Member Reviews

As I immersed myself in this book, I kind of ell in love with how much of a gentleman and how caring Tom was, as a man and a would-be-someday doctor. Then little things started niggling at me. The story itself is a good one, but the delivery left me a bit cold. There are a lot of weird jumps where you just kind of have to accept it and say "okay, we are here now". There is a lot of telling, rather than showing, which is what I think left me unable to connect deeply with the characters. It's also a very cerebral book. Tom wanted so badly to fix things for Geraldine, so much so that I found him rather controlling. And it makes no sense to me that a man studying to be a doctor would think that it's okay for him to treat someone so close to him. It was convenient that he had wealth so that he could spend all that time focused on Geraldine and trying to help her get better, but it just didn't sit well with me. All in all, I think the storyline had great potential. I, personally, would like to see a bit more depth and more showing of actions and interactions rather than simply stating that they happened. The potential for this book to be amazing doesn't like within the story, but rather than storytelling.

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