Member Reviews

Zach Marvell’s been running the family Marvell Ranch without interference since he was fifteen, but when Finley James arrives for her sister’s wedding and proceeds to ask questions, give advice and tell him a few unpleasant facts about himself, he’s annoyed. And then intrigued.
This was a quick and enjoyable read. It’s a spin on the familiar opposites attract trope. I really liked Zach but wasn’t too crazy about Finley. That kind of character tends to irritate me, but it didn’t really deter from the book.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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This book is a wonderful love story of two hard headed people. They have so much chemistry but are so determined to be right they can't see it.. The story is very heart warming and I couldn't help but fall in love with Zach and Finley. I highly recommend this book and I have the other books in this series on my TBR list.

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A well written romance. Good plot, characters and setting. I haven’t read this author’s books in the past and I will be reading more of her books. I recommend to fans of romance books.

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Funny, entertaining and steamy, with some touching moments as well to help balance things out, this was a read I just didn’t want to put down. Totally enjoyed and would totally recommend. Happy reading!!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

This book was such a touching one. I immediately fell in love with both Zach and Finley. The story was so beautifully written that I couldn't stop reading. These two people had so much against them. In the beginning they were in such constant conflict that I wondered how they could possibly have a HEA. Ms. Watt did a wonderful job in showing the life of a rancher and the constant struggle they face while bringing about a wonderful romance.

Zach was forced at 15 to become the head of the household with the death of his father. His mother struggled with keeping up with the ranch. Zach had two younger brothers to help raise as well. Over twenty years later, both brothers have gone on to do their own thing but they do come back to help on the ranch but Zach is in charge. His word is not to be challenged.

Finley comes to the Marvell Ranch for her sister's wedding to Zach's brother, Shane. Finley is a strong-willed person. She says want she wants and really damn the consequences. She is a force to be reckoned with. When these two meet, sparks are shooting off. The chemistry between them is strong. After the wedding, Finley leaves to train horses at a horse resort for the rich. She does her job but has a conflict with an abusive owner of horse. Upon telling him off that he is the problem, not the horse, she is fired. She returns to the Marvell Ranch and begs Zach for a job. Against his better judgment, he hires her. The rest of the story is a pure joy to read. The scenes are so well written that it really feels like I am right here with the characters.

The story is written in my favorite dual POV format. Without it, I don't think I could have connected with Finley. She feels lost when her parents sell the family ranch to downsize for retirement and to travel. Her safety net of returning to the family ranch is gone and she is floundering and feeling lost. There were times that I didn't think that Finley was doing the right thing and making things harder for herself. But seeing her POV on her conflict and struggles was very insightful and really helped me to understand her better.

I loved this story and the only downside was having it end. Even though this is the last Marvell brothers' story, there were such wonderful secondary characters that I would love to see them get a chance at their HEA.

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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I had previously read the other 2 books about the Men of Marvell Ranch. This book is the story of the oldest brother, Zach. The book begins with Shane and Ella’s wedding. Both Shane and Ella’s families have arrived. Ella’s sister, Finley is very opinionated and fights Zach on everything. After the wedding Finley heads to an upscale ranch where she’s been hired to be the new horse trainer. Both Zach and her brother know she has trouble not speaking her mind and have warned her to be careful at her new ranch. Unfortunately Finley didn’t need the warning and ended up getting fired her first week. She was devastated as she had no where to go. Her parents had sold the home ranch and her brothers lived in tiny trailers. So she went back to the Marvell Ranch. She was interested in Zach and suspected some interest on his part. She begged him for a job on the ranch as the trainer. He had just filled it two days earlier and told her he didn’t need any other help. She pressured him to hire her as the housekeeper and any other ranch tasks. It was a good move as it ended up being the 2 of them and the newly hired horse trainer to take care of the ranch. Zach and Finley gave into their mutual feelings and slept together, trying to keep it secret. The rest of the family returned home and Finley forced herself to leave and try to set up her own horse training school by where she was from in Nevada. We learn both are miserable without the other. The book becomes very exciting with fires and admitted feelings of love. I give it 5 stars and highly recommend it and the other books in this series.

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Challenging the Cowboy is an enjoyable opposites-attract story where buttoned up Zach and mouthy, fly by the seat of her pants Finley make it two brothers and sisters who are getting married.

Zach Marvell stepped into the man of the house role when his father died and has been looking after the Marvell ranch and his brothers ever since. He's been nose to the grindstone and he's not seeing things looking too good. But he's been in charge (and so certain he's right) so long it's hard to let go.

