Member Reviews

Amazing book. Really makes me think of the way I see the Holy Spirit. As a companion not just existing with me. Would recommend for any Christian’s. Written well

I read this book when it first came out. This is an awesome book and I love this author. Highly recommend this book.

I’ve never read a book by Graham Lotz, although I’ve known her name for years because of her father, Billy Graham. I was a little hesitant but decided to give the book a try. I found it to be a thoughtful book with a warm tone as she shared her story. It’s an easier, fairly quick read than some biblical books- I think this would appeal to many readers. Sometimes a person wants a book that doesn’t involve pondering every paragraph!

Once again Anne shares from a place of personal struggle how we can experience the Holy Spirit. In this book we can find out how the Holy Spirit guides us in our decisions, comforts us in pain, and stays by our side at all times, enriching our daily lives.
Excellent read all round, full of great insight.

Wonderful, class book with so many words of wisdom! Thoroughly loved reading this! Easy to read and short chapters with insightful words for daily living

Jesus in Me by Anne Graham Lotz is a treasure of a book! With Biblical references, Lotz helps her readers understand that the Holy Spirit is here to help us on our life’s journey. I voluntarily read and reviewed this complimentary copy of this well-written, comforting book that I will refer to often on my spiritual journey. Thank you Anne Graham Lotz for writing this book!

Jesus In Me by Anne Graham Lotz was an uplifting, inspirational work on living with the Holy Spirit in your heart, your life. Receiving confirmation on many beliefs I held, as well as receiving clarification on areas that were unclear before, Lotz excelled in walking me through each phase of allowing the Holy Spirit to indwell. Prepare to walk slowly through this work as it is rich in information.
A copy was provided for my review, but all opinions are my own.

This book was so encouraging and gently challenged some of my thinking. It was a joy to read and opened at just the right time!

What a wonderful book about the Holy Spirit’s indwelling! Anne’s writing is so enjoyable as she relates personal stories and really connects with her readers. Her writing style truly is inspired and no matter what spiritual season you are currently experiencing, you can definitely embrace the truths and scriptures that are presented in this book. I love the way she concludes each chapter with a short personal application. She also includes several helpful tools in the appendices. I loved the part where she talks about her mom and how she wondered who would be praying for her like her mom did after her mom went on to Heaven. She then explained that the Holy Spirit would - He intercedes for us in whatever we are experiencing. What an inspiring comfort. This is a great book and easy read!

Jesus In Me by Ann Graham Lotz is an inspiring and faith-filled book on understanding the Holy Spirit. I learned so much from the author’s wisdom, sharing personal experiences, and reading other heartfelt stories. Through life challenges, the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of truth) helps us as our advocate, intercessor, comforter, strengthener, and counselor. He will guide our decisions, direct our steps, teach God’s ways, and convict us of sin. The Holy Spirit’s presence is with us and we are never alone and never will be.
At end of each chapter there is a time of reflection questions. I found these to be most helpful for reviewing what I had learned and how I could apply to my life.
This book will challenge you to glorify God, seek God’s will through prayer, submission and obedience every moment of every day.
I highly recommend this book.

This is an excellent book of you are wanting to go deeper in your faith journey. It helps you understand more about Jesus and what he did for us on the cross. You get the impression of how deep your faith can become by just learning more from the Bible and what Jesus said while He was on earth. It is well written and so engrossing. Would recommend fir anyone who wants a deeper and life changing faith.

Jesus in Me by Anne Graham Lotz is such a wonderful look at all the reasons God sent his Holy Spirit to us. He is our counselor, our comforter, our encourager and so much more. Truly a sweet and special reminder of all the ways the Holy Spirit walks with us each day. This will be a book I read again and again.
Thank you NetGalley and Multnomah Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book..

Annie Graham Lotz wrote a truly inspirational book that delves into the Holy Spirit and how to cultivate a relationship. Her message is packed with personal stories, scripture passages and steps to open up your life to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I have already shared my experience of this book with several people. This book stirred a lot of emotion and opened up new desires within me. It calls for a deep dive into yourself and taking time for personal reflection while strengthening your relationship with the trinity while strongly focusing on the Holy Spirit. Highly recommend.

