Member Reviews

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

The premise has promise, but the delivery is all action. I mean nothing but action and I think I have lost the plot here. I got this book before a major virus issues happen, so I though it would hold my interest more. It just didn't work so well for me. Maybe I will try it again later. I'm usually better with picking a book or maybe I just can't get my mind into this one.
Thanks to NetGalley for my digital copy. This review is my own. A positive review is never required.

I loved the storyline. The characters were well written. Some parts towards the end were a bit confusing. I definitely look forward to reading the rest of the series. It's been a while since I read a thriller.

This is book one in the series of "The Thirteen". And it's a great start to what I can tell you is a wild ride! The book starts out with Agent James Mason on a mission. He and his team found what appeared to be a location that is housing dead or dying bodies of humans which have been used to test a virus. He encounters the person responsible for killing those immigrants and as this man with the "blue eyes" detonates a bomb, Mason loses his partner. It has lasting effects on him and a year later, he goes rogue, to determine what is really going on with that situation.
Further into the book, it appears his wife may be having an affair, and though she's been insistent on meeting with him to talk about some things important to his case, she ends up being killed before being able to share her intel with him. This only angers Mason further, and pushes him to keep using the limited resources he has, to track and interrogate this man with the "blue eyes."
Through a few extra characters that have access to satellites and intel, and a woman who has had first-person contact with this target, Mason is able to make some progress and learn some crucial points to this global threat, and it hits a little closer to home that he previously realized. His end of the book discovery and the implications of what is coming will only further annihilation. And even with the biggest threat taken out, he begins to realize just how much more is at stake.
The suspense and writing is very easy to follow. And I cannot stress the significance of Laurence's quotes throughout the book.
As of June 2021, we are living currently through a pandemic of COVID-19 which according to conspiracy theorists has many proofs rooted in time and through leadership of certain countries. They insist this pandemic was planned and has much to do with those in power who have the money and resources to accomplish global shutdowns and governmental control. This book truly hits home for some of us as well!
Here is one quote that is written at the beginning of chapter 70, when the story really starts to unravel and the gloves come off:
"Exactly. Fear. If they're [people are] suitably afraid, people will line up for you to inject anything you want into their bloodstreams. They'll relinquish any freedoms."
Very scary to read, as America has raced to get the COVID-19 vaccines into the arms of its residents, as well as other countries doing the same. Much fear has had so many rushing to "get better" and "think of others", but do we even know what are in these vaccines and what their outcomes will be?
I'll leave you with a chilling quote from someone who always comes through speculation during times like these:
"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty and am proud of it." - David Rockefeller, Memoirs 2002.
This is a fiction book, but seems to be prophetic or at least speculating in the right direction...
*I've chosen to postpone my other book reviews at this time to continue with Book Two: The Annihilation Protocol, so stay tuned for that. And then immediately following, I will continue with Book Three: The Elimination Threat, which will be available August 2021!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through St. Martin's Press and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own and I appreciate the opportunity to receive an advanced reader copy to do so. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Laurence is the real deal. This book will keep you turning the pages and will make you think twice about things, especially during this time of a pandemic. Very well written with characters you care about, bleed with and root for.

This book is a good mystery/thriller that has a premises set for 2020. FBI agent James Mason is part of a special task force that goes after illegal aliens and stumbles across multiple dead Mexican's just as they crossed the boarder. After a horrible incident at work where his partner is killed, Mason just can't seem to let it go. His wife ends up dying from mysterious circumstances and no one believes they are connected.
Michael Laurence takes you into the world of one man who even after so much tragedy and where no one believes him that he tries to save everyone from something so much bigger then they can imagine. From dessert sands to bustling city to deserted farmland the story just keeps going with more questions of what else are people hiding then the answers of who killed his wife.
Reading this during 2020 made parts of the book just hit that much closer to home with the current world pandemic. Many other parts of the story seem so plausible but that would be giving away the plot and I can't to that.
While the story did keep me intrigued in all the twists and turns the only bad part I found was it to be a bit long with some descriptions of spaces/rooms/objects. While this gave a very clear picture it also made the story drag out when things where really happening in the story and took away from some of the urgency I found.
I would recommend this for anyone who enjoys Linwood Barclay books.
Michael Laurence is a new author to me and The Extinction Agenda has me keeping my eye our for his future books to read.
Thank You to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

I once watched a bright, curious toddler, accustomed to picture books, as he thumbed through an adult novel before tossing it over his shoulder. "Too many ABCs," he proclaimed.
That's the problem with The Extinction Agenda. It's long. Too long. Other reviewers have tried to pinpoint the precise sections that needed to be cut, but I can't. It's just too long everywhere. A book that takes this long to read needs substance to carry you along, and this was largely bloat.
There were some good passages (sentences, really) that clearly showed Michael Laurence can write:
"Paranoia is highly underrated. It's an attribute you generally only hear people ascribe to the living."
"A rickety wooden cross stood testament to the passing of a scarecrow."
But the characters? I didn't encounter a single one about whom I can now recall (and I finished it (finally) just yesterday) a single detail beyond the superficial: Driven. Opaque. Corrupt.
Which extends my disappointment to the editing/publishing process. St. Martin's Press is my go-to, one I thought I could count on for strong thrillers with both propulsion and depth. Lacking depth, this could have been propulsive, except: Bloat.
Thanks to netGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advance readers copy.