Enter Finley James. She might not have the last name, but she's got the Etxeberri way of life anyway. (See The Cowboy's Last Rodeo ) With a wanderlust and zest for trying things out, Fin's all over the place. But the rug's been pulled out from under her now that her parents have sold their ranch. She's got no place to crash if things get tough. Sadly for her, things get tough.

So Zach takes pity on her and hires her. And then things get interesting. Because sparks and tongues fly, old hurts get exposed, and sometimes what's needed most is someone who can balance you. And Zach and Fin definitely balance each other.

I especially liked the fires that get highlighted toward the end of the book. It's a lovely nod to the recent California fires and the devastation it wrought to the horse community there.

Another lovely story about the Marvells and another lovely story about the Etxeberris, two families I am very much enjoying.

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This was one of those books that I hated to put down before I was finished. Findley and Zach were believable characters, each trying to work through their own hangups while fighting their mutual attraction. There were steamy moments but there was also a "story", not just sex. If you are looking for a sweet love story, then definitely try this one. It was an enjoyable and easy read.
I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 Two Stubborns Don't Make a Right Stars
* * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
Oh how perfect the set up is...
Picture a Manly Man Cowboy vs a What You See is What You Get Gal...Both have been working with horses and know they are excellent in their jobs and confident in their abilities. He has run his ranch with an iron fist and likes routine and control. She has been training horses around the country and never let a thought stay in her head when she thought it should be said out loud.

They meet at the wedding of friends and family. She tells him a thing or two about his horses and what would work better. He tells her she better cool it with the fast mouth at her new la de da training gig with the rich and famous. Neither of them mention the sparks that fly when they were sparing.

How the mighty fall...

She couldn't stop herself from telling the truth to one of the wealthy clients at the new job. This was exactly what she had been warned not to do...Clients like these do not want to be contradicted so she was sh!t out of her new position in just a week.

What now...Why suck it up and beg for a temp trainer position with Mr. Manly Man Cowboy. He doesn't know why he decides to say yes...and she knows it will be a huge challenge to keep her ideas to herself...but they both agree and it is a done deal.

This story was fun, smart in its banter and crafted well. The name of the game was what each of these characters could learn from each other. I had read Jeannie Watt one time before with Austin and enjoyed her style then and do now.

A gifted copy was provided by Tule Publishing via NetGalley for an honest review.

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Head knocking, stubborn stand-offs, and dueling egos all combine to create this oh-so-entertaining and combustible story. Findley James and Zach Marvell both know what’s right and neither wants to concede. Chemistry says otherwise but Findley has a personal battle to fight first before she can truly consider anything with Zach.

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Zach Marvell has been running the family ranch for 15 years and doesn't take crap from anyone. Then he meets his brother's future sister in-law, Finley James. She feels free to give her opinions and call Zach on his crap. When her parents sell the family ranch she loses her fall back plan. Now she has to get serious and she takes a job training horses for wealthy people. When that lasts less than a week she is back at Zach's ranch asking for a temporary job. Zach knows he is in trouble when he can't say no to her. Can his heart survive having her working on the ranch with his growing attraction to her? Sometimes love shows up when you least expect it. Good read.

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Challenging the Cowboy is the third book in The Men of Marvell Ranch and is set in rural Montana. A well delivered story with great characters and engaging interaction. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more.

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Challenging the Cowboy, set in rural Montana, has been a thoroughly entertaining story. Horse trainer Finley James has come to the Marvell ranch for her sister Ella’s wedding to Shane Marvell. After the wedding she’s lined up a job at an upmarket ranch that caters to the very wealthy.
Known for her strong opinions when it comes to training and looking after horses, she receives plenty of warnings to mind her manners in the new job. It’s no surprise that she argues with one of the clients within her first week and ends up back at the Marvell ranch begging Shane’s brother Zach for work until she can get back on her feet.
Zach’s been running the ranch for years and is particular about things so of course sparks fly between these two, but there’s also that unavoidable zing of attraction. With plenty of arguing, lots of smouldering looks and a bit more, this story is very readable and kept me hooked throughout. It makes for perfect reading if you’re after something light to relax and unwind with.

