Member Reviews

This features a male lead who is a professional baseball player and has recently had a falling out with his wife due to her "faking it". It wasn't until he hit a grand slam that made them win a game, that made them have a great night of great sex. That led to him finding out she was faking it and he moved out. But now all he wants to do it save his relationship. So he joins a book club to guide them to talk to and properly woo women. I enjoyed it - it is a romance novel. I would recommend it to men who want to read a book, but aren't quite sure where to start because it is genuinely from the male's perspective vs the women's insecurities. It also centered around men supporting and uplifting other men, who truly try to help a teammate save their relationship. It's a 4/5 star read.

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ICONIC. you know that one lady gaga praise gif? thats how i feel and this went onto my faves list immediately

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This was such a fun read! I love the concept and I'm happy to see it's a series. I plan to read the others asap!

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I feel like the last romance reader on the planet who hasn't read this series, but now that I've started I cannot wait to read more! I went into The Bromance Book Club knowing there was a lot of hype behind it and it completely lived up to everything I had heard. I love a marriage in trouble romance and the premise hooked me off the bat: a baseball player learns that his wife has been faking orgasms in bed and uses the support of romance novels and his friends to win her back and explore the deeper problems in their relationship.

The book opens with the hero dealing with a massive hangover. Starting off with a hero's heat in the toilet, I wondered what I was getting into but soon realized how incredible it was for Lyssa Kay Adams to show us Gavin at his lowest point and then get to cheer him on as he pulled himself together and transformed into the man and husband he longed to be. His love of Thea is clear from the start and I really enjoyed how he used romance novels to find the words to that could capture how he felt about her.

While Gavin had his share of hiccups, I love that this book also explores the walls that Thea put up around herself that created distance between them. Their reconciliation isn't about a single person changing, it's based on them both evolving into a couple who learns how to better communicate and support each other. While Gavin is sweet and at times shy, Thea is a fierce heroine through and through. It was amazing to get scenes of her standing up for herself and standing up for Gavin.

Between the humor, angst, pining, and characters learning to be vulnerable with each other, this was a total winner for me! I can't wait to read more of the series.

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A super fun start to one of my favourite romance series. A good introduction to the main characters, and lovely teasing intros to characters that I hope each get their own books.

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LOVED THIS! It was fun, it was funny, it was steamy. I laughed out loud quite a bit. I loved it. Can’t wait to read book 2!

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A new kind of romance series taken from the male’s point of view. Gavin is a bro baseball player who is playing at his best, but his home life is suffering. Gavin's wife Thea has told him she has had enough and wants to separate. This send Gavin into a tailspin and leads his friends to inviting him to their secret book club. This book club reads romance novels (in secret) in order to become better boyfriends and husbands. This is Gavin's hail-mary to get Thea back. Funny, charming, and tackling real relationship issues.

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I feel like I’ve had this on my TBR forever so I’m so glad I checked it out at the library, which always forces me to read books more bc there’s a due date lol This adult romance is full of mistakes and missteps, such is life, but I really liked the author’s unique take on using romance books to help a marriage. I agree with this method wholeheartedly 😂

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Romance isn’t my genre but I actually really enjoyed this. I thought it was realistic and funny which was great. I also liked how it was mainly told from the mans point of view which is pretty rare in romance.

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Gavin Scott may be killing it on the baseball field but, his marriage is in serious trouble. He found out his wife Thea’s, big secret; she’s been faking orgasms. Pride wounded, their already strained marriage crumbles. When Thea asks for a divorce he is willing to take any measure to get his girls, both Thea and his twin girls, back into his life. Enter the secret alpha male-only romance book club. Inducted in, he is told their secret regarding how to keep their partners happy; romance novels.

Oh my! I knew as soon as I read the blurb – and the official one is way better than the one I hashed together – that I had to pick up this book. And I was right, this is one of my favourite reads of the year, I devoured it in one sitting. It’s romantic comedy with a lot of heart that pays great respect to the power of the romance novel.

Can a romance novel solve everything? Of course not. But I loved the way the historical romance novel that Gavin was reading was used to demonstrate not only to the reader but to Gavin himself the issues that were occurring in the marriage. Problems that went beyond faked orgasms. The Bromance Book Club did such a great job of delivering a novel that was both a lot of fun to read and yet delved below the surface to bring a love story that felt truly satisfying.

