Member Reviews

The Widow of Rose House is a fantastic five out five stars. I loved the characters, the plot and how different this story was.

First we have the amazing Alva, a strong independent woman who has gone through so much. She grew up in a privileged lifestyle that many would have desired but it had its own downfall – two parents who did not care nor show affection for her. They were cold and mean to her, which has had disastrous long term effects on her ability to trust others and build relationships. On top of this, she married a man she thought loved her but instead abused her both emotionally and physically. When she tried to escape, he made her life (for lack of better words), hell. You would think this would break her, but Alva keeps on fighting back and coming back stronger. She buys a rumored haunted house and lands a promising book deal. While financially she is making it, emotionally she is suffering.

Enter in Professor Samuel, who is everything she has always wanted in her own life. He comes from a family full of love and support, he has two parents that love each other very much and he has never felt the pain of disappointment in the people who should love him the most. He is also a brilliant scientist who has an obsession with the paranormal. In this case, he would do anything to study the house that Alva has purchased. What he doesn’t expect is Alva and his strong feelings for her.

I loved the way the plot develops in this story – I wasn’t expecting a ghost story (I don’t want to give too much away but I thought it would play out to be a trick not a real ghost) tied in with a beautiful story of forgiveness, healing and learning to trust. Alva wants to love and be loved, she just doesn’t know how to. Samuel wants nothing more then to show her how special she is. You keep rooting for the pair to be able to make it but never really know if they can. Is Alva too damaged from her past experiences in order to love Samuel the way he deserves? Can Samuel learn to ignore the pain when she pushes away and keep fighting for the two of them? Will they be able to survive the home that Alva purchased? Will her past continue to blackmail her and keep her hostage?

On a side note – I loved how she explored how women were treated during this time period. They had very little rights, were used as property, physically and mentally abused with the majority of society turning a blind eye. Even her own deceased husband and ex-brother in law did not even know their own Mother’s name (this is probably extreme but to them she was just someone who came from a good family name and married into an even better family name). I think this is a good reminder for all readers of how far we have come and why we need to continue to fight for women’s rights.

This was an excellent book from start to finish that I could not put down. I loved every aspect of this well written novel.

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Alva Webster, notorious young widow, returns to Gilded Age New York to restore a dilapidated old mansion to its former glory and publish a book about the experience. But when sinister happenings cause every workman in the area to leave the job site, she’s forced to call in the famous (and handsome) scientist, Professor Samuel Moore, who’s dying to get into the house and investigate the possible haunting. He’s also quite taken with the beautiful, troubled owner.

I don’t usually like paranormal stories, mostly due to my active imagination in the dark at 3 am, but this one took some unexpected turns. The romance is also sweet and poignant enough to overlook a few frights.

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If I had to sum this book up in one word it, it would be ‘charming.’ If I could use two words, it would be ‘utterly charming.’ I loved the blend of genres in this! In my opinion, this book is first and foremost a romance, secondly historical fiction, and thirdly, a gothic thriller.

In 1875, Alva Webster - a young and wealthy widow with a sullied reputation - moves from Europe back to New York to restore a dilapidated mansion and make a fresh start. The mansion, it turns out, is haunted, which draws the attention of a young inventor and sometimes-paranormal-researcher named Sam Moore, who is part of an eccentric and partially wild family of nationally celebrated scientists. Together, the two delve into the tragic secrets surrounding Alva’s new home while Sam attempts to unlock Alva’s history - and her heart.

Biller is at her best when creating witty dialogue and whimsical situations. Her characterizations and interactions amongst Sam’s family are such fun! I could easily read a whole book focused entirely on the peculiar yet lovable Moore family and their scientific exploits. I also loved the dialogue and cat-and-mouse play between Alva and Sam as they get to know each other.

While the psychological underpinnings of Alva seemed incredibly real and interesting, I was left wishing that the dramatic moments and scenes rose to the same level of craft as the lighter and more humorous scenes. I mean that as a testament to Biller’s skill at creating bold, idiosyncratic characters and writing witty banter.

