Member Reviews

I thought I'd like it because I love f/f but this was a little lacking. I want to give it a 1 but I cant for the life of me give it less than a three because it's hard out there for lesbian books

I don't mind erotic stories, in fact I'm partial to them, but when the sex (which isn't even particularly exciting) overwhelms any semblance of plot, I'm done.

Stevie‘s review of Model Behavior by MJ Williamz
Lesbian Erotic Romance published by Bold Strokes Books 16 Apr 19
Through various aspects of my day job, I’ve come into contact with different facets of the body positivity movement as well as organisations that provide support, and campaign, for individuals with visible differences, and I’m always interested to find books with protagonists who don’t fit the old stereotypes of what a romance hero or heroine should look like. So I was very excited to spot this book when it came up for review, even if the use of the word ‘disfigured’ in the blurb jumped out at me as being problematic. A few weeks went by before I actually got ’round to reading the book, and the fine details of the blurb had escaped me by then. So while I knew that someone’s ex was going to do something to one of our heroines, I couldn’t entirely remember what or whom. As is generally the way in romancelandia, we meet our heroines before they get together. A long time before (in page count terms) in this instance.
When we first meet Ronnie Mannis, she’s hosting a dinner party for a group of her friends, as well as for Lana Ferguson, a fashion model, with whom Ronnie, a photographer, has recently worked with. Although Ronnie vowed not to get her heart broken again after her last serious relationship ended, she’s become convinced that her rules might have to be broken on Lana’s account. Unfortunately, Lana has heard all about Ronnie’s love-them-and-leave-them reputation and is determined not to be drawn in, no matter how attractive she finds Ronnie. Ronnie consoles herself with a string of one-night stands, continuing to maintain a professional relationship with Lana, while Lana also makes new friends who appear to have a romantic interest in her. Eventually, however, the two get together, although Ronnie finds that one of her casual flings wasn’t interpreted quite that way by the other woman involved.
Ronnie and Lana find themselves stalked by Ronnie’s ex, whose behaviour becomes increasingly threatening, until she eventually attacks Lana, leaving her with what Lana believes to be potentially career-ending injuries. Fearing that Ronnie was only attracted to her for the way she previously looked, Lana attempts to break off all contact with her and also breaks her contract with the modelling agency through which she had been working. Ronnie then has to attempt to convince Lana that she’s still the one for her – a section of the book I find very rushed, as is the plot thread dealing with the investigation into the attack on Lana: although various characters express doubts as to the identity of the perpetrator, all these are swept away as soon as Ronnie’s ex is arrested.
I found the writing in this novel to be very clunky and, for the most part, lacking in emotion or deep characters’ insights. I could have also done without so much detailing of Ronnie’s and Lana’s dates with other people before they finally got together. There was a lot of sex – this being an erotic romance – I just wish more of it could have involved the two central characters together rather than separately. And the rushed happy ending, with no discussion of where Lana’s career was going now, was the biggest disappointment of all. I’m definitely the wrong reader for this author.
Grade: D

Sex, sex,and more sex. This covered the entire first 70% of the book. Oh, and then there is this tiny storyline of extreme jealousy and an attack of terror. But then we go back to sex. That's basically the book. The 2 main characters fall immediately in lust without much chemistry. They mainly had sex and modeling in common. Their relationship actually improved in the last part of the book and then the story abruptly ended.
In reading about the author, it seems that she writes mostly erotica. So I guess this book falls into that category. Personally, I prefer a little more story, character development and dialog.
I was given this ARC for an honest review.

This is the first novel I have read by MJ Williamz. While I liked the potential of the storyline, the overall storytelling was just not my style. I found the character development to be very shallow, very surface-level. I also found parts of the story to be very repetitive. For example, the character Ronnie is very early on established as a womanizer. Over and over throughout the book it is reiterated how much of a womanizer she is. As a reader, once I am told a main fact about character, I don't feel like I have to be reminded of this over and over again, especially not directly being told.
I found the sex scenes to be bland and very rushed. It was as if there was no build up to the scenes. In some cases, the scenes were no more than 4-5 lines of text. Clothes off...fingers in/out...touch the happy spot...massive orgasm. Similar scenes were established many times as well.
For some, this style may be exactly what they are looking for. I had a hard time getting through the book since it did not hold my interest and was in a style of storytelling that I don't gravitate to.
I was provided a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

Struggling to finish this one but I do keep coming back for more of it. I will end up finishing and reviewing again but for now I'm struggling .

