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<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45178905-the-road-to-madison" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="The Road to Madison" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1555739528m/45178905.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45178905-the-road-to-madison">The Road to Madison</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17117402.Elle_Spencer">Elle Spencer</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2818899687">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Madison and Ana star in this romance laced with drama and angst. What seems like the typical storyline of rich girl loves poor girl, etc., has some surprising twists. I was hooked from the opening scene and while the ending was abrupt, enjoyed the plot. Madison is written as the more likeable character - Ana seems consumed by hate and sub character George (Madison's father) the hateful/despicable parent. A quick read worth 3.5 stars.<br />I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for review.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

This is the second book I have read from this author, the first being Casting Lacey (which I recommend). The Road to Madison is a sweet romance between characters that have basically gown up together. One a rich girl with a controlling dad that has her life all planned out for her, and a girl that her mother works as a maid in the house.
Ms Spencer really gives the reader a good feel for the nastiness of Madison's father and the lengths he goes to, to keep her apart from her true love Ana. Even I wanted bad things to happen to her father half way through the book. The secondary characters in the book are well written and I loved the relationship Madison had with her driver. All of it was well written and I could just picture the estate and all the characters coming and going. The story moves at a good pace, with a few twists and turns along the way. There is a lot of jumping from present to past, for the purpose of really building the relationship between the main characters, but at times it was a bit much, I had to re-read a section to know what timeline I was in (there was one section that went to the past then took another jump farther in the past). I get why the author did this to give the reader a full understanding of what happened, so this isn't a criticism just a point for other potential readers.
All in all, another hit from Ms Spencer, I will be looking for more books from this author
I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this author on my own.
To see my Amazon review, it is under CC-Nice Romance

I loved this! Tons of angst and drama from the first page! It has almost all my favorite tropes: rich/poor, second chance romance, flashbacks, angst, drama. From the description I thought the story was written for me :D It was almost impossible to put it down and I didn’t want it to end.
This one is one of the few books I would love to know what the characters are up to a few months after the story ends. I liked the characters and dialog. It has a few unlikable characters that at times feel like they’re right out of a Mexican telenovela, but I didn’t mind them at all, I like drama :) Waiting for Elle Spencer’s next novel!

'The road to Madison' is a bit bumpy.
As a teenager, Madison Prescott, the sole heir to her family’s banking empire, falls in love with Ana Perez, the maid's daughter. Madison's father doesn't approve of their relationship and, through threats and lies, he forces Madison to break up with Ana. Fifteen years later, when her father dies, Madison is determined to make amends but Ana feels betrayed and hurt. It seems that time doesn't heal all wounds, or does it?
This is the third book by Elle Spencer whose writing career started with the acclaimed bestseller 'Casting Lacey'. I find her books on the angsty side and this one was no exception. 'The road to Madison' is, in my opinion, her weakest novel and, by far, the most dramatic. I know that many readers like a good amount of drama in their lesfic romances and might disagree with this review but I think that this story is borderline with melodramatic.
The novel is told by multiple points of view, which is not necessarily a problem, but in this case, it seems that some characters only have a voice to urge the mains to get together. As a consequence, some secondary characters sound too unrealistic and excessively honourable. Of course, there is nothing wrong with ethical characters, but their widespread presence in this story makes their voices sound very similar.
As the story takes place in two time periods, now and fifteen years ago, there are a few flashbacks intertwined with the present. I felt that they were a lost opportunity to showcase the strong bond and love between the characters that justified such amount of heartbreak and angst. In my opinion, Ms. Spencer fails in building up their chemistry at the start of their relationship. 'At seventeen' by Gerri Hill, while not perfect, is a prime example on how to describe the intimacy between teenagers, a longlasting love that makes it worthy to fight for in adulthood, despite the dispute that separates them. In 'The road to Madison', however, pain and conflict outplay love and chemistry, which sometimes made me wonder if their relationship was really worth fighting for.
Overall, an ok romance with a great amount of drama and angst. 3 stars.
ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
See all my reviews at www.lezreviewbooks.com

Love is sweet but it can also be dangerous. Madison does everything she can to protect Ana but no one can know and it's breaking her heart. That's my synopsis anyway.
I found the flashbacks a little frustrating and I wanted to get to know the characters more, but there was definitely some spark between the two main characters.

