Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the digital eARC. This book was very sweet and I liked the relationship between the two!

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Sheikh Kyril who is the new Sheikh after his father had a medical crisis and needed to take time off and spend the rest of his time resting. Kyril has had a fantastic few months with Hannah and she is now pregnant but he doesn't know that until he runs after her at the train station to prevent her from leaving him.
Hannah has always taken care of her younger sister since she lost her parents and now that her sister is an adult she decided to take a world tour which is how she met Kyril. Now that she is pregnant she is unwilling to be tied down again by another responsibility in the form of a husband or a relationship.
But of course, she marries him and you can figure the rest out.
Let's be honest, I know that these books are supposed to be very short, but the whole thing seemed to happen a bit too quickly, I mean, one minute she was afraid of being caged by Kyril and suddenly he realizes his mistake the next minute.

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Sheikh Kyril couldn’t lose her again. He tore through the train station and then spotted her- Hannah. She was standing at the train but didn’t get on. When he finally was next to her she said she couldn’t find her ticket. He told her he wou;ld take on his jet wherever she wanted to go and she said that would spoil the experience. Then he noticed her slight baby bump and she told him that it was his baby. Kyril was overjoyed. When she went to get on the train Hannah found that Kyril had bought her a ticket for a private sleeper car to travel to Venice. But he didn’t come with her. When she got off the train there Kyril was saying they must talk and they would go to his hotel room. Kyril had recently learned that he must marry by his thirtieth birthday which was coming up soon and he wanted it to be hannah. They had spent a fantastic week together three months ago and then they parted, Kyril could not get Hannah out of his mind and searched for her and now he found her. Hannah’s parents had died and she had raised her younger sister for ten years but now her sister was going to college and now she was free and she wanted to see the world but now she pregnant. Kyril told her they will marry and raise their child and Hannah agreed.
I loved this book. Ms North is an excellent author and definitely knows how to write about sheikh’s. I believe I have read all her books on this subject and anything else I find of hers. She has become one of my favorite authors. I loved Kyril and hannah together and how they interacted. I loved how Hannah stuck up for herself and wouldn’t back down. I loved how Kyril’s sister in law and the tribe’s women accepted Hannah. This was a fast pace, easy, and hot read. I also loved the plot. I loved that Kyril wanted Hannah back before he knew she was carrying his child. Kyril and Hannah had hot chemistry. I didn't like how Kyril acted when he found out Hannah made the contact he had tried to but I understood how he was raised. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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Sheik Kyril has been chasing all over Europe to find the one woman he spent a week with. After finally catching up to her he discovers a little surprise. Hannah is pregnant with his child. While helping her fulfill her travel adventures they become closer and are ready to bring their little family together. Great start to a new series.

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I absolutely adored this wonderful, sweet little romance. which was most alluring from the very beginning,
Leslie North began this new series with a very strong start, introducing characters that were easy to invest in.

Feisty American, Hannah, gave Sheikh Kyril a week of passion and then disappeared from his life. Since then, he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about her. Now, with an ancient law and his family’s expectations to contend with, he must find her and convince her to marry him.

Hannah spent ten years raising her younger sister and dreaming about travelling the world. Her first trip, to the Middle East, made her wildest fantasies pale in comparison, mainly because of Sheikh Kyril, who made her nights burn hotter than any desert day. But when she discovers she’s pregnant, Hannah can feel the walls of responsibility closing in around her once again. Determined to hang on to her newfound freedom for as long as possible, she decides to embark on one last holiday before she returns to Kyril and breaks the news about the baby. However, when Kyril finds her before she’s ready, she refuses to fall into line and so begins a wonderful courtship. Hannah knows she won’t fit into Kyril’s royal family or lifestyle, and when they return to Al-Dashalid, discovering she’s right might well break both their hearts.

Leslie North is very good at developing her characters where opposites attract and this novel is no exception. The determination of Kyril to win the heart of the woman whom he couldn't forget and Hannah with her exuberance and fierce independence was explosive and delightful. The storyline was easy to follow, with plenty of emotion, angst and tension.

Overall, the story was captivating to the end and loads of fun to read.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novel, at my own request, from Relay Publishing via NetGalley. This review is my own unbiased opinion.

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I admit it, I only requested this because of the title - and because apparently this is a big subgenre, this "pregnant by a super rich man after a one-night-stand". This one was hilarious but not on purpose and super did not work for me. I have many thoughts on the fetishization of cultures the author isn't part of but would like to leave that to other people more qualified to write about this. But god, what a perfect title.

