Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and the Publisher for my ARC in exchange for my honest review. This was an enjoyable book.

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A must read romance book that I enjoyed. You will find yourself wanting more from these characters and their love story. Well done ! A great steamy romance book.

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This book was not for me. I read it super quickly but found the writing to be lacking in both substance and character development. I did not really like the main female character Luna from the very beginning when she tells Brent a little white lie that never comes out until it almost blows up their entire relationship. I was also not a fan of some of the writing when it came to the intimate scenes. Some parts contained incomplete sentences that were not written as dialogue and it was off putting. The ending seemed rushed and not entirely believable based on the rest of the story.

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I really wanted to love this book, but unfortunately, it just wasn't one for me. I typically read a book in a day or two, but it took me a whole week to finish. I'd read a couple chapters, grow bored and put it down for the day - not at all my usual MO. I even found myself skimming the sex scenes after a while. The book just seemed a lot longer than it needed to be to tell the story. There wasn't really much character development or insights into the characters other than a surface-level view.

I loved the start of the book, although I found Brent to be incredibly forward and a bit too direct. I'm all for an alpha male as the hero, but he came off like a jerk at first. However, he definitely grew on me by the end of the book and I loved the guy. After all, he saw the error in his ways and decided to make a change for the better.

Now Luna was not a character I really liked. She just rubbed me wrong from the beginning with her lie/partial truth and a lot of heartache and misunderstandings could have been avoided had she not lied. I'm not a fan of heroines who lie - it just makes them look weak and immature. As soon as they started getting closer, she should have told him the truth about her job.

The whole book was pretty predictable, in my opinion. I kept anticipating the fall out since I knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when. The epilogue was a disappointment and I found their HFN to be only sort of believable. They just experienced something life-changing and a week later they all of a sudden have the rest of their lives figured out? Yeah, I wasn't buying that, especially since there was so much they still had to learn about one another. Show me how they're doing in 6 months or a year, not a week later. I'm sure this was done to setup the next book in the series, assuming there is one with Chris/Nicole.

This may just be a 'it's me, not you' thing and others will probably enjoy the book. Unfortunately, it just wasn't one that I'll really remember in the future.

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I wasn't too taken with this romance. Things developed pretty quickly between the protagonists. They met on a flight to England where her family was and his latest job. They both began sexual relationship without truly getting to know each other. Decent read for those looking for a no frills romance.

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This is not for me. I was tempted not to give a review because it was going to be negative. When I started writing why I was not going to give a feedback I realized it was a mistake not to give a feedback.
I read few romance novels because I don’t love the genre, The few romance novels I read and liked were very different from this one.
I like when there is more bantering between the characters and a little more humor. This one was flat. There was no humor,
Finally when I was a little more than 1/3 of the book I already foresee the end. I am sorry but I didn’t like it.
Thank you NetGalley and Troubadour Publishing Limited for providing me with an ARC in change of an honest review.

I posted my review on Goodreads: and on my blog:

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Fast-paced and fun with good chemistry! Belinda Wright's Distracted makes for a light and entertaining read. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

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I thought it was a good story but slow. I found myself skipping lines. I liked the characters and their personalities. This is my first book from this Author.

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I was drawn to this story by the premise; Luna and Brent meet waiting for a delayed flight and their story kicks off from there, with stories that run concurrently they're not even aware of. It's fate, kismet, and really quite cute. All that being said, I wasn't fully taken with this book and a lot of that can be attributed to Brent's character. While Luna was a bit thick headed a few times, Brent's character just never quite did it for me; I never got those swoony feelings I aim for when reading a contemporary romance novel. I think if I had fallen a bit more in love with Brent I would have rated this higher, but his attitude, decisions, and demeanor weren't doing it for me,

I liked this book, and it was a fast read, but it wasn't my cup of tea. It built up a bit slowly for such a quick ending, and I wasn't quite prepared for that. The dialogue also was a bit short and unrealistic at times, tampering with the flow of the story, but it didn't slow my down any.

If you're looking for a quick, easy, fast-paced contemporary romance, Belinda Wright's "Distracted" is a good one to pick up. It might not blow your socks off, but it's still a quirky, fun experience.

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Everything was ok with this story. Characters, plot, etc. trucked right along. It seemed longer than it needed to be and I skipped over pages of content that I knew went nowhere, offering no character growth or insights -- mostly sections about their work.

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Rating: 3.0/5.0

Luna Perry is just out of a relationship meets Brent Costner at the airport when their flight to Reading is delayed. They have a conversation and this conversation leads to an attraction & more. Brent works a consultant while Luna works in a designing corporate and a part-time yoga teacher, but she only tells Brent about being a Yoga teacher. Things get complicated between them, so you need to read to know what follows.

