Member Reviews

This would be 2.5 stars. It took forever to finish this book. It never takes me this long to read a book. I have never read anything by this author before, and based on this book, I am not sure I will read anything else.

I enjoy a good mystery. This moved so slowly and the characters seemed so wooden that I had a hard time connecting with any of them. I think Lucy was the most interesting. She had the most personality.

The other characters didn't illicit much emotion from me one way or another. They didn't have much personality, or were kind of creepy. When they mentioned one of the characters later in the book, I had to go back and find out who she was and what her role in the story had been.

I found it off putting that the person in charge of the investigation seemed unsure of his position, his relationship, and his ability to solve the case. I didn't care about Matthew and Jonathan being a couple, and thought their relationship seemed more like they were needy and desperate to hang on to each other than actually being in love.

There were so many characters in this book that trying to keep up with them and there connection to the other characters became almost unwieldy. I thought the mystery itself was decent.

At times, reading this book was like wading through a mud pit with heavy, wet clothes on. The best part of the book, which also had the best pacing, was toward the end, when the disjoint pieces were being pulled together. Had the rest of the book been paced the same, I'm sure I could give it a higher rating.

The Long Call was not terrible. I would recommend you read it and judge for yourself. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book received from the publisher via NetGalley.

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I was happy to receive this ARC copy of the newest novel by Ann Cleeves. I read a few of her Shetland series and I loved the stories and their characters. This is the start of a new series set in North Devon and I loved it!
The plot is quite complex, the setting looks like a place to visit, with Ann Cleeves description I could see breathtaking panorama. Last but not least liked Matthew Venn the main investigator, he is a quite different character from Detective Perez but very human and likable. If you loved Shetland series I am sure you will love this book too!
Finally I am looking forward for the next novel in this series!
I want to thank NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm just going to rip off the Band-Aid: I was bored with this book.

To start with, the pace is oh so slow and the mood just feels dull.

Then we have a large cast of characters, none of whom I found even remotely interesting. DI Matthew Venn wallows in self-doubt to the point that I wondered how he functioned as a cop. I wanted to empathize with him, but I only felt irritation.

The plot, as far as the murder mystery, is a basic whodunit. We have a lot of storylines alongside the plot, such as Venn's issues with his homosexuality and religious upbringing, his female partner's sexual adventures and desires, an older man struggling with the loss of his wife and the future for his daughter who has Down's Syndrome, and two unlikable female roommates with an odd relationship and whatever secrets they were keeping. It's a lot of distraction that amounts to not much of anything.

The setting has potential but never comes alive. I didn't get a good sense of place with the area, nor did I get much sense of the atmosphere inside The Woodyard.

At the 53% mark on my Kindle, when still nothing much was happening, I gave up because I honestly didn't care who did it or why.

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Ann Cleeves writes a very well-written character driven novel in this new Two Rivers series, The Long Call.

In North Devon Detective Matthew Venn stands outside the church as his father’s funeral takes place. Matthew stands outside because once he left the very strict evangelical community that he grew up in, he lost his family forever, never to return back until now. A new case calls Matthew Venn back into the community he thought he had left behind forever, as deadly secrets hidden at its heart are revealed. Will Matthew's past and present life collide?

The Long Call will definitely attract the devoted fans of Ann Cleeves, as well as her new readers.

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The Long Call by Ann Cleeves will take you down a suspenseful journey that will have you turning the pages. Matthew left all he knew, including his family to be able to live life the way he wants too. When he returns for his father funeral, the last thing he expects is to investigate a local murder. With riveting characters, hot topics and a story that will have you questioning everything, you will be captivated by this story!

Happy reading!

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New author and new series for me. I was excited to read this book but was a little disappointed based on the description. It was well written with great characters, just not what I expected. Very detailed but not lots of fast paced action but still gets my recommendation.

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I enjoyed this British procedural novel. Being the first in a series, I appreciated the time taken to introduce the characters and the location. The mystery was a pleasant one, in that it had a slow build up and I was able to read at a nice pace not hurriedly to see what happens next, if you know what I mean. I look forward to reading the next in the series. I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley and the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

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This is the first book by Ann Cleeves that I have read. The book was ok as far as crime fiction goes. The pacing was a little slow. I did like the fact that this main character wasn’t the typical egotistical make super star but he was kind of boring and didn’t stand out. The story was interesting but was lacking some tension to keep me interested or on the edge of my seat as it neared the end.

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The Long Call is a slow burn British police procedural. This book is well written but I found it to be a bit too slow paced.. I think that since this is the first of a series, the author spent a lot of time developing the characters. I liked Detective Matthew Venn and I think I would read another book in upcoming series. I can tell that Ann Cleeves is really a talented author- she has created a really atmospheric novel mystery featuring a diverse group of characters..

