Member Reviews

I always enjoy Georgia Beers’ books but not always on the same level. Some are okay (a really good okay) but others are a lot more than that. I’m happy to say Fear of Falling falls in the latter category.
If I had to summarize it, I’d say it’s about finding your true self, in more ways than one.
At 29, Sophie James is an internationally known singer and has been for more than a decade. Since she was « discovered » as a teenager by the man who would become her manager, Ray. When we meet her, she’s doing her best to get over Ray’s sudden death. In the process, she begins to find ways to make her own choices, both in her professional and private life. When she first meets her, Dana Landon, her new manager, expects her to be yet another diva but quickly realizes that Sophie is in fact a really sweet person. The attraction appears very quickly, and while Sophie doesn’t recognize it at first for what it is, Dana is immediately aware, both of how attracted she is and of the trouble it might create for them both.
Even though the characters do seem to fall in love rather fast, it didn’t bother me at all. Georgia Beers is very good at describing feelings and how her characters grow into those feelings, making it all completely believable.
I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Georgia Beers does it again with this book about Sophie James, a famous singer, and Dana, her new manager. This was a super sweet, easy going romance. There isn't a lot of angst or drama. Just a really enjoyable read about two women meant to be together. Georgia is a fantastic poet on top of being an amazing author. Thanks Georgia for another great read!

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I’m a big Beers fan, but some of her latest books haven’t hit the mark for me, so it’s been a bit up and down, but I loved this one.
MC Sophie is a famous singer whose agent has just passed away. He was a father figure to her, so this hits her hard. MC Dana is a manager/publicist who is assigned to take Sophie on after an ill advised night out.
Both MCs are attracted to each other right away, but the romance is a slow burn with them getting to know each other in ways that unfold fairly naturally and are very sweet. There’s a handful of secondary characters (besties of both MCs and Dana’s family) who aren’t particularly fleshed out but add to the story as needed. Both women are interesting and actually talk to each other, no stupid miscommunications or contrived breakups here. There’s also an age difference, which I always enjoy.
I also liked that even though this is Sophie’s first relationship with a woman, she knows what she wants and there’s no back and forth and melodrama about her feelings for Dana, Sophie’s circumstances are such that it’s entirely plausible that she hasn’t experienced this before, but she also old enough to know what she wants and just goes with it, which I found refreshing.
The only quibble I had was Dana’s ex, that storyline dragged on for too long and made Dana look a bit weak with the to-ing and fro-ing (though I was glad Beers didn’t utilise another trope by making the ex the real baddie).
All in all though, this is a nice, sweet romance and is right up there with my favourite Beers books. 4 stars.

Well written, with great descriptions that allow you to really picture the characters and the settings; making the story warm and inviting. It’s a light read that sticks to the romance and doesn’t get bogged down in the politics. Thoroughly enjoyable and perfect for a summer read.

This book was back to being wonderfully Beers. I like her books because they are so consistently good. I think the only ione I havent read is the 9/11 one because that hits way too close to home and I am not sure I am ready for that yet. This book was awesome. The main character Sophie is a little bit out of control of her own life. She doesn't know what to do after her manager falls ill, the recording company assigns her a new manager and publicist and that is when the sparks fly.
This book has everything. First love, slower burn, good chemistry, and two main characters that I was rooting for the entire time. The pacing was good if a little bit cliche, and I loved the entire story. I like stories about celebrities and I really like stories about coming out, no matter how old you are. This book will be affirming for a lot of older women who are struggling with their sexuality. Beers really shines in this book and I am all for it, this is the first one in a long time that I have liked by her, but in this book, I can see some of the old beers peeking through and it is so refreshing and nice. I will recommend this to all my friends and I will buy the p[aperback once it is out.

