Member Reviews

Shaylie is one of the eleven survivors of a plane crash as we go on journey of her recovery. When she meets Piper at a support group we find out that Piper fiancee and best friend was also on the plane next to Shaylie and she knows something that Piper doesn't.

Roller coaster of emotions as Piper and Shaylie help each other heal they don't really know if they want more or not.

I like the friendship with Shaylie and Marisa and Marisa romance with the rancher Jason.

It was a bit heavy sometimes but overall a good read.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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Falling was one of the books here that took on a deeper character approach. Two women find themselves impacted by tragedy as a plane crash derails their lives, and they find their connection may be not just shared disaster, but also a chance for growth. I found this one to be pretty slow going at times, with some excess padding, but I appreciated how Kris Bryant sought to make this meaningful. This was one of the better books of the bunch.

Review will appear at provided link by 5/30/19.

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I’ve got dyspraxia so sometimes when I get too enthusiastic about what I’m reading or when I’m tired, my eyes go faster than the rest of me and I end up spoiling myself by reading the end of the page before the middle. So I’ve learned to hide the lines below the one I’m reading with my hand (like little kids). I don’t usually need to do it all the time, except maybe with mysteries, but I ended up reading almost this whole book with my hand hiding what was coming next. I got so invested in what Shaylie was feeling that I didn’t want to miss even one word. I even almost had to take a break when I was two thirds in, there were so many emotions.

The premise for this novel is a lot of people’s worst fear, a plane crash. Shaylie survives. Piper’s best friend doesn’t, and neither does her fiancée. When Shaylie and Piper first meet at a support group for survivors, then a second time by chance, they’re immediately drawn to each other but at first they don’t know whether they want to be friends helping each other to heal, or more. Bryant dealt with that beautifully.

Like other reviewers, I could have had a bit more on Shaylie’s PTSD but I get why the author would want to focus on the good that comes from the bad. As I wrote above, there were already so many feelings coming from that good, I didn’t feel like I was missing out. And though I knew there was a HEA coming, I nevertheless sometimes had doubt as to whether Shaylie and Piper would reach it. They had a lot of heavy stuff to deal with, and as meant as they were to be together, it could not be easy.

Definitely one of my favorite books so far this year.

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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The first chapter was so exciting and well written I couldn't wait to read on. And then the story turned into a slow, slow burn and inappropriate romance. Pages and pages of talking, staring, drooling, and wanting from afar. Neither one brave enough to make the first move. When they finally did.....I didnt care. I didnt feel the chemistry between them.
And the epilogue is way over the top sickening sweet.
Kris Bryant is a talented writer. The action and dialogue was well written but this storyline just went on and on. Im sure her next book will be better.

I was given an ARC for an honest review.

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This was a fun unique twist on your typical romance. Most of the book follows the typical path of meet, lust, wait, fall, fight, and finally together however, the particulars in this book had some real twists turns and such fun back stories. I would recommend this book if you are in the middle mood to try something a little different. I can't wait to read more from this writer.

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This book started out strong but kind of fizzled for me in the third act. The conflict and the resolution felt rushed after such a well developed opening and middle. Interesting premise though but just felt a bit rushed and not fleshed out enough.

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Falling by Kris Bryant started with a bang. A very vivid plane crash throws us straight into the action. Enjoy it, because that is all the excitement you’re going to see in this story.

Told from plane crash survivor Shaylie Beck’s point of view we see a small part of her road to recovery (other than her fear of flying Bryant chose not to delve too much into the trauma). Her boss is pissed at her refusal to fly to perspective jobs (Shaylie is in commercial real estate) and we see all throughout the book that there is no love lost between those two. There are not many work related scenes so it’s more peripheral.

Much time is spent on her relationship with bff Marisa and said friend’s burgeoning romance with Shaylie’s personal savior, rancher Jason. So you get two sweet romances for the price of one (although one is straight). We see Shaylie befriend and slowly fall in love with yoga goddess Piper Cole. Piper lost her fiancée and best friend on that same flight. The fiancée and best friend who were sitting next to Shaylie and were making out like there was no tomorrow (well… in their case there wasn’t). This secret weighs heavy on Shaylie’s mind as her relationship with Piper evolves and deepens and you can rest assured it will come back to bite her in the ass.

Like I said, most excitement is in the first chapters, after that we coast along between the yoga studio, work, Jason’s family ranch, home. The inserted drama at the 80% mark was one of ridiculous proportions and I had to deduct points for that. I would have preferred we had coasted on with all the nice, rich people towards the wedded bliss and the babies.

Romance lovers will certainly get their money’s worth.

f/f explicit. Bryant has proven by now she can write hot sex scenes.

Themes: there was PTSD on both sides but it was mostly handled off screen, Piper remained a bit 2 dimensional, Clifford the cat gets a special shout out, lawsuit, yoga, real estate, Piper’s crisis was just silly.

3.6 stars

* A free copy was provided by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books Inc. for an honest review.

