Member Reviews

As a psychology major, I was intrigued by this book, as there is not a lot of information on how to truly support someone you love as they battle an eating disorder. This book was honest and gave practical advice.

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Loving someone with an eating disorder is hard. So. Very. Hard. Our daughter has suffered with anorexia and severe restriction. This book is aimed more towards partners, but a whole lot still applies. Having a child with an eating disorder is hard on a marriage. I once read somewhere that 80% of marriages with a sick child end in divorce. I'm not sure what that number would be if a spouse is sick. Especially since eating disorders are misunderstood. Everyone thinks you can make someone eat or that they can just get over it. That's not at all true. Loved ones of these individuals need to know they're not alone and to take care of themselves. This book does a good job of informing and encouraging.

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Dana Harron is opening the door and hoping people realize that eating disorders are not a teenage issue an in fact it can be the source of great misunderstanding in all types of relationships from young to someone in their 70's
This is a short self help book but covers the topic well from teenagers to married couples who struggle with their communication. This is a great start to finding and understanding those around you and how you talk to, behave around someone with a Eating Disorder. Whether it is over eating or Under eating.
The author spend a little too much time covering topics that really didn't needed to be covered or she should have made the book longer.

This book will help start a dialogue with the people who are struggling with a eating disorder and for the readers to best understand how to support them not assume what a eating disorder is or is not.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of Sana Harron Loving someone with an eating disorder

(I have been struggling with a Eating Disorder sine I was 12 years old.)

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Amazing book that allows people to see into the mind of someone struggling to be well! This book will help with the frustration of family members. I will share this book title with my colleagues and professionals.

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Loved this book. It’s not out for a while so posting initial feedback here, will update nearer the time with full review and blog links. Really enjoyed it though!

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*thank you to Netgalley and New Harbinger Publications, Inc for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

4 stars.

Wow. This book has alot of interesting information in it. It has definitely been thoroughly researched and is a very good read for those who are trying to find more information about Eating Disorders in general. It covers a whole range of topics such as how to talk with your loved one who is suffering about what they are going through with things such as meal times, sex and intimacy, myths and realities, empathy and understanding on how to help support someone with an ED. I could just go on and on with how much useful information there is in here. It also talks about therapy and recovery and how to go about both of those.

As someone who has had and Eating Disorder for over 18 years, this book comes highly recommended by me for people, mainly parents and partners, of someone who is suffering through this illness. Finding a wide range of information to educated yourself about Eating Disorders and to what your loved one is going through is very important and this book is definitely a step in the right direction to doing that.

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