Member Reviews

The battle for the safety of our world continues and the Seven are still on the case. Ivar has returned from hell determined to find a way to rescue his brother and he won’t let anything stand in his way, not even a little thing like kidnapping a sexy physicists. Rebecca Zanetti continues to take us down this amazing journey, filled with drama, danger and magic and I learn more and more every time I read one of her books about the kind of man I want to find for myself someday. The war is coming closer and the Seven are determined that their enemy will not escape justice and that they will find a way to save their long missing brother. Dr. Promise Williams is looking over her shoulder, making connections in her mind after a second of her colleagues is brutally killed, and when she thwarts a kidnapping attempt, just barely escaping, she is suspicious of every person she meets. When she gets the chance of a lifetime to earn a private grant for her research, she jumps at the chance, but quickly begins to get suspicious of her new friends, especially when they insist on private security 24/7, in the form of her “kidnapper”. Ivar is determined for Promise to prove the math behind the magic so that he can get back to the hell realm that houses his missing brother, but at the same time she draws him like no woman ever has. Promise has also never been drawn to a man the way she is to Ivar and when she decides there is no reason to resist the pull she learns quickly that physical satisfaction is nothing compared to passion and sensual connection between her and Ivar. But when the danger around them grows to epic proportions can they find a way to stay alive and have a chance at a life or will their enemies tear them apart forever? Ivar was a man on the edge, but you could see that his determination and passion for his mission came from a good place in his heart, even as he didn’t think his plans through very well. He is sexy as all get our, alpha beyond imaging, and sensuality incarnate, but my favorite moments were the quite times he experienced with Promise as they learned about their love and one another. Promise was an odd duck to be sure, one that I don’t understand as her IQ was way too high for me to understand and the way she was trained to think is out of my realm of understanding. As she came to learn more about herself and her nature as a woman, she definitely became more well-rounded and a truly amazing character in even more ways. I liked getting to watch her blossom with Ivar’s help and seeing her eyes be opened to the hidden world of the demons, vampires, shifters, and witches and the way their magic and her math can be combined to amazing results. There was so much fire between Ivar and Promise even as she didn’t want to admit herself how passionate she could be and by giving in to their passion they both found a love and match truly fated to change the worlds. I am dying to see what comes next in this series and find out who finds their love match next, but no matter what happens I know that Rebecca will give us an amazing experience reading it and that it will be worth every second of time it takes to read it. Keep the magic alive Rebecca!

I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one that this author writes. The storyline was simple, enjoyable, and entertaining.

Thanks for allowing me a copy but I’m so completely lost after 30% that I just have to put this down. I just finished Driven but this is nothing like that one. Part if a series even though it’s not mentioned.

When I signed up to this I didn't realise it was the 10th book in this series and I have no idea how I missed this for so long. This can be read as a standalone but like me you may be lost in some places with regards to some characters.
Rebecca has done a brilliant job with this one. She has given us a strong, smart and independent Heroine to go with her stubborn and determined Alpha Male. The plot flows well and is filled with action and some serious amount of steam. I was thoroughly entertained with the banter between Ivan and Promise.
I really think I need to start back at the beginning with this series and based on this book i think this series could become an addiction

I thought that this book was okay. It's well written and kept me entertained, but I don't think it's a book that I will re-read since I didn't really enjoy the characters.

@ DNF at 26%
I just didn't care for the characters, i liked none of them, and their chemistry wasn't that great. I were just bored by the story and how Promise and Ivar acted, around others and between themselves I really wanted to like it, but i just didn't. This wasn't for me.

Ivar and the rest of the seven had been looking for scientists who can explain the fundamentals of dimensions and figure out their problem. One of those scientists is Dr. Promise Williams, who caught Ivar’s eye before his portal jumps. Now he has no interest in Promise as a woman, or so he tells himself, he just wants her mind. His first attempt to simply kidnap the doctor was not his best decision. Thankfully his brothers are acting more level headed and bring in Promise under the guise of an application for a grant for her work.
Promise takes the news well that vampires, demons, shifters, etc. share her world. In fact, Promise tries to convince Ivar that they should mate so that she can become immortal and have centuries for producing scientific findings and Ivar agreed with her. Promise originally come off as more cold and cynical at the putting little to no faith in emotion “While I’m not having an effect on your brain, your body knows who it belongs to.”
While I enjoyed the book overall, I think this is probably my least favorite one of the series since The Seven storyline began. I thought it focused too much on science and not enough of the relationship between Promise and Ivar. I know this book helps explain the dimensional worlds and all that, but I felt it was a little too much, and took away from developing Promise and Ivar.
You do see excellent character development and imagery. Just be sure to nod your head and don't drown in the technicals.
Sometimes a moment was all there was.
**ARC kindly provided by via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.**