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Shaylie Beck is one of a handful of survivors when her plane goes down. But even out of the darkest days there is hope. She meets Piper Cole, who lost her fiancée and best friend in the crash, at a support group and they hit it off right away. They become fast friends as they move forward in their lives in the face of the tragedy. Soon their feelings begin to change. Is it too soon? Or is true love always meant to be?

This was a really neat idea for a story. However I don't think the plane crash and the emotions surrounding it were done justice. This is a first-person book that has so much telling where such an emotional storyline really should draw you in with the emotional aspect of such a tragedy. I didn't feel or see Shaylie's pain or fear. I enjoyed the romance however outside of the plane crash, it was sweet and genuine. Honestly the little side romance with Jason and Marissa was what really stole the show for me. I loved Jason's family and the warmth it brought to the story - I think that's where Bryant's writing shone the most. If you accept the plane crash was just a way for Piper and Shaylie to meet and enjoy the rest of the ride, it's a really sweet and simple story.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an intense book, especially at the beginning following the plane crash and upon Shaylie's first meeting with Piper. The I enjoyed the overall storyline, Shaylie's dilemma about telling Piper, and the supporting characters of Marisa, Jason, and Jason's mother. I wish we could have gotten to know Piper a little better throughout the story though.

I received an ARC via NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed the unique premise but there were a number of things about this book that I didn't find believable: Shaylie not going through any sort of PTSD after such a major incident or Piper being engaged to someone she'd only known for 6 months. The romance between Piper and Shay was well paced and sweet but I think a third person POV would have worked better - I felt I didn't learn much about Piper and the narration was too much telling and not enough showing.

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ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I liked this one but there were a few things that stopped me from really loving it.

First, the pros. The setting was intriguing. MC Shay is at the end of a not terribly enjoyable flight when the worst happens, and the plane crashes. She one of few survivors. She meets the other MC Piper (whose fiancée and best friend we’re both killed in the crash) at a group counselling session for the victims and their families.

Both Shay and Piper are lovely people who had something awful happen to them. They begin to bond as a result of this. Problem is that Shay is instantly attracted to Piper, who is obviously grieving her fiancée and friend. Despite this, Shay continues to see Piper (as friends) even though she’s attracted to her, and their relationship grows. Shay also has a BFF, Marisa, who hits it off with another survivor from the flight, Jason.

Other than the honking red flag of Piper obviously not being in a place to begin a relationship and her dependency on Shay coming from a place of grief and loneliness, I actually liked how their relationship unfolded and how sweet they were together. Although I could have done without both Piper and her yoga trainer friend making multiple comments about Shay‘s level of fitness. Thankfully Shay ignored this and ate/did what she wanted anyway.

The issues I had were that Shay went through a horrible trauma, and apart from some mentions of counselling and a fear of flying/noise/small spaces, Shay is remarkably well-adjusted for someone recovering from something that I would think would have had more of an impact. I think it would have been better to have the MCs meet the way they initially did here, but then have a much bigger time jump before they meet again, so that some of the healing would have reasonably been expected to have already happened.

The requisite breakup was also telegraphed early on and it annoyed me that it was resolved by Piper having the issue confirmed with ‘evidence’ rather than just realising that Shay would never lie to her about something like that.

There’s also very little angst in this book, everyone loves one another, and gets along with everyone else (with the exception of Marisa’s completely understandable scepticism about Piper’s ability to be in a relationship so soon). And while I usually love an epilogue, I found this one to be overly sweet.

Anyway, that aside, I’m a Bryant fan, and while this isn’t my favourite of hers, it’s still a nice read. 3 stars.

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When reading the blurb I was quite interested in how Bryant was going to make this work. After reading I can say that she made it work wonderfully.

I was hooked immediately when the book started with the action on the plane. For a minute I thought there was going to be some time spent before being found (stranded on the island type idea) but I'm happy that wasn't the case. Talking about the crash was a big part of the book but not the crash itself.

Both main characters were very likeable and the build-up was done well. I just wish that we were privy to Piper's feelings before she revealed them to Shay. I couldn't exactly tell what she was thinking leading up to that moment.

One thing that I really loved was that there wasn't a huge blowup between the two mains about Piper's building and Shaylie's part in the initial plans for redevelopment.

Marissa and Jason were nice secondary characters. I liked that Marissa kept Shay in check where her feelings for Piper were concerned. That seemed like something a best friend would do.

This is a great book and definitely worth the read.

(A copy was generously provided by BSB via NetGalley)

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Sometimes love happens unexpected. This book will not disappoint you. From the beginning to the end it's a wonderful story. The strength of friendship is amazing through difficult times.

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I’m a big Bryant fan. She has been on such a roll lately, so many wonderful books, that she’s slowly cracked my top five list of current favorite lesfic authors. While this wasn’t my favorite book by her, I was not disappointed in the least.

This story started off with a bang, with a well written, hold your breath tragedy. I knew from that first chapter I was going to enjoy this. I like Bryant’s writing style and I was excited to go along for the ride. The rest of the book did slow down and not as much happened after the intense beginning, but I was already hooked into the story so I didn’t mind.