Extinction Agenda was a 3.5 star book for me. The plot line is a conspiracy/spy/medical/tech thriller. FBI agent James Mason and his investigative team stumble upon a powerful conspiracy to unleash a virus that will cause a global pandemic. When the case becomes personal for Mason, he is drawn into investigating a shadowy cabal that has been pulling historical strings for decades. As he races against time to prevent the next global pandemic, he gets help from two of his old friends and a woman with a personal score to settle.
The plot pulled me in right away, felt well researched and rooted in history, and there was plenty of action, but there were so many intersecting plot and story lines that I felt the story would have benefited from tightening up the narrative a bit. All of the pieces for a great book were here, but instead it was merely good. However, I was enthusiastic about moving on to the next book in the series as it felt like this was perhaps just a situation where the author needed to get his feet under him in the series.
I recommend Extinction Agenda for fans of thrillers in the vein of James Rollins or Steve Berry.

FBI Special Agent James Mason is part of a multi organizational task force dealing with illegal aliens. While on location in the deserts of Arizona, Mason and his team stumble upon a cache of dead bodies and a group that has been trying to clean them up. After a raid of their compound is compromised resulting in the loss of several officers, Mason comes face to face with evil incarnate and is forced to make the decision between killing this man and losing his partner, or saving his partner and losing this man.
Fast forward several months and Mason has continued to investigate, mostly on his own time and dime, similar settings as the one in Arizona where fire destroys all evidence, but there appears to have been operations involving a potentially deadly virus. Who is pulling the strings? Who is evil enough that they would use illegal aliens as test subjects for a deadly virus? What are the plans for such a lethal weapon? How did this virus get into the hands of this group? So many questions face Mason as he continues to pull threads and overturn stones in his investigation.
I enjoyed the book. Reading it in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic added an additional chilling aspect to the story. It is a good conspiracy theory story. Elements of medical thriller, pandemics, law enforcement procedurals, and good old fashioned who done it are threaded throughout the book. I would recommend to anyone that enjoys any of those sub-genres of Thrillers.
This is the first book of a two book series, with the second book being released on 25 Aug 2020. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my thoughts and opinions.

Strong James Bond vibes here - a breakneck adventure in a race to try to prevent a deadly virus from being released upon the world. The writing is top notch, the characters are dynamic, the action is incredible, and the twists are wild. Definitely recommend this one and I look forward to the second.
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC.

It wasn't for me. I was intrigued by the premise, but when I got into it it was slower moving than I would have preferred.

I read the other reviews before I started writing this one. I understand the 1 star reviews, but I don't think they are justified or fair. This is a mass market thriller, of the sort sold on airport kiosks, and its only duty is to entertain. Before I comment on the book itself, I'll confirm that there are lots of cliches (which are proven ways to keep the pace going), there is a lot of background information (about interesting things that I would never experience), and yes, the premise is larger than life. Er, that's the point of a thriller.
As you can tell, I loved this book and I am somewhat annoyed that I did not know about it for a year after it was published until a friend loaned me a copy last week. I could not put it down for the most part (more about that in a minute). Nobody writes big complex thrillers anymore. In the era of James Pattersonesque literary fast food, people have lost the ability to immerse themselves in another world for hours on end. (Hence the negative comments about boring and tedious in the reviews.) Mr Laurence provides the opportunity to lose yourself for hours on end. In the publishing industry, many books these days are filled with grammatical and spelling errors which are like hitting a brick wall for those of us with a good grasp of the English language. My Laurence writes extremely well, and this book benefits from the attention of a meticulous editor. As a result, it flows like a river of silk.
One of my favorite "epic" thrillers is Tom Clancy's The Bear and the Dragon. Although 101% different, this book has the same scope and level of detail. The malevolent hidden organization (yes, a cliche but so what) harks back to James Bond and SPECTRE. The fact that this is the first of a series is a truly wonderful thing. I noted above that I had to put the book down. The ending is such a high octane, adrenaline filled roller-coaster ride that goes on for many many pages, that my neck turned to steel and my shoulders were beside my ears. I had to take a break and walk around the block before I could make it to the end. Seriously folks, buy this book.

FBI Special Agent James Mason is the star player in this non-stop, heart pounding action book.
My first time reading this author thanks to Netgalley and I will be shortly reading the 2nd book.
The Annihilation Protocol (part 2). How cool is that? It only took me a day to read this book and
You can trust me it is worth reading. I couldn’t put it down to even breath.
Mason is chasing the blue-eyed man who killed his wife and close friend and partner. He
will not stop till this man is dead. It’s exciting and suspenseful. No mushy romance just fast
action and edge of your seat reading. Give it a try and see what you think! High 5 yal!

