Member Reviews

Rescuing His Secret Child
True North Heroes #3
By Maggie K. Black

Nick Henry made the biggest mistake of his life when he walked away from Erica Knight leaving her to face her brother's wrath alone. But that night was the one that made him decide to change his life and be the person he could be.

Erika Knight's world changed when Nick walked out of her life but she was determined to be the best mother she could be to her child. She never expected to see Nick Henry again but that was all about to change when the train she's working on is hijacked.

Nick was headed to a meeting when a young boy, Zander, asks him for his help. Bad men with guns are onboard and he is worried about his mother. Nick knows how to handle situations like this, in fact, he even does training for just such scenarios. But the situation takes an unexpected turn Erika turns out to be Zander's mother.

As complications arise and the hijackers threaten Zander Nick and Erika must work together to come up with a plan to prevent this train trip from becoming deadly. But someone's determined to stop them and no cost is too high for the potential gains.

This is part of the Love Inspired Suspense line of books so if you want suspense that doesn't give you nightmares and you want a romance that is clean and ends on a happy note you'll enjoy this book. This is the third book in the True North Heroes series but it is not necessary to read the previous books in the series before reading this one. From what is revealed in this book it appears that this series follows the Henry family and the previous books dealt with Nick's brothers. This story deals with second chances, forgiveness, and honesty. Overall an enjoyable reading escape that will take you to Canada and a crime that isn't what it appears to be.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher with no expectations but that I offer my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

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Rescuing His Secret Child is one of the Love Inspired series that can be read as a stand alone, but feature some recurring characters. These books are great to read in an afternoon and give you just enough suspense and romance to keep you satisfied. In this one, Nick is awakened by a five year old boy who is trying to steal his gun in order to save his mother. It turns out that the mother is Nick's ex from six years before and Nick is his son.

This was a fast paced story, it takes place over jut a few hours. I read it in one sitting. For the most part, I enjoyed it. It's a clean Christian romance, but the religious part in no way overpowers the story. Since it was so fast, I didn't feel like I got to know the characters as well as I would have liked. But I enjoyed the action and the HEA. I would recommend this one to those who lovex good clean romantic suspense. It's was a fun read.

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First of all, while the writing in Love Inspired books is getting better, the titles are not. Rescuing His Secret Child? I suppose it tells me what the book will be about, but it also doesn't attract me ... or make me want to answer you if you ask me the name of the book I'm currently reading!

Fortunately, the book is much better than the title! Rescuing His Secret Child takes place over a period of maybe 24 hours (except for the very end of the final chapter, which is set a few weeks later), and that short time period really helps to build the suspense. While I'm normally not a fan of romance in suspense novels that are set over a short period of time, it helps here that Nick and Erica have a history, so the speed at which their romance moves feels authentic.

Zander, Erica and Nick's son, is completely adorable (if perhaps a bit unbelievable for a five-year-old), and his growing relationship with Nick was really sweet.

I did pinpoint the mastermind behind the train heist fairly early on but not his motivation, and it was fun to see it all unfold. This is a quick, suspenseful read that I found to be really enjoyable. Also, I believe this is one of the only books I've read set in contemporary Canada (besides Liz Johnson's Prince Edward Island Dreams series), so it was a fun setting to dive into. 4 stars.

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What a lovely story!
I pretty much inhaled the tale at one sitting. It was so effortless to be engaged in the story, as all the elements of it were so well thought out, twined into a tale of danger and death, faith and growth, as well as soulmates and second chances.
Building up tension and believable suspense and action in a small confined space, that is moving across the Canadian wilderness could be a challenge, yet the author manages to bring up the intensity from the very start, and hold it high up till the very end. The twisted plot unravels with the help of the Henry brothers, but I have to say, Erica Knight and her son Zander can manage to hold their own. Erica is a brave, strong, capable woman who is not afraid to take the lead and act when needed. And Zander, the little soldier, he is so adorable, while daring, smart, and fast on his feet. Zander stole the scene every time he walks on the stage, and I love him.
Nick Henry might have been a hotheaded, irresponsible young man, but he had to grow up fast after facing the consequences of his mistakes and actions. He lost Erica once, his best friend and the only girl he ever loved, so this opportunity to stop the train heist, and rescue the travelers, it was more than just act of bravery, it was necessary for a new chance for Erica and Nick.
The connection between Erica and Nick was palpable and real. The hurt from the past still bites, showing how deep the chemistry between them even now burned, yet there was hope for the reunion through redemption and forgiveness.
One thing that I admired in this story was the strong presence of the faith in God in both Erica's and Nick's hearts and minds. In everything that they were, every situation they faced, their first thought was a prayer, showing where the foundation of their lives was built on.
The intensity of the story was visible in every element of the tale, in the suspense, romance, as well as in the faith of the protagonists. The importance of family was everything to them, as they boldly face the danger, and fight for their lives while facing their past mistakes.
I truly enjoyed the author's voice, her style to tell the tale, and pull the reader into the world where the known truth was challenged, everyone's lives were in the line of danger, and past mistakes had a chance to corrected if survived, new lives and possibilities arising from the deadly threat to their existence.
A breathtaking story in many ways
~ Four Spoons with a teaspoon on the side

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