I think I fall in the middle of the road with this one. It started off pretty good and I liked both MCs - Madison Prescott and Ana Perez. I especially like the romance between them as they grew up. I can agree with the Author's assessment that they are soul mates. Unfortunately, they break up in the early twenties for and unknown reason (which you do find out later). This leave Ana to hate Madison. Even Ana's mom Carmen dislikes Madison and tells her so. This books gets a little weird after the Madison/Carmen moment. One, how does Madison end up at Carmen's house? That was so out of the blue. Two, all the flashbacks. They were out of order and would have progressed better if they weren't really flashbacks. At one point, there is a moment where Madison and Ana talk about something from the past. I think the book as a whole would have worked better without the flashbacks. Also at some point I think I begin to dislike Ana as she holds onto her anger even after finding out why Madison broke it off. Lastly, Madison's dad. Can't he just go away!!!! Like he his totally over the top and it's just goes on way to long. I believe another reviewer mentions that it is Soap Opera like. I would have to agree with that assessment.
Now, even thought i just said all the negative things about this one, I still thought it was readable and a decent read. It kept me interested so I will rate it 3 stars.

4.5 Stars. I enjoyed this book a lot. Madison Prescott is the heir to her family business, and is raised by her terrible, harsh father. Her father separates her from the love of her live, Ana Perez. Ana is the maid's daughter who Madison befriends at 8 and they are inseparable ever since. They eventually fall in love and can't keep away from each other. Eventually, Madison's father finds a way to separate them through a secret in Ana's family. Madison and Ana are separated for 15 years, until Madison's father finally dies. By this point in time, Madison is married and Ana has learned to not trust anyone and is changed forever by Madison dumping her for no reason. Once Madison's father is dead, all Madison wants to do is make it up to Ana, but Ana is no so quick to forgive.
I really enjoyed this book. I loved all the tension in the novel, as Ana and Madison decide all their current feelings for each other. This book goes back and forth between past and present which makes the novel interesting, as the past explained how they met, their first kiss, etc. I somewhat wish that there was more present, as I sometimes felt like there were not enough interactions between Ana and Madison in the present. There was a lot of them not talking to each other and avoiding each other. I liked all the tension, but I wish once the tension was gone, there was more focus on them together. There was not much focus on Ana and Madison together. I always wish there was more of that relationship. There was a lot of tension and lead up which I always love in novels. I would recommend this novel, it was a great read.

When I first started this book, I thought, Aha! I see why this story divided people into two different camps.
Rich girl (Madison George Prescott) and the maid’s daughter (Ana Margareta Maria Perez) are in a forbidden romance. Dark family secrets, shady characters, and non stop high drama provide the atmosphere. The story is non linear, at times haphazardly so, especially in the beginning. It seemed like the author cut the 20 year timeline into pieces, threw them into the air, and how they landed is how the bits got told. Then around the 1/3 mark, the rhythm kicked in and the narrative was easier to follow.
How you approach this story is the key to whether you’ll enjoy it or not.
I honestly kept thinking, this author’s been binging on Univision, Telemundo, or some other Spanish language network because The Road to Madison is very much a Telenovela. I’m sure many are familiar with the Mexican TV staple of Telenovelas due to the big fandom for Juliantina. Novelas are basically melodramatic serial tv shows with epic twists and turns, buried family history, bed hopping except for the main couple who are usually star crossed lovers. Think American Soap Operas on steroids.
Road to Madison basically adds up to one big, fun mess and somewhere in my brain, I swear I heard the soaring music after each reveal and would chuckle afterwards. The ending was abrupt but no big deal for me because I wasn’t taking this story too seriously anyway. Just enjoyed it for what it was.
Because I’m giving an honest review, I want to add that what I felt hurt the book most and frustrated many readers were the rapid fire time jumps. Had the story been told in chronological order or even had the scenes been longer before jumping, I believe the book would have been more impactful.

