Member Reviews

ARC copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I liked reading the Special Force series. I don't think this story was special.

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Enjoy the Special Forces series. Cindy Dees can tell a story that really kept my attention. I can't wait to read the others in this series.

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This book was a fun, quick read. Tessa is a strong, fierce, determined woman. That is why her very public 'washing out' of training is a absolutely humiliating thing for her. Add to it, the hottie that she is stuck with by her commanding officer.

Beau's part in this was both fun and serious. He has the knowledge to train Tessa, but he is still a man alone with a gorgeous woman. Their interactions were intriguing and I was usually smiling after reading them. It was interesting to see his past mix with his present. He and Tessa do make a good team. There was plenty going on through the book to keep your attention and it was fun to read.

It was a 4/5 for me.

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book via netgalley. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.

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I love the idea of the series the all-female special forces team. I haven't had a chance to read the previous series on the Medusa, yet I was super excited to read this and get an introduction to the new series.
The topic of equality is very relevant right now worldwide, and the misogyny in the military is brought up here as well as the female recruits fight against the patriarchic hierarchy of the US military. When even the hero has to be educated and brought over to support the idea of women being capable to carry their weight in special ops, you know the road is all uphill for the female soldiers. I actually loved how the author underlined the fact that equality between genders, does not mean that all are necessarily capable to do everything, but that each soldier is used to best of their abilities with the talents and capabilities they have, and not been discriminated because of their gender.
While most of the story is focused on the training, preparations, and the flammable, intense physical attraction between the protagonists, the last fifth of the story is an action-packed, potent fight for survival while completing the mission.
The connection between Tessa and Beau is palpable, the relationship has that tabu vibe as it is absolutely forbidden for a trainer to have intimate relations with the trainee - anywhere in the work world. The discussion might not be if they care for each other but do they care enough to risk their careers and future for each other.
I liked the story, especially the ending and conclusion, and I am intrigued by the concept - and I am invested to see how the personal relationships are played into the dark and dangerous world of dark ops and special forces. The author has a unique voice that she uses to tell the story, and she dares to take on some very sensitive topics, and for that I applaud her.
~ Three Spoons with a teaspoon on the side

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Tessa Wilkes is training to join the Special Forces, determined to succeed despite all the physical and mental challenges the training poses. However, she's devastated when her dreams are thwarted and she's thrown off the training in a very dramatic manner in front of her fellow (male) recruits. She's escorted off base by Beau Lambert, believing she's travelling to Phoenix but that turns out to be a code name. She's actually going to be given very secret, personal training by Beau. He's worked in the Special Forces until he seriously injured his knee during a mission. Now he's trying to prove that women have no role in the Special Forces . . . . but Tessa Wilkes might just change his mind and become the first in a new, elite, women-only Special Forces team, the Medusa, if only he can keep his mind on his goals and not on his attraction to her!

This is the start of a new series. I liked the ideas behind this story and it has a fantastic, action packed ending. It should prove to be an intriguing series and I look forward to finding out how it develops.I requested and was gifted a copy of this book via NetGalley. This is my honest review after choosing to read it.

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2 1\2 stars
Cindy Dees creates a new series Mission Medusa but the book is what I have always avoided Harlequin Romantic Suspense series. The story is all about sexual tension and sex and less about the character development and the reason why the female lead is determined to be the best of the best.

The story is wash, rinse and repeat over and over until the last 20% of the book when the action takes place.

The story is a insta romance with a little story and action thrown in.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the advance copy of Cindy Dees Special Forces The Recruit. v

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