Member Reviews

A very good Mystery,romance with a little ghost story.
Really like Ava and Sam and their connection.
The dialogue between them was great.
Really enjoyed reading .
Voluntarily reviewed

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Considering all the heavy themes of the book (and I loved some of the ones they included, which went beyond the standard romance book tropes), this book delighted me. I went in expecting a heavier book than it was, but the banter and characters enchanted me so much that I didn't care. I literally snorted multiple times and read almost all of it in one sitting. Professor Samuel Moore makes my book character hall of fame, as does his whole family (including his bff/business partner). I really hope Biller continues writing in this universe with the Moore family, because I would read the crap out of that.

Disclaimer: received a free ARC (thanks, Netgalley!), but it didn't influence me & etc.

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3 stars--I liked the book.

"Historical romance with ghosts" seems to be a thriving subgenre! This one is very heavy on the romance. The writing is assured for a debut author, and the banter is fun. I enjoyed the characters, and the ghost (though not featured in the book as much as I'd like--I'm more of a gothic reader than a romance reader) had a unique method of haunting.

However, if you're reading for historical accuracy, this isn't the book for you. Characters spoke and acted very modern. It took me out of the story several times.

Still, I think romance readers will find a lot to enjoy here.

I received this review copy from the publisher on NetGalley. Thanks for the opportunity to read and review; I appreciate it!

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I enjoyed The Widow of Rose House but didn’t love it. The parts I did love: Sam Morse was an incredible man, hero and romantic character; Sam’s family, all of them; Alva was a strong female character in a time and place where that wasn’t necessarily admired. Things I didn’t love: ghosts aren’t really my thing; the fact that the primary antagonist, Alva’s former brother-in-law, was an easily foiled evil stereotype. I also lament the absence of a strong plot (a failing of many romances). Even as a reader who isn’t typically drawn to historical fiction, I enjoyed the 19th century setting and the way the sense of time and place was developed. So... pretty good read but not a great one.

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I loved this book. Reads like Daphne DuMaurier with great metaphysical elements! The characters were intriguing full of mystery and romance.

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3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
There was some things I liked about this book..... like the Moore family, ghosts, murder and romance, but over all I just didn’t want to keep reading and I started skimming at 52%.
It just wasn’t my kind of story and I can’t really put my finger on it but maybe to much was going on and not enough really happening.

This was a NETGALLEY gift and all opinions are my own.

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Diana Biller's debut novel, "The Widow of Rose House" is part romance, part ghost story. The hero, Professor Sam Moore, is a delightfully absentminded, sincere and humorous genius. It sounds like a stereotype but regardless, he's a great character. His entire family is loving, and their banter is witty and amusing. This is in contrast to the life the heroine, Alva Webster, has experienced. Her parents are cold and hateful, and her dead husband was abusive.

The backstory of the ghost, which is learned later in the story, is tragic and sad. Its manifestations and eventual release are cleverly designed.

Biller's prose is clear with few grammatical errors. That being said, I'm not certain if the "F" word was used at the time. This would have been a 4 star read for me. However, a lengthy, graphic, and completely gratuitous sex scene in the middle of the book makes this a 3 star instead. The epilogue is great!

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Wow, I loved this read. It's a perfect combination of romance and spooky, paranormal elements set in the gilded age.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The Widow of Rose House by Diana Biller is primarily a romance, however the added facets of historical fiction, mystery, and a spooky/paranormal activity.

I enjoyed the two main characters and their connection. I enjoyed the historical timeline.

My only slight negatives to keep this from being a 5/5 is the added “sexual content”. I was not offended by anything by any means, but it could have been excluded and been an even better novel.

The ending was a nice wrap up and I am looking forward to what the author has in store for these characters for the future.

4/5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for this ARC and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

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Disclaimer: I would like to thank the publisher for providing me with free copy of this book for my unbiased opinion in return.

As a reader of mostly non-fiction books, it was difficult for me to get a handle when it came to fictional story telling given the way authors use words to describe the heck out of the scene, the subjects, the emotions etc. But once I got accustomed to the author's way of story telling, I started enjoying this book more. The story revolves around paranormal activity in a house which is haunted and how the phenomenon brings a famous scientist and the house's owner Mrs. Alva Webster together and how their love blossomed. The haunted house and the haunting entity still continues to be at the center of the story plot and eventually pacified by Mrs. Webster and "released". Overall, it is a good novel and if you are into romantic novels you are sure to like it.

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Widowed and scandalized Mrs. Webster is haunted by her past, so it is only fitting that the house she bought to restore is too. When famous inventor Sam Moore approaches her with a request to investigate the ghosts in her house, she wants nothing to do with it, unwilling to believe that those who tormented you in life could do so in death as well. But after her construction crew encounters something unexplained and refuses to do anymore work unless something is done she reluctantly teams up with Professor Moore to either debunk the stories, or to find a way to help the spirit move on.

