Member Reviews

"The Runaway" by Hollie Overton is a gripping and emotionally charged read that takes you on a roller-coaster journey alongside its captivating characters.

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Thanks to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the e-arc I received in exchange for my honest review, sorry it’s so late but I finally got to it!

The Runaway is about a foster mom, who also happens to be a police psychologist, on the hunt for her missing daughter. Some parts were a bit far fetched but overall it was an ok read.

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With TV writing background moving to the forefront, Hollie Overton has created a police procedural-like novel in her latest thriller “ The Runaway”. Told in third person, the story follows characters Ash and her foster mother Becca, whose lives are turned upside down when Ash becomes involved with a dangerous gang named “The Tribe”. It quickly becomes clear that Ash and her family are in danger, and “The Tribe” will not rest until she has paid the price in their view.

As each chapter flips between focusing on Ash and Becca, “The Runaway” offers a close examination of the characters’ thoughts and emotions with a narrative style that is easy to follow and effective in creating an emotional connection with readers. It should be noted that themes of homelessness and substance abuse are featured in great detail. Scenes of extreme physical and emotional violence are also included.

Readers that enjoy psychological thrillers will undoubtedly enjoy Overtons latest release. The characters are well-written and the book deals with some very difficult themes in an impactful and authentic way.

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A very good book, First for me by this author.. This book was very well written. It keep my interrest from the first page till the last.. I would recommend reading this book. A page turner for sure

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I usually really love Hollie Overton’s books, but this one was not my favorite. I think it was because I disliked the main character so much that I couldn’t enjoy the book. The first half of the book is fine, the second half is Becca running all over the place with no sleep, no food and too much caffeine. It made me tired just reading about her running back and forth from home, skid row, police station and the hospital. I kept thinking, “how much gas is this lady wasting?”

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Hollie Overton has quickly become one of my favorite authors. She has a way of writing that completely draws you into the story. I was so sad every time work or something else got in the way of finishing this book. It was quite the suspenseful and engaging ride.

Becca has had her share of tragedy. Tragedy that has not only shaped her as a person, but her career path as well. Through it all Becca has prided herself on helping others. Especially her foster daughter. They have been through hell and back. Now Becca is willing to risk everything she has worked for in order to protect the girl who has become her world.

An intriguing and suspenseful story that will have you up all night trying to finish.

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.

Let me start by saying that I've loved EVERY book I've read by Hollie Overton. So I clearly had high expectations for this book.

Was I disappointed? Absolutely not.
Becca agrees to foster a teenage runaway named Ash. Bonds grow, and attachments occur. While Ash has "turned her back" to the streets, there is still one person out there that she cannot lose. Unfortunately, he's dragging her back into this dark world.... she's not safe. Becca isn't going to let her go. But the question is how far will she go to save her!?


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After Baby Doll I would read anything by Hollie Overton. Even her grocery list. But let me tell you each book gets better! The books are thrill rides from beginning to end.

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Forensic psychologist Becca Ortiz takes to the mean streets of LA to find her foster daughter and encounters some scary individuals along the way. Ortiz is a great protagonist and THE RUNAWAY is well written with an exciting plot.

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I have read a few books from Hollie Overton and let me tell you her thrillers are becoming my favorites! The Runaway was amazing!!!! I was hooked by the very first chapter and my attention stayed glued to my kindle until the very end! Hollie filled the pages of The Runaway with chilling storyline that seemed like nothing I have read before. At points I was like omg it’s totally going this way and then boom it totally doesn’t! I love love love that. As much as I love figuring out all the answers before the people in the book I love even more not figuring it out until it is all laid out. Two words..... MUST READ!

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Psychologist Becca Ortiz has agreed to foster a teenage runaway, Ash, who has a deep and dark past. This follows her new life with Becca and the fact that just because you turn your back on your past does not mean it can't come back to haunt you. What lengths will Becca go to in order to save her foster daughter and how much danger will come about in the process? You are taken for a thrill ride into the seedy underworld as she fights to save her daughter.

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Second book by Hollie Overton, and it did not disappoint.
The Runaway shares the struggles of psychologist Becca, learning to care for foster daughter Ash. But the Ash is gone, and Becca turns to the streets. Was she taken? Did she runaway? I won’t spoil it for you....

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Wow, what a thrill ride of a book! Completely riveting and unputdownable. This book was one that hooked me from page one and made sure to keep that suspense filled thrills coming and coming! Absolutely found it to be very well written and chilling, as well as completely absorbing. Highly recommend!
Will make sure I buzz this book up!

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Hollie Overton does it again. ALL THE stars. Absolutely loved this book! The story flows, the characters are fascinating and I couldn't put it down. Highly recommend.