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“Leslie North” starts this new series off strong, introducing characters that are easy to invest in. Readers will swoon and grow to love every character this author writes about in this new series. “Ms North” captivates the readers attention and holds their interest from the first chapter to the end and leave the reader wanting more of this amazing series. Totally recommend

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Bravo for this series and book. Fan of what leslie put out. Really had me hooked on this book. Must read

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Relay Publishing for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is the first in a new series. Hannah is a planner, oops unexpected pregnancy!! Lol The Sheikh demands marriage, and they figure things out, even though she is independent. Quick, easy read. 3.5 stars

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This is a short, sweet story. It's an easy read yet still endearing.
Hannah is on her meticulously researched and organised holiday to see the world. There's just one snag: she's pregnant to the man she met in Al-Dashalid.
Kyril is that man. He's been trying to track her down ever since she left and finally he finds her just as she's leaving for Venice. Oh, and he's just found out that he's going to be a father.
Tension arises between her need to be in control of her own life and his need to wrap her (and the baby) in bubble wrap. Somehow they have to find a way through this together.
As an alpha male, I really liked Kyril. He could have been a much more over-bearing character and I wouldn't really have liked him at all. I like how I can relate to his need to protect the woman he loves from dangers she clearly knows nothing about, while he also listens to her and backs down when she stands up for what she wants.
I was a little disappointed that Hannah didn't stand up for what she wanted more often. Being described as a fierce woman, I expected a lot more conflict on her part. It would have been interesting seeing him react to that. However her pregnancy exhaustion and the fact that this is a short book is possibly what contributed to the lack of extended conflict.

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The Sheikh's Pregnant Lover is the first book in Leslie North’s new series - Sheikhs of Al-Dashalid, and as expected it’s a great read with a good plot and plenty of angst, miscommunication, over-protectiveness and some seriously HOT romance!

I really liked both these characters; Kyril with his determination to win the heart of a woman whom he can’t forget, and Hannah with her exuberance and fierce independence, was a breath of fresh air.

I’m excited for what comes next and which brother will be subjected to Ms North’s torturous machinations on their journey to love.

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If Hannah hadn't mentioned that she was pregnant and the word wasn't on the title I would have completely forgotten that the heroine of this book was expecting. Well, maybe the mention of the nursery would do the trick, but there was no talk about the baby or going to the doctor to check it's health or something. It was used completely as a plot device and it bothered me.

If you are familiar with Leslie North you know exactly what to expect from this book. It's standard quality at this point and this is why I keep reading more of her books. If you are not familiar with her books, pick this one up and find out for yourself. To be honest, the book felt like it began from the middle of the story, so maybe pick one of her rancher books. The story could be labeled as "second chance romance" even though it's a little far fetched. Kyril and Hannah are stubborn people who won't admit easily that they are wrong and that was a cause for some conflict between them, but I liked the way they worked things out.

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It was very well-written. It was short but sweet. Great for an afternoon read, as well as a nice compliment to the series

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I was looking for some low angst and a bit of drama in this romance before getting to the HEA but I was surprised at how low the angst was in this one.

This story was sweet and so easy. Almost too easy. But maybe that’s just me personally. I think I was just expecting some drama and fall out but it was all so anti-climactic.

Hannah was not my favorite type of heroine. She was a little too stubborn to the point that I felt poor Kyril was always left trying to please her. It ultimately felt like he did all the giving and she didn’t bend half as much, which left their relationship too one sided for me. Their chemistry was downplayed since we don’t get their initial meeting and the story picks up after all the firsts already happened between them.

Overall a good read but nothing too memorable for me.

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What a whirlwind! Hannah and Kyril were a force - travels abound, and sexy! I’m glad Hannah stood up for herself, because Kyril was certainly alpha and controlling. Also happy to see him realizing that he would have been stifling her if he had continued overriding everything. His family was wonderful!

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Cute romance with Hannah and Kyril but the road to their HEA is not smooth. You can definitely see that Hannah is being smothered by an over protective husband and not allowed any input on decisions.

You really feel for both of them when they are apart as they both are so unhappy and it is a good thing that Kyril realized that he could lose Hannah if he didn't things in their relationship.

Nice HEA and and look forward to the next book in the series.

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Okay I liked this one I found it to be a fast read and it kept me company for a little,but I'm not like obsessed with it.
Still I enjoyed it so i feel like i should gave it 3.5 stars and i liked the writing style

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I love the dynamics between Kyril and Hannah. He's protective and likes being in control while Hannah loves to plan, go with the flow and when the two have the opportunity to be parents, it suddenly becomes the struggle for control and who will relinquish control when and how.
I enjoyed this read. At some point, I felt like it ended too fast. Thanks Netgalley for the eARC.

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Fun read, quick and light, I liked the sheikh but I found our heroine a bit irritating and whiny at times. It had good pace and the writing was good. If the mc was less annoying I’d have given it more.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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The Sheikh's Pregnant Lover, is perfect I cannot think of one thing that I would change about this book. Hannah is a planner. Her whole trip is planned from the moment she wakes up to the morning she goes to sleep. Kyril is a protector. Unless he knows that something is 100% secure and safe then Hannah and his unborn baby is going nowhere near it. It was so much fun to read the differences between these two and how it all works out in the end.

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