Member Reviews

The characters blended together. The POVs were very confusing and I couldn't tell who the speaker was. I think if the book were fleshed out a little it could be great.

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I liked that this book included characters from different ethnicities but the execution just didn't do it for me. After reading the description, I was excited to read this book because I'd never read a book with such a premise before. Unfortunately, this book didn't live up to the hype. The main character was a little too childish for me and the tension between her and her mother seemed manufactured to me. I wanted to like this book but it wasn't done in a way I would have liked.

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I received a digital ARC of Shadow Frost from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The language seemed far more appropriate for a stereotypical high schooler in present day than a YA fantasy book and seemed juvenile at times. The character development left a lot to be desired and the POVs for side characters seemed unnecessary most of the time.

A lot of parts seemed rushed or barely fleshed out, leaving me to feel lost or like I missed something.

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Kingdom Cold does a decent job for a self-published YA novel – interesting premise, fast-paced narrative, and an overall light read. However, it could have benefitted from the discerning eye of an editor, especially for pacing and reining in the number of POVs.
The blurb promises a romance amidst turmoil within a kingdom – “should she save her kingdom or her heart?” The actual story, though, suffers from a bit too much middle school “romance” where characters declare love for another - even going so far as to forsake their god or challenge a loved one to a dual - with little interaction or explanation to justify such grand emotions. It reads as juvenile instead of intended for a youthful audience.
Pacing of the story from a time-passing perspective did not ring true. How could whole armies move across regions in Arthurian times in a matter of a week? Plot pacing overall needed the aid of additional beta readers if not a true editor – the book read as an outline only partially fleshed out with key scenes. POVs seemed to be used as a crutch to explain plot elements faster but not necessarily effectively.
Overall, a mediocre read. It will help pass the time and contains a good basis for an entertaining story. It needs more work and the aid of an editor who can guide author Brittni Chenelle to achieving that fully entertaining end. Two stars for the attempt.
*Digital ARC from NetGalley provided for an honest review.

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This was a quick fast paced novel which shows real promise for this writer. I personally prefer older young adult novels but found this quite enjoyable.

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I am very grateful for getting a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. However, I didn’t not like this book and I found it boring. The main characters were very bland and I did not like the romance.
I did, however, like the style of writing and the worldbuilding

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I had to DNF this because all the characters were starting to blend in together with all of their whininess and instalove going on. The cover is gorgeous, and I wanted to read it for the cover alone. Although I loved how there are different representations for the characters and the settings, I could not finish the book because the characters were starting to feel like the equivalency of pulling teeth.
The best part of the book is when Charlotte shot the arrow at the prince, and he thought it was an ambush. I laughed so hard when I discovered it was only her...

2 out of 5 stars

for full review check out my blog at

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This book was very entertaining and engaging and I ended up finishing it in a night because I could hardly put it down. The characters are intriguing and not everybody is who they seem. Charlotte, the main character, definitely sees some character development, as well as most of the other characters. This is always a plus since static characters are boring and typically lead to an undeveloped story. This story developed quite nicely though and held my interest throughout.

I was surprised by the ending and the story as a whole was a lot darker than I originally suspected. There is a lot of death and grief for the characters. However, it is still YA appropriate, with no graphic violence scenes.

A few things I did not love:

The tone of the voice was very 21st century. The timeline is obviously much, much earlier than the present but the way many of the characters talked and their arrangement of words was not true to the time period.

While entertaining, it wasn't very descriptive and some more background on the characters would have been nice before plunging head into the action. The writing itself was good, just a bit too concise for a YA. It felt a bit rushed. I honestly would have liked many parts to last longer. The end especially was extremely quick, which left me feeling a bit unsatisfied.

The ending. As I said before, my biggest issue was how quick and disconnected it felt. However, it was also darker than I was expecting or wanting. There was an epilogue of sorts that I suspect was supposed to make it a bit happier but it actually made me more depressed to be honest. I had to read another book before going to bed because I really didn't want to go to bed feeling that miserable. Being able to move the reader to feel particular feelings while reading is a very good thing, it just wasn't what I was wanting to feel. She set it up for more books and has said she plans on continuing the series but I just have a hard time seeing this being able to go to a happier place, but I am anxious to see what happens next.

Despite what I didn't like about the book, it was written well and fits well with trending genres. I feel it will be enjoyed by most who read it!

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The cover design is absolutely stunning. The plot was interesting and, at times, contained exciting plot twists. There was potential to be a page turner; however, the character development of Prince Young and Princess Charlotte felt rushed and I struggled to develop a connection with them from the beginning. The inner dialogue and character development of Prince Young felt more natural; whereas, Princess Charlotte was over the top emotional then extremely was an uncomfortable roller coaster ride within the first few chapters. Unfortunately, I didn’t connect enough to finish this one.

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A beautiful story but very cliched. Everything you would expect in this type of story happens and there were no surprises. I desperately wanted to adore this but sadly I did not.