Anne Graham Lotz’s book JESUS IN ME is a treasure trove of insightful teaching. Using biblical references and personal experiences, she leads the reader to deep understanding of the person of the Holy Spirit and his impact in the lives of Christians. This is not another dry theological book on doctrine. Instead, it is extremely practical , personal and pertinent. Anne’s personal revelations resonate truth, underscoring the validity of the teachings; her vulnerability in sharing intimate experiences endear her to the reader. I am amazed with the simplicity of her writing coupled with the depth of the text.
The premise of the book is experiencing the Holy Spirit as a constant companion. This idea is broken down into seven sections which teach about the various roles of the Holy Spirit and how he practically functions in these roles. Practical examples are given illustrating the concept. The personal stories are a highlight and sets this book apart from others that address the subject. The person of the Holy Spirit is explained by detailing his names and how each name represents a role he plays in our lives: comforter, advocate, counselor, helper, intercessor, strengthener, and standby. The presence, power, purpose, and precepts of the Holy Spirit are addressed in other sections.
Another noteworthy part of this book is the appendixes, Four appendixes offer quick references to practical study aides: learning how to hear he Holy Spirit during Bible reading, learning how to be filled with the Holy Spirit, discovering your gifts from the Holy Spirit, and a self assessment. Practical indeed! ,
I can’t emphasize enough how each aspect of these teaching are so interesting and informative, a credit to Anne Lotz’s plethora of personal experiences and those of others! Highly recommended!

What a powerful book written by a true, powerhouse in Christian literature. Anne Graham Lotz has a way to take the Word of God and articulate it in ways that we can all relate to. A book that makes you want to be better and makes you ask yourself if others are truly seeing Jesus in Me?

I loved this one by Anne Graham Lotz! Anne is the daughter of ,who many called America’s preacher, Rev Billy Graham. And she reminds us, in this book she so wonderfully writes, that if we have Jesus in us, we are not alone. We are Never Alone! She tells us how God has always been with her, through her mother’s death, her husband’s death, and her father’s death, and now through the cancer she faces. She keeps reminding us that Jesus is in us through the Holy Spirit and she tells us how the Holy Spirit works within and prays for us when we can’t pray or speak the words. This is a wonderful book! Very well written! Thank you to #NetGalley and the publishers, Crown Publishing Group, and the author, Anne Graham Lotz, for the opportunity to read and review, #JesusInMe with my honest thoughts and opinions.

I enjoy Anne Graham Lotz her insights are thoughtful and easy to understand and apply. Her years of wisdom come through in all of her writings.

This book is amazing. It made me so much more aware of the person of the Holy Spirit and the importance of his presence in my life. Jesus is with me always.

In "Jesus in Me", Anne Graham Lotz's indepth biblical knowledge and her personal journey through cancer — explains that the Holy Spirit is a Person who prays for us, guides us in our personal relationships and life-changing decisions, comforts us in in our heartbreaking pain, and never leaves us, not even for a second. Anne explores seven key aspects of the Holy Spirit to revolutionize how we relate to the third Person in the Holy Trinity. She relates from her own personal experience that one of her deepest, richest joys is to discover who the Holy Spirit is in every step of her life’s journey. Each name of His - Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby - reveals an aspect of His character. When we rely on the Holy Spirit’s divine presence, awesome power, and abundant provision in our daily lives, it is truly life-changing. He is the God of "More Than Enough." This first hand account of how the Holy Spirit guided Anne inspires Christian readers to deepen their faith, through eloquently intertwining biblical and personal stories, including heart-wrenching moments when the Holy Spirit guided her as a “Helper” and a “Comforter." In her battle with cancer, she leaned heavily on Jesus as “the Counselor” to get His supernatural, out-of-this world strength to endure. I highly recommend this awesome book for all who desire to step into a purpose-filled life guided by the Holy’s Spirit, a life of greater purpose, to glorify God. In Christ, we are not just overcomers. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us and gave His life for us.

My Book Review:
5 Stars: 5/5 Star Rating
Anne Graham-Lotz has shed so much light on the Holy Spirit for me. I accompanied this book with the study guide and online video series. She uses personal experiences as well as scriptural facts. The novel was scripturually sound. I have such great respect for the author and truly appreciate your expertise on the subject which is so important to Christians.
I highly recommend this book. I received a digital ARC of this book from netgalley and Multnomah. All opinions expressed are my own.