. I thought Emily, Gone was well-written with steady pacing. It deals with a tragedy that affects not just Vicki, Rachel, George and Emily but others as well including the residents of Hesterville and Sheriff Carl Wilson. The kidnapping took place before the internet and amber alerts. There is little forensic evidence and thousands of suspects. Finding a six month old child is like finding a needle in a haystack. Rachel Dixon blames herself for not locking the kitchen door while George goes through a similar blame game. Russ Murphy knows what Vicki did is wrong, and he tries to find a way to rectify the situation. The two stories are told in a direct manner. The characters are realistic along with the feelings and situations. I could feel Rachel’s distress and loss. George wants to stay strong for his wife, but he is dealing with the same emotions. Vicki is thrilled to have her baby and joy pours from her. Bette Lee Crosby portrays the long term effects of the kidnapping. Helen Dixon, George’s mother, is my favorite character. She is not without flaws and is no stranger to heartbreak. Helen, or Mama Dixon as she is called, provides strength to Rachel and George along with love, understanding, and provides practical advice. I do want readers to know that the book contains foul language and judicious use of marijuana (it was the 70s). I did feel that the story was a little long at 394 pages and Russ Murphy’s story seemed incomplete. I appreciated the epilogue. Emily, Gone is a feel good story that shows there is a reason for why things happen. I enjoyed the reference to the little girl’s Mrs. Beasley doll (I wanted one of these dolls) from Family Affair. There are two phrases I thought were especially profound. “Sorrow does strange things to a woman” is the first. “When someone you love hurts, you hurt for them. That’s how love is” as said by Mama Dixon. Emily, Gone shows that God does work in mysterious ways.

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This is the first book I've read of Bette's and I absolutely loved it!! It's so hard for me as a mother to read a child abduction story - but this is different than the many others I have read. There are many ways I wanted this story to end - and it doesn't happen my way -- but Bette's way is sooo much better!! This story is much more than what it seems -- read every word of this book and be truly happy at the end.

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This book gave me “all the feels” as they say! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Southern Fiction and this story hits all the boxes for me. I was taken away from page 1. Lets talk about these characters. I felt so attached to them from page one, I truly felt like I knew them.

This book is so uplifting and the author is a master of her craft in developing a story line that is complex and compelling. Though there is loss and and sad elements in the story, the reader feels a deep sense of empathy for them. For me, this is story telling at its finest.

I highly recommend this great read.

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How can this be? Where have I been? Thinking under a rock since this is the first book that I read by this author. I am a member of multiple Facebook book groups and according to so many positive comments about her books, this is her 21st book, and many rave reviews for this book, which was the reason I chose to read it.

As the synopsis states the final day of a music festival, Emily Dixon, 6 months old, was kidnapped, taken from her crib while her parents slept. Vicki Robart, attended the festival, but due to drugs and depression of losing her own child, a stillborn, months before, she believes Emily is her Lara.

Emily's parents, Rachel and George, never gave up hope that someday she would be returned to them but as each year passed that possibility seemed it was not to be. Every day, the "what ifs" were torturous to this couple.

In the beginning, Rachel is so broken that getting up each day is a feat in itself. Her mother-in-law, Helen a bitter lady due to the loss of her own husband and her son getting married and leaving their home, suddenly has a change of heart, and becomes a loving and influential person in Rachel's life.

The characters were lifelike to the point that I felt that I was also a participant in their lives. The story and writing style flowed so smoothly that I felt I was transported to Hesterville, GA. I felt every emotion of the characters, the profound grief of losing a child, the anger, grief, despair, sadness, guilt, despondency Most of all, the love of a mother and the hope that Emily was being loved by the person who took her. And what surprised me was the emotions I felt towards the kidnapper (vague to not include spoiler).

Do wishes come true? What about fate? Is there anything stronger than a mother's love? And would one be able to forgive after such a horrific act?

Do I recommend this book? I say that you HAVE and NEED to read this book!!! But have a box or 2 of tissues nearby!

And I have a lot of Bette Lee Crosby reading to do!!!!!!