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of The Runaway by Hollie Overton in exchange for an honest review.
This novel begins with Ash getting a tattoo from a group of homeless people called The Tribe. Ash is in love with Nate, a member of the makeshift family that calls themselves The Tribe. Once a runaway, Ash is being fostered by Becca a therapist with the LAPD. Ash is still not quite sure if Becca’s love for her, as she is torn by her love for Nate and being with him. Becca has a complicated past herself, having lost several babies by miscarriage, a divorce from the love of her life Christian, and the death of her brother Robbie. She has a fractured relationship with her mother. Sometimes, Becca has a tough time keeping a grip on reality. As Ash and Nate become more involved, Ash witnesses a beating by a member of The Tribe on another member, Eli. When Ash is turned away, the tribe feels that they need to take care of Ash in a menacing manner. From here on, Ash realizes that Mo, the leader of The Tribe is dangerous.
The book is mainly about Becca’s race to find Ash after she and Nate ran away, and to take Mo into custody. Becca makes some very poor decisions, which causes her friends to question her ability to be rational.
I thought the book was a little long, and also had some very unlikely situations. However it does deal with a lot of issues, namely mental health, homelessness, and trouble with fertility, which are all important issues. I thought much of this was a bit far-fetched. For example, I don’t know If a doctor trained in mental health, would take as many chances as she did. I was also a little frustrated by the ending, but I do feel that it was pretty realistic that Mo still had a following.
#TheRunaway #HollieOverton

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Excellent book! I am a big fan of Ms. Overton’s other three books so I was thrilled to be approved for an early copy of The Runaway, and I was not disappointed. Heart wrenching story of a foster mother and the daughter she loves as her own. When Becca took in Ash she knew about her troubled past including drug abuse, mental and physical abuse, and homelessness. When Ash gets tangled up with an extremely dangerous cult like group of homeless people it tests the bonds between this mother and daughter. Just like her other novels this one is extremely well written and impossible to put down. I have read over 100 books this year and this was one of the best.

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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was very intrigued by the description of this book even though I'd never heard of the author so I took a gamble when I requested it and I was not disappointed.

I found this story of police psychologist, Becca Ortiz, and her foster daughter, Ash, compelling as they get pulled into the twisted web of Mo, a mother figure to a group of runaways in LA's skid row. I was quickly pulled into the story and following an engaging group of core characters. There's not too much that I can say without giving away some of the plot twists along the way. As with most fiction, I felt like some of the things Becca did in her determination to rescue Ash was a little far-fetched but it wasn't too hard to let that go and just let myself go for the ride.

I may have not heard of Hollie Overton before this book but I am I very interested in reading some of her other works.

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Becca Ortiz has struggled to fill an emptiness inside for so long. She has lost so much and is finally on her way to getting what she’s always wanted. What her heart has yearned for. A daughter. A child she can call her own. And then Ash runs away.
Ashley - known as Ash - has a mother that she wishes she never had. After endless abuse, and more foster homes she can imagine, she’s out on her own till she meets Nate. Together they survive till they are separated and forced out of each other’s lives. Ash meets Becca, who desperately tries to pull them both out of a pit of despair and loneliness neither ever thought they’d survive.
As if their problems weren’t big enough, a group called The Tribe brings with them murder, suicide, arson, a sociopath and a lot of lost souls. Ash vanishes and Becca is on the hunt of her life. For Ash. For the person who hurt her.
This story was packed with more than I could ever give away in a summary and you won’t be sad you read it. It’s a book that keeps you interested the entire way through, never a dull moment. You don’t have to worry about twists or rugs being pulled out from under you. @hollieoverton feeds you a great story of love, determination, faithfulness, acceptance with a little bit of thriller thrown in there for fun ;-)
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC

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This is Overton's third novel and after reading and enjoying her first two books, I was quite excited to be approved to read this one on NetGalley! I thought that her first novel was especially fun, and while her second one wasn't my favorite, this third book is quite thrilling. Told in three perspectives, this is a thriller that weaves in a lot of heavier issues - infertility, homelessness, mental health issues and the idea of what makes a family. Ash is the titular runaway, the foster daughter of Becca, an LAPD psychologist. When Ash reconnects with an old friend from her time living on the streets of LA, she finds that he has joined with the "Tribe" a makeshift family led by Mo, the third perspective. Ash's attempt to runaway ignites a storm of violence, rule-breaking and downright chaos between Mo's motivations and Becca's desperation to save the girl she considers a daughter.

It's a definite page turner that becomes hard to put down. I really enjoyed reading it and was frankly shocked at this dire description of the CA homeless population. The book grips you as it is both emotional and exciting. The characters all come to life - even when their actions are downright frustrating! But, these bad decisions only serve to make them feel even more real. I definitely plan on continuing to follow Overton's writing and am very curious to see what she will follow this one up with!

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I was fully expecting to absolutely love this book. Police/detective thrillers are my current "go-to," and it's hard to find one that I don't enjoy in some way. However, sadly, I could not connect with this book and struggled to even make it to the end. This is for several reasons, but I do want to discuss the positive attributes of this novel, before I ruin the day with my bad news bears act. First, the characters are top-notch, they have interesting stories, they're unique and memorable. The setting, the gritty Los Angeles homeless communities along with the LAPD creates an environment that is highly interesting.
But alas, the interesting characters seemed more intent on writing a manual for social change than a thrilling page-turner, and the setting served to further a more "political" statement rather than immersing us in an unknown counter-culture. I don't mind novels that have a central "social justice" theme, but this one felt like I was being preached at from the get-go. I don't like the feeling that I"m reading a book to get "educated," unless I"m reading something educational. There is a place for these ideas, but it's not in the middle of a novel that I'm reading to "get away," and it makes it extremely difficult to enjoy.
Overall, the author has skills.. I feel like had there not been so MUCH going on, it would have been an enjoyable read, regardless of the pushing of a social consciousness. However, I just couldn't get into this one at all. Others may enjoy it, but I didn't love this title.
I was provided an ARC of this title by the publisher and NetGalley in order to provide an honest review.

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