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Kingdom Cold was an amazing ride. I loved the cover art one of the reasons why I decided to request the book in the first place. The plot line was very promising and it did deliver which is always a good thing.

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Recommended: sure!
For those who enjoy the fight-for-your-crown plot line, and unexpectedly realistic characters in this otherwise unrelatable setting for modern-day people (unless you're modern-day royalty, I suppose!)

When the fighting of her country's endless war spills into Princess Charlotte's her own courtyard, she's delighted to call off her arranged marriage with Prince Young. After fleeing with her stoic betrothed, they finally escape one battle and immediately find themselves in another. A sleazy new suitor is suddenly scheming for her hand --- and her kingdom --- and suddenly Young doesn't look so bad as an ally, if not a husband. Trying to save the kingdom Besmium from being overrun with enemies begins with figuring out who among their own they can really trust.

A very bold ending that I deeply applaud. I'm hoping Kingdom Soul delivers just as much in the sequel!

Overall, I quite enjoyed the story! The characters had distinct and developed personalities that consistently carry through in their actions, and have the miraculous ability to actually talk to each other (instead of that thing where the conflict would be resolved by a short chat). We got a few chapters from the perspectives of the not-quite-main characters, which actually worked really well to add depth all around and tangle you up by making you feel a bit sympathetic even for the villains.

The places I stumbled were the grammatical errors, particularly issues with missing commas. Those really stand out to me, and it took me out of the story at best, and at worst made me actually not understand what was happening. There were also a few times when actions were inconsistent (such as Charlotte saying she sat up to talk to her mother, then when her father entered the room "it was almost enough to make her sit up". I'm like, girl you're already sitting up??).

These are small issues that can easily be solved with a second pair of eyes taking a look at the text, though, and the driving force of characters and story was solid!

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This was such a light read, I flew through this book and the next thing I know I finished it.

When I read the synopsis I was so intrigued by what this book could offer. I'm a sucker for stories that include royalties, betrayal and the right amount of fighting in them, so naturally this seemed like the right book for me.
However, the story wasn't exactly what I expected; it wasn't bad by any means, if anything it was really well written, but it didn't deliver enough? Maybe my expectations were too high? Idk.

The general idea of the plot was very interesting, but it was a bit rushed. I feel like if this book was 100 pages longer with more details given to every major event throughout it, it would've been far better. I would've loved to see more details in many an occasion.

As for the characters, well to be quite frank, I wasn't their biggest fan. They were quite childish, somewhat shallow and annoying *glares at Charlotte* and they lacked depth.
I do realize that those characters are between 16 and 18, but still.

All in all, this was a fun standalone and I did enjoy going through it despite everything.

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This is probably closer to a 3.5, but I'm bumping it up because I generally enjoyed everything until the very end? This was a super quick read, and while at times it felt like important things were happening off-screen, for the most part, I enjoyed watching Young and Charlotte fall for each other. I wish there had been a little more development of them, and that we had gotten a little more time with them, though. Emmett was...a strange character. He seemed to have his own motivations, but then he just became jealous and vengeful when he came back at the end? Minseo was SO GREAT and then I absolutely DESPISED him. Because he was a great brother to Young and I loved the two of them. And then there was that extremely strange and wholly unnecessary thing at the end with Minseo randomly falling for Charlotte and acting on it and freaking challenging Young and ugh. That was all so awful, especially with Charlotte being pregnant with Young's child and the fact that Charlotte and Young had genuinely come to love one another. And then Young freaking DYING and the description for the sequel...I DON'T KNOW. The ending was just really conflicting for me. And freaking Milly was such a ball of trash characterization. also, Leon DESERVED BETTER. Overall, fun, quick read? Probably won't continue with the series just because my favorite character has left us and I don't want to deal with that, though.

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I was given this ARC on NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinions on the book. I read the description of this novel and I was drawn to it. I thought it seemed like a book I would usually enjoy and it happened to be just that. I rated this book 3.5/5 stars. Although I enjoyed the novel there were a few aspects which I felt let the book down on an overall rating. The character’s development throughout this short book was one of my favorite features. Each of the character’s personalities were very different from one another and it was a very inclusive book.

“Dying wasn’t my intention” is a great attention grabber as the first line in a book. I was instantly hooked in. The main character Charlotte is an independent princess with no intention of accepting her arranged marriage by her parents. The Prince she has been arranged to marry however is a very quiet boy who just wants to honor his commitment to his own father and Charlotte’s. There is a war ongoing throughout the book and therefore this forced marriage is in order to build an alliance, however it becomes far more complicated than just that. To reiterate, the character development was actually used perfectly. As it is a relatively short book I didn’t expect to see such growth in the characters and I was very impressed. There were equally as many characters to love, to hate and to have a love/hate relationship with.

The book gets straight into the center of the business so you’re not given much time to understand the context of the book before there is a full on war. However with the fast pace at the beginning of the book it ran short on fuel around half-way through. It began to get a small bit messy and confusing. There were a lot of moments where I believed characters had been declared dead, but then they weren’t and all of a sudden they were dead again. However, there were many twists and turns you would not expect which added to the excitement of the plot.
Despite this, the book has many things to offer including romance, action, death and it was even humorous in parts.

