Member Reviews

Great story for your kids!! I would definitely buy this books for the little readers around me!
Thank you, Netgalley, for this opportunity!

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A wonderful children's book about family.

Crazy Pets and Secrets Revealed was delightful and a book I highly recommend.

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Dnfed--unfortunately the book was archived before I was able to read it. However, I will be back with a review if I am able to read the book in the future!

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A lovely book that is just brimming with love and the joy of living life by your own standards, that allows growing old the dignity and understanding that should always be there.
Coming from a young perspective it give understanding to life and living.. It actually is a very funny book and a lovely read - not what you would expect

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This title took a little while to get into a groove. However, it ends up being a delightful tribute from a young boy to his eccentric grandmothers. As he matures a bit, he starts to see how their behavior can seem embarrassing to his mother. But his love never wavers and after his one grandmother passes away, his family learns more about her past and present than they knew existed.

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There are many important life lessons hidden within the entertaining adventures in this endearing book by British author Vix Cooper. I found myself moved, repeatedly, throughout this tale of unconditional love between a grandmother and her adoring grandson.

It's pretty long for it's intended YA audience but by the end, the reasons are easily apparent. Relationships between generations are so important and rewarding, if not challenging.

Cooper has assembled a diverse, thoroughly unique cast of characters that truly reflect many families around the world. Attention to our aging population is so important and here you will find a very loving glimpse of how patience and understanding are the greatest kind of love.

I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Pros: I was taken aback by the length of this book. At first, I wanted to put it down and walk away. However, I was quickly drawn in and began the journey. While I believe it's on the difficult side of reading for young people. It still is a good read.

Cons: A difficult read for youths and possibly teens.

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This is a funny, crazy, unusual book that I will definitely use with my class next year. It tugged at my heartstrings and caused a tear to be shed on occasion. It is a lovely read. It reflected the love between child and nan and how her past influenced her actions today. So many lessons could be taught using this text as a precursor so I will definitely take it on board.

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This was a sweet book that shows the importance of a relationship between youth and the elderly. I enjoyed the concept and found it cute and easy to read.
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this lovely children’s book! It is endearing, tackles important topics and is funny at the same time!
I also enjoyed the author’s introduction and biography at the very beginning of the book, which is as engaging and fun as the book.
The style of writing is uplifting and the plot interesting. It is all about raising awareness for the elderly and is a unique story which mingles love for animals, the special bond between grandchild and grandmother, family relationships, and is told with love.
What else? I highly recommend this gem of a book!

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It is a wonderful book where a 10 year old connects with both his grandmothers and age doesn't really matter when your family. A delightful read.

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I'm really sorry, but it was my mistake to choose this book. I had found the descripiton intriguing, it had caught my attention, but right from the beginning I found the characters so disappointing that I could not read the story about them. I simply was not interested so I had to give up on this book.
However, as it is not me who the real target audinence is, young people might enjoy it.

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I throughly enjoyed this and was laughing at the antics of the characters.

Thanks to Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Crazy pets and secrets revealed is a sweet book about a boy and his kooky nan, a lovely old lady who lives life to the full, she dyes her hair crazy colours and has a habit of comparing people to animals and might not always pay for things but Hugo her grandson loves her and they have fun adventures together but Hugo's nan is getting old "she is in her eighties!"as Hugo's mum often says and Hugo is worried about her and this book follows them in their time together.

The book is aimed at young adults but I'm 47 and enjoyed it, my only criticism is it's a little repetitive in places, but it will make you laugh and cry and in my opinion that is always a good book.

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What a lovely read this was, although not my normal genre I found the story very endearing. The bond between grandson and both grandmothers was very heartfelt

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Many readers unfamiliar with British culture, may need dictionary and phrase translation.
Story moves slowly for one written for children, maybe too slow? For me, too much specialized jargon in the story relating specifically to England culture, I was lost most of the time as to what was really going on between the characters. Did not finish this book.

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I loved the title and cover of this book and found the concept interesting —a boy and his grandmother and the people in his world who she compares to different animals—, but the execution was not quite acheived in my view. The story felt like set of narrated text alternating with sets of dialogue, but I was never fully immersed in the setting, or the story or in Hugo's inner world.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I had fun in reading this sweet and entertaining book. I like the plot and the characters.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Hugo is asleep in class .Hugo doesn't like how his mom has spoke about his Nan. Hugo suggests for donation day a charity to help older people I was bored with everything going on.

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