Member Reviews

I devoured this story from beginning to end. Give me a story with angst and I'll give it my full attention and this book did not disappoint. Vicious is one of those characters you love to hate and hate to love. He's definitely something. There were more than a few times that I wanted to throat punch him. He was a complete asshole with a capital A. I absolutely loved Emilia. There's no denying the chemistry between these two characters and the author did one heck of a job with this story. I definitely look forward to reading more of her books. This is one story that either readers will love or hate when it comes to Vic.

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4 Stars.

<img src="" width="500" height=250" alt="description"/>

Barron "Vicious" Spencer <- Holy Moley what an ALPHA-ASSHOLE!! I love, love, loved him. He runs All Saints High, along with his three best friends known as the <b>HotHoles</b>. <i>All of which are equally as yummy.</i> He is a ruthless jerk and just so damn arrogant, but I seriously couldn't help but love him by the end.

<img src="" width="500" height=250" alt="description"/>

Emilia LeBlanc is the daughter of the <i>hired help</i>, employed by the Spencers in their home. She also has a target on her back when it comes to Vicious. Who doesn't love a hate-to-love romance, especially when the heroine isn't a doormat?

<img src="" width="500" height=250" alt="description"/>

I enjoyed reading it and highly recommend it to my book buddies who a good bully romance.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ReadNow option. I loved this book and highly recommend any of this authors titles.

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I started out absolutely hating Vicious. Then as the book progressed I fell in love with him and Emilia. This is not your typical love story. There is a lot of angst and build up. Plus you want to punch him in the face time to time.

This book was hysterical also. The story line are amazing and so are her characters!! I cannot wait what happens with this series. These boys are the ultimate bad boys and not your typical alphas. I loved that their story built up and wasn't instantaneous and then they cam back to each other later in life. This is a great story by a great author!!

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Vicious is an intense, emotional but also deeply romantic book featuring a dark and complex relationship between two characters who have a long history of struggling between love and hate for each other. The book follows Vicious, who is aptly nicknamed to describe his personality, and Emilia, the daughter of the “help” in his teenage home. In their youth, they secretly crush on each other, but circumstances drive them towards hate. When they reunite ten years later, the feelings are still there but they have gotten even more complex with age. What follows is the story of how they channel those feelings into love.

This book is definitely darker and more angsty than the books that I usually read, but the writing style is so great that the story flows and the reader gets sucked into the story. Vicious is also not the typical romance hero; he is most definitely tough to love on the surface, and he has his flaws. But L.J. Shen does a great job of making the reader understand that there’s a reason he acts the way he does, and that his feelings for Emilia run deeper than he’d like to admit. I connected with this book from the very beginning, and couldn’t wait to see how things worked out for Vicious and Emilia.

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