I definitely enjoyed this read! If you are into romance or light historical fiction, I’d recommend it. If you don’t go into it expecting a full-on gothic feel, you won’t be disappointed. And you will probably find yourself smiling and laughing. It’s impossible to read this without being charmed into a good mood.

Thank you St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC!

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It's 1875 and Mrs. Alva Webster has headed back to New York after living in France for many years. In The Widow of Rose House by Diana Biller, Alva Webster has fled France after the murder of her estranged husband in the hopes of dousing the untrue rumors splashed across the French newspapers and exported to the US. Alva meets eccentric scientist Samuel Moore who wants to help determine if there are ghosts in her house. Part Gothic mystery, part Gilded Age and thoroughly enjoyable.

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This had a bit more romance than I was expecting but I adore historical romances so I'm not complaining. Really enjoyed this read - Alva and Sam are delightful (some of my favorite flirting in books in awhile) but also realistic and easy to relate to. Alva has a dark past and finds herself with a house and a ghost that happens to feed on people's fears. The idea was compelling and well-executed. A fabulous late fall read. Bonus points for Sam's crazy family who I also want to adopt me.

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I absolutely and completely adored this book. I fell in love with the main characters and couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. Would love to read more about the rest of the people in the story because I’m not ready to let them go yet. Loved it.

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My Thoughts
I am fully admitting upfront that the synopsis of this book made me think I would be reading a very different story than what I actually read and that admittedly skewed my opinion of the book. A misleading synopsis can really ruin a book for me. Here are my pros and cons for The Widow of Rose House:


1. I loved the science aspect of the book. Sam and his family were awesome and I loved that the story emphasized Sam’s mom and sister as scientists as well.
2. Alva’s backstory was interesting, but I felt like I wanted a little bit more of it. There was just enough information provided to make me understand her personality and her unwillingness to trust people. I think Alva’s backstory would make a great book of its own.


1. I expected a gothic ghost story like the synopsis implied… but the ghost story was such a tiny part of the book that it was almost non-existent. I never got that chill, that sense of unease, that psychological distress that you get from a real gothic novel. There was simply no depth to the haunting at all and the little bit of explanation we get near the end of the book about who was haunting the house felt like a serious afterthought. The word gothic shouldn’t have been used to describe this book at all.
2. I missed that this book was described as a Romance when I requested it from NetGalley. Romance is all it was, and in my opinion the romance was a bit unbelievable. This is 100% a knight-in-shining-armor (or in this case a scientist in rumpled clothing) swoops in and saves the damsel in distress type of novel. If you like that kind of thing, you will like this book. I don’t mind romance novels, but this one was oddly over-the-top in my opinion. It certainly contained way more bodice-ripping than I anticipated!
3. I also wanted way more restoration of the house! Again, the synopsis says “A young widow restores a dilapidated mansion…” There was a lot of talking about restoration, but no restoration took place.

I have a phrase I use for a book like this – surface read. A surface read doesn’t mean it is a bad book per se, but overall there wasn’t enough depth in the story to really appeal to me personally or to make it memorable. I was hoping this would be a spooky October read… it wasn’t. That said, I wasn’t completely disappointed with this book. There were definitely interesting elements and the characterizations were decent, but I wanted way more paranormal and way less paramour.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for a free eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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5++++ stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
What a fabulous read!!!!
Such a fascinating Historical Romance with a built in ghost story. I totally loved and adored this book.
It was captivating, well written with a wonderfully thought out and unique storyline .
Sam, what a hero!!! Smart, humble, funny and charming.
Alva, so fierce - a survivor, bent but not broken.
I really admired her "character".

This is a new favorite for me, it was also a very memorable read. One of the best books that I have read this year!!! I will definitely be adding it to my future rereads pile.