The real star of this show though? The bromance book club itself and its members. I love the concept of a bunch of powerful alpha males secretly gathering to read romance novels in an effort to keep their relationships healthy, and to help a fella out when needed. It was hilarious and I can’t wait to hear more from these guys…especially Mack. The only single guy in the group and an absolute pain in the butt.

This is my first Lyssa Kay Adams book but I definitely need to start reading her work, this was a fabulous read. If you’re going to pick up one romantic comedy this year, you need to make sure it is this one.

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Really enjoyed this! Loved the second chance romance and the guys using romance novels to help their friend win his wife back. They were a funny, wholesome group and I look forward to some of their books. The sister kind of brought the mood down for me with her bad attitude, but the rest of the characters I really like. Overall, a cute fun read.

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Funny, smart and a cool twist on a classic trope. Adams characters are layered and every changing. You never know what to expect.

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THE BROMANCE BOOK CLUB by Lyssa Kay Adams is a cute and heartfelt romance novel. The set up of a man turning to romance novels to help his troubled marriage is both funny and heartwarming, as is watching two people who had grown apart learn how to love, respect, and enjoy the people they have become. Gavin’s teammates add much-needed comic relief and Thea’s sassy sister Liv is the no-nonsense friend we all need. At times, the sections of the book where the team is discussing the mechanics and symbolism throughout romance novels feel too explanatory, and Thea’s backstory came across as a little contrived, but ultimately, THE BROMANCE BOOK CLUB is an easy and fun contemporary romance.

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The premise of this is adorable - almost a meta romance novel, and I will be reading the rest of the series! Sorry I took so long to pick this one up!

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I read The Bromance Book Club as a palate cleanser while reading some very emotionally intense stories at the same time. A professional baseball player who turns to a secret book club consisting of other alpha males who read romance novels to revive their marriages is such a fun and refreshing concept, especially among romance novels about married couples. The book follows both Gavin Scott and his wife, Thea, and is told from both of their perspectives. Interspersed throughout the chapters are excerpts from the regency romance novel Gavin is reading, which helped to break up some of the more serious moments.

Though the romance storyline was enjoyable, my favorite scenes from the book were actually the ones that included the book club group. Each of the book club members had very distinct personalities and provided the humorous backdrop Gavin and Thea needed. There were several times that I laughed out loud at their antics. I also appreciated the scenes where Gavin and Thea interact with their twin daughters. I’m not a parent, but reading about their interactions and the love shared between them was really sweet.

I appreciated Gavin’s efforts to win his wife back after his blow-up about her revelation that she’d been faking ‘it’ for most of their marriage. For me, Thea was definitely a bit less likeable in that she seemed really immature at times. There’s a lot of growth in her character that was well-paced, but for some time I was aggravated by her angst.

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***provided by Netgalley for a honest review***
The Bromance book club by Lisa K Adams. I loved it! This is the story of Gavin and Thea. Gavin is a professional baseball player and he and his wife have recently separated. His buddies stepped in to help him when his wife back by following advice from romance novels. The guys had me laughing out loud I was cheering for Gavin and Thea’s relationship. They both had to work on themselves to see if they could work together. I’m excited to read the next book in the series.

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I've had several friends recommend The Bromance Book Club and I totally see why. This is one fun, fluffy read! I really enjoy when I find a book that is a little different, and this romance hit that mark. As opposed to the usual guy meets girl and we watch them fall in love, here they are already married, but having issues. I really enjoyed watching how Thea and Gavin have to work through their issues. Plus the guys in the book club cracked me up! I can't wait to read the rest of this series!

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Light hearted and fun book. I loved the man who are members in this "Bormance" book club. I found the characters appealing and was cheering them on. I laughed out loud while reading it. It was just what I needed to read right now. I'm looking forward to reading the next one in the series.

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Tried this in both print and audio. The voice of the hero is unconvincing, and I simply cannot sympathize with his plight at having taken the mother of his children for granted. I love the idea of this, but the execution leaves me decidedly wanting. I'd hoped for emotionally aware heroes but got the usual sort.

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I don't know why I took so long to finally read this. I know now why this was, and still is such a popular read.

I was intrigued by the idea of an all male book club and it made it all that more interesting that the premise of the club is to help men to understand women, particularly their significant others, better through reading romance.

This book was funny but also touched on some pretty serious topics. I was particularly happy to see that this was a second-chance, already married couple. As much as I love reading about two people as they are falling in love, the excitement and anxiety of watching a previously established but troubled couple trying to find their way back was a great take.

I can't wait to read more about this group of guys and watch as they support each other.

*I received and ARC from NetGalley for voluntary review

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