The romance itself went at a nice pace. It wasn’t insta love which I always appreciate. I enjoyed the characters together and though the sex scenes were well done. Since this book is in first person I felt Piper, whose POV we were not in, was not quite as well developed as Shay. That tends to happen in some first person books so it wasn’t that big of deal to me.

Besides the slight underdevelopment of Piper, my only other little complaint was I thought Bryant didn’t quite go into the trauma or possible PTSD Shay was facing enough. It was brought up, and we know she went to therapy, I just felt the book could have had some really emotionally gripping scenes. It’s only a slight complaint and I thought it could have changed this book from a 4 to 5 star read. It didn’t stop my enjoyment, I just think this book could have been pretty powerful.

Overall, I would recommend this to romance fans and of course fans of Bryant. She really is on a roll lately and it makes me excited to think of what she could be writing next.

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I have a lot of crazy fears, the dark, heights, enclosed spaces, social anxiety, but I thankfully do not have one of flying because this book would have kicked it into overdrive.

Shaylie Beck is caught in the stuff of nightmares, the one in 11 million odds of being in an airplane crash. She survives but is profoundly affected, both physically and mentally. Her family, friends, and the hero who saved her circle the wagons to help her heal. There’s one other vital person and that’s Piper Cole who is the fiancée of one of the passengers who was killed. Friendship okay but romance presents a lot of ambiguous feelings for Shaylie and Piper.

I’ve seen people who survive near death or have a loved one die violently often go one of two ways, the person who now wants to suck every drop out of life because nothing is to be taken for granted and the individual who cocoons themselves, left afraid of everything. It’s Shaylie and Piper’s new bond that pulls them into a hopeful future and out of what could be a downward spiral. Overall, a very good read.

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I had not yet read anything by this author, but decided the blurb looked like a story I would find interesting. The book starts with a plane crash, which might seem an unlikely place to start a book, but it takes off from there. This is a story with obvious tragedy, but it isn't without tenderness, misunderstandings, a little bit of angst, making this a book with everything that makes a very good story.

Shaylin Beck is involved in a commercial plane crash, which she miraculously survives. The various angels around her become important to her, including her best friend Marisa and a stranger named . Chance brings Piper Cole into her life. Although Piper is involved in the plane crash in her own unique way, the path she and Shaylin take to each other is an obstacle course of emotions.

Those of you who are already Kris Bryant fans will appreciate this, her latest effort. Those of you, like me, who are first-time readers of Ms. Bryant's work will very likely be looking to read her other works in short order.

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4 Stars. This book is about Shaylie Beck, a realtor who survives a plane crash. She meets Piper Cole, an owner of a yoga studio, whose best friend and fiance died in the plane crash. They meet and can't seem to keep away from each other. They spent time together just being friends as Piper's fiance had died. She did not actually want to marry her fiance quite yet as she wanted a long engagement. Shaylie starts to do things Piper likes such as yoga just to stay close to Piper. She can't help her feelings for Piper, even if they shouldn't be happening. They met in the worst way.

I enjoyed this book a lot. I enjoyed the interactions between Shaylie and Piper and that the book was all in Shaylie perspective. It was nice not knowing what Piper was thinking and trying to figure out where this book was going. Shaylie's feelings evolve throughout the book and their development is great. This book ends well and I was not disappointed by this book at all. I would definitely recommend it

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I have a friend who survived a plane crash and I was so in awe of the fact that I peppered her with questions without being mindful of the residual trauma she must have felt, even years afterwards. This novel puts into context a number of things I haven’t really thought about. Shaylie Beck is one of eleven people who survive a plane crash. At a meeting of survivors and relatives of survivors she meets Piper Cole, who lost her fiancé and reconnects with Jason, the man who assisted her. In their shared experience, a friendship between them begins to form.

I loved the concept of this story and all the possibilities it holds. Told in first person from Shaylie’s point of view, her friendship with Piper slowly develops into more for Shaylie. Besides the obvious of Piper still grieving, Shaylie also has a secret and the way she battles with herself is really well-expressed. I enjoyed the pace of this slow burn connection. Shaylie’s best friend, Marisa, and her interest in Jason add a lovely dimension to the story too.

Bryant’s style of writing is definitely one I enjoy and I was thoroughly engaged for the first three quarters of the book until a character crossed one of my invisible, undulating lines. The problem is that I don’t always know where they are and often enough it’s a surprise to me to discover that I have completely switched off a character. In this case it was both the event itself as well as the length of time it took to resolve which was not helped by the luke-warmness of the resolution. From then on I had totally lost my belief and trust in the character which doused any hopes for a lasting HEA.

Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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The characters felt so damn real! They were believable and perfectly fleshed out. The story was well paced and made it difficult for me to put down.

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I enjoyed much about this book. The characters and their relationships were well drawn. I liked the idea for the plot. But I felt that the writing and plot development were pretty choppy in spots. Some scenes ended abruptly and could have been better developed. The biking/camping trip for instance seemed like an important turning point in the characters' relationship, but ended rather quickly. I felt the same way about the trips to the ranch. I wanted more. Overall, though, an enjoyable satisfying romance.

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