Member Reviews

This children’s story was hilarious, impactful, and thematically strong! Front of the line for teachers of young children.

some is not applicable to me as i am a gay women but i enjoyed this alot.
i can imagine it would help alot of lgbtq youth and honestly i just had wished i had read it sooner! also love the author

What an epic story!!!!!! What can I say about this story? The characters are amazing! Dynamic. Realistic. And relatable. The plot was absolutely amazing! My attention was held the entire time. Twists. Turns. Suspense. I love the entire story!!!! I was sad when I finished.

This book is written by another youtuber given a book deal. However, Riyadh has helpful advice for gay youths and his story is incredible touching. While I will never re-read this, in reading this the first time I felt I was able to connect to Riyadh's story and will help someone who needs it.

As an almost 30 year old reading this, there were some moments when I wondered if it was really for me, but that had nothing to do with the book and more my own brain being rubbish.
"Yay! You're Gay! Now What?" is the is exact book I wish I'd had when I was a long gay boy. It took me ages to come to terms with it, and even longer to be ready to tell my family. Sitting here, now happily married, I wish I could have had this beacon of hope to show me that it's ok, that I didn't need to have all the answers, and that there were other people like me out there.
Riyadh speaks in a very friendly, knowledgeable way, but at no point does it come across as patronising or condescending. Instead, its like a big brother is talking you through stuff that he thinks you'll need to know, but leaves it up to you what to do with that information. Since reading it, I've been flinging it (sometimes literally) at the young queer kids who come into my department looking for advice and positive resources.

This book is definitely a necessary read for younger people, it gives great advice on a myriad of subjects focusing on being queer.

Given the title of the book is Yay! You're Gay! Now What? It is probable not a surprise that Khalaf's book is aimed at teenage or young gay men.
Though that is the case Khalaf does often point out that his advice it to the whole LGBT+ community. The book deals with a lot for it's 224 pages. Khalaf manages to cover the whole spectrum of a boys life. From sexual feelings to erectile dysfunction. All with honesty, self sacrifices and dab of humor.
From his first inklings to his first time Khalaf does not leave the reader in any doubt, they are most certainly not alone.
Even with the seriousness of some of the topics, such as safety, the author manages to keep the subject light and even humorous. Lesser books would have the reader out buying weapons. The chapters feel balanced and do not leave the reader catastrophizing.
Again unsurprisingly I was drawn to this book because of its cover, the art inside the book and also the light hearted blurb. I could tell it would be a fun read and I may learn something about the LGBT+ community that I didn't already know.
What might surprise you, because it surprised me, is how much this book spoke to me. After all I am a 33 year old, Cis, het woman with a disability.
Perhaps the reason I am an Ally is because I know what it is like to be in a minority, not because I am gay but a minority none the less and so I know how it feels to suffer prejudices, injustice, and to face adversity.
Growing up as a girl in "Catholic Ireland" during the 80's and 90's meant there was no such thing as sexuality,
That is why I think this book is so brilliant. I think had the title been Yay! You Are You! Now What? I would not have even drawn myself outside of the intended readership.
I think all teenagers should read this book regardless of their orientation, particularly, I feel the chapter on consent. I'd even go so far as to say it should be reading material for P.D./Sex Ed classes.
I for one know that if I had read this in Secondary School I would not have so many body or sex hang ups now in adult life.
Have a strong feeling this is a book I will keep coming back to, for building my self esteem and working on my Anxiety.

Read about half of this one. It's fine as a guide for teens. It's a little too much, too soon for the middle school scene.

