Member Reviews

I'm convinced Amy Harmon is one of the only people on the planet who can encourage me to read Fantasy and make me enjoy it. This is my least favorite genre to read because I often have a hard time wrapping my mind around the funny names and things that aren't, at least, somewhat realistic. Thankfully Amy Harmon's characters made this story something I could sink into and enjoy.
I would be hard-pressed to choose a favorite character from this story, each one is distinctive and represents a different quality I love. They seem as if they could be real people I could visit in Saylok myself, which is exactly what hoped for when starting this story. I loved how each character drew strength from the others - the men and women were equals, balancing one where the other might be weak. It was a truly beautiful representation of "two are better than one."
I especially enjoyed the world-building, in that it wasn't overly complicated or hard to follow for a novice Fantasy reader. Often this genre can be a lot to absorb, but this plot never felt like a burden or a struggle to get lost in. There were a few sluggish points for me, but the slow building of romance kept me engrossed and eager to see what might blossom. And that first kiss - just, swoon. I don't think I've ever read a better romantic scene in any book! It was the perfect moment between the characters after years of anticipation within the story.
I also appreciated being able to grow with Alba and Bayr. This story spans several years without making me feel as if I had missed anything important during that time. Each age felt as if it was accurately represented, there was nothing awkward or out of place between Bayr and Alba. On the whole, this story shows Amy Harmon's prowess as an author. The woman can write anything and I know I'll enjoy it. Now I want to explore Norse Mythology and broaden my horizons a bit!
Many thanks to Netgalley and 47North for a copy of this novel!

Only an author like Amy Harmon can thrust me into a fantasy world and cause me to fall in love almost immediately. This is not my kind of genre (not even close) but her superb storytelling whisked me away to the land of Saylok and I never looked back.
Harmon's love of Norse mythology is at the forefront of this beautiful tale, one spanning many years as the Temple Boy known as Bayr becomes the fierce protector of Princess Alba. Their pairing is most unusual as the brutish Bayr feels a sudden kinship to the newly born Alba upon his first laying eyes on her and becomes the center of her life. Their sweet relationship is one of mostly joy as Bayr teaches Alba the ways of their world. Their bond cannot be broken even as they are eventually separated when Bayr becomes a beloved Chieftain and Alba carries on her rightful duties as the lone princess of her father's kingdom.
Throughout this story, many battles are waged, both between warring factions that make up Saylok and those of the heart. From the very start, Bayr's mother Desdemona, sets in motion a curse after her own heart was broken that changes the course of not only her land of Dolphys but all of Saylok. What transpires after that fateful day when Desdemona causes a rune to guide the rest of her world after she is long gone sets the course for not only her own son's destiny but that of his beloved Alba.
This book is intensely detailed but it needs to be in order to fully comprehend just what this fantasy world is all about. And perhaps for me, not relishing most fantasy stories, had me struggling at first trying to decipher all the foreign names, the chosen work of most of Saylok's inhabitants and the stark reality that I wasn't in Kansas any longer! (lol) But as I delved deeper into the story, I couldn't help but get lost in its magic with love as the subtle guide for each of the characters I came to adore.
And as the journey of Bayr continues through the years, all the unfamiliar terms started to make perfect sense and I realized that in the end, the differences between my own world and that of Saylok weren't all that important. What is crucial is the affection and determination that Bayr, Alba, Dagmar, Ghost all have within them and how they would stop at nothing to make sure those they loved were safe and protected. The humility on Bayr's part was wildly endearing and his innate agility and ability to expertly use weapons without practice made him even more attractive to a reader like me. It was hard not to lose myself in his imperfect perfection.
The many sacrifices these characters endured brought me to tears more than once and yet the way they all continue to endure despite many obstacles thrown in their way made me even more anxious to find out what would happen next. There is much talk of the power of runes and a certain kind of spirituality that is a usual part of the Harmon mystique in her work and it definitely added an otherworldly kind of feeling. With Dagmar as a Keeper of Saylok, under the guidance of the very wise Ivo, we are treated to quite a few remarkable occurrences. And they added just the right touch when things seemed to be a bit out of control.
Like I said at the beginning of this review, I am not a fantasy reader. Not at all. But Amy Harmon made me a believer with the way she continues to share the power of love no matter the genre. Even when I became a bit lost at all the terminology and trying to keep everyone's names straight, I still found the love story that made me smile.
Give this one a go. You won't want to stop once you start and your heart will be forever lost to the Temple Boy and his Princess and the brave souls of Saylok. Really well done, i couldn't give The First Girl Child anything but a huge 5 stars!

