Member Reviews

“Challenging the Cowboy”, is a very enjoyable and entertaining read. I was immediately absorbed by this story and how brilliantly Jeannie Watt writes about the initial stages of physical awareness, attraction, flirtation and falling in love.
Zach and Finley are engaging, intense characters. Zach is serious, bossy, confident, guarded, likes to be in control; Finley seems his polar opposite, she’s adventurous, vibrant and compassionate.
Their battle of wills is delicious to watch and their romance charming and with some realistic internal obstacles along the way.

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Zach and Finley are two strong characters that find their attraction hard to resist. I enjoyed the banter between the two characters and the development of their story. Challenging the Cowboy is part of the Marvell series, but can be a stand alone book. I can’t wait to read more of this series.

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I liked it!

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Men of Marvell Ranch

I look forward to reading more from this author.

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An incredible third book in the Marvell Series...Finley James has come to Marvell Ranch for her sister's wedding and she is strangely attracted to the tough broody Cowboy that is her Zach Marvell even though she can't help but point out things she thinks is right. Zach is enchanted and annoyed at the same time with his new sister in laws, sister Finley but he won't ever act on it - even when she comes back days later a begs for a job after failing at her dream job. Can two headstrong opinionated people make together as a couple?
This book is very read-worthy!

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You have to read this book. I believe it is the second book or possibly third book in a series by this very talented author. Can the sparks of love survive between two headstrong people?

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Zach and Finley's romance. Love the banter, and how the two alphas are constantly butting heads. Naturally there is also a strong attraction too, which doesn't help. Really enjoyed this story, and characters. Found it hard to put down, and one I highly recommend.

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“Challenging the Cowboy” is book three of The Men of Marvell Ranch” series by Jeannie Watt.

Zach Marvell has been in charge of operations for the family ranch since he was fifteen. Nothing, and no one, is to disrupt the peace he requires if you work for him.
But Finley James, in town for a Marvell wedding, challenges Zach like no one has ever dared. He’s not sure he likes it….until he does.
Finley’s dream is to start her own horse training business, but until she gets the cash together, she’s working for someone else. When her parents sell the family ranch—consequently losing her home base—and then her job doesn’t work out, Finley goes to the one person she hopes will help her. Zach.

Zach and Finley may be opposites, but they are also a perfect match. She loosens him up. He steadies her. I absolutely loved the banter between these two.

If you enjoy cowboys and western romances, you are going to love “Challenging the Cowboy”.
No one writes cowboys and the cowboy way of life like Ms. Watt.

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This is Zack and Finley’s book it’s books 3 in the men of Marvel ranch series. Zach has been running the families ranch since he was 15, when Finley arrives for her sisters wedding and asks 1 million questions he’s annoyed but also intrigued. Finley is a horse trainer she’s basically just going from job to job and she’s perfectly happy about that ,she finally lands an excellent job at the top horse training facility, but that only last about a week Zack had warned her about that ranch that the people were very snooty and with Finley’s sassy attitude she didn’t last long at all LOL this book was good was a little short for my taste but it was funny heartbreaking low on the drama but definitely hot! I do recommend reading this it’s not my all-time favorite but definitely worth the read thank you net galley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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A thoroughly engrossing cowboy romance with a hard fought for HEA. The characters have depth and unique personalities that give them standout individuality. Shane’s story was the perfect culmination of the Marvells of Montana series. I truly hope this is not the last that we see of this family.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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CHALLENGING THE COWBOY by Jeannie Watt is a sweet romance! The second book I've read in this series. I'm this story Zach, the oldest brother finds he's met his match in Ella's sister Finley. Finley loved pushing Zach's buttons and Zach loves the back and forth!

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Zach Marvell has been running the family ranch since he was 15 years old. In the last 21 years he may have become a bit autocratic, convinced he's always right, fond of laying down the law. When his younger brother decides to get married he runs into his brother's sister-in-law to-be, Finley James. She's the oil to his water, a horse trainer who has never settled down, she goes as the whim takes her. She wouldn't say she's fond of laying down the law, but she has no trouble telling people the raw truth and she won't hold back. It's a match made in heaven (not).

Zach and Finley clash at their siblings' wedding, she tries to teach him about training one of his horses, he tries to warn her to keep her opinions to herself at her new job. A few weeks later Finley has been fired for telling off one of the rich clients and has nowhere to go, her only hope is that Zach is still looking for a horse trainer. Suddenly her much vaunted freedom and lack of ties seems to be a castle built on sand.

As circumstances throw them together maybe they can find something in common?

I liked this, it was a variation on the traditional romance where the wandering cowboy settles down with the homebody. In this case Zach is the homebody and Finley is the wanderer. As they are forced to work together their mutual attraction overrides their mutual antipathy.

I liked Jeannie Watt's books. If you like gruff farmers who can cook (and clean), horses, stables, lots of hot sweaty farm work and snarkiness then I'm sure you'll love this.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second book in this series that I have read. I enjoyed the book and was really getting into it but all of a sudden it ended. I feel that the ending was a little abrupt and could’ve been developed a little more. Other than that, I really enjoyed Zach and Finley’s story.

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Zach has spent his life running the family ranch which fell to him after his father’s death. He had responsibilities thrust upon him at a very early age. He is not used to explaining himself or having his decisions questioned. Finley comes to the ranch for her sister’s wedding to Zach’s brother. She is a horse trainer with opinions galore and issues with impulse control. They are drawn to each other and clash at the same time. Circumstances bring her into his life and shakes it up a lot. Both characters are good people and the reader will root for their romance.

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The story of Zach and Finley. They meet because Zach's brother is married to Finley's sister. Both are stubborn and not afraid to say what they think, but when Finley loses her job and has nowhere else to go, she ends up on Zach's ranch. Will they give in to the attraction or carry on fighting?

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Challenging the Cowboy is a sweet, laidback and mostly clean Western romance. The book follows Finley and Zach, who meet when their respective siblings get married. They immediately butt heads, as they are both stubborn and of the opinion that they are always right. However, other aspects of their personalities are vastly different, so Finley believes there is no future for them. When Finley finds herself in need of a job and a place to live, she ends up going to Zach for help. What follows is the process of them fighting their feelings for each other while also fighting each other.

The book is pretty clean and has a very laidback feel to it - there are plenty of descriptions of life on the ranch to set the scene, and much of their time is spent doing everyday things. It was a nice change of pace from other contemporary romances, and I enjoyed the story. Thank you, NetGalley for offering me an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I checked out a book by this author.

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Challenging the cowboy by Jeannie Watt. I have read past books by this author and have always enjoyed them. This one hasn't disappointed me. I enjoyed going back and reading about more in this series The Men of Marvell Ranch. This is the third book in the series. I enjoyed the character development and storyline. I can't wait to read more about these characters in future books.

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Finley first arrived at the Marvell ranch for her sister’s wedding. She immediately began to butt heads with Zach Marvell, her sister’s soon to be brother-in-law. Zach and Finley were two peas in a pod - both stubborn and determined to speak their minds. Finley left right after the wedding for a new job as a horse trainer. Unfortunately, she was fired less than a week later, since she had been determined to speak her mind. She begs Zach for a short-term job, and despite their attraction and combativeness, he gives her the job. Will the two combust or will they find their happily ever after?

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