Overall it is a quick, interesting and an enjoyable read. It is easy to connect with the characters. The end of each chapter is a mini-cliffhanger making you want to read on. However, the plot lacked in parts, became a bit messy and difficult to follow. Other than this it was a great book and I would recommend reading if you’re looking for a relatively short fantasy-romance novel. It is yet another book you made need the tissues on hand for, I certainly did.

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Kingdom Cold is about Princess Charlotte who is betrothed to Prince Young at the beginning of the story. She does not want to marry him but on the eve of their nuptials, war breaks out between neighboring kingdoms. Princess Charlotte must adapt and eventually learn to trust her fiance if she wants to escape from these sinister plots. It is a quick and easy read but the characters and plot are a little all over the place. I'm also a little confused about the target audience for this book since a lot of the narrative and story seems to be targeted towards a younger audience but some of the topics are a little too adult.

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Even though I wasn't a big fan of the MC's egocentric nature, I kind of enjoyed this book. It was enjoyable and fun and very easy to read. Characters are very well constructed and the plot develops nicely, e4ven though sometimes it is hard to get comfortable with the scene transitions.

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I received this book for an honest reveiw:

Unfortunatley I did not like this book.

Lets start with the characters:

Charlotte: I didnt care for her at all she was spoiled and made very poor choices. Like shooting her betrothed with and arrow.....

Young: He was the only character I liked, he was calm, stoic and thoughtful.

Everyone else was pretty forgettable, they where one dimensional and where not developed very well. One of the side characters has a major impact to the story and gets killed later on but I cared so little for him because he was so poorly developed.

The Queen specificly was like Charlotte, for the simple fact all of her choices where awful. She is written as evil and makes a full 180 after the king dies and *sob* she blames herself....well yeah....thats because you make terrible choices that do not make sense. Like ally yourself with another country and its prince (Prince Emmet) to secure your own border but then forsake the alliances that have already been made with Youngs kingdom and his betrothal to Charlotte. Not only that she tosses Young in a cell and is going to have him executed for treason.....for no reason....

Storywise everything is so fast-paceed and we go from one plot point to another with no transition. So lets use the romantic plot as an example: Charlotte and Young do bond over time....but Charlottes maid Milly also LOVES Young, because he frinkin paid attention to her and was nice to her. Early on there is a bit of jealiousy and misunderstanding between Charlotte and Young. Milly does activley persue Young......after Charlotte and Young are married....bruh. Also Youngs brother Minseo and Charlotte seems to have an atraction to each other wich also causes problems between Young and Charlotte. Minseo of course falls in LOVE with Charlotte.....simply because she spent time with him while he was recoveribg after he was poisoned. Minseo finally confronts his brother Young about his feelings for Charlotte....months after Young and Charlotte are married and RIGHT after Young is told that Charlotte is pregnant with thier kid. This whole plot happens over the course of a few chapters. You are told rather than shown.

My other issue is the conclusion, So remember how the Queen stupidly allies herself with another country and Prince Emmet. Well Prince Emmet Is an A-typical jerk. Well since he was *sob* cast aside, unwanted, and all that, he dececides he will have his vengance. He kills a cook and poisons the King and Minseo (another country's prince) then runs back home to his country. Well at the end he returns as the king of another enemy nation and has his home kingdoms army also as an ally and just steamrolls Charlottes kingdom. My issue with this is again you are told this rather than shown...and aside from *sob* being cast aside there is no real reason for him to return his vengance. He has his own Kingdom! Not only that how did he convince his Father and his homelands army to ally with him? It makes Zero sense. Also Charlottes kingdom has every rite and evidance to persue his home kingdom to have Emmet tried for his crimes, because he poisoned and killed the King and poisoned another country's price!!! But they dont...because we where to busy focusing on the "romance"

Honestly these issues could have been resolved by simple editing and making this one book into three. That would have geiven more time to develop all of these plot points and made them more interesting and valid.

I think my main issue with the writing and pacing is that the deaths had no real inpact because I didnt feel for these characters accept Young, there are no true consiquenses accept those due to the stupidity of the characters. A prime example of this is Minseo is captured and there is a moment where you think he is about to cut his own hand to escape. But when he reunites with his brother he somehow escaped and didnt need to cut his own hand off...and you are told this rather than shown. If he did it would have made him being poisoned and Charlotte helping to nurse him have a greater impact and make the LOVE he had developed for her make more sense.

I dont think I would recomend this book.

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I liked Kingdom Cold. My one and only criticism was the it has too many POV's. It made the novel chopping by doing that so much. The story is wonderful and I think many young adults will enjoy the series.

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This book was absolutely thrilling and amazing!! I loved every second of it! I loved that the story kept moving along quickly and how well developed the characters were. I fell for Young the moment Charlotte shot her arrow at him! I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

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