In the land of Saylok, five regions are divided and inhabited by different clans. Under the leadership of one king and the keepers, a curse plagues the island preventing the birth of daughters. As many become desperate and factions begin to fight, the fate of Saylok rests with Bayr, a natural warrior but also a man of profound understanding, who is entrusted to protect the first girl child, Alba. Though Bayr carries his burdens, making sacrifices will test what he’s always held in his heart.
Spanning over twenty years, this narrative follows the struggles and bonds of its characters and how they intersect at key moments bringing a complexity to the ongoing plot landscape. With each bearing their own vulnerabilities, secrets and strengths, overcoming injustices without becoming cruel or hardened is a running theme.
From the first page, I was captivated by this uniquely crafted mythological story. With brilliant foreshadowing, knowing the power certain secrets hold adds incredible tension to the plot. There is beauty in the love and respect these characters hold for their loved ones. With such intensity, the pain they bear is just as tangible, which makes the journey that much richer.
With this array of distinct characters, they each have a pivotal role and I loved the majority of them. Of course, Bayr, Dagmar and Ghost are standouts for me, but I also enjoyed hating the villains. Adding to the fantasy genre, I was fascinated with the magic of the runes and how such power can be used for good or evil.
The First Girl Child is an epic mythological journey with themes of sacrifice, corruption, integrity, loyalty, friendship, and ultimately love. This story will appeal to those who seek to escape into a perfectly executed fantasy world.

I had really high expectations for this book, but it was a really slow read without much happening and I was deeply disappointed sadly. I wanted to love the story, and ended up loving some characters, but in the end it wasn't enough. The first two thirds of the book were just too slow to be exciting or even slow burning.
But I loved the idea! What would humankind do without women ready to bear the future. What would humankind do without the womens endurance and patience? What would humankind do with only man wanting to fight and own the females? Right. They couldn't do anything without the men OR women together. So I loved what Amy Harmon wanted to tell the reader through the middle age set and the brutal reigns. I also loved the little bits of magic interwoven with the story and the overall idea about the monks who are like the church and the monarchy being in war most of the time.
Too sad that it couldn't catch me through the whole read. I often drifted away while reading or skipped some passage I thought not necessary in the end. I think its a great read for lovers of Amy Harmon, but for me there happened too less and I wasn't really invested.

Apparently Amy Harmon is one of those authors that can pen a book in any genre and have the reader so captivated by it that you wish it was more than just a standalone book. I don't mind cliffhanger books but sometimes you just wish the author would get it all out there in one book. I had the complete opposite reaction to the TFGC. I desperately wanted the story of Bayr and Alba to be more than one book. I just could not get enough of them and their world that Ms. Harmon painted so vividly in my minds eye by the words that flowed forth on the pages.
When the Gods speak and the runes are cast you never know what hell is in store. In this instance it wasn't the Gods that spoke but a woman scorned, a woman who would use her life's blood to ensure that her curse would bring upon her lands grief and war: From this day forward, there will be no daughters in Saylok
Her son Bayr grows with inhuman strength and the instinctive need to protect Princess Alba all the while never knowing the bond that binds them can be the salvation or the downfall of their lands. Bayr has been raised by his uncle Dagmar and the Keepers. Never knowing his clan or the responsibility that will befall him. Princess Alba has known the love of a mother and the protection of Bayr but she does not know her true history. When all is revealed and the runes fall into place will the pair save their people or will theirs be a story of loss written in the Norse mythological books.
To say I loved this book is an understatement. Amy Harmon will have two spots in my top reds this year with both What the Wind Knows and The First Girl Child.
**Received ARC through NetGalley. Voluntarily reviewed**

I nearly didn’t read this because I’m a little burned out recently by Norse inspired stories but I would definitely have missed out on a really good story about sacrifice, love and redemption.
Dagmar watched his sister die after giving birth to her son Bayr but as she did she cursed the people who she thought had cruelly let her down. Dagmar had turned away from his fathers Viking ways to become what is essentially a Monk so you can imagine the chaos and controversy it would bring to turn up with a baby ! Luckily this child is very special and Bayr is allowed to stay and as he grows his amazing God given abilities see him catching the eye of the King and Bayr becomes the protector of the first girl child born since the curse Alba but all is not as it seems. A power hungry corrupt King, a young couple who seem doomed and then there’s the secret of both their births that could very well topple a Kingdom !
I absolutely loved this and will definitely read more from this author. It’s as much a story about Dagmar as it is Bayr. Dagmar and those he trusts within the temple make great sacrifices to protect their people and its oh so poignant but to say more would ruin this story. I can say that I really enjoyed how Alba was written as she’s stubborn which offset the sweetness and naivety that was Bayr quite nicely. Make no mistake Bayr goes on a journey of self discovery that leads him back to where his Uncle Dagmar began and that made this feel like a well rounded tale. With a little magic to further enhance the events taking place the author has written a story that has romance, action and perhaps even a feminist message but most of all it made me feel for these characters and surely that’s the best recommendation ?
This voluntary take is of a copy that I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