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44594014-model-behaviour" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Model Behaviour" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1553580907m/44594014.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44594014-model-behaviour">Model Behaviour</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6626997.M_J_Williamz">M.J. Williamz</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2818948095">1 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
The plot summary for this romance was interesting but unfortunately didn't deliver. There is lots of sex but the characters and plot are not fully developed and I struggled to finish the read. Ms. Williamz has written some good books in the past but her recent ones have sadly (for me) fallen flat. I can only rate this one 1 star. I rec'd a copy from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for review.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
Ronnie is a photographer and she basically a womanizer all that change when she meet Lana who is a model.
When Ronnie decide she found the one in Lana her ex Whitney won't let her be happy and attack Lana.
I like both characters and the romance and the sex scenes was hot and I like how they both was opening to love.
The only thing about this book that I didn't like it was to repetitive but I'm still say I'll recommend it.

This book has all the potential to be a five star book however there are a few things that made me think I had to review it in an honest manner and give it a lesser rating. I’ll start with my first reason the plot burb gives away the big mystery in the story which if left out would’ve left the reader wondering throughout the story if something was going to happen to one of the main characters. The second problem I have with the book is that there’s so much repetition that is unnecessary.
Now for the good things about this book, the character development is excellent. You feel Ronnie’s desire to want to change woman and open her heart to find the love that she has been looking for . Of course that’s not an easy challenge for her. The other main character in the book Lana is so Sweet and somewhat innocent and you hope throughout this story that she would be able to open herself up to a love that she never thought she’d get. And then there’s the wicked character of Whitney, Williamz did such a great job describing her and her wackiness.
Williamz is a good writer and as I said I wish one of the main plots in the story was not given away in the introductory Burb.
I do however recommend this book because it has so many other good redeeming qualities especially in the character development.

A shed load of sex, but sadly even decently written sex scenes don’t elevate this book. It lacks soul. The protagonist is played around a bit but that ends up nowhere, the leading women have no complexity, and the book plods along. There are attempts at drama and a bit of depth, but it just doesn’t work. I want to like it more because I know authors work hard, but honestly there’s no substance.

Single dimensional characters, zero chemistry, complete lack of emotion and too much sex (we never, never thought that this last one would ever be a problem for us!) – this book really made us wonder why we read it. The blurb sounded interesting. The story had potential but the writing just did not flow. The characters, their dialogues and interactions were completely cardboard.
Robbie, a photographer, is a typical Williamz character: an irresistible butch/boi who has beautiful women throwing themselves at her. She is a player who has one night stands on the daily (there are times in this book when the author talks about Robbie not wanting to go home and be alone but we don’t recall a single such evening described) but falls for a femme and changes completely becoming the best kind of partner. Lana is a model wanting to concentrate on her career and keep away from Robbie because of her reputation. Robbie falls for Lana for the shallowest of reasons: Lana looks like her ex, Constance.
We really expected more from a writer who has won Goldie Awards in the past but this particular offering from said author has us questioning the awards – yes, the book was so not good.
We really wish there was something positive that we could say about this book but there is nothing, so maybe we won’t say anything more...just that this is the second book of this author's that we read and both times, the blurb was better than the book.

I want to say at the beginning of this review that I really do not like to write bad reviews. Even when I don’t happen to like a story or book, I will still try to find something good to say about it in a review. My review of Model Behavior by MJ Williamz is one of those.
The story is OK but not unique. The book does not flow well since the writing is static with little description. I already knew who the bad guy was before I started the tale because the introductory blurb told me who she was. That kind of took away any real intrigue or suspense. The only thing left was finding out how and when Lana would be attacked and disfigured. The sex scenes overwhelmed the story as well. There are so many of them they became boring and I started skimming through them. The characters are one dimensional. They have no depth. I could not connect with either of them, and that had a major impact on my enjoyment of the novel.
This is the first book I have read by Ms. Williamz. I know that she is a veteran writer since she has seventeen books published by Bold Strokes Books with at least three of them being Goldie Award winners. She also has at least thirty-five short stories in publication. She could not have accomplished all of that without writing talent, so I will assume that this particular book is a glitch in her writing.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.