Member Reviews

I love cats, and this cover was so appealing. I just didn't like the writing style and the many tangents the author went off on. I didn't finish it.

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This book is really good. I love reading about animals and how they give unconditional love. I feel in love with Midnight. Thank you BooksGoSocial via NetGalley for the complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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In spite of having a number of experiences that cannot be explained by science, I am always a bit hesitant when someone speaks about dealings with angels. I realize it might be purely semantics on my part. I do not doubt for one minute however that there were beings with whom I have had contact whatever name you may wish to give them.
So I have no difficulty in believing the author when he speaks of his deep and abiding love for the black cat named Midnight who was with him for far too short a time in corporeal form and has not left him. I have felt the fine paw and gentle love of my furbabies more than once. When the author is telling his story about the ways that both Midnight and Moonlight have impacted him, how they gave him strength and peace and support, the book is almost lyrical.
I did find myself skimming at times over the technicalities of angels, but again, my reason for choosing this book was purely feline and not divine. I wanted to get back to the tale of the two kitties. Having said that, if you are more into angels than I am, I suspect you might feel quite differently. It is in no way a criticism. It is simply so you, as a reader of this review, can judge your reactions to the book. I am always touched by stories of animals and their humans. They give us far more than we can ever give them.
For that reason I give this book four purrs and one paw up.

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I was a bit confused at the beginning but then I kept on reading and discovered an interesting and engaging book.
I thinks there's food for thought and I loved the story.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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