So I've been out for almost ten years (I'm also not a guy which seems to be the main audience of the book), but I still really wanted to read it, and see if I could recommend it to my friends that are still figuring themselves out.
First of all, I loved all the information! It explains things like LGBTQQIAAP+, which is something I know most of people don't even use, or know what it stands for. It illustrates perfectly the feelings I've had when I was still struggling with my sexuality and it was so amazing reading this. It features stories of famous people and it was just so heartwarming.
Something else I really loved was that there was a section about dealing with your sexuality and faith, and a section for parents. My situation has been a combination of the worst part of these things and I wish I had this book when I was growing up, really.
And there's talk about sex. LGBTQ+ sex. I mean, there's hardly any talk about straight sex in most countries, but this book talks about health issues, stds, condoms, lube. It's really something people are afraid to ask others and sometimes they end up in dangerous places because of it.
Finally, I loved the advice people are giving to their younger selves. I know I would give so much advice if I could, but I also cherish what I have because despite not knowing everything. This is definitely a book I would recommend. Maybe in combination with Jack of Hearts (and other parts) because it goes amazing with it.

I have been a fan of Riyadh for a long time, and I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
It's chock full of invaluable advice for young people who are questioning their sexuality, or are coming to terms with it. It's slightly IE/UK centric, as Riyadh is from Ireland, but the advice is pretty much universal.
It's a fantastic read for everyone, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. It's a book I wish were available when I was 10 years younger,

E-ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest opinion
I found this book problematic. I did not enjoy it at all and also planned not to leave a bad review about it.
I will just advise people to keep their money and stay away from it.

This is a really useful book for all gay young people and also everyone else so they can understand the struggles of growing up gay. This book is full of practical and relatable advice from many different gay men. Each section is a nice manageable chunk of information and can be put down and picked up when needed. Really really useful book!

*Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for supplying me with an ARC of this book*
Yay! You're Gay! Now what? is quite self explanatory on what the content of the book is about. I found that the book is very easy to read, with tips and stories for anyone who is coming out or has just come out and needs advice but no one to turn to.
Although the target audience for this book wasn't me, I found it insightful as it helped me see what someone who is LGBTQ could be going through/has probably already gone through.
All the different sections of the book were very helpful, as well as the list of useful contacts available at the back of the book. I think that this would be a perfect read for someone who is in need of advice due to their sexuality.