Here’s three things you need to know:
1. Banruud is the worst.
2. Bayr is the best.
3. This book will rip your heart right from your chest💕
Fellow fans of Game of Thrones, I summon thee. I have scoured the aisles of the library until my knees trembled with lost hope, scrolled through iBooks until my thumb was stiff, and not once have I been satisfied with another epic fantasy book—until The First Girl Child. This book has heart and courage and blood and Vikings and strong men and stronger women and phenomenal world building and ...Need I say more? Didn’t think so.
The last time a book made me cry was June 5, 2018, and now the record has been set again on August 10, 2019 as I came to the end of this novel. But I cried not just during some sadder parts in the novel, but at the simple joy of discovering these beautiful, flawed, and incredibly well-rounded characters that I will cherish and carry with me for the rest of my life.
The only problem I have is that now my expectations in a mate have been set very high by the lovely Bayr, and I fear they may stay unmet. (No one can compare to The Temple Boy💕).
Thank you @amyharmon.2 for giving me this book and these characters that I will forever hold close to my heart. It’s intoxicating to find so many friends in one novel but I loved them all💕, and here’s hoping there’s a book two🥰 (even if it’s just a hastily strewn together email you send to me cataloging what happens in book 2...Yep, I can live with that).
The First Girl Child releases on August 20th; Arc provided by 47north publishing and @netgalley

Such a brilliant and unique story!I love whatever genre she writes, and I always go blind to her stories!I don't need a synopsis because I simply know it will be another fantastic read!
The story line is interesting,original and captivating!Everything needed their time and their got it!This is a slow story in my opinion and this is what make me not give it 5 stars but still it was an unforgettable read!
"I've come to believe that home is not a place. Home is inside of us. Home is the people we love. Home is what we strive for."

Special thanks to Netgalley, Amy Harmon and Amazon Publishing for a copy of the ARC in exchange for an honest review
The First Girl Child is a magical, mythical tale about fulfilling one's destiny. Readers will be swept into a magical world at the very start.
The First Girl Child has everything a reader could ever want: A princess and her protector. An evil king. A scorned lover. A mother's sacrifice. Spiritual keepers. Rituals. Various Tribes and tribal leaders. Battles. Mythology. And of course, a blood curse. There is action, adventure, romance and an happily ever after.
I love how Amy Harmon's the Norse mythology tale will take you throughout time, how she explains how their magical and mythical world operates. I love how the tribe men worship the tribe women. I love the bonds that hold many of the characters together. I love how much fate and destiny play a role and of course, the theme that a tribe-less Temple Boy can overcome all.
Amy Harmon's writing is always on point. However, this books really surprised me in a really awesome way. The First Girl Child reads like a fairy tale and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

I was very very fortunate to have received an ARC of this amazing author! I loved her fantasy series “the Bird and the Sword” and when The First Girl Child was announced, I had to pounce! Amy writes poetry in prose, her storytelling is flawless and the world she created was simply fantastic.
So many great characters that play such an important role that I dare not say that Alba and Bayre are the main ones. I theory, I guess they are, but Dagmar and Ghost were essential to this story too.
The way Bayre was perfect but imperfect just made him more appealing. I love Bayre and his heart. Alba’s protectiveness towards him although he was her protector was heart melting.
The First Girl Child while written in an ancient world, had topics that are very present. I love the way Amy wrote about the keepers and their life lessons apply perfectly to our own present issues. Lessons of respect, consideration, duty, bitterness and revenge. It was beautiful to read. There’s so much more I want to say but I don’t want to spoil anything, so please just go and read this amazing book. If you don’t like fantasy, or have never read one, this may be the book to change your mind and suck you into the amazing Amy Harmon worlds.