I am a longtime fan of this author and this series. And while I thought this one was OK, if it was not one of my favorite Dark Protectors books.
I think my biggest problem was the big emphasis on math. I know that might sound silly, but our heroine is a brilliant mathematician/physicist who our hero needs to help him figure out the mechanics of interdimensional travel. You see, in the world of teleporting demons, no one has ever had to figure out how it is done. It’s just a natural thing. And now Ivar can’t teleport and he surely can’t get to the other dimension where he had to leave his buddy Quade to fulfill the promise of the Seven to keep the big bad guy trapped in his own special hell.
Anyway, I wasn’t a huge fan of either the hero or the heroine either. I did not expressly dislike either one, but the heroine, Promise, in particular was hard to connect to as she was so cerebral and emotionally disconnected, I just didn’t feel a lot from her. She felt distant and removed. Meanwhile, Ivar was very single minded in his mission and I often felt like Promise was his secondary priority. I get that he had loyalty to his friend and felt responsible for saving him, but I want my hero to put the heroine first and that didn’t really shine through here.
I did like visiting with Janie’s daughter, Hope, and her young friends. I’m still digging the set up for her one day having a love triangle with Paxton and Drake. I feel sorry for poor Pax twice over as he is clearly being abused, he clearly cares about Hope, and he clearly has no shot. But that is probably a story for several years from now.
In the meantime I am looking forward to Quade’s story. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that he will be the first hero in the series not to threaten to spank his heroine. Here’s hoping!
3.5 stars

Ivar is one of The Seven, a deadly group of vampire demons who have made it their mission to protect one another and those in their clan. They take their promise to one another very seriously, and when Ivar returns from several hell worlds after being saved by a Seven brother he vows to find a way to get that brother back home safely. Enter Dr. Promise Williams - a brilliant and accomplished physicist who sees beauty in equations and how they all fit into the world. Promise has never quite fit in, with people always misunderstanding her mathematical view of the world. What Ivar sees, though, is a beautiful woman with a kind soul and an astonishing intellect that might just be able to help him save his brother. And possibly even himself.
Thoughts: Although this is a series, I wasn't lost despite having not read the books that came before it. Alpha's Promise was intriguing and at times just downright sweet. I enjoyed how Ivar would watch Promise work out math equations with love in his eyes, finding beauty in not only how Promise looks but also in her abilities and how her mind works. It was a sweet love story centered around self-sacrifice and deep "family" roots. The three-star rating is due to how abruptly the story ends (although I know it's being set up for the next installment in the series), and also how easily a few of the plot conflicts were resolved. I've been a fan of Rebecca Zanetti for a while now and I look forward to reading what's to come! This ARC was provided to me by NetGalley in return for an honest review - this review contains only personal thoughts and opinions on the read work.

I wasn't all that excited about this book in the series but I needed up really enjoying it. The characters were much more relatable in this one than they had been in previous books in the series.

A big thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is part of a series, and while it can be read as a stand alone, I think it's better if they are read in order. There is a lot of background information that helps. This is the story of Dr. Promise Williams a nerd to the nth degree and Ivar a hybrid demon, vampire. Cute story, odd beginning. 4 stars

Another awesome book by Rebecca Zanetti. I am a new fan of hers and plan on reading all the books in the series. The characters were interesting, the plotting was well-paced and the world-building was detailed. Definitely recommended.
My thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for my honest review.

A practical professor and a virile, centuries-old Viking have a slight clash when Ivar decides to protect the pretty professor by kidnapping her. It doesn't go well for the Viking as the professor is always out-thinking him and making him respect her at the same time as she frustrates him and his alpha dominating ways. I mean,
can't she tell he knows what's best for her? Promise is constantly taking the logical way of life in an evolving world. The Demon hybrid needs her to figure out a way to get his brother out of a different dimension, but the banter and play between the two are entertaining and hilarious. Quite the wild ride for a boring professor who just wants to work on another string theory.
I love the way the two opposites find a middle ground and work out their strange life and problems. Rebecca Zanetti has made this 10th book in the series just as
delightful as the rest of the series. I can't wait for them to continue.

