Member Reviews

A very insightful read about using pray in your daily lives. Also the importance of taking time to converse with our god regularly.

Prayer changes you. How could it not? Prayer gives us access into a holy space. It immerses us in His presence, bathing us in God's attention. Prayer nurtures our relationship with our Savior.
Prayer is our conversations with God. Prayer must go along with scripture/word. In scripture, we can know the attributes of God and the will of God. Praying God's will, will begin to change our desires. What is God's will- for us to be changed like Christ and for God's rule and reign. His kingdom come, His will be done.
There are many things that keep us from prayer and praying correctly. The text brings the reader to look at prayer not as something to receive but something to give. When done correctly, puts us in a humble position before God and others. Remember the example Jesus gave. The one who prayed thanking God that he was not like the sinner across the room while the sinner prayed "have mercy on me". Which of those prayers reaches out the heart of God?
In light of that, each 10 chapters discusses prayer in what keeps us from it, what hinders our prayers, and what prayer does. Each chapter ends with prayer in light of what was just read. A prayer with life changing implications.
Prayer can change your heart towards God and others. When we pray for those that hurt us, it keeps us from bitterness. Prayer is so much more.
A Special Thank you to Discovery House Publishers and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

This short read encouraged me in a very practical, easy to understand terms about my faith, prayer and relationship with others.
“Prayer changes you. How could it not? Prayer gives us access into a holy place.”
This was very helpful in the fact that it allowed me to take a step back and look at why I’m praying and do I really have compassion about it? Why am I praying for my loved ones or enemies?
I loved the idea of praying scripture when we don’t know what to say. I also loved that she shared her honest feelings about her sisters cancer.
There was lots of helpful insights in this one that has encouraged me and I enjoyed it. I hope you take the time to check this one out and receive the blessing. ❤️ Happy Reading.

Few Christians would disagree with praying, yet it is something that many feel unqualified to do. Sometimes the results are disappointing, and prayer loses its luster. In Praying to Change Lives, Jody Brolsma shares how prayer isn't some art that takes years of practice before you reach a level at which God will listen, but something that all can do.
The book is written in way that is easy to understand and in which everyone can relate to what is being said. It is practical and the concepts are simple to use. Many who avoid prayer think that their words have to be eloquent and just right, or the prayer will be ineffective. Jody Brolsma encourages people to not worry about the specific wording and pray what is one your heart. God will understand and answer.
She writes to not just ask God to help someone as a means to say you've prayed for them, but to be specific. We need to have compassion for others, not just wish them well when they tell us of the problem they are facing. We should be willing to share in their pain.
I think that every Christian, no matter of their age or how long they have been a Christian, can benefit from this book. It presents a view on intercessory prayer that has been lost in some circles, but needs to be brought back into use.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.