Member Reviews
Once in a great while, a story of complete hopelessness manages to break through our field of awareness due to a slight difference in its aftermath. The Parkland Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy is one of those stories. Not only did it inspire the first national gun control movement led by young people, but the lone gunman survived the death-by-police vs. self-inflicted death scenario. D.P. Conway has managed to bring this American roman a' clef to a startling degree of closure, invoking the supernatural to recreate the terror of disturbed childhood and rejection so common among youthful sociopaths. Yet there is hope in this tale, an afterlife for victims and a cautionary message for those of us swift to condemn the violence without reflection on our own fear of the unknown world of the outsiders. This is a book worth spending a few summertime afternoons or long weekend idylls.
The author takes facts known about Nikolas Cruz, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High shooter, and combines it with works of fiction to create this angels vs. demons storyline. I must say that it is an interesting take on Cruz’s life and effectively creates a background that could explain his evil doings as he got older. However, I must say that it wasn’t the type of book for me; I took a couple breaks while soldiering through this book and just couldn’t stay engaged in the plot. This book would be more suited for readers that enjoy reading from genres like mythology, supernatural, etc.
I received this book from NetGalley and I am glad I didn't spend any money on it! I thought it would be an new perspective on a tragic event. I usually enjoy books that offer a spiritual perspective on historical events, but I couldn't even finish this book. It seemed to me to be an attempt to sensationalize a horrible tragedy and, while I understand it is very much a fictional book, it was not at all believable or even readable. The characters seem straight out of some kind of cheap spiritual romance story. If I had spent money on this book, I would be really upset. As it is, it was a waste of time.