Alpha's Promise by Rebecca Zanetti is part of the Dark Protectors series. I am quite fond of a good supernatural urban fantasy/ romance, and this one grabbed my attention. It is optional to read the previous books all pertinent information becomes available when necessary. I, however, went back to the beginning in anticipation of reading an early copy of Alpha's Promise, and I am glad I did. Knowing first hand is well worth it.
The Dark Protectors series has a varied preternatural population. Fae, Demons, Vampires, and Shifters all share an alliance. I enjoy varied species working together against a common adversary. I feel things are more exciting that way it keeps things from getting stagnant. All the male characters in Alpha's Promise are charming and witty, with a healthy dose of dominance. Some might find that dominance a little over the top, but I find it fits them perfectly. Ivar and Promise are an entertaining couple with great chemistry. I found Promise's emotional awakening intriguing and unique. The mystery/ thriller aspect of the plot plays out very well. The path to their end game is enjoyable, and the next installment sets up nicely. I eagerly await the continuation of these stories.

Though he has vampire, demon, and Viking blood rushing through his veins, Ivar Kjeidsen’s soul-crushing trip to hell broke him in ways he can barely fathom. One vow keeps the deadly immortal standing: To rescue the vampire brother who had sacrificed freedom for him. To do that, Ivar needs the help of a brilliant physicist with wary brown eyes, fierce brilliance, and skin that's way too soft.
Dr. Promise Williams understands the underpinnings of the universe but has never figured out the human beings inhabiting it. Her function is to think—and not feel—until she’s touched by a vampire who’s nowhere near human. The primal hunger in his eyes awakens feelings in her that defy calculation. As she shows him the way to step between worlds, he brands her with a pleasure that could last more than a lifetime.
I’m a pretty big fan of this series, so I was excited when I saw this book was coming out. I really enjoyed the book and the overarching story. I really loved Ivar and his readjustment to the world. I did have a problem with Promise, however. I know what the author was going for, it just didn’t really work for me.I still enjoyed the story though and look forward to the next one.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

***4.5 Stars***
This was a fun read, it did drag for me at times ~ though it could just be a whole “it’s not you, it’s me” situation ~ but overall it really was a great read. Sweet, smexy, cerebrally challenging at times, but fun.
I ADORED Promise and Ivar. Promise is calm, cool, collected and even though she takes the more logical route, she has a huge heart when it comes down to it. Ivar has been put through the wringer and though he’s not as close to the edge of insanity as he once was, he’s still dealing with the after affects of his hellish journey. But regardless of all the chaos inside him, he protects those he calls his own and has honor and loyalty etch on his very soul.
As for their journey to their HEA. From the moment they first collided ~ which was definitely NOT your usual meet cute ~ to their mating to where we leave them at the end of the book, I enjoyed the entire ride. Part of it was that the angsty/drama was low and that stemmed from the fact that Ivar and Promise actually communicated, whether it was verbally or with other methods ~ which were hella smexy ~ there were no major mind games going on. They were also perfectly matched in practically every way and where they didn’t match up, well it just made it that much more fun and I loved watching as they fell in love with each other.
Lots happened in this baby and I really like the direction the whole Quade/Ulric/Key/possible world destruction thing is going. But, what I really love about this series are the characters and getting to hang out and watch them all interact with each other. Logan and Garrett are still my fav’s ~ and I cannot wait to watch Garrett finally fall and get a mate ~ but Benny isn’t too far behind because he was hilarious. And as for Adare and Grace...I want to see what it will take for them to see what everyone else already has. Then there is Hope and Pax and Drake and the revelations that happened in this one has me wanting to know just what the future holds for them.
~ Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley & voluntarily reviewed ~

Oh. My. God. This was so freaking good! I don't know what took me so long to read it but I loved Alpha's promise! I am an newly made Rebecca Zanetti fan and I'm here for it! I have not read the other books in the Dark Protector series but this made me want to binge so hard. I loved Promise and Ivar. I am a sucker for a vampire plus he has viking blood in him so SWOON. If her books are anything like this one Sign me up!

The pace picked up after the last book. We don’t learn much more about Ivar but we do learn a lot about Promise. I like both leads, and although it was insta-love I can see how it happened so fast. The fact that they were two lonely people and extremely physically and mentally attracted to each other made the love declarations that came so quickly make sense. In the real world would things work out? Probably not, but thanks to the Fates that bring branding marks they’ll be ok. There was a lot of action, new characters introduced, and more of Hope’s shenanigans. Another great installment and the next can’t come quick enough.

Although I normally enjoy Rebecca Zanetti’s books, I did not like this one. The paranormal aspects were full of info dumping, the characters weren’t compelling and the plot bores me. Did not finish.

This is the first book of this series I have read, and I am hooked! This book has all the components of a
book you can’t put down. Ivar and Promise are perfect for each other. They are each hyper-focused on what they perceive to be their purpose in life until they realize how much they need each other. Together they are one step closer to bringing Quade home. This book has a great cast of characters, both hero and villain. I love the plot with all its twists and turns. I cannot wait for the next book.