(See all of my Book Reviews) - Author Michael Laurence (https://michaellaurencebooks.com) published the novel “The Extinction Agenda” in 2019.
The story takes place in contemporary times. The primary character is FBI Special Agent James Mason. I categorize this novel as “R” because it contains scenes of Violence. The story takes place in contemporary times. The primary character is FBI Special Agent James Mason.
Mason and a team of agents storm the location tied to a smuggling operation. a trap had been set for them and few survive. The hardest loss is Mason's partner and mentor.
This was no common smuggler. This operation was moving an active and deadly virus across the Mexican border. Mason returns to his normal duties, but he cannot let go. This begins months of investigation. He is convinced that a shadow organization is behind the smuggling operation.
Even though forced to take a leave after his wife dies he continues investigating on his own. He believes her death is likely to have resulted from those he is pursuing. As he closes in he recruits long time friends Gunnar Backstrom and Ramses Donovan. Backstrom is a tech whiz and a corporate espionage gun-for-hire. Donovan walks a fine line between being a criminal and being law-abiding.
Together they close in on the secret operation. Their efforts do not go without a response from their targets. The three are put into hazards way one time after another as they get closer.
I thoroughly enjoyed 11+ hours I spent reading this 377-page thriller. This is a good action-filled thriller with an end that suggests further novels in the series. I like the chosen cover art. I give this novel a 4.6 (rounded up to a 5) out of 5.
You can access more of my book reviews on my Blog ( https://johnpurvis.wordpress.com/blog/).
My book reviews are also published on Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/31181778-john-purvis).

A deadly virus, and unknown predator and an FBI agent makes this a fast paced roller coaster ride. This one will make it to the big screen.

I enjoy conspiracy theories, and the best is when the villain's crime incorporates reason behind it. Extinction Agenda's intrigue contains feasible logic, and the players involved are far-reaching. It surprised me a couple of times the size of the syndicate at work, a few of the twists I did not anticipate. James Mason's quest kept me emotionally involved while the events unfolded around him. The group surrounding him was adept at what they were doing.
Regrettably, the story did suffer from a bit too much bulk. There are so many players involved, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but massive amounts of sidebars and background tales started to weigh the book down for me. I stopped paying attention at times. I prefer a less is more approach, more action, and fewer backstories. I will admit, it took me a great deal of time to get into this story. I contemplated at one point stopping. About midway through the novel, I was gratified by not doing so.
The Extinction Agenda by Michael Lawrence is the first in a series. I enjoyed reading this early copy enough that I will be checking out the next one.

The Extinction Agenda by Michael Laurence
Another cabal novel that sadly has a plausibility factor. Mason is an obsessed FBI agent whose determination to bring to justice the evil villain that killed his partner and a whole team of his peers. Mason married well and has rejected his own silver spoon. The man becomes manic to his obsession.
Mason has two extra-legal friends. Gunnar and Ramses appear to dislike each other and their only common ground seems to be their friendship with Mason.
The novel postulates a overwhelming world population and steps needed to cure the problem.
This wasn’t as entertaining as thought provoking.
I recommend the book.

FBI Special agent James Mason works in the division that deals with human trafficking. While on assignment with his partner Spencer Kane. They do a predawn raid on the human traffickers they had found. When they attack, almost everyone is killed, except Mason and 5 other members of the team. After he gets out of the hospital, he returns home. He is asked by his wife to sit as she wants to talk to him. He tells her not now but later tonight. Later when he finds out that his wife and her supervisor died in a fire in a motel, he is devestated but wonders at the same time if his wife was having an affair. Mason gets a strange phone call saying something that has peaked his interest. When he was on his last assignment, it was discovered that many of the dead victims had died from some terrible illness. Mason finds out that virus is deadly that kill those people. He gets his badge and position taken from him for investigating who/what caused this virus. He decides to continue the investigation on his own with help from two friends. Ramses is one friend even though he is a criminal with the code that the old mafia had. The other friend who helps him is Gunnar, a corporate espionage “gun for hire.” Mason finds the mysterious caller who by default ends up helping Mason. He does discover that is a group of people known as “The Thirteen.” Will Mason find out why this virus has been tested on humans and who is behind it?
This is a novel that has elements of horror in it. It is also a thriller and mystery. I found myself engrossed in this book as it seems all too possible that it could happen today in real time. The writing is excellent. There are so many twists and turns. It is a novel of high octane entertainment. I think it’s a guarantee that you will be looking over your shoulder and want to know who the good guys are.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
FBI agent Mason and his partner stumble upon a group of diseased immigrants during an investigation, but it was part of an ambush by a group determined to smuggle deadly viruses into the US. After his partner is killed, Mason is determined to find the terrorists. But everything isn't as simple as it seems, and he learns he can't trust anyone but his closest friends.
It took a long time to find out where this story was going, but once the details started falling into place, I was hooked. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

Thank you to St Martin's Press and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is a whirlwind action packed book with a fast paced timeline full of surprises!
FBI agent James Mason makes it his life's mission to capture the group responsible for trying to decimate the world's population with a deadly virus; especially after losing a close friend and his wife.
The storyline wasn't quite what I was expecting as the plot is more about a secret society trying to end the world with a man made virus and less about the virus itself. Still the author delivers with an engrossing tale of suspense that will have you reading compulsively long into the night!