ARC received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
And hugs and kisses to "Natasha is a Book Junkie" for turning me onto this sublime read.

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This book is a mix of different genres and it's a story about second chances and redemption.I enjoyed most of it , it was a satisfying read.

It's captivating and unique with a paranormal twist I didn't see it was coming!The heroine is interesting and storng!You can relate with her and like her from the very start!

Alva and Sam together have some fantastic scenes.I adored them and I had many times a smile in my face!It's a great romance that has a lot great things.

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Title: The Widow of Rose House
Author: Diana Biller
Genre: Historical fiction, romance
Rating: 5 out of 5

In 1875, Alva Webster has spent three years developing a tough hide and learning how to ignore the whispers and gossip going around about her. When she left her abusive husband, he crucified her in the press, and the sordid tales followed her from London back home to New York, where she longs for a fresh start. She bought Liefdehuis, an abandoned mansion, in the hopes of repairing it and her hopes for the future.

But rumors of ghosts haunting the mansion make her task impossible, until eccentric professor Samuel Moore turns up, eager to study the phenomena. Sam’s family is famous for its love of science, and Sam himself is beloved by the press—and women—all over, so Alva wants no part of him, no matter how charming and caring he is. But Sam is her only hope of solving the mystery of the ghost in Liefdehuis—and unlocking the secrets in Alva’s heart.

I feel like Sam—and his family—are the stars of this book, although Alva is pretty incredible herself. But Sam…he’s like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, except caring, considerate, and funny. I loved him from his first introduction and am quite impressed that Alva resisted for as long as she did. There’s a lot of humor in this novel, a little bit of fright, and it all adds up to an entrancing read.

Diana Biller loves ballet and hiking. The Widow of Rose House is her newest novel.

(Galley courtesy of St. Martin’s Press via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.)

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4.5 Stars!

I love when I find a book by a new author and devour it! The Widow of Rose House was beautifully written, the story was entertaining and the characters were so likable and interesting. Alva and Sam were perfect together, a great mixture of fun & serious. Their chemistry was so addictive. Sam was such an entertaining character, he was smart, funny and an all around good guy. And Alva was a strong woman, even though at times she doubted herself. Her self confidence really shown throughout the story.

If you’re looking for a historical romance, with a splash of paranormal (and I do mean splash) then pick up:The Widow of Rose House, you wont be disappointed! I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author!

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This was a delightful romantic story. The character growth was refreshing. The secondary characters were a delight and will most likely have their own stories in the future.

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This is my favorite book of the year. I had been in a bit of a book slump prior to reading this tale. The unique, gothic feel of this story pulled me from that funk and set me afire with excitement! The ghost story is so intriguing and spooky, exceptionally well done, especially for a book that isn't exactly a scary book. Then we get our MCs. and boy howdy do they explode off the page. Alva is a smart, fearless woman out to grab her second chance at life, as best she can. And Sam...oh, Sam. Sam is my favorite hero - he is a literal genius in all ways, far smarter than he should be but it's not pretentious. In fact, his self-awareness is a glorious attribute! Add that to the way he loves Alva and man, stick a fork in me, I'm done - he's the one!

The pacing, secondary characters, and setting are all high points in the tale. Biller does a fabulous job laying out a complex story that doesn't data dump the details. Her villains are horrible and completely unredeemable, something I look for in a villain! And our wee ghostie - that story broke my heart a little. I'm so happy I found this author and I can not wait to read more from her in the future. She is a new auto buy/auto rec for me! HIGHLY recommend.

**I don't have a link to share yet but this will be featured on Frolic as my favorite read for October 2019 - that post will go live during the first week of Nov.

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This book! Once I started I could not put it down. A little bit of everything is included in this story. We have scandal, romance, haunted house and a quirky, intelligent handsome man with a charming smile and witty banter.

