Member Reviews

Very well written!
Quite enjoyed reading The Modest Proposal Institute. Not what I expected. It was actually better!
I look forward to reading more books by this author.
Highly recommend it.

This is a book is one that Gavin McInnes would love. Imagine if Proud Boys USA decided to start a school where Male chauvinism is applauded and the Female presence is greatly discouraged. There are serveral protagonists in this book but the only one that is mildly likeable is Alexis.
The premise is that boys have been made weak and ineffectual due to being forced to deal equally and fairly with girls. It's not that abuse in any way is encouraged, but girls (and women) by nature, are thought to be inferior to boys (and men) and by teaching them together and in the same way, boys are by default weakened. Because of this, the entire Western World is at jeopardy.
To solve this, a school with all boy students is formed on an island so that they can learn and play without feminine distractions or interference. Enter, a more civilized version of Lord of The Flies. No human sacrifices, but there is quite a bit of unchecked aggression. The author doesn't glorify the actions of his characters, he just states them. One thing that bothered me (the most) was that a woman's 'superpower' is what she can do with her body, i.e. giving birth. So if she is unable or unwilling to bare children to subsequently take care of, she is in effect, powerless. So women who engage same sex relationships are double-damned, as it were. Men, on the other hand, have the 'superpower' of thought. So matter what kind of relationships they engage in, or lack of children they conceive, they never loose their usefulness.
Well written and imaginative, it was not a bad read overall but an open mind is NECESSARY to complete it.
*** this book was received for free via netgalley in exchange for an honest review ***

This book holds an interesting premise - what if you founded a school for intelligent boys on an island, you taught them how to program computer games, coding, business practices and other academic subjects, and then you paid them for what they produced?
What if the rest of the world watched as with envy as this group of boys took over the world’s currency and businesses and complained that girls were being overlooked?
Read this book to see what these boys accomplish - is it Paradise or not?

Modest Proposal Institute by Paul James. This book challenges today's society on several levels, Many people will reject what is written entirely out of hand because they don't like or believe that what's in its pages. A well thought out proposal, wish I knew how practical it is. I enjoyed this book.