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Knowing this book is the beginning of a series makes me view it a bit differently than I would a solely stand-alone mystery. I quite enjoyed the characters, the build-up of getting to know Detective Matthew Venn, his family, his past, his relationship with his husband. I also enjoyed getting to know the town of Barnstaple and Ilfracombe. The mystery story in and of itself was not one of those extreme mysteries that ramps up to such a fervor that nothing but burning the midnight oil will satisfy the reader. I do enjoy those sometimes, but it can be exhausting to only read a book that makes you consume it in 8 hours. This book had steady pacing, character building, a pleasant community (but not so small you'd think "Midsomer Murders") and a not extraordinarily gruesome crime with not extraordinarily psychological monsters as the criminals (though I suppose that could be argued ...). I'll look forward to the next in the series!

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The Long Call is the first novel in a new series by Ann Cleeves, called Two Rivers. It’s not connected with any of her other novels or series. Which means it’s a great starting point for new fans! (Such as myself).
Detective Matthew Venn knows what he wants in life – and he won’t exchange his happiness for the acceptance of his family. But that is a rough path to walk. His path in life is rocked when a recent murder brings it all too close to home for his liking.
The Long Call is a tale of secrets buried upon secrets. Of a world that Matthew thought he had left behind. And of the world he and his new family had embraced. This is the moment when the two clash.
This will likely be Detective Venn’s first of many mysteries to solve (if Cleeves’ preference for writing series has anything to say about it). So get settled and ready for a long run.

“The day they found the body on the shore, Matthew Venn was already haunted by thoughts of death and dying.”

The Long Call was by far the most character driven novel I’ve read this year. Using the main characters to push the plot forward through their reactions and connections to each other was a brilliant move. And one that was handled with excellent precision.
The storytelling in this novel took what could have been an everyday mystery, and turned it into so much more. I can now see why people gush so much about Ann Cleeves’ writing. Now I just find myself wishing I had tried one of her novels earlier!
This novel introduces a new protagonist, Detective Matthew Venn. I’m sure the rest of the series will be from his perspective as well, and I’m looking forward to seeing what he’ll end up solving next. Though I hope we’ll see more of his husband and coworkers as well.
Speaking of, Matthew Venn’s backstory ended up playing a major role in this mystery. It was an interesting choice, but I was happy to see Venn consciously be aware of that fact, and try to back away on more than one occasion. This is not the tale of an investigator trying to cover up for their family – and that fact is made quickly apparent (I don’t think I could have respected the story nearly so much, had that been the case).
There were a lot of other characters and elements woven into this novel. The end result was something rich and full of life – no pun intended. The entire telling felt organic, as it progressed along, telling us what we needed to know, while also fleshing out the world around it.
I’m happy that I had a chance to read The Long Call. Now I just need to decide on if I want to go through Ann Cleeves’ backlog or not! Though I think I’ll be sticking with this series regardless.

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Police procedurals are tough for me - I'm usually more of a psychological/twisty thriller kind of reader and while there are definitely some police procedurals I do enjoy, I find that sometimes they can run a bit slower in pacing than I like and that's what happened here.

As a first in a series, I realize it's a bit of setting up the characters. I give Cleeves a lot of respect as her writing is very clean and well done. The story line was interesting but the slow pace didn't keep me engaged fully and I could never quite get there. The last 25% or so does amp up and bring everything together which definitely did help.

I think lovers of police procedurals who don't mind a slower pacing will definitely enjoy this start.

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The Long Call by Ann Cleeves is my first book by this author. I can’t believe that although I read reviews I had never picked one of Ms. Cleeves books.
Ms. Cleeves has written a mystery with the most interesting cast of characters. Each is unique with their own special background that helps shape the story. I enjoyed watching the interactions as the murder investigation progressed.
I highly recommend this book. It is a well written suspenseful mystery. The tensions build to the end.
Thank you #Netgalley and #MinotaurBooks for approving my request for an advanced readers copy. All opinions expressed in this review are solely my own.

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This is the first book in the Two Rivers series by Ann Cleeves. Great complex mystery with detailed police procedures. Characters are developed well and it was pleasure to read this book.
This is my first book written by this author and now I am intrigued. I will definitely read more.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair review.

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The Long Call
(Two Rivers #1)
by Ann Cleeves

Hardcover, 384 pages
Published September 3rd 2019 by Minotaur Books

Goodreads synopsis:
For the first time in 20 years, Ann Cleeves—international bestselling and award-winning author of the Vera and Shetland series, both of which are hit TV shows—embarks on a gripping new series.

In North Devon, where two rivers converge and run into the sea, Detective Matthew Venn stands outside the church as his father’s funeral takes place. Once loved and cherished, the day Matthew left the strict evangelical community he grew up in, he lost his family too.