Alva is the epitome of her time. Suffering in silence and holding a "stiff upper lip" against the backlash from a ruined reputation she is trying to make her own way in the world by restoring a house that is abused and neglected as she is. She doesn't need attention from a young brilliant, and sexy, scientist. Alva has enough scandal and complications in her life without his charming rule breaking smile.

The banter in this book had me giggling and wanting more. I loved the different stories weaved into the main plot and I cannot wait to read more from this author in the future!

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The Widow of Rose House It is not my typical read. I took a chance and stepped out of my comfort zone based on high praise from an early review/recommendation by Natasha is a Book Junkie. I’m ecstatic that I did because it was an absolute delight to read. The tale of Sam and Alva held me rapt for hours. I enjoyed the story so much I purchased the audio version so I could experience it a new.

It’s hard to believe this is a debut. The writing is elegant, layers rich with exquisite detail, adding to both the visual of the setting, as well as to the depth of the characters.

Sam is a gentle soul, blessed with a silent strength, genius brain, quick wit and charming personality. Alva is a caring, intelligent, resilient woman who is determined to fight for her future. Together, along with a ghosts of the past they embark on a discovery of hope, love, and romance determined to put the past where it belongs.

This multi layered story bridges past and present in a thoughtful, intriguing and at times scary manner. The Moore family is endlessly interesting. I hope the author considers writing more of their stories. I highly recommend reading The Widow of Rose House.

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A- review at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books:

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Alva Webster has a past with a capital P. There's nothing she can do to hide it but she's hoping to capitalize on it to her benefit by restoring a house and writing a book about it. The only problem is that the house has a past that is just as lurid and scandalous as hers is. Enter Professor Sam Moore of a rather distinguished family of scientists who is fascinated by ghosts.

Alva has had a rough time of it and has built more then a few walls and a very stiff upper lip to cope with it. Sam with his enthusiasm and charm might just be her opposite but right from the start they are attracted to each other and seem to thoroughly enjoy each other's company.

I was surprised to read this was a debut book for this author. She has such a clean straightforward style while still managing to give a good dash of humor and atmosphere. Sam is so incredibly likable that I couldn't help but smile when he showed up on the page and I loved Alva even though at times my heart broke for her. The pacing of this was nice and solid - never rushed but I never felt like it was dragging. This was a nice book to sink into and escape from the work for a bit. I wanted to know what was going to happen with the house, between Alva and Sam and with all the other plot threads that ran through this book. This was a wonderful spooky (but not scary) historical fiction with great characters and a touch of romance.

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Alva is looking for a fresh start. The whole world - including her parents - views her as a fallen woman who deserves everything that happened to her. Sam just wants to satisfy his insatiable scientific mind. When Sam learns that Alva bought a haunted house in Hyde Park, he’s determined to investigate.

Firstly, I love that this takes place in Hyde Park, near where I live in the Hudson Valley. Although Liefdehuis (later renamed Rose House) is not a real place, it resembles any number of places in this area.

I also liked the premise of the ghost story. What disappointed me most about this book was that it wasn’t developed more, along with the main characters, who felt a bit flat to me. However,
Sam’s family was a lot of fun. I like how his sister Maggie was both scientific and girly. Henry clearly has an interesting, if unknown, backstory.

Overall, I very much enjoyed sitting and reading and reading this book. It was after I was done, that I was disappointed. From the description, I thought this was a ghost story with a romance, and it was actually a romance with a ghost story. I like both, so I think my disappointment is more about expectation than anything else.

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Henry James meets Barbara Michaels in Diana Biller’s enchanting, engrossing and immensely enjoyable debut novel that sweeps readers back to the Gilded Age with style, élan and panache: The Widow of Rose House.