“My b-body is yours. My heart is yours. My s-soul, my thoughts, my d-dreams, my life. Yours. I will do whatever you ask. Whatever you wish.” He raised his eyes to hers, his gaze as tormented as his voice. “But know this, your father will not allow it. And when he d-discovers that I love you, we will both suffer. I can b-bear my own suffering, but I can’t bear yours.”
~Amy Harmon, The First Girl Child
Y’all. THIS BOOK!!! Stop whatever you’re doing and put this book on your TBR. At the very top. Right now. And trust me when I say that you do NOT want to miss this incredible story!
I am a huge fan of everything Amy Harmon writes, but this newest story is beyond anything I’ve ever read. It is an epic fantasy woven together in the compelling, magical way that only Amy Harmon can craft. Full of duty, honor, and fighting for salvation, The First Girl Child is a gorgeous love story centered around a cursed kingdom, battling clans, and redemptive magic. It is absolutely breathtaking and completely captivating from the very first page.
Amy Harmon always wields her words in such a powerful way, and you can truly feel how she poured her soul into this novel. This epic story of salvation and courage is one that I will not soon forgot. I absolutely adored Bayr...he may be my favorite of her male characters to date (that stutter!😍), and Alba is as fierce as she is kind.
No one creates a story like Amy Harmon, and y’all, this is her at her best. This true masterpiece is exquisitely plotted and will have you holding your breath and turning the pages until you reach the epic conclusion. I am so honored to have had the chance to read this unforgettable tale that will live in my heart and my soul for as long as I live.
The First Girl Child is the first in a series, but with no cliffhanger, and releases on August 20th. Thank you, Amy Harmon, for the opportunity to read this incredible story!

An impeccably woven tale of good vs. evil, with a struggle between those who seek to maintain order over those who seek to gain control at all costs.
I'll be honest, I always struggle to review fantasy books. There are inherently complex and in order to explain the plot, it feels like I would be ruining the experience for another reader. In addition, I know I can't quite convey it to the same level as the author. So, instead I'll give you thoughts on the characters in this captivating story.
This story unfolds as the land Saylok is in search of a new king, and the birth of a boy threatens the livelihood of the land.
Dagmar - this man has a heart of gold. He tries so hard to do the right thing, to protect those he loves, and give those less fortunate a chance. I love the relationship he builds with Ghost.
Desdemona - I felt sorry for Dagmar's sister, but thought the rune she created seemed misdirected. I get her anger towards Banruud, but why punish everyone else? Seemed selfish to me.
Banruud - evil to the core, this man will stop at nothing to gain power. I could say more, but a string of curse words might be overkill.
Bayr "the Temple Boy" - this boy, whose name is pronounced bear, seems aptly named. He has remarkable strength and sacrifices himself repeatedly to help others, namly Alba.
Alba - being the "daughter" of Banruud (you'll get the quotes when the read the book), she is the polar opposite of her father. Thankfully. From the moment of her birth, Bayr and her share a connection that only builds with time. I loved how they helped one another.
Ghost - nicknamed after her appearance, this vulnerable young woman shows such strength in this book given her lot in life. I loved her growth under Dagmar's watchful eyes.
Together these characters struggle under the control of Banruud and his deceptive ways. Where he has lied his way to the top, these vulnerable people, who he considers to beneath him, bond together. That bond proves useful as Banruud's fabrications begin to unravel.
Throughout this story, there is heartbreak, vengeance, epic battles, and most importantly, love. Basically, everything you'd want for a fantasy book, delivered beautifully, as always from this author.
Whether you are a fan of the fantasy genre, or this author, prepare to take a journey that will stretch your imagination and touch all of your emotions.

Amy Harmon has such a beautiful way with words. This book isn't my typical genre, but yet again Ms. Harmon pulls me in with her eloquent use of verbiage and she makes me feel as if I am the one in this crazy world with my friends. Bravo.

I love fantasy novels! I love Amy Harmon!
Both those things combined in 1 oh m gee!!! This novel was everything. I'm a lover of mythology. The characters are so thoughtful and full fledged. The setting was breath taking. The first few pages were slow but clear your schedules because you'll be hooked quickly. That ending was magical. Thanks Netgalley for the ARC.

I have read and loved Amy Harmon books. I loved this one. There’s always the Christian theme there woven into the story.
Amy Harmon transports you into the world she creates and this is no different. I wanted to cry for every injustice and for what Desdémona did and what Ghost went through and for Dagmar’s decisions. I enjoyed seeing how Bayr grew, his strength, his loyalty and his love. The connection between Bayr and Alba was beautiful from the beginning.
I thought this was book one of a series until I saw how it was all starting to unravel. I felt the end was rushed and would have liked more. Even the epilogue which I was happy about but it wasn’t enough. I wished there had been more. I wish the ending hadn’t been so rushed.
I would recommend it. It’s a great study but the ending left me wanting more.