“People were onto me, and I was becoming less capable of manipulating who I was to survive the war zone that was school, and for that matter, the world. Something had to give or I was going to crumble.”
Brand new, terrific book. Lightheartedly serious, seriously informative, factually funny. And above all, real.
“Feeling different. That’s where it normally begins for a queer person. You may ask yourself, ‘Am I broken? Sick? Weird?’ The answer is no. There is nothing wrong with you—there’s just something slightly different about you.
Throughout the book, some well-known gay men write advice to their younger selves.
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned: Picture of Stephen Fry saying ‘Stephen, it’s going to be fine.’
Adults are familiar with Stephen Fry, but for kids who aren’t, the author reminds us he’s the voice of Harry Potter books. And once you’ve heard his voice, you’re not likely to forget it! Fry is probably a good example of the rest of Khalaf's comment about difference.
“In time, that difference will become the greatest gift you could ask for. It will bring you love, identity, community, and eventually the freedom to be yourself. I promise. Life is a wonderful mess of successes, mistakes, joy, heartbreak, and learning. It can be even more intense if you’re gay. In this book, I hope to give you some golden lessons I’ve learned along the way.”
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned: Illustration of the page showing gayness is a gift
There is a long table of contents, with sections about coming out, finding love, body development, and sex. Written like that, it sounds pretty boring. Trust me, it’s not. The author throws in plenty of personal anecdotes about his embarrassing moments as well as including more from famous people. A lot of it is very entertaining.
First up, the abbreviations! He uses “LGBT Plus” to cover everybody. Makes sense.
What does that mess of letters and symbols mean?! I’m going to use the acronym LGBT+ (which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus) in this book to stand for our big diverse queer community. This is a shortening of a much longer acronym that also includes queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual … and this STILL leaves some people out!”
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned: Illustration of being different
Later in the book, he describes finding your own tribe.
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned: Illustration of being like others of your tribe
He has good advice on how to choose whom to come out to first and suggests starting slow. His choosing three girls he was close to and telling them together that he was bi, meant the entire school knew about it within hours. Saying he was bi wasn’t going to dampen the enthusiasm of the bullies – he knows bullies have their own problems. I quite liked this quote about not giving up from someone who has had to deal with bullies in the spotlight.
“Things will get easier, people’s minds will change, and you should be alive to see it.”—Ellen DeGeneres
There is a lot of information on what to do, who to turn to, and how to deal with cyberbullying and people who threaten you with “I know where you live”. There is also a section on how to deal with sexuality and faith. Kids brought up in religious families may feel extra pressure from religions that may excommunicate members or promote gay conversion therapy.
There’s a section for parents and families and how to support kids who’ve come out, plus there’s a section on the LGBT+ community, groups, marches and pride. There are also handy tips about being safe in public.
“But the sad fact is, there are people out there who don’t like us, so it’s important to balance being authentically yourself with being safe.”
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned: Illustration of what some pr**k may do to your parade balloon
Khalaf really has covered the lot! Dating, apps, online presence, drugs, and relationships, including monogamish (occasional outside action) and throuples (three people - the old ménage à trois).
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned: Illustration introducing the topic of sex
First dates, first kiss, heartbreak, hormones, pubes, boners, masturbation, you name it, I bet it’s here. HIV, STDs, condoms, lube, and whether or not people want penetrative sex or not (many don’t, just so you know), and what the physical results may be afterwards (possibly more than you expected to know).
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned:One illustration of a few health issues to be aware of
I was particularly delighted to see Aussie Shane Jenek featured, as we in Australia have just been treated to Courtney Act on Dancing with the Stars. He appeared as both his original Shane-self in interviews and rehearsals but danced as the gorgeous Courtney, high heels and backwards, like Ginger Rogers.
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned: Photos of Courtney/Shane and professional dancer (and good pal) Joshua Keefe from Australia's Dancing with the Stars 2019
One spectacular number brought the house down. Fully wigged and costumed, she dances and strips the glamour off to reveal him.
The best comment I’ve ever heard to describe Courtney’s performance was a man who said something like
“She is great! . . . um
He is great! . . . um
THEY are great!”
That’s also the best example of how and why to use THEY as a personal pronoun for non-binary people. He/She/They are wonderful! Shane/Courtney (although as far as I know, Shane identifies as male but performs as Courtney).
My Goodreads review includes a picture captioned: Picture of the inimitable, unforgettable Shane Jenek/Courtney Act
But wait – there’s more! So much more. Good table of contents, excellent personal and medical advice, plus comprehensive information about services available in many countries and how to contact them.
All in all, a first-rate publication and resource for communities, schools, libraries, and families. Many thanks #NetGalley and Quarto Publishing for this upbeat, real handbook for kids and teens (to leave around for their parents to read, too)! LOVE IT!

It made me laugh so much I can barely believe it! Riyadh has an great sense of humor but also teaches everything a young gay boy should know to come into terms with his sexuality. Great job. I would recommend this to straight peoole as well to get to see hos it is to be a minority in a world that sees them as a danger and as unnatural.

While I am not a gay boy/man, I think this would be an excellent resource for teens and young adults who are. Encouraging, optimistic, and realistic, the book addresses a variety of topics, including coming out, being safe online, sex, and finding your community. It also addresses how race, class, and other marginalizations can intersect with sexuality. I appreciated that while it was directed at gay boys, it also acknowledged bisexual boys, too. At the end of the book, resources are listed to help those who need support.

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
Thank you NetGalley!!
I adore the cover. This book is a fantastic resource for other young teens trying to sort out their sexual identity.

I read this book in an effort to understand and empathize with those going through a life not like my own. I learned a lot from a first perspective. I felt like this book would help me understand if my own child was going through if this was their situation. I look forward to reading other reviewers to see what the intended audience thought of it.

