Member Reviews

I loved everything about this book. It was totally in my wheelhouse: Gilded Age, atmospheric haunted house with ghosts, romance, witty banter, a scientist hero, and a dastardly villainy brother-in-law.

Alva Webster is trying to rebuild her life, she buys a house to rehab and decorate, but it’s haunted! Cue the aforementioned scientist hero.

I gobbled this book in two days and cannot wait to read what comes next from this author.

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I loved this book! I’m usually not the biggest fan of books set in the past, but this was a fun read. I would say the conversational language did not always match the time period for me, so it took me into present day a lot. Overall, I felt very connected to both Alva and Sam. It was a book I didn’t want to put down for sure.

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I loved this story of the disgraced widow Alva and handsome absent minded inventor, Samuel! It reminded me of books by Amanda Quick. I liked everything about it - the well written characters, ghostly plot, and developing romance between Alva and Samuel. Once I started it I couldn't put it down. Highly recommended!

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The Widow of Rose House is one of the most unique books I’ve read recently- it takes place in Gilded Age New York, and there’s house renovations, geniuses, ghosts, and romance, so it basically has all my favorite things wrapped into one book. Alva Webster, a widow notorious for her(supposed) racy behavior in the press, has returned from France to write a book on interior design and home renovation in order to live a quieter life and escape her traumatic past. The house that she’s renovating has one small issue- it’s really haunted. Professor Samuel Moore is a genius at many things, but his latest fascinations are the spirit realm, and after he meets her, Alva. Despite their increasing attraction to one another, Alva can’t trust that her past and reputation won’t take Sam down with her. And they have that whole ghost issue to deal with.
This book was so funny, and I loved the Moore family (hoping for some spinoffs!). Everything about this book was absorbing and entertaining, and there was the perfect amount of humor to balance out the heaviness and horror. This book could have gone on and on for me, and I would have loved it. This author is going on my auto-buy list!

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Thank you netgalley and St. Martin's Press for an advance copy

I loved this book. I was expecting a romance novel with a ghost story/mystery and boy did it deliver all that and more.

The story starts with the arrival of Mrs Webster in NY after 12 years in France - and becoming a widow. Her reputation is scandalous and she is trying to rebuild her life. Enter Prof Sam Moore - charming, good looking, wholesome - the perfect man. Together they resolve to solve the mystery of Liefdehuile - the haunted mansion Mrs Webster has purchased. What follows is a wonderful telling of a story that has you engaged till the wee hours of the night. I loved the relationship between Them and I loved Sam. I loved how this book made me feel at the end - gratified and satisfied. You know, that feeling you get when you read a great book.

Def this book needs to be read and shared. Romance lover and historical fiction aficionados will def rejoice when reading this.

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This was definitely and enjoyable read, but the description made it sound like the main part of the story was the mystery of the home Alva purchased. It was more a romance with a side ghost story, which I'm sure plenty of people will love, but I prefer the mystery to be at the forefront.

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Perfect summer beach read for those who like touches of gothicl literature, with very steamy moments escapist literature at its best, This is so well written so entertaining a new author to follow, #betgalley #st.martinsbooks,

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Really really enjoyed this! It didn't follow the typical tropes for the time period which was refreshing. Loved Alva and all of her complexities! Sam was such a charming foil to all of Alva's propriety! The story was engaging and romance was pretty steamy. I would love to read more from Diana Biller

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I wasn't too sure about this book until I got to *that* sex scene and then I entirely stopped caring about historical accuracy and was fully on board with whatever crazy stuff was happening next. This is a perfect book for people who want their beach reads with a pinch of the gothic. I'd definitely read more from this author!

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At first I thought this was a mystery like Lady Darby but it’s a straight up romance novel. I had no problems with that. I really enjoyed this book. The mystery was intriguing and spooky with ghostly encounters. The heroine was Alva Webster, who was pilloried in the press after leaving her abusive husband. It’s said she is very scandalous and engaging in affairs and orgies. The hero was absolutely wonderful. Sam is a genius inventor who comes from a genius inventor family and he is GOOD. He is sweet and scatter brained and so kind and wonderful. He is very much the light to Alva’s dark. This was a really good book. I look forward to more by this author.

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