The First Girl Child
By: Amy Harmon
4.5 Stars
I can now say that I’ve popped my Fantasy Cherry!
Going into this book, I will admit…I was very leery of it going into the pile of DNF books. To read a fantasy book, it is not at the top of my list of genres to read, that’s for sure. But… and a huge But… this fantasy book is written by one of my all-time favorite authors. If I could actually read one, it would be written by no other than Amy Harmon!
The talent that this author gives to us in each and every book she publishes is amazing. The different journeys she has taken us readers on are all very different in their stories but one thing that never fails, they are journeys that we as readers will never forget!
Drawn into this book from the get go, it takes a bit to get the feel of the characters and how it all works in this world they live in. The different levels of people and what their responsibilities are for their world to survive.
Once the setting is set and you’ve now been engulfed into seeing the good and the bad, you will be rooting for one team alone. Team Bayr and Alba!!!
Although their lives are not brought to us without major setbacks, their lives are complete when they are together.
Dive into this wonderful world and enjoy! I never thought I would recommend a fantasy book but would definitely not hesitate to recommend this one to everyone to enjoy.

The First Girl Child is a fantasy book combining Norse mythology and magic. I found the complex world the author created was fascinating. I loved how civilization was broken down into clans and the spirituality involved in those clans. The overall plot was engaging and kept me turning pages. I finished it in just a few days. I always had a strong desire to know what was happening next.
However, despite all this, the book just didn't work that well for me. So many names and places that I felt like I needed to keep a chart. I didn't, so I was often confused or just followed along at the surface. I also wanted more depth from the characters. Everyone felt one dimensional. This may be because of not being able to keep track of everyone and everything. Finally, so much happened in the last 10% which makes for a pacing problem for the rest of the book.
This isn't a bad book. I just wouldn't recommend it to friends as an Amy Harmon book. I would recommend it to friends who like George R.R. Martin.
***Advanced copy obtained from 47North via Netgalley***

I couldn't get into this story, honestly the themes were cool the background was also really neat but I felt the story dragged on far to much for me. The love story part was pretty much nonexistent and when it finally got there it was about 25 pages and just not enough in the span of the book. Normally I love her books all the other ones I have literally binged this one took me a long time to finish.

The First Girl Child is a multi-faceted fantasy epic featuring dark secrets, ominous prophecies, and multiple powder kegs waiting to explode. Everyone has something to hide in this warrior world, and those secrets could make or break the kingdom. Featuring engaging writing, strong characters, and a fascinating religion, it’s sure to entertain.
This is one of the most secret-driven books I’ve read in a while, making for a rather tense, enthralling read. Some could undermine the tyrant currently ruling, others could spell the end of days for the kingdom, and one could herald its savior. That kind of narrative is exciting to read as you constantly worry about secrets being spilled to the wrong people.
I appreciated the focus on Norse mythology and the many retellings of old myths. It’s a central part of most of the book as we see this mysterious boy raised by his uncle amidst a Nordic temple. There’s plenty of magic to go around in the form of runes, adding a hint of magical fantasy will still remaining grounded in religious tradition. It’s a powerful rune that starts off the major dilemma in the empire, and the scene is an especially epic start to the novel.
Bayr is a Herculean man imbued with the power of the Gods. It’s fascinating to watch him grow, especially as his body advances beyond his actual years. He’s stuck in this kind of limbo as people treat him like a man before he’s ready to become one. Bayr never gets to experience a real childhood, a fact that morphs him into the fierce protector he eventually becomes. As a grown man, his power is almighty, and his many feats of strength and fight scenes are especially powerful. He makes for a very interesting focal point.
There are so many solid plot advancements throughout the novel, creating an especially epic narrative. From a tragic death to the raising of a monumental hero to the dark secrets of a king who should never have been ruler, we see the many breaking points that hide beneath the facade of a successful kingdom. You’ll find conflict, family loyalty, and mysterious deaths aplenty.
Review to be published on 8/20: http://reviewsandrobots.com/2019/08/20/the-first-girl-child-book-review

I'd like to thank Netgalley and 47North for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I loved this book! I have never read anything written by this author before but I seriously want to grab everything she has written and lock myself away until I am finished reading it all.
This book is standalone but I wish it would continue. I loved the characters. This book has you rooting for so many of the tribesmen and you just want to see justice prevail and wrongs set to right.
I loved the settings and how you felt like you were right there. You can picture exactly what the people look like and where the story takes place. Everything was so vivid and didn't leave you wondering.
Amazing writing and I look forward to reading more from her in the future.