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I found myself holding my breath from the very first page of this amazing book. It is a heartbreaking, heartwarming story of an unimaginable, frightening event that took place one noisy night during a rock concert festival. Baby Emily, only a few months old was kidnapped from her crib leaving her parents Rachel and George Dixon terrified the next morning when they couldn't find her. They didn't hear anything that stormy night except for the blaring music and thunder and they had finally fell asleep exhausted. I felt empathy for all of the characters, Vicki and Angela, their emotions so raw, despite their motives this story is one that will tear at your heart, the relationships that evolve are believable and written with compassion. I loved every page of this evocative book, written so beautifully you feel like you are right inside the story!

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An intriguing tale of kidnapping told from both sides. Many heart-warming and heart-breaking moments. Interesting weaving over a period of eighteen years of two families with one major connection.

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Once in a while, you read a book that grabs you with the first sentence, and then you can't even think of putting it down because you are lost in the story. This is that book.

I am a big fan of Bette Lee Crosby and I have to say I think this is her finest work yet. If you love Southern Fiction,
a bit of mystery and characters you feel you know right away, this is the book. Even though there is loss and sadness this is a truly uplifting book that comes together in the most unsuspecting ways. You truly feel for the characters, you empathize with them and the author is masterful in this way. You are in their head, you are part of the story and that, to me, is magic!

Bravo, Bette Lee Crosby, I still have "all the feels" and more after this 5-star fabulous novel of Southern goodness!

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An excellent story with interesting characters and a very well developed plot.
I felt the detail throughout the book was a little too much in places but on the whole it only helped to build a fuller picture.
The ending was the weakest part for me as it failed to get across the emotions that would have been in evidence if it were a true story.
Jolly good read though which I am happy to recommend.

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This book will make you really think, search your heart, and wonder what you would do if your baby was kidnapped from your home during the night. The guilt alone of knowing you forgot to lock the door would be horrible. The story of the birth family was so well written that you feel their heartbreak as if you are right there seeing everything unfold.
The story of the kidnapper is so believable and heartbreaking too that you will find yourself developing feelings for what she went through. I was shocked to find I actually had compassion for her.

The characters of Rachel and Mama Dixson (Helen) were so realistic and compassionate. It was nice to see Rachel develop such a strong relationship with her mother-in-law as the story progressed. Helen did not like her daughter-in-law in the beginning, but they shared a special bond over losing a child. Helen's child died in his crib.

This is one of those books that even when you have read the last page it still touches your heart and makes you think about the story, the author's words, and what would you do? I have been telling my friend's they have to read this book! I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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A baby kidnapped in the middle of the night by a woman with a shattered heart trying to replace her own baby. Two families forever impacted by this impulsive action. Will Emily’s family ever see their daughter again? Will Lara’s family ever know the truth? Is there room for forgiveness? Bette Lee Crosby has written a novel that pulls at the heart strings. She makes you think about whether or not you could ever forgive and move forward after such a tragic incident. Thank you Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Bette Lee Crosby is another Lake Union author that I am adding to my must-read list of authors. I could barely put Emily, Gone down once I started it. Since the story primarily took place during the 1970's, I couldn't help but think how the story might have played out differently with the help of today's cell phones and social media. Thanks so much to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Wow! What a beautiful and heart-wrenching story!

Crosby weaves a tale of a mother’s unyielding love and devotion in Emily, Gone. When 6 month old Emily gets kidnapped from her crib one August evening, it leaves her parents, Rachel and George distraught. The story takes you through all of the emotions and experiences that follow and all I can say is, have some tissues ready.

The way the novel resolved was absolutely beautiful! I loved how Rachel and George are able to get some semblance of peace after so many years wondering what happened to their beloved Emmy.

There is also a beauty mother in law/daughter in law relationship that develops so earnestly and I so enjoyed reading how Mama Dixon helps Rachel through the most difficult years of her life.

Bravo Betty Lee Crosby, 5 stars!

I received an ARC through NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an honest review.

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Loved the story. Loved the good that came out of it. In having to deal with this situation, I think Rachel and Mama Dixon grew the most. It was awesome seeing their relationship take a turn for the better. Sometimes it takes a crisis, along with someone who will give you tough love. George was the rock who did the best he could for both the women he loved. So much truth in this fictional story. The writing was such that I had vivid pictures in my mind of not only the happenings, but the people involved. There are often times more that one way for prayers to be answered and I think you’ll see that in this story. I have enjoyed every story I have read by this author. I can’t wait to read another one. I received this book from NetGalley, but my opinion is my own.

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