This book has a real tone of sadness overall but also glimmers of hope throughout in the form of Sam. I enjoyed the parallels between Alva and the ghost, and found the moody setting of early New York City perfectly suited to the story. I really enjoyed this book! It would be a perfect fall read.

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This book was full of different themes and fascinating characters. Alva Webster, a widow and victim of an abusive marriage, wants to make her own way in the world and rise above the scandal that consumed her when she made her escape from her abusive husband, is set to publish a book on interior decorating that will focus on a house she is bringing back to life. However, the house comes with its own background of ghost stories and sightings and no crews will work there. Enter Samuel Moore, a professor and inventor who is interested in the paranormal. In the resulting adventure, they find the identity of the ghost and fight off her brother-in-law who wants to blackmail her. This was an engaging book with characters that were likable and interesting. Very enjoyable!

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a combination of historical, supernatural romance. With a duo of intriguing protagonists. I read it in a day, was so engrossed. I hope the author has other books planned for these characters.

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I enjoyed the 19th century time period in this book. It has the gothic old mansion, the heroine we like and the bumps and knocks in the night. A home full of haunts the handsome scientist need to find and clear. The chemistry was strong from the beginning. A good read for fans of got his romance and suspense.

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So, the first thing of note this is a Romance (NOT SUITABLE FOR KIDS) and that the ghost story, while the propeller for the plot, is not the main point of the book until the last half. Before that, its the romance.

Sam Moore is the best character in this. I love the description that Alva uses for him, he is a Good Man. A Good Man isn’t a Nice Guy, a Good Man is the kind of person who stands up for what is right and is honestly good. Good through his actions, and good through what he believes and how he treats everyone. Sam is the kind of person who can talk to anyone, doesn’t see the point in wasting time on things that he doesn’t care about, and is far more focused on how he can make life better/easier for everyone around him.

Alva is a strong character as well; she and Sam share the lime light fairly equally. Throughout the book, I appreciate her growth which is in large part to the steadfast and unchangeable nature that Sam has. The two of them create a wonderful foil.

If you enjoy romance or a good ghost story, or even a woman who was scared coming to her own, this is a good novel for you.

I was given a copy of this novel by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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This novel had an interesting premise. It seemed to have ghosts and mystery. However, there was very little mystery in the book and mostly focused on the romance. The plot took awhile to get going. However, the mystery was pretty clever and thrilling. I recommend this for those that love paranormal romances.

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While I am a fan of historical fiction, I am not really a fan of historical romance. It is an important distinction that is sadly overlooked these days. As you may imagine, I am not a regular reader of romance novels either. I don't mind if a book has some romance in it but I do not like books with graphic details. I not find it interesting or enjoyable to read. in fact it is embarrassing. I could not help wondering what if her mother read this or her father and so on. The Widow of Rose House by Diana Buller is extremely explicit. I wish the book's description had mentioned that fact as I am sure that there are other people who would appreciate knowing before starting to read the book. I am certain others feel similar to the way I do because I have since read reviews where others were surprised and/or dismayed by the explicit content. It is so very unnecessary to the story. From the books description I thought it may be a little like The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton with a haunted house thrown in. There was a mention of the scandal surrounding Alva but no details. We could see that Alva and Sam were attracted to each other but we really did not need to join them in the bedroom. If that extreme level of detail is left out, the storyline is still interesting. I don't understand this need to document each and every move made; I guess it is like those people who feel they should tweet or blog or whatever each and every move and thought they make every moment of every day. It is too bad because otherwise there was an interesting story here. One that was a little different from others. It is for that reason alone I will give this 2 stars.

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I loved this book by debut author Diana Biller. It was such a nice change from reading mysteries and thrillers although this book did have a bit of mystery. It also had a bit of paranormal, romance, suspense. I feel like this book had a little of everything. The relationship of Alva and Sam was complex and intriguing. I really can't wait till this author releases another book.

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I adored this book! It was quite unlike anything I've read recently. Based on the blurb and the cover (I know, I know) I didn't think this book was for me, but I had heard a bit of buzz about it after one of the book cons so when I saw it pop up on NetGalley I figured I'd check it out. I am so glad I did! I went into this book thinking it was going to be a more prim historical fiction and instead I got a really unique, charming, and steamy historical romance! The Widow of Rose House was a delightfully Gothic tale set in Gilded Age New York featuring a handsome genius, an infamous young widow, science stuff, a very haunted house, interior design, villainous villains, and lots of adorable witty dialogue! It was spooky and swoony and just so lovely - the perfect cozy romance to read this fall. What a wonderful debut from Diana Biller - I look forward to more from the author.

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I loved the witty conversation between the very intellegent characters. I thought this book got off to a great start, then slowed way down in the middle and then picked up speed again in the last third of the book. I really enjoyed 2/3 of The Widdow of Rose House.

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