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I really enjoyed this book. The main characters were interesting and a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the banter between Finley and Zach. Finley is kind of a spit fire character who says exactly what she thinks until she gets fired for doing just that. The chemistry between her and Zach is undeniable to the reader but not to the characters. Zach is very stubborn not used to anyone questioning him and so Finley quickly gets under his skin. Both of them will soon find out that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Add to this romance the beautiful ranch, horses, his brothers and her sister and you have a really fun story with a lot of excitement. I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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Challenging the Cowboy is an entertaining romance with the all important happy ending.

It took me a little while to warm up to Finley, our heroine, because I'm not usually a fan of pushy people, and I did find Finley a little bit pushy at first. Once I realized that Finley didn't argue or fight with people just because she always thought she was right; she truly cared about how any horse around her was being treated, I started to like her. You can't hold being mouthy against someone when they are sticking up for someone (or something) else. Zach, our hero, is also a bit of a control freak and kind of stand off and prickly at first. I always liked Zach, though he did seem cold at first. By the end of the book I loved Finley and Zach together and enjoyed how their romance unfolded.

The secondary characters are also well written and interesting.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance.

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Oh what a fun read watching the sparks fly as Zach and Finley get under each other’s skin,but which do they feel the most attraction or irate?
When Finley is at her lowest point, having lost her job and with no where to go and she shows up at his ranch almost begging for a place to stay and a job as his house keeper will he keep her around, or can he even turn away his brothers sister in-law??
Between the sheets in this book, between the front cover and the back cover of this book lays some awesomeness to keep you turning those pages.

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Challenging the Cowboy is the first book in Jeannie Watt’s brand new Men of the Maxwell Ranch series, and an amazing page-turner too. I always enjoy these stories and the wonderful array of tough and strong-minded characters that grace the pages. This is definitely the case with Zach and Finley, as they are both extremely opinionated and equally determined to prove themselves right.

This is a delightful start to a new series, with an interesting plot, captivating characters, and a whole lot of “Get outta my way” attitude to boot! I’m looking forward to more from this wonderful author and this exciting new series.

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What a great addition to this series. I loved Finley and Zach. From the moment they meant they seemed to rub each the wrong way. There was definitely chemistry between them but neither of them wanted to be the first one to give in to it. Finley's life does not go as she wants and she ends up back on the ranch asking Zach for a job. Against his better judgement he gives her one. Things just heat up from there. I loved the love hate relationship that these two had going. You add in all the family dynamics and you get yourself one drama filled book from start to finish. Thanks Net Galley. I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Strong cowboy and even stronger cowgirl make Challenging the Cowboy by Jeannie Watt an amusing read. I like for characters to be evenly matched. Without a doubt, Finley and Zach are exactly that. While it may seem that siblings and horses might be all this couple have in common, that is far from the truth.

The story-line is interesting and even more believable. It is real life ranch story with plenty of the everyday chores to give Zach and Finley loads of interaction and opinions. What looked to be oil and water don’t mix kind of story becomes a fighting our attraction story as they learn to work together. The focus is on the building relationship not acting on instant attraction. Well done, too. Challenging the Cowboy is book three of The Men of Marvell Ranch.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Put together a cowboy who believes he’s always right, takes no sass from anyone and has a very high opinion of his own abilities and decisions, bring in a horse trainer who refuses to settle down, is not afraid or willing to keep her opinions to herself in spite of the consequences… and something is going to boil over real fast. Meet Zach Marvell and Finley James, two stubborn, opinionated people who believe it’s their way or the highway until the sparks between them prove to be much more than simply temper and needing to be right. CHALLENGING THE COWBOY brings Zach and Finley into close contact beyond their in-law status as his brother is married to her sister… and the race is on to see who can out-stubborn the other first.

I liked Zach and Finley individually and definitely together. Two more stubborn always has to be right, won’t back down from an argument on the exact color of the sky at any given moment in time type of people you’d be hard pressed to find. Yet that same personality trait that drives them both crazy is also what draws them to each other. They each have layers that aren’t on display for everyone to see, they both have issues that lay beneath the surface that needs a bit of digging to come to light – being stubborn is the perfect way to keep digging until you get to the core of things. At times, it may seem that these two bring out the worst in each other yet in truth they’re bringing out the best and proving that two stubborn adults can indeed find a happy ending… eventually.

If you’re in the mood for a fun cowboy romance where “rock” meets “hard place” and both win in the end, then you’ll feel right at home on the Marvell Ranch and with CHALLENGING THE COWBOY. I’d not hesitate to recommend this story or the entire series to readers who love a good romance, believable characters, with sparks flying every which way possible. I had a blast and believe you will, too.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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