Sophie James has been an internationally renowned singer since she was a teenager. When her lifelong manager dies, she finds herself lost and missing him like a father. As a substitute manager, Sophie's record company sends Dana Landon who is resourceful, hard-working and gorgeous. As their attraction develops, Sophie has ideas to change her career which clash with the recording company's plans. Will Sophie and Dana be able to avoid conflict and have their happily ever after?
Georgia Beers is a consumated lesbian author whose work rarely disappoints and 'Fear of falling' is no exception. This is an entertaining and romantic lesbian love story based on the always winning formula of the celebrity falling for the girl next door (or the other way around). Ms. Beers fans will be happy to see the marks of her style: well-written dialogues, sizzling chemistry, the right amount of angst and a little bit of humour. The novel deals with different issues such as bereavement, family, coming out and the price of fame.
My only criticism is that the Dana's ex subplot felt a bit dragged out and, in my opinion, weakened the main characters' relationship. Additionally, the descriptions of the music recording business seemed a bit simplified and naive, but it's not that relevant in the context of a lesbian romance. Both issues were minor and didn't deter me from thoroughly enjoying the story.
Overall, an entertaining celebrity romance that won't disappoint Georgia Beers' fans. 4 stars.
ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
See all my reviews at www.lezreviewbooks.com

From the last books of this author, this is one that I have enjoyed more than the others, from the beginning to the end. I think there was always something missing lately in her books, this one has not been so much lacking. Maybe a little more glamour in the environment of the protagonists, but as the time in which the story takes place is the making of a new album by the singer, this lack of glitter can be understandable.
The story begins when superstar singer Sophie James has just lost her manager and father figure and that devastated her to the point of making her lose focus and make her star in somewhat scandalous episodes, nothing in keeping with her young and sweet image. Her record company instructs Dana Landon to be her manager and publicist. Dana is a woman who has never hidden her sexual orientation as a lesbian, has never had a problem in her work or in general with this fact and with this new assignment, she only fears that Sophie will end up being an insufferable and spoiled diva with whom it is difficult work with. Dana did not expect Sophie to be a vulnerable and sensitive woman who caught her almost from the start. And neither was Sophie waiting to discover her true inner feelings related to love, at twenty-nine years old she had never felt such an intense attraction to another woman, at least not one that made her rethink her true self.
So the story shows us how Sophie gradually discovers the signs of this new attraction and recognizes that it was not the first time that a woman attracts her sexually, but the circumstances of her career have caused her to have always kept her feelings in a In the background, neither did her previous manager help her much in this regard. And on Dana’s part this discovery has more complexities, since she has conflict of interests, being Sophie her client, also the age-gap between them, of about 10 years, and finally, her ex-girlfriend trying to came back to her.
As I said at the beginning, the story does not take place in the glamorous atmosphere of the song world, it focuses more on the personal and ordinary life of the two women. They have been very easy to like, even Dana who at first seems to be a bit distant and also later when her ex comes back, she could have made some decision that would make her unlikable, but the secondary characters help Dana to be better in the set of history.
Warning for those who have a pet peeve with song lyrics in books: there are plenty.
So, in summary, it is a very enjoyable and recommendable book. A good romance.

Another good romance from Beers. Sophie James is a 29-year-old who has been famous for her voice since she was in her teens but being photographed totally drunk in public a couple of times is causing some negative publicity. Her long-time manager died suddenly and she feels lost without his presence. To assist her, the record label she’s contracted to assigns her a manager and PR person. Dana Landon is not only blown away by Sophie’s looks but also by her very gentle and pleasant demeanour.
This is a much gentler novel than Beers’ last one but not quite as engaging. While I enjoyed reading this, I often don’t feel a strong connection with characters when they are celebrities because they feel a little removed from my reality. Sophie’s loneliness is poignant and she’s pretty down-to-earth as far as celebrity characters go. I felt a little disappointed by how little time they spent together and wished they had spent more time talking.
On the whole it’s a pleasant read which is surprisingly low on tension and angst.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

This was my favorite from Beers since Blend. I liked both of the main characters but I fell in love with Sophie, because how could you not? I personally enjoy stories with a Hollywood angle, and while this one was predictable and had no real twists, I just happily enjoyed the journey. It was a heartwarming, pleasant romance with minimal angst, and I finished it in a day.

