Member Reviews

I ended up skimming this book after I get about half way through. Not because it wasn't good but it was because it wasn't for me. I think if I hadn't have got this book from NetGalley I would have not finished it. There is nothing wrong with the it is well written with good writing about history etc. I strongly recommend it for anyone interested in the topic or would like to learn something new.

This book had a lot of potential, but if I'm being honest, I did not finish it. I love what it's trying to shed light on a topic often met with fear, but in my opinion, it read way too much like a text book. It kept seeming like it might change into more of a story if I kept going, but then I would and it didn't change. It got to the point I just had to put it down. With that said, it may be one I try and pick up again, but at this season in my life, I don't have time, nor did it hold my attention even if I did.

Very interesting read. It’s not usually my type of genre. But it’s a topic I’m interested in. The book was well written and flowed very well. Learned a lot. Lots of interesting information in here

A wonderful book about Muslims and their lives are written beautifully and insightfully by Steve Slocum. A must-read for all Americans. I gave it a 4.5 star for this book. I am impressed by the amount of research and hard work that has been put into this book. Definitely check it out. I guarantee your lives and perceptions will never be the same after reading this book.

The author's painstaking research and attention to detail is obvious in the writing of this book. There were many facts that I only discovered after reading this!

Why Do They Hate Us? is a must read book for everyone. Well written and informative. No one should be hated because of religion,sex,race,who they love,etc...

I'm generally quite wary of books written on a certain group by people outside of that group, particularly when it involves the most hated, wrongly-demonized religion today. However, I think Steve Slocum did a wonderful job. He's clearly done his research and is passionate about "Making Peace with the Muslim World."
While I think it's best to listen directly to marginalized groups, some people prefer to listen to members of their own group explain the other. I don't really understand why, but if you're one of those people, then definitely give this one a shot. It's worth it.
I'm an agnostic atheist through and through, and believe wholeheartedly in religious freedom. Along with everybody else who has even an ounce of empathy, it breaks my heart when Muslims are degraded and abused for their Faith. It's especially frustrating when this degradation comes from Christians, despite the Bible containing more violence than the Quran, and the fact that Muslims claim Jesus as one of their Prophets and believe in the same (Abrahamic) God.
This book covers the great history of Islam starting with Mohammad, and also modern world news, such as the invasion of Iraq and the Israeli occupation of Palestine. We also hear about Slocum's journey abroad as a Christian missionary in Kazakhstan.
I liked that Slocum didn't shy away from pointing out Christian and American hypocrisy. It's hard to look at the issues in your own community and actually address them instead of making excuses, so I was really impressed.
Thank you, NetGalley, for the copy of "Why Do They Hate Us?: Making Peace with the Muslim World."