- The chemistry between the lead characters was fantastic. The passion between them was very intense. It makes the reader from their first meeting that there is going to be something serious between them even when the characters themselves did not feel that way.
- The secondary characters although did not have a very big scope they still had importance in this story which is good.

- I'm not a fan of how the narration was structured. There is a first-person narration for Luna and a third person narration for Brent and they are not separated in different sections but can be found on the same page without any separators. I wouldn't say this was confusing because it was not but this was a definite annoyance for me. If they were separated in different sections it would have been a lot better.
- I still don't understand why Luna had to hide her job. Yes, she tells Brent at the end of the story why she didn't tell him, but I am still not convinced enough with that reasoning.

Final Thought:
This was a fast easy read & I think many romance novel fans will love it. Although the story does not have a big conflict between the main characters it still was fun to read. I give it a good three stars out of five.
Thanks to NetGalley & the publishers for providing me with a free ARC copy of this book and this is my honest unbiased review.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book. Didn't expect much of it and didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. The story is about Luna and Brent who met by accident in a airport when their flight was delayed during a layover in Amsterdam. Luna is coming back to Reading, England from a business trip to India and Brent is on his way to Reading for a three-week long business trip. Circumstances beyond their control kept throwing them into each other's paths (both of their luggage was lost by the airline, Luna's car service left since her flight was delayed for so long, and now she needs a ride to Reading and Brent is right there with a car ready to go).

In no time, the two start a passionate affair, fully knowing that it will only last three weeks, until Brent is done with his business in Reading and goes back to the U.S. Both are completely fine with this arrangement: Luna is still not fully over the breakup she had two years ago and Brent is so married to his job, that he simply doesn't have time in his life for any emotional attachments. Not surprisingly, their relationship did not end up being as emotion-free as they wanted.

The writing in the beginning of the novel was a little too sloppy (for my taste). At some point I had to read the same text message conversation twice - once when Brent typed it and read responses and then the same messages were written again, but now it was when Luna read and responded to them. I felt that it was unnecessary to duplicate this conversation just to show it from two perspectives. There are much better ways to do it. Also, I thought that Brent's character wasn't flushed out - he mentioned several times that he has not talked to his brothers or mother in many years, but we never really learn why.

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I enjoyed this first half of this book, it became repetitive, predictable and I did skipped to the end.

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The premise of the book drew me in....a chance encounter between opposites who then fall for each other. Brent is the arrogant American corporate suit focused on work and his career. Luna is more of a free spirit with a corporate type job.

After a couple of chance encounters Luna and Brent get together. The book wasn't bad, it just didn't overwhelm me. Both have baggage in their past that influences current actions. I thought the author did a better job with Luna's heartbreak. Brent's past could have been explored a bit more to show more character growth.

The challenges the main characters faced had a bit of 'rinse and repeat' feel to it. I found myself skimming through some parts of it.... misunderstanding....then sex....then misunderstanding....then sex.

Overall a decent read with the expected HEA and set up for the next in the series. I'll likely give the next book a read.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review the book.

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I do not like books about people pretending to be something they are not (as a general rule, not only in romance) and given that the main female character lied about her job the moment she met the main male character, this book was never going to impress me much. I did not find it very well-written either and I skimmed a lot of it in the end. The endless descriptions of the main characters' work days did not help my boredom much.

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Distracted by Belinda Wright is the story of Brent Costner and Luna Perry.
Brent and Luna meet while traveling neither looking for anything when sparks fly between the two. Brent has a career mission and cannot have any distractions. Luna knows that Brent isn't for her so lies between the two seem to follow. Thinking to never see the other again they are shocked when they end up meeting again. Of course this time they might not be able to walk away.
Quick Steamy Read.

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3.75 Stars...

This was a good and fast read!!
I just wish there wasn't so much about the ex.
I would read this author again.

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Received this as a complimentary copy

Belinda Wright is a new author to me which is what attracted me to the book

It would make a great holiday read and book club book

I loved the dynamics between the relationship and the twists and turns made for a great read - I would highly recommend and would happily read more of this author

If you are looking for a great holiday read, this is the one for you

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It took a while to get into this book and it didn’t really happen until around three quarters of the way through. It is a slow burner and a fast ending, in my opinion.

The characters are brilliant and well written. The fact that they are running along side each other with no idea that their paths are crossing is a fantastic twist. However, the reader realises this early on and then for the majority of the book it stays that way.

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From the first few pages I was hooked with the characters and wanted to find out how the story would progress. I was routing for the main characters Brent and Luna from the beginning. This was a fast paced story, and I would recommend a read to anybody who is looking for a light hearted romance to keep them entertained.

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