I thought her previous novel was my favorite one, but I think it is this one. At this rate her most recent book will always be my favorite, so maybe it will be easier for me to say they're all my favorite :)
As expected, Georgia Beers gives us a wonderful romance with smart and charming characters. I recommend this one to anyone looking for a good slow burn romance. And now, I sit quietly waiting for the next Georgia Beers novel :)

It’s a given that I will read anything Georgia Beers publishes. She one of my favorite lesfic authors.
This book was quite enjoyable. I tend to like celebrity romances so I had a good feeling going in to this one.
Although there were bumps along the way this was a feel good romance with minimal angst. I’ve been on an angst run recently so this was a nice change.
The two mains clearly had chemistry and their interactions were a lot a fun to read. Their romance escalated at a good pace without anything seeming to be rushed.
I would have liked to see them together for a little longer at the end of the book, but overall this was a solid read that I would recommend.
(A copy was generously provided by the publisher through NetGalley)

Georgia Beers has a knack. Seriously, this is a reasonably basic story which has been told before. It's pretty short, quite light, yet still it gives the reader feelings.
It's not my favourite book and I can never understand the love at first sight and fall into bed business but Beers has created a gentle, enjoyable between the music star Sophie and her manager Dana.
There's a little bit of angst, a little bit of fun but just doesn't quite deliver enough.

An authentic love story. This book gave me the feels entirely throughout.
Sophie is a famous adult contemporary musician who has been in some trouble recently as she deals with the death of her manager.
Dana works for Sophie's record label and is assigned to clean up her reputation and manger her going forward.
This was surprisingly deep. It deals with the aftermath of loss, family struggles, loneliness, self discovery, age gap issues, rejection, self worth, etc. And all of those things really make these characters come to life in a way that makes you root for them to heal and find happiness.
I adored both Sophie and Dana. Their attraction and pull to each other was palpable. It was refreshing that we were shown all of this without much discussion or lengthy inner exposition. Beers had me with the under table foot caressing. So cute! Rakish glances, eye connections, and subtle touches. This book shined at illustrating their connection.
YES, I was so frustrated with Dana for the continuous wavering between Sophie and her ex. But this was written in a way that I could fully understand her trepidation of choosing between new and exciting or comfort and familiarity.
I really loved this. It is going to my favorites.
I recommend for those who love romance, love triangles, the music industry, love songs, and attics.

Romances starring a celebrity is a common theme but this story manages to smash the familiar formulas to give us something fresh and different. Sophie is a multi-platinum world famous singer, but struggling after her manager dies unexpectedly. She leads a solitary life despite her fame with no family to speak of except her aloof mooch of a mother. Her record company assigns her a new manager and sparks fly between them. It’s beautiful to watch Sophie experience family and passion for the very first time that Dana offers her. There’s an interesting dichotomy of their romance being complex yet simple at the same time that made for a very unique journey for both of them. It’s sweet, passionate, and humbling all at the same time. There’s even a little suspense for both of them to make life altering decisions that had me hanging on the edge of my seat. A multi-layered story of two women that you fall in love with as much as they did with each other.

Entertainers coming out can be hard emotionally and physically on the wallet. I thought the read was realistic and did not focus heavily on the financial repercussions but the emotions. The entertainment business can be lonely and the decision to let your heart take the lead made for an interesting story. There was much to enjoy about this read as the story unfolds and Dana Landon and Sophie James find themselves gravitating toward each other. Both characters are likeable and cautious as they navigate the next steps.

Georgia Beers has never disappointed me with any of her contemporary romances. I can always count on a wonderfully written and touching story when I open any of her books. Fear of Falling is another perfect example of Ms. Beers’ talent as an author.
International superstar singer Sophie James has been working as a celebrity since she was fourteen years old, and for all that time, she had Ray, her manager to take care of her. When Ray passes away, Sophie feels totally alone. Ray was more than a manager; he was a father figure and shield from the rest of the world for Sophie. When her record company hires a new manager/publicist for her, Sophie is unsure if she can work with anyone else in Ray’s position, but then she meets Dana Landon, her new manager. There is definitely an attraction between the two. Dana is going to have her hands full, though, because Sophie wants to stretch her wings a bit, both with her singing and with her life.
I loved this book. The story just felt right to me. That is the only way I know to describe the feeling I had reading this tale. The characters and their actions felt real. There were a couple of times I wanted to shake Dana and yell at her to open her eyes and see what she could have. I became invested in the story and the characters. Of course this is another example of Ms. Beers’ exceptional writing skills.
This story also has a good solid ending. One of the few criticisms I’ve ever had of Ms. Beers’ books is that she sometimes leaves us with an open ending to the story, almost like it is not finished. Not with this one. I loved the ending and I totally enjoyed this book.
If you are a lover of contemporary romance, you definitely want to read Fear of Falling.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