Now, as he turns and walks away again, he receives a call from one of his team. A body has been found on the beach nearby: a man with a tattoo of an albatross on his neck, stabbed to death.

The case calls Matthew back into the community he thought he had left behind, as deadly secrets hidden at its heart are revealed, and his past and present collide.

An astonishing new novel told with compassion and searing insight, The Long Call will captivate fans of Vera and Shetland, as well as new readers.


4.5 Stars

This is the first book in the Two Rivers series by Ann Cleeves.

This book is surprisingly complex in not only plot but characterization. The characters are unique and not the type you usually see in detective fiction. I found that refreshing. The main character was a complex man with a troubled past. His most current case led him back to his hometown and forced him to interact with a mother who didn’t approve of his lifestyle. Detective Matthew Venn was married to a man who runs a program where a couple of gals with Downs Syndrome disappear during the course of the book.

I was just as intrigued with the mystery and whodunit as I was with Detective Matthew Venn himself. He was compassionate and had a great deal of morals. He is not the person you expect in the beginning. He is not the stereotypical detective. I felt for him as he was shunned by his mother who was an extremely religious woman. The faith she so clung to would be tested during this book. I am always amazed when religious people turn other people away from the faith. It seems to be the exact opposite of what they should do and stand for.

This is the beginning of a new series and I foresee that Cleeves will have much success with it. I have not read other books by her but she was definitely be on my must read list from now on.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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The Long Call was a very enjoyable police procedural / mystery. I have not read anything by this author before, but I'm definitely looking forward to changing that.

I loved how well rounded the characters were and the ways in which they interacted with each other. The author has a knack for descriptions, making the reader experience the beauty and loneliness that are different settings in this book.

The characters are just as wonderful as the descriptions, especially DI Matthew Venn, the primary character and his husband Jonathan. Matthew's colleagues Jen and Ross. Each has their own quirks and worries, making them characters I'm looking forward to meeting again in the next books in this new series.

If you like well done mysteries or police procedurals that are strongly character driven, this is the series for you. My only question is when will book 2 in this series come out?

Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and publishers for an ARC at my request. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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I had not previously read any Ann Cleeves though I have enjoyed watching the show Vera. This is a new series. I loved that the main character was gay but for the most part that was not something made a big deal of. I also enjoyed his two assistants and am interested in learning more about them and their backstory. The mystery was solved at the very end and I have to say I did not see who did it coming. An enjoyable read and a series I will continue to follow.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Ann Cleeves for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

In this novel, Ann Cleeves introduces a new character Detective Matthew Venn, As he watches his fathers funeral from afar, he receives a phone call about a body that was found on the beach. Its the typical trope of person with past returns home to have secrets revealed, but done in such a great way.

I will definitely continue with this series.

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This story follows the story of Detective Matthew Venn, who arrives in town to secretly attend his father’s funeral. Due to a disagreement over the religious sect that his family belongs to, Matthew left the town of North Devon to start over. Once he is back a body is found in the river, and he will have to investigate. The victim hits close to home, and this makes Matthew concerned that he may have to recuse himself. Later, he receives a call from his past to tell him of an abduction. Is this all a coincidence? There are several characters woven into the story, all with their own quirks, and secrets. I haven’t read many British novels, so I was a bit lost at times. The Long Call is an excellent book if you are into procedural crime dramas The Long Call is the book for you. It reminded me of the shows Perot, and Midsomer Murders.

Thank You Netgalley and Minotaur Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review

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Ann Cleeves Is a well known and popular detective mystery writer with characters that many love. But The Long Call is a new set of characters and an all new series. I was not disappointed with the new storyline.

Cleeves is well known for her hard hitting and intricate detective mysteries. The Long Call follows Detective Venn as he investigates a crime close to home. I think that Cleeves writes a classically good mystery. Some mystery writers these days try to amp up the story with flashy plot lines and add on stories, but I think Cleeves has a way of making a normal news worthy crime into an intricate tale of mystery and intrigue. I loved Detective Venn and his simplicity to life. He was just a good hearted man and he was very good at his job. I loved the side characters we met along the way as I tried to figure out the solution to this crime.

One of my favorite parts of this story is that I didn’t guess the ending early on. I love being thoroughly intrigued, but not knowing what is gonna play out, because then I just keep flipping pages needing more. I feel like The Long Call is the beginning of a great series with Detective Venn and one I would like to continue exploring as Cleeves releases more stories in this series.

All mystery lovers should already know Cleeves, but if not then you will not be disappointed with The Long Call and I am sure it will have you coming back for more. Definitely something I will be making regular visits back to. I’m very interested to see what situation Venn finds himself in next.

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