After fleeing a cruel and abusive husband, Alva Webster had been forced to endure an avalanche of scorn and disdain by society and frequent ridicule and pillorying by the scandal sheets in two continents. Treated like a pariah by her peers, Alva had realized that if she wanted to survive and thrive in a cruel and unforgiving world, she needed to develop a stiff upper lip and to not let society’s barbed words and hurtful rumours get to her. Alva has learnt to rely on herself and not allowed herself to crumble even when the odds seemed stacked against her, but at long last Lady Luck has smiled down upon her when her husband’s sudden death finally allows her to return back to New York and to restore Liefdehuis, a dilapidated family mansion. Alva hopes that she will manage to restore not just the derelict old house, but also her own reputation. She knows that this is no easy task, however, Alva is not a woman who gives up easily and indeed she is going to need all of her strength and courage for the mammoth task ahead…

When she returned home after years away from New York, Alva had been preparing herself to face the music and tackle demons from her past, but it seems that at Liefdehuis, it’s ghosts that she has to worry about as stories of spine-chilling hauntings begin to reach her. Alva’s first reaction is to scoff at such nonsensical and illogical stories. They are surely the product of an overactive imagination and of somebody who wants to scare her, so when the brilliant professor Samuel Moore offers his help to aid her to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding Liefdehuis, Alva refuses. She has enough complications in her life, she certainly does not need another – especially eccentric, unconventional and handsome complications like Sam Moore! However, Alva soon realizes that she might have been a tad too hasty in turning down Sam’s help.

As the two join forces and vow to uncover the truth about the ghosts haunting Liefdehuis, it is not just the tragic secrets of the mansion which Sam is unlocking, but also Alva’s heart. As the two begin to develop feelings for one another, Alva and Sam find themselves wondering whether they can vanquish old ghosts and look to a future together…or whether they will continue to let past mistakes condemn them to a lifetime of loneliness and regret…

The Widow of Rose House is an absolute joy to read – especially for readers who grew up on the wonderful Gothic romances of Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart. Spiced with delicious atmosphere, spine-tingling intrigue, witty repartee, nail-biting intensity and poignant romance, The Widow of Rose is a suspenseful, emotional and gloriously entertaining read that keeps readers on the edge of their seats throughout.

Alva is a wonderful heroine who is resilient, intelligent and always holds her head high, regardless of the obstacles in her way and Sam is a brilliant hero readers cannot help but swoon over.

The Widow of Rose House heralds the arrival of an exciting new voice in historical fiction and I cannot wait to read what the fabulous Diana Biller writes next!

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In a time when the smallest hint of scandal could ruin a woman, innocent or not, heiress and widow Alva Webster is determined to set her own path. Struggling to throw off the social shackles of harmful rumors, she purchases a home that is said to be haunted. Much like herself, she feels the house deserves a second-chance, and she begins the daunting task of renovating a home that many refuse to enter.
Lovable genius Sam crosses paths with Alva and is obsessively intrigued with the possibility of ghosts, and, even more exciting, the opportunity to attempt to measure their energy or find other, scientific proof of their existence. With a mind that is constantly running and a strikingly innocent personality, Sam persists in badgering Alva to allow him admittance to her mansion in the name of scientific inquiry.
After reluctantly allowing Sam into both her new home and her life, a romance sparks between the two and steadily builds, quickly becoming the focal point of the novel. Their natural back and forth banter is entertaining and a treat to read. Sam beautifully plays the part of the unlikely romance hero and is exactly the sort of character I fall in love with. Headstrong but hopeful Alva is a likable main character, admirable in her dedication to refusing to be a victim.
Apart from the spot on dialogue, the details are sumptuous and rich, though the novel is primarily character driven. My only, and rather small, complaint would be the lack of emphasis on the ghost story and its supernatural elements. Considering the description mentions them as a key plot point, I had anticipated them playing a larger part, but for large sections they may as well be nonexistent.
The Widow of Rose House is a refreshing historical romance that defies all of the stereotypes. The slowly building romance feels natural and oh so right in its pacing, while the historical setting is a gorgeous backdrop without feeling trite or over done. 4.5 stars to this compulsively readable story

Thank you to Netgalley and St Martin's Press for an advance copy. This had no impact on my review.

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