Where has this Georgia Beers been all these years? Don't get me wrong. I've read nearly all of her books and I've enjoyed each one. But her last two, this one and "The Do Over" are exemplary. This woman knows how to tell a story and she has shaken loose a couple of good ones in the past few months! This book was flawlessly written and edited, which is a sign that Ms. Beers respects her readers and their intelligence. It shows that she cares.
Sophie James is twenty nine years old and has been a famous singer since she was a teenager. Dana Landon is a publicist/manager for Sophie's record label. When Sophie's manager Ray, dies suddenly, Sophie finds herself alone and adrift after being so lovingly taken care of by Ray since her beginnings in the music industry. Dana Landon is tasked with managing the beautiful and hugely popular Sophie after Ray dies.
Sophie has never consciously thought about having a relationship with a woman, and especially a public relationship. Her record label frowns on this because she is their biggest money maker and they are afraid that seeing Sophie with anyone, and especially another woman will cause her to lose fans, in turn causing the record label to lose tons of money. At some point, Sophie has to make some earth-shattering decisions.
Dana is not without her own rocky road, which mainly consists of her ex, Laura. The manipulative, selfish Laura. We've all known a Laura at some point in our lives, I believe.
Join Sophie and Dana and their excellent cast of friends and associates, each one so well-written with purpose and necessity. This wonderful, romantic slow burn will keep you reading far into the night.

Georgia Beers always delivers and as usual this book doesn’t disappoint. Dana and Sophia have great chemistry and despite this being a celebrity novel the story is entirely believable. The romance is well paced and sweet. A great holiday read.

Georgia Beers is one of the most popular lesfic authors and we really, really want to like her books but often feel that we could do with more of the madness of love in her books. She writes really well and has us invested in the relationships, but usually one of her characters ends up being a little too pragmatic for our requirement of crazy romance. This one, though, he's left us borderline angry and quite sad.
Sophie James, now 29, has been in the public eye as an internationally famous singer since she was in her teens. Her long time manager, Ray, has just died leaving her quite shattered. A couple of drunken public appearances have her recording label concerned and Dana Landon is appointed as her new manager-cum-publicist. Sophie finds herself unaccountably attracted to the openly gay Dana and a personal relationship develops between them, slowly but surely. In the meanwhile, Sophie is also trying to change her sound and her image to something edgier than the Adult Contemporary love ballads niche that she is stuck in facing severe resistance from the label.
The pacing of the book is good. The chemistry between the MCs is excellent.
Sophie is achingly sweet, sincere and vulnerable.
Dana is the problem for us (hence the borderline anger).
It hurts us when one person in a relationship is more invested and going out on a limb entirely without getting an equal response from the other. In this book, Sophie is all in while Dana is skimming the surface. Dana is consistently emotionally lacking when it comes to Sophie and shows a steady (and alarming) lack of spine when it comes to standing up for and with Sophie or standing up against her ex. Dana was too lacking for someone like Sophie.
Either consciously or sub-consciously, Beers has written Sophie as completely emotionally deprived so it is possible that the tiny bits Dana offers are actually more than she's ever got. And this thought is just so, so sad.
Recommendation? Yeah, okay, maybe.

I love Georgia Beers' books! I love the banter in them, I love the characters.... Sophie and Dana start of a wrong foot, I'd say, but there is something in Sophie Dana sees, that feels more than the media presents the young "diva". LIttle by little, they open up to each other, and they can't seem to stay out of each others' ways. Which Dana isn't sure it's a good idea.
I loved this book! It's not very angsty, but it's very fun and nice read. I usually leave Georgia Beers' books for the afternoons when I'm tired, and in need of a good romance, with a strong cup of tea. This book is a perfect adding for the afternoons like that.