“...you’re going more than you’re sexuality“ that second one should be ‘your’.
“If you ignore the bully, and removing yourself from the situation...” 'Removing' should be 'Remove'.
“If you’ve already come out to friends at school, as if they have any LGBT+ pals” Ask if they have!
This isn't so much an error as a point of order, and it wasn't the author who said this, but Simon Anthony-Roden in his advice to his younger self, but there’s no evidence that it was Oscar Wilde who said “Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.“ People are misquoted or misattributed all the time, so no big deal.
This book is a complete guide to how to handle your discovery that you're gay - or at some other place on what's commonly referred to as 'the spectrum' but which I prefer to think of as a slide since a spectrum implies something that's fixed, and I think very few people are solidly fixed in whatever position they're in. Your orientation and preferences can change over your life and no, thats not the same as saying 'gayness can be cured' because there's nothing to cure.
There were times when it felt a little bit over the top for me, but you can't blame a guy for reveling in who he is, so that's no big deal. There were also times when I felt he went a little in the wrong direction - like seemingly implying right up front that gay guys don't play soccer (Justin Fashanu, Robbie Rogers, and and the entire amateur team of Paris Foot Gay would disagree, as would Eudy Simelane, had she not been raped and murdered in 2008), but usually when he seemed to be veering, it was for a reason.
The book covers pretty much anything a young person may want to know if they have perhaps been wrestling with identity and how to face what's becoming obvious to them, and deal with accepting it, and whether to come out and who to come out to. It doesn't matter what your question is, you will find valuable advice in this book, and not just from the author, but also from an assortment of others who have walked this same path.
it begins with asking if you think you might be gay, and moves on to coming out, finding friends and finding love, then appropriately gets to "all about bodies" and "Let's talk about sex," both of which contain excellent guidance and advice. Be warned, there are no punches pulled here. For a gay guy, the author tells it straight! Each of these sections is filled with personal anecdote, good advice and comments on their own sexuality and advice they would have given to their younger selves by some celebrities, the only two I'd heard of, I have to confess, were Stephen Fry, of whom I'm a fan, and Jin Yong, who I heard of only recently. Others are Clark Moore, Simon Anthony-Roden, Rory O'Neill, James Kavanagh, Matthew Todd, Shane Jenek, and Ranj Singh. That said, I'm not a big TV watcher. There is only a few shows that I tend to watch, and I've never been a fan of RuPaul Andre Charles, so I've never seen his Drag Race, but I have heard of Cortney Act, Jenek's alter-ego, a stage name I've long thought was choice!
The bottom of page 171 (page 86 on the iPad I was using) ended with “You don’t need an” but page 172 (87 on the tablet) was the start of a new chapter! I guess we’ll never know how that sentence ends!
This is yet another case of a print book farmed-out to reviewers as an ebook for convenience, but I often wonder if publishers ever consider what a poor impression one of these 'afterthought ebooks' leaves. As it happens, and apart from a very negative experience on my iPhone before I switched to a tablet, this book wasn’t so bad. There was an occasionally 'sticky page' (and no, not that kind of sticky - but sticky in the sense it wouldn't swipe easily tot he next or previous page, and took two or three times to move it. On the iPhone there were also times when pages came up on the wrong oder, so I wouldn't recommend reading it on a device that small.
This book wasn't so bad, but I’m honestly at the point now where I will negatively review a poorly conceived ebook regardless of its literary merit. Here’s why: the modern concept of an ebook was initiated almost half a century ago by Michael Hart who founded Project Gutenberg and even ePub books have been around for some two decades. There really is no excuse for substandard ebooks these days, and if authors/publishers are going to issue one to reviewers, they need to look at the thing in the e-version on one or two different devices to make sure it's worthy of issuing!
That said I commend this ebook for being a worthy read and a useful contribution to helping those in need of advice and a leg up here and there.

This book is an extremely informative while also relatable and personal guide to everything gay and LGBT+ and I would recommend it especially to every young person out there, questioning or not. I loved reading a bout all these experiences, there were loads of helpful tips and insights in here and it's a quick fun read.
This book also deals with mental health and bullying and even the basic changes of puberty. It really has everything and while I think it is definitely most interesting for gay teen boys, I still think it can help extend everyone's world view.