Madison Prescott is the heir of a family banking empire. Ana Perez is the daughter of one of the Prescott's maid. being friends with the maid's daughter was forbidden. Falling in love would be unthinkable and will be avoided by Madison's father by any means.
I absolutely loved the premise of this book. I love stories that start when they are young and then re-unite years later.
This book was a slow, slow burn. The characters were well developed and you felt their pain, anger, love, confusion and need. I really loved the story from start to end. Both characters were strong, bold and sexy.... I mean what else can you ask for.
I do have to say that I did not like all the jumping back to the past and while seeing the perspective of many of the characters I thought the some were unnecessary.
Overall, it was a very strong book. Romantic, sexy and a very good slow burn with a great plot.
I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books through Netgalley for an honest review

First of all, the writing is very good. I was so captivated by this author. I will seriously check her other work. The story in general was good the first chapter was truly interesting and left an impression on me. Now moving forward with the book. I thought Ana was kind negative. I wanted to see development yet everything was perfect the only wrong thing in this book was the father and Ana's hatred toward the past and everything.
I enjoyed reading so i do recommend to at least give it a try. it's quick read tbh,
I got a free copy in exchange of an honest opinion, thankful for the author and her team for that.

A completely sappy romance that we thoroughly enjoyed. It is angsty with stereotypical characters but give us sappiness and we are happy as kittens getting a belly rub. And this has sappiness in boat loads.
Madison Prescott is heir to a vast family fortune as the only daughter of the vile, overbearing George Prescott the third. As a single child with not many friends, eight year old Madison meets even year old Ana Perez, their new maid’s daughter. The girls hit off and become friends. As they grow up, their friendship becomes more and George Prescott won’t have it. He manages to put an end to the relationship. Fifteen years later, Papa Prescott is dead and Madison finds that Ana hates her. The two slowly and painfully find their way back to each other.
We love the fact that the author has presented some tough emotions in the way they actually work in real life. Madison’s unwillingness to forgive her father and her perfectly understandable cruelty in telling him terrible truths in later life. Ana’s inability to trust Madison again and her unwillingness to completely cut her off. These are grey emotions that everyone feels but are not focussed on. The MCs are individually okay, but work well together. Oh! And the first scene – excellent!
This book is pure drama with characters not greatly delved into – but a thoroughly enjoyable read for anyone who loves pure sap, like we do.

I just want to preface my review by stating that I believe this author is a good writer. She knows how to write characters driven by their emotions which captures the attention of her readers. After stating that, I believe there is such a thing as taking those emotions to the extreme which actually takes away from the story. This is what I think happened with this book. Hate seemed to consume a certain intelligent character, Ana, throughout the book. Even though once the reason why Madison ended their relationship was explained over and over hate still manifested itself in Ana’s life. Every time she seemed to take steps forward from the past, hate would intercept that forward movement and Ana ended taking two steps back. No matter how many people explained why Madison did what she did, hate was still lurching in the background. It just became too much anger and too much hate for too long.
I also didn’t think there was a strong connection between the characters. It seemed to be on a surface level, without any real depth to their relationship. Maybe it was the hate aspect that hindered it. I guess the flashbacks were intended to explain deep connections the main characters had, but I felt it never really surfaced and even some of those flashbacks interfered with the flow of the story.
I believe if Ana (and her mother)had sorted out her anger and hatred by maybe the 60 percent mark of the story, and slowly renewed her once loving relationship with Madison, instead of the rush- forgiveness- no more hating-ending, it would have been a better read.
As previously stated, this author can write and had an interesting plot, but the execution, for me personally, was flawed. But I will continue to support and read this author’s work because she has talent. I believe this book was not indicative of her skill level.

This was an intense piece of fiction.
Madison is the only child of George, a man who rules over most of her life in a generally not mentally healthy way. He even broke up Madison from the love of her life, Ana, when they were young adults, 'for Madison's own good'.
So, when George dies everything changes. Ana appears after the funeral and seems to very much hate Madison. Or does she? Does she even know what her real feelings about Madison are?
So many delightful secrets (well delightful to me, probably not so much to the characters) were woven into this story and there were even a few characters who kept me guessing about what they'd do.
Heh, now I just need a book/short story about Scott, who was definitely one of my favorite characters in the novel.
I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

Except for too much scattered flashbacks, there is not much to stand in the way of this excellent second chance romance. Nice plot and setting. Two interesting and emotionally troubled leads with an interwoven past that have to be confronted and overcome. Well done minor characters. Recommended to all romance fans especially for those who love angst and drama filled stories. Can't wait for Spencer's next book. In the meantime I have to read Casting Lacey.

After having adored Casting Lacey (I reread it often), I was so excited to see a new book by Elle Spencer. Unfortunately this book was nothing like that one. Casting Lacey had amazing chemistry between characters, witty banter, the characters had amazing sexual tension and there was a fair bit of angst. The characters were real and by the time big conflicts came up or characters behaved in a way that show cased their flaws, you were already so invested in the characters and the story that you rooted for them, cringed, felt their pain. But this story just piled on a lot of terrible things and bad behavior without luring me in first with likable or relatable characters or a believable love story. It just seemed like an over the top drama with no build up and no pay off. Quite disappointed but happy I can still go back and read Casting Lacey again :) Hope the author’s next offering has more depth, humor and heart. Like her first.

Elle Spencer wrote a fantastic book!
I enjoyed Ann and Madison and it’s a heartfelt story about the choices we make in the name of love. Highly recommend this book.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This review is actually pretty tricky for me to write. I loved absolutely loved Casting Lacey; it is one of my all-time favorite lesbian romance books. Which caused me going into this book with very high expectations and sadly this did not meet any of my expectations. I was very disappointed, and it made me wonder how this book fell so far from Casting Lacey, the writing style was much different. I felt like I was being told how the characters felt for each other over and over again, but I never saw it. It was as if the author was trying to force us to believe in their love, but I never felt or saw the connection that I was trying to be forced to see. I really hope the next book by Spencer is more like Casting Lacey. Not to say this is a bad book, it isn't, it is ok, just doesn't compare to her other writings.

Look no further for extravagance and theatrics. The Road to Madison is full of serial drama.
Madison is the only heir to her father George Madison III's company and fortunate. For the past 15 years, she has been being groomed to take over. A fortuitous incident brings her face to face with her past.
Ana is a successful business woman who has done everything she can to make a name for herself in the world. The last 15 years has been full of hard work and meaningless flings. She will not open her heart to anyone after Madison so thoroughly ruined her long ago.
I didn't want to put this down. I felt like I had to know what happened so many years ago to create such a major conflict between the two main characters. Once that was revealed, I couldn't imagine anything ever healing the wounds they shared.
My favorite type of stories are ones filled with emotional drama. This one is chalk full of heated conversations, tension filled interactions, internal suffering, and making silly decisions because the hurt is oh so unbearable. Frustrations rise as characters cannot get beyond their stubborn pride to move toward any positive resolution. It's the best kind of torture.
There are a few reasons that I am taking a star off. The flashbacks were not in any type of order. It left me constantly confused and wondering where I was at in the timeline of the past. And 'going steady' was used a couple of times and that threw me out of the story because I had to remind myself that I was not reading a book set in the 50s/60s.
I recommend this to people who love Romance, Angst, Hurting so good, DRAMA, over the top theatrics, and empanadas.
<I>I received an ARC from the publisher for an honest review</i>

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
Star-Crossed lovers featuring a rich girl named Madison and poor girl named Ana.
When they first meet Maddy is eight and Ana is seven they became fast friend's over the course of growing up their friendship turn romantic.
When Madison father George got wind of their relationship he fired and kick out Ana and her mother Carmen out on the street and to make matters worse George found our something about Ana mother past that Carmen never wanted to come to light and in order to keep Ana and her mother safe Madison had to break Ana heart and cut all ties and married a man to produce a heir.
When Madison father dies she think her and Ana can be together now what she didn't count on is Ana anger still being present and that even though Ana created a good life she still can't committ to her on and off again girlfriend Kris because she still has feelings for Madison.
When Ana mother Carmen confront Madison to stay away from Ana because she doesn't want to see her daughter heart broken again and hers as well because she loved Madison like a daughter and couldn't understand why she left Ana tire of being the bad guy Madison told Carmen the real real reason why she left Ana.
I like this story Madison was my favorite character because she sacrifice everything to keep Ana and her mother safe from her father and in the process was suffering not being with Ana. I like Madison husband Scott and they both was each other beard and that he tried to help Madison and Ana get back together.
To me Ana didn't deserve Madison because when she does find out the real reason why Madison broke her heart she think Madison should've fought harder for them to be together it's not when something almost happens to her that she realize what Madison did was sacrifices everything even if it's cause them both heartache.

Netgally Review:
So ANGSTY! From the very beginning, I was hooked. I read this in one sitting. I could say that the reasons the main characters were kept apart were feeble at